UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting
1.1.0 - STU 1.1 International flag

UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, published by IHE International. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/fhir-bfdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

IJE Mapping

Many of the BFDR data elements can be identified using the IJE (Inter-Jurisdictional Exchange) data element names (codes). The IJE codes are used for data exchange among jurisdictions and with authorized data partners, such as National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has implemented IJE codes for exchange of mortality data with jurisdictions via the VRDR IG; however, the use of IJE codes has not yet been implemented for birth and fetal death reporting to NCHS.

The following IJE mappings to locations in FHIR specifications are for information purposes only:

See the Sources of Data Section for details about locating and retrieving required data.

Natality (Live Birth) IJE Mapping

IJE Field# Description IJE Name Profile Location
31 Mother Married?–Acknowledgement of Paternity Signed ACKN Observation-paternity-acknowledgement-signed BFDR
268 Mother’s Residence Street Address ADDRESS Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
199 Maternal Morbidity–Admit to Intensive Care AINT Observation-icu-admission BFDR
219 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Anencephaly ANEN Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
185 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Antibiotics ANTB Observation-antibiotics-during-labor BFDR
216 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Antibiotics ANTI Procedure-antibiotic-suspected-neonatal-sepsis BFDR
206 Apgar Score at 10 Minutes APGAR10 Observation-apgar-score-vr VRCPL
205 Apgar Score at 5 Minutes APGAR5 Observation-apgar-score-vr VRCPL
124 Attendant Title ATTEND Practitioner-vr VRCPL
326 Attendant’s Name ATTEND_NAME Practitioner-vr VRCPL
327 Attendant’s NPI ATTEND_NPI Practitioner-vr VRCPL
304 Attendant (“Other” specified text) ATTEND_OTH_TXT Practitioner-vr VRCPL
182 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Augmentation of Labor AUGL Procedure-augmentation-of-labor BFDR
5 Auxiliary State file number AUXNO Extension-live-birth-local-file-number BFDR
212 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Assisted Ventilation AVEN1 Procedure-assisted-ventilation-following-delivery BFDR
213 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Assisted Ventilation > 6 hours AVEN6 Procedure-assisted-ventilation-more-than-six-hours BFDR
233 Is Infant Being Breastfed at discharge? (RECOMMENDED CHANGE EFFECTIVE 2004) BFED Observation-infant-breastfed-at-discharge BFDR
251 County of Birth (Literal) BIRTH_CO patient-birthPlace FHIR
11 Place Where Birth Occurred (type of place or institution) BPLACE Encounter-birth BFDR
19 Birthplace of Mother–Country BPLACEC_CNT patient-birthPlace FHIR
18 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Mother) - code BPLACEC_ST_TER patient-birthPlace FHIR
252 City/town/place of birth (Literal) BRTHCITY patient-birthPlace FHIR
2 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Infant) - code BSTATE patient-birthPlace FHIR
202 Birthweight–Edit Flag BW_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-birthweight BFDR
201 Birthweight in grams BWG Observation-birth-weight-vr VRCPL
221 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Cyanotic congenital heart disease CCHD Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
222 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Congenital diaphragmatic hernia CDH Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
229 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Suspected Chromosomal disorder CDIT Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
330 Certifier Title CERTIF Practitioner-vr VRCPL
328 Certifier’s Name CERTIF_NAME Practitioner-vr VRCPL
329 Certifier’s NPI CERTIF_NPI Practitioner-vr VRCPL
331 Certifier (“Other” specified text) CERTIF_OTH_TXT Practitioner-vr VRCPL
336 Date Signed by Certifier–Day CERTIFIED_DY Encounter-birth BFDR
335 Date Signed by Certifier–Month CERTIFIED_MO Encounter-birth BFDR
334 Date Signed by Certifier–Year CERTIFIED_YR Encounter-birth BFDR
171 Infections Present–Chlamydia CHAM Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy BFDR
186 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Chorioamnionitis CHOR Condition-chorioamnionitis BFDR
150 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 1st 3 months CIGFN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
152 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in third trimester (RECOMMENDED CHANGE EFFECTIVE 2004) CIGLN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
149 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 3 months prior to Pregnancy CIGPN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
151 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 2nd 3 months CIGSN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
20 Residence of Mother–City CITYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
271 Mother’s Residence City/Town (Literal) CITYTEXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
226 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate CL Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
273 Mother’s Residence Country (Literal) CNTRYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
10 County of Birth CNTYO patient-birthPlace FHIR
23 Residence of Mother–Country COUNTRYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
21 Residence of Mother–County COUNTYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
270 Mother’s Residence County (Literal) COUNTYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
227 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Cleft Palate Alone CP Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
288 Industry of Father DAD_IN_T odh-UsualWork ODH
284 Occupation of Father DAD_OC_T odh-UsualWork ODH
279 Father’s Social Security Number DAD_SSN RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
274 Father’s First Name DADFNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
276 Father’s Last Name DADLNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
275 Father’s Middle Name DADMNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
277 Father’s Surname Suffix DADSUFFX RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
156 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Day DLMP_DY Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
155 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Month DLMP_MO Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
154 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Year DLMP_YR Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
127 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Day DOFP_DY Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
126 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Month DOFP_MO Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
128 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Year DOFP_YR Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
245 Date of Registration–Day DOR_DY Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
244 Date of Registration–Month DOR_MO Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
243 Date of Registration–Year DOR_YR Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
228 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Down Syndrome DOWT Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
139 Mother’s Weight at Delivery (in whole pounds) DWGT Observation-mother-delivery-weight-vr VRCPL
140 Mother’s Weight at Delivery–Edit Flag DWGT_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-delivery-weight BFDR
177 Obstetric Procedures–Failed External Cephalic Version ECVF Procedure-obstetric BFDR
176 Obstetric Procedures–Successful External Cephalic Version ECVS Procedure-obstetric BFDR
239 Risk Factors–Hypertension Eclampsia (RECOMMENDED ADDITION EFFECTIVE 2004) EHYPE Condition-eclampsia-hypertension-vr VRCPL
189 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Anesthesia ESAN Procedure-epidural-or-spinal-anesthesia BFDR
28 Date of Birth (Father)–Edit Flag FAGE_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-fathers-date-of-birth BFDR
238 Father’s Reported Age FAGER Extension-reported-parent-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
290 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Father) - code FBPLACD_ST_TER_C Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
291 Father’s Country of Birth (Code) FBPLACE_CNT_C Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
308 Father’s Country of Birth (Literal) FBPLACE_CNTRY_TXT Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
307 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Father) - literal FBPLACE_ST_TER_TXT Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
27 Date of Birth (Father)–Day FDOB_DY RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
26 Date of Birth (Father)–Month FDOB_MO RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
25 Date of Birth (Father)–Year FDOB_YR RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
78 Father’s Education FEDUC Observation-parent-education-level-vr VRCPL
79 Father’s Education–Edit Flag FEDUC_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-fathers-education BFDR
300 Father’s Hispanic Origin - Specify FETHNIC_T Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
80 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Mexican FETHNIC1 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
81 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Puerto Rican FETHNIC2 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
82 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Cuban FETHNIC3 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
83 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Other FETHNIC4 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
84 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Other Literal FETHNIC5 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
295 Father’s Hispanic Code for Literal FETHNIC5C Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
296 Father’s Edited Hispanic Origin Code FETHNICE Observation-race-vr VRCPL
3 Certificate Number FILENO Extension-live-birth-certificate-number BFDR
12 Father’s Surname FNPI Encounter-birth BFDR
301 Father’s Race - Specify FRACE_T Observation-race-vr VRCPL
85 Father’s Race–White FRACE1 us-core-race US CORE
94 Father’s Race–Other Asian FRACE10 us-core-race US CORE
95 Father’s Race–Native Hawaiian FRACE11 us-core-race US CORE
96 Father’s Race–Guamanian or Chamorro FRACE12 us-core-race US CORE
97 Father’s Race–Samoan FRACE13 us-core-race US CORE
98 Father’s Race–Other Pacific Islander FRACE14 us-core-race US CORE
99 Father’s Race–Other FRACE15 us-core-race US CORE
100 Father’s Race–First American Indian or Alaska Native Literal FRACE16 us-core-race US CORE
116 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 16C FRACE16C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
101 Father’s Race–Second American Indian or Alaska Native Literal FRACE17 us-core-race US CORE
117 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 17C FRACE17C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
102 Father’s Race–First Other Asian Literal FRACE18 us-core-race US CORE
118 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 18C FRACE18C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
103 Father’s Race–Second Other Asian Literal FRACE19 us-core-race US CORE
119 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 19C FRACE19C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
108 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 1E FRACE1E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
86 Father’s Race–Black or African American FRACE2 us-core-race US CORE
104 Father’s Race–First Other Pacific Islander Literal FRACE20 us-core-race US CORE
120 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 20C FRACE20C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
105 Father’s Race–Second Other Pacific Islander Literal FRACE21 us-core-race US CORE
121 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 21C FRACE21C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
106 Father’s Race–First Other Literal FRACE22 us-core-race US CORE
122 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 22C FRACE22C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
107 Father’s Race–Second Other Literal FRACE23 us-core-race US CORE
123 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 23C FRACE23C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
109 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 2E FRACE2E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
87 Father’s Race–American Indian or Alaska Native FRACE3 us-core-race US CORE
110 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 3E FRACE3E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
88 Father’s Race–Asian Indian FRACE4 us-core-race US CORE
111 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 4E FRACE4E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
89 Father’s Race–Chinese FRACE5 us-core-race US CORE
112 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 5E FRACE5E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
90 Father’s Race–Filipino FRACE6 us-core-race US CORE
113 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 6E FRACE6E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
91 Father’s Race–Japanese FRACE7 us-core-race US CORE
114 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 7E FRACE7E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
92 Father’s Race–Korean FRACE8 us-core-race US CORE
115 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 8E FRACE8E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
93 Father’s Race–Vietnamese FRACE9 us-core-race US CORE
297 Father’s Bridged Race - NCHS Code FRACEBG_C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
224 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Gastroschisis GAST Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
158 Risk Factors–Gestational Diabetes GDIAB Condition-gestational-diabetes-vr VRCPL
160 Risk Factors–Hypertension Gestational (SEE ADDITIONAL HYPERTENSION CATEGORY IN LOCATION 924 TO REFLECT RECOMMENDED CHANGES EFFECTIVE 2004) GHYPE Condition-gestational-hypertension-vr VRCPL
168 Infections Present–Gonorrhea GON Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy BFDR
172 Infections Present–Hepatitis B HEPB Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy BFDR
173 Infections Present–Hepatitis C HEPC Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy BFDR
134 Mother’s Height–Feet HFT Observation-mother-height-vr VRCPL
136 Mother’s Height–Edit Flag HGT_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-height BFDR
135 Mother’s Height–Inches HIN Observation-mother-height-vr VRCPL
253 Name of Facility of Birth HOSP us-core-location US CORE
302 Facility Mother Moved From (if transferred) HOSPFROM Encounter-maternity BFDR
303 Facility Infant Transferred To (if transferred w/in 24 hours) HOSPTO Encounter-birth BFDR
230 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Hypospadias HYPO Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
9 Date of Birth (Infant)–Day IDOB_DY Patient-child-vr VRCPL
8 Date of Birth (Infant)–Month IDOB_MO Patient-child-vr VRCPL
1 Date of Birth (Infant)–Year IDOB_YR Patient-child-vr VRCPL
232 Is Infant Living at Time of Report? ILIV Observation-infant-living-vr VRCPL
181 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Induction of Labor INDL Procedure-induction-of-labor BFDR
332 Infant’s Medical Record Number INF_MED_REC_NUM Patient-child-vr VRCPL
164 Risk Factors–Infertility Treatment (SEE ADDITIONAL SUBCATEGORIES IN LOCATIONS 925-926) INFT Procedure-infertility-treatment-vr VRCPL
241 Risk Factors–Infertility: Asst. Rep. Technology (RECOMMENDED ADDITION EFFECTIVE 2004) INFT_ART Procedure-assisted-fertilization-vr VRCPL
240 Risk Factors–Infertility: Fertility Enhancing Drugs (RECOMMENDED ADDITION EFFECTIVE 2004) INFT_DRG Procedure-artificial-insemination-vr VRCPL
7 Sex ISEX us-core-birthsex US CORE
231 Was Infant Transferred Within 24 Hours of Delivery? ITRAN Encounter-birth BFDR
247 Child’s First Name KIDFNAME Patient-child-vr VRCPL
249 Child’s Last Name KIDLNAME Patient-child-vr VRCPL
248 Child’s Middle Name KIDMNAME Patient-child-vr VRCPL
250 Child’s Surname Suffix (moved from end) KIDSUFFX Patient-child-vr VRCPL
225 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Limb Reduction Defect LIMB Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
24 Residence of Mother–Inside City Limits LIMITS Extension-within-city-limits-indicator-vr VRCPL
209 Number of Live Born LIVEB Observation-number-live-births-this-delivery-vr VRCPL
17 Date of Birth (Mother)–Edit Flag MAGE_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-date-of-birth BFDR
237 Mother’s Reported Age MAGER Extension-reported-parent-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
315 Mother’s Mailing Address Street Address MAIL_ADDRESS Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
318 Mother’s Mailing Address City/Town (Literal) MAIL_CITYTEXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
320 Mother’s Mailing Address Country (Literal) MAIL_CNTRYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
317 Mother’s Mailing Address County (Literal) MAIL_COUNTYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
313 Mother’s Mailing Address Post Directional MAIL_POSTDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
310 Mother’s Mailing Address Pre Directional MAIL_PREDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
319 Mother’s Mailing Address State (Literal) MAIL_STATETXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
312 Mother’s Mailing Address Street designator MAIL_STDESIG Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
311 Mother’s Mailing Address Street name MAIL_STNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
309 Mother’s Mailing Address Street number MAIL_STNUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
314 Mother’s Mailing Address Unit or Apartment Number MAIL_UNUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
316 Mother’s Mailing Address Zip Code and Zip+4 MAIL_ZIPCODE Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
340 For use of jurisdictions with domestic partnerships, othertypes of relationships. MARITAL_DESCRIP Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
30 Mother Married?– At Conception, at Birth or any Time in Between MARN Observation-mother-married-during-pregnancy BFDR
306 Mother’s Country of Birth (Literal) MBPLACE_CNTRY_TXT patient-birthPlace FHIR
305 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Mother) - literal MBPLACE_ST_TER_TXT patient-birthPlace FHIR
16 Date of Birth (Mother)–Day MDOB_DY Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
15 Date of Birth (Mother)–Month MDOB_MO Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
14 Date of Birth (Mother)–Year MDOB_YR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
32 Mother’s Education MEDUC Observation-parent-education-level-vr VRCPL
33 Mother’s Education–Edit Flag MEDUC_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-education BFDR
298 Mother’s Hispanic Origin - Specify METHNIC_T Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
34 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Mexican METHNIC1 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
35 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Puerto Rican METHNIC2 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
36 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Cuban METHNIC3 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
37 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Other METHNIC4 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
38 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Other Literal METHNIC5 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
292 Mother’s Hispanic Code for Literal METHNIC5C Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
293 Mother’s Edited Hispanic Origin Code METHNICE Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
145 Date of Last Live Birth–Month MLLB Observation-date-of-last-live-birth BFDR
220 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Meningomyelocele/Spina Bifida MNSB Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
286 Industry of Mother MOM_IN_T odh-UsualWork ODH
333 Mother’s Medical Record Number MOM_MED_REC_NUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
282 Occupation of Mother MOM_OC_T odh-UsualWork ODH
278 Mother’s Social Security Number MOM_SSN Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
258 Mother’s First Maiden Name MOMFMNME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
254 Mother’s First Name MOMFNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
256 Mother’s Last Name MOMLNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
260 Mother’s Maiden Surname MOMMAIDN Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
255 Mother’s Middle Name MOMMIDDL Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
259 Mother’s Middle Maiden Name MOMMMID Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
261 Mother’s Maiden Surname Suffix MOMMSUFX Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
257 Mother’s Surname Suffix MOMSUFFX Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
147 Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome–Month MOPO Observation-date-of-last-other-pregnancy-outcome BFDR
299 Mother’s Race - Specify MRACE_T Observation-race-vr VRCPL
39 Mother’s Race–White MRACE1 us-core-race US CORE
48 Mother’s Race–Other Asian MRACE10 us-core-race US CORE
49 Mother’s Race–Native Hawaiian MRACE11 us-core-race US CORE
50 Mother’s Race–Guamanian or Chamorro MRACE12 us-core-race US CORE
51 Mother’s Race–Samoan MRACE13 us-core-race US CORE
52 Mother’s Race–Other Pacific Islander MRACE14 us-core-race US CORE
53 Mother’s Race–Other MRACE15 us-core-race US CORE
54 Mother’s Race–First American Indian or Alaska Native Literal MRACE16 us-core-race US CORE
70 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 16C MRACE16C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
55 Mother’s Race–Second American Indian or Alaska Native Literal MRACE17 us-core-race US CORE
71 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 17C MRACE17C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
56 Mother’s Race–First Other Asian Literal MRACE18 us-core-race US CORE
72 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 18C MRACE18C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
57 Mother’s Race–Second Other Asian Literal MRACE19 us-core-race US CORE
73 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 19C MRACE19C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
62 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 1E MRACE1E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
40 Mother’s Race–Black or African American MRACE2 us-core-race US CORE
58 Mother’s Race–First Other Pacific Islander Literal MRACE20 us-core-race US CORE
74 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 20C MRACE20C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
59 Mother’s Race–Second Other Pacific Islander Literal MRACE21 us-core-race US CORE
75 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 21C MRACE21C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
60 Mother’s Race–First Other Literal MRACE22 us-core-race US CORE
76 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 22C MRACE22C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
61 Mother’s Race–Second Other Literal MRACE23 us-core-race US CORE
77 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 23C MRACE23C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
63 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 2E MRACE2E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
41 Mother’s Race–American Indian or Alaska Native MRACE3 us-core-race US CORE
64 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 3E MRACE3E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
42 Mother’s Race–Asian Indian MRACE4 us-core-race US CORE
65 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 4E MRACE4E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
43 Mother’s Race–Chinese MRACE5 us-core-race US CORE
66 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 5E MRACE5E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
44 Mother’s Race–Filipino MRACE6 us-core-race US CORE
67 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 6E MRACE6E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
45 Mother’s Race–Japanese MRACE7 us-core-race US CORE
68 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 7E MRACE7E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
46 Mother’s Race–Korean MRACE8 us-core-race US CORE
69 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 8E MRACE8E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
47 Mother’s Race–Vietnamese MRACE9 us-core-race US CORE
294 Mother’s Bridged Race - NCHS Code MRACEBG_C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
195 Maternal Morbidity–Maternal Transfusion MTR Procedure-blood-transfusion BFDR
214 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Admission to NICU NICU Observation-nicu-admission BFDR
166 Risk Factors–Number Previous Cesareans NPCES Observation-number-previous-cesareans-vr VRCPL
167 Risk Factors–Number Previous Cesareans–Edit Flag NPCES_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-number-previous-cesareans BFDR
132 Total Number of Prenatal Care Visits NPREV Observation-number-prenatal-visits-vr VRCPL
133 Total Number of Prenatal Care Visits–Edit Flag NPREV_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-number-prenatal-care-visits BFDR
223 Congenital Anomalies of the Newborn–Omphalocele OMPH Condition-congenital-anomaly-of-newborn BFDR
203 Obstetric Estimation of Gestation OWGEST Observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
204 Obstetric Estimation of Gestation–Edit Flag OWGEST_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-estimate-of-gestation BFDR
153 Principal source of Payment for this delivery PAY Coverage-principal-payer-for-delivery BFDR
165 Risk Factors–Previous Cesarean PCES Observation-previous-cesarean-vr VRCPL
157 Risk Factors–Prepregnancy Diabetes PDIAB Condition-prepregnancy-diabetes-vr VRCPL
159 Risk Factors–Prepregnancy Hypertension PHYPE Condition-prepregnancy-hypertension-vr VRCPL
196 Maternal Morbidity–Perineal Laceration PLAC Condition-perineal-laceration BFDR
143 Previous Live Births Now Dead PLBD Observation-number-births-now-dead-vr VRCPL
142 Previous Live Births Now Living PLBL Observation-number-births-now-living-vr VRCPL
207 Plurality PLUR patient-multipleBirthTotal FHIR
211 Plurality–Edit Flag PLUR_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-plurality BFDR
144 Previous Other Pregnancy Outcomes POPO Observation-number-other-pregnancy-outcomes-vr VRCPL
266 Residence Post Directional POSTDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
161 Risk Factors–Previous Preterm Births PPB Observation-previous-preterm-birth-vr VRCPL
263 Residence Pre Directional PREDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
192 Method of Delivery–Fetal Presentation PRES Observation-fetal-presentation BFDR
137 Mother’s Prepregnancy Weight (in whole pounds) PWGT Observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-vr VRCPL
138 Mother’s Prepregnancy Weight–Edit Flag PWGT_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepregnancy-weight BFDR
236 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Day R_DY Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
235 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Month R_MO Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
234 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Year R_YR Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
339 Date Filed by Registrar–Day REGISTER_DY Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
338 Date Filed by Registrar–Month REGISTER_MO Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
337 Date Filed by Registrar–Year REGISTER_YR Extension-date-filed-by-registrar BFDR
341 Replacement (amended) record REPLACE Extension-replacement-status BFDR
193 Method of Delivery–Route and Method of Delivery ROUT Procedure-final-route-method-delivery BFDR
197 Maternal Morbidity–Ruptured Uterus RUT Condition-ruptured-uterus BFDR
217 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Seizures SEIZ Condition-seizure BFDR
13 Facility ID (State-Assigned) SFN us-core-location US CORE
208 Set Order SORD Patient-child-vr VRCPL
321 Social Security Number Requested for Child? SSN_REQ Observation-ssn-requested-for-child BFDR
22 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Residence (Mother) - code STATEC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
272 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Residence (Mother) - literal STATETXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
265 Residence Street designator STDESIG Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
184 Characteristics of Labor & Delivery–Steroids STER Observation-steroids-fetal-lung-maturation BFDR
264 Residence Street name STNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
262 Residence Street Number STNUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
215 Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn–Surfactant Replacement SURF Procedure-surfactant-replacement-therapy BFDR
169 Infections Present–Syphilis SYPH Condition-infection-present-during-pregnancy BFDR
6 Time of Birth TB patient-birthTime FHIR
194 Method of Delivery–Trial of Labor Attempted TLAB Observation-labor-trial-attempted BFDR
125 Mother Transferred? TRAN Encounter-maternity BFDR
198 Maternal Morbidity–Unplanned Hysterectomy UHYS Procedure-unplanned-hysterectomy BFDR
267 Residence Unit or Apartment Number UNUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
141 Did Mother get WIC Food for Herself? WIC Observation-mother-received-wic-food BFDR
146 Date of Last Live Birth–Year YLLB Observation-date-of-last-live-birth BFDR
148 Date of Last Other Pregnancy Outcome–Year YOPO Observation-date-of-last-other-pregnancy-outcome BFDR
269 Mother’s Residence Zip Code and Zip+4 ZIPCODE Patient-mother-vr VRCPL

Fetal Death IJE Mapping

IJE Field# Description IJE Name Profile Location
253 Mother’s Residence Street Address ADDRESS Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
231 Place of Delivery Street Address ADDRESS_D us-core-location US CORE
141 Maternal Morbidity–Admit to Intensive Care AINT Observation-icu-admission BFDR
252 Mother’s Residence Unit or Apartment Number APTNUMB Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
230 Place of Delivery Unit or Apartment Number APTNUMB_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
78 Attendant ATTEND Practitioner-vr VRCPL
340 Attendant’s Name ATTEND_NAME Practitioner-vr VRCPL
341 Attendant’s NPI ATTEND_NPI Practitioner-vr VRCPL
342 Attendant (“Other” specified text) ATTEND_OTH_TXT Practitioner-vr VRCPL
148 Was an Autopsy Performed? AUTOP Observation-autopsy-performed-indicator-vr VRCPL
150 Were Autopsy or Histological Placental Examination Results Used in Determining the Cause of Fetal Death? AUTOPF Observation-autopsy-histological-exam-results-used BFDR
5 Auxiliary State file number AUXNO Extension-fetal-death-local-file-number BFDR
19 Mother’s Birthplace–Country BPLACEC_CNT patient-birthPlace FHIR
18 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Mother) - code BPLACEC_ST_TER patient-birthPlace FHIR
349 Date Signed by Certifier–Day CERTIFIED_DY Encounter-maternity BFDR
348 Date Signed by Certifier–Month CERTIFIED_MO Encounter-maternity BFDR
347 Date Signed by Certifier–Year CERTIFIED_YR Encounter-maternity BFDR
104 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 1st 3 months CIGFN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
106 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in third trimester (RECOMMENDED CHANGE EFFECTIVE 2004) CIGLN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
103 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 3 months prior to Pregnancy CIGPN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
105 Number of Cigarettes Smoked in 2nd 3 months CIGSN Observation-cigarette-smoking-before-during-pregnancy BFDR
234 Place of Delivery City/Town/Place (literal) CITY_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
20 Residence of Mother–City/Town CITYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
256 Mother’s Residence City/Town/Place (literal) CITYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
258 Mother’s Residence Country (literal) CNTRYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
233 Place of Delivery County (literal) CNTY_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
10 County of Delivery CNTYO patient-birthPlace FHIR
180 Initiating cause/condition - Rupture of membranes prior to onset of labor COD18a1 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
189 Initiating cause/condition - Other obstetrical or pregnancy complications literal COD18a10 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
190 Initiating cause/condition - Fetal anomaly literal COD18a11 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
191 Initiating cause/condition - Fetal injury literal COD18a12 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
192 Initiating cause/condition - Fetal infection literal COD18a13 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
193 Initiating cause/condition - Other fetal conditions/disorders literal COD18a14 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
181 Initiating cause/condition - Abruptio placenta COD18a2 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
182 Initiating cause/condition - Placental insufficiency COD18a3 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
183 Initiating cause/condition - Prolapsed cord COD18a4 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
184 Initiating cause/condition - Chorioamnionitis COD18a5 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
185 Initiating cause/condition - Other complications of placenta, cord, or membranes COD18a6 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
186 Initiating cause/condition - Unknown COD18a7 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
187 Initiating cause/condition - Maternal conditions/diseases literal COD18a8 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
188 Initiating cause/condition - Other complications of placenta, cord, or membranes literal COD18a9 Condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
194 Other significant causes or conditions - Rupture of membranes prior to onset of labor COD18b1 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
203 Other significant causes or conditions - Other obstetrical or pregnancy complications literal COD18b10 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
204 Other significant causes or conditions - Fetal anomaly literal COD18b11 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
205 Other significant causes or conditions - Fetal injury literal COD18b12 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
206 Other significant causes or conditions - Fetal infection literal COD18b13 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
207 Other significant causes or conditions - Other fetal conditions/disorders literal COD18b14 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
195 Other significant causes or conditions - Abruptio placenta COD18b2 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
196 Other significant causes or conditions - Placental insufficiency COD18b3 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
197 Other significant causes or conditions - Prolapsed cord COD18b4 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
198 Other significant causes or conditions - Chorioamnionitis COD18b5 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
199 Other significant causes or conditions - Other complications of placenta, cord, or membranes COD18b6 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
200 Other significant causes or conditions - Unknown COD18b7 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
201 Other significant causes or conditions - Maternal conditions/diseases literal COD18b8 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
202 Other significant causes or conditions - Other complications of placenta, cord, or membranes literal COD18b9 Condition-fetal-death-other-cause-or-condition BFDR
236 Place of Delivery Country (literal) COUNTRY_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
23 Residence of Mother–Country COUNTRYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
21 Residence of Mother–County COUNTYC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
255 Mother’s Residence County (literal) COUNTYTXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
275 Industry of Father DAD_IN_T odh-UsualWork ODH
271 Occupation of Father DAD_OC_T odh-UsualWork ODH
266 Father’s Social Security Number DAD_SSN RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
261 Father’s Legal First Name DADFNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
263 Father’s Legal Last Name DADLNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
262 Father’s Legal Middle Name DADMNAME RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
264 Father’s Legal Surname Suffix DADSUFFIX RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
109 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Day DLMP_DY Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
108 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Month DLMP_MO Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
107 Date Last Normal Menses Began–Year DLMP_YR Observation-last-menstrual-period-vr VRCPL
81 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Day DOFP_DY Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
80 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Month DOFP_MO Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
82 Date of First Prenatal Care Visit–Year DOFP_YR Observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit BFDR
178 Date of Registration–Day DOR_DY Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
177 Date of Registration–Month DOR_MO Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
176 Date of Registration–Year DOR_YR Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
11 Place Where Delivery Occurred DPLACE Encounter-maternity BFDR
2 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Place of Delivery - code DSTATE patient-birthPlace FHIR
173 Risk Factors–Hypertension Eclampsia (added after 2004) EHYPE Condition-eclampsia-hypertension-vr VRCPL
147 Estimated time of fetal death ETIME Observation-estimated-fetal-death-time-point BFDR
28 Date of Birth (Father)–Edit Flag FAGE_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-fathers-date-of-birth BFDR
172 Father’s Reported Age FAGER Extension-reported-parent-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
277 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Father) - code FBPLACD_ST_TER_C Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
278 Father’s Country of Birth (Code) FBPLACE_CNT_C Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
282 Father’s Country of Birth (Literal) FBPLACE_CNTRY_TXT Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
281 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Father) - literal FBPLACE_ST_TER_TXT Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr VRCPL
27 Date of Birth (Father)–Day FDOB_DY RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
26 Date of Birth (Father)–Month FDOB_MO RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
25 Date of Birth (Father)–Year FDOB_YR RelatedPerson-father-natural-vr VRCPL
9 Date of Delivery (Fetus)–Day FDOD_DY Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
8 Date of Delivery (Fetus)–Month FDOD_MO Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
1 Date of Delivery (Fetus)–Year FDOD_YR Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
153 Number of Fetal Deaths FDTH Observation-number-fetal-deaths-this-delivery-vr VRCPL
283 Father’s Education FEDUC Observation-parent-education-level-vr VRCPL
284 Father’s Education–Edit Flag FEDUC_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-fathers-education BFDR
219 Fetus First Name FETFNAME Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
337 Father’s Hispanic Origin - Specify FETHNIC_T Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
285 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Mexican FETHNIC1 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
286 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Puerto Rican FETHNIC2 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
287 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Cuban FETHNIC3 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
288 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Other FETHNIC4 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
289 Father of Hispanic Origin?–Other Literal FETHNIC5 us-core-ethnicity US CORE
332 Father’s Hispanic Code for Literal FETHNIC5C Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
333 Father’s Edited Hispanic Origin Code FETHNICE Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
221 Fetus Last Name FETLNAME Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
220 Fetus Middle Name FETMNAME Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
3 Certificate Number FILENO Extension-fetal-death-report-number BFDR
12 Facility ID (NPI) - If available FNPI Encounter-maternity BFDR
338 Father’s Race - Specify FRACE_T Observation-race-vr VRCPL
290 Father’s Race–White FRACE1 us-core-race US CORE
299 Father’s Race–Other Asian FRACE10 us-core-race US CORE
300 Father’s Race–Native Hawaiian FRACE11 us-core-race US CORE
301 Father’s Race–Guamanian or Chamorro FRACE12 us-core-race US CORE
302 Father’s Race–Samoan FRACE13 us-core-race US CORE
303 Father’s Race–Other Pacific Islander FRACE14 us-core-race US CORE
304 Father’s Race–Other FRACE15 us-core-race US CORE
305 Father’s Race–First American Indian or Alaska Native Literal FRACE16 us-core-race US CORE
321 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 16C FRACE16C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
306 Father’s Race–Second American Indian or Alaska Native Literal FRACE17 us-core-race US CORE
322 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 17C FRACE17C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
307 Father’s Race–First Other Asian Literal FRACE18 us-core-race US CORE
323 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 18C FRACE18C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
308 Father’s Race–Second Other Asian Literal FRACE19 us-core-race US CORE
324 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 19C FRACE19C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
313 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 1E FRACE1E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
291 Father’s Race–Black or African American FRACE2 us-core-race US CORE
309 Father’s Race–First Other Pacific Islander Literal FRACE20 us-core-race US CORE
325 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 20C FRACE20C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
310 Father’s Race–Second Other Pacific Islander Literal FRACE21 us-core-race US CORE
326 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 21C FRACE21C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
311 Father’s Race–First Other Literal FRACE22 us-core-race US CORE
327 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 22C FRACE22C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
312 Father’s Race–Second Other Literal FRACE23 us-core-race US CORE
328 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 23C FRACE23C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
314 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 2E FRACE2E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
292 Father’s Race–American Indian or Alaska Native FRACE3 us-core-race US CORE
315 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 3E FRACE3E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
293 Father’s Race–Asian Indian FRACE4 us-core-race US CORE
316 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 4E FRACE4E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
294 Father’s Race–Chinese FRACE5 us-core-race US CORE
317 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 5E FRACE5E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
295 Father’s Race–Filipino FRACE6 us-core-race US CORE
318 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 6E FRACE6E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
296 Father’s Race–Japanese FRACE7 us-core-race US CORE
319 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 7E FRACE7E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
297 Father’s Race–Korean FRACE8 us-core-race US CORE
320 Father’s Race Tabulation Variable 8E FRACE8E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
298 Father’s Race–Vietnamese FRACE9 us-core-race US CORE
334 Father’s Bridged Race - NCHS Code FRACEBG_C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
7 Sex FSEX us-core-birthsex US CORE
144 Weight of Fetus–Edit Flag FW_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-birthweight BFDR
143 Weight of Fetus FWG Observation-birth-weight-vr VRCPL
111 Risk Factors–Gestational Diabetes GDIAB Condition-gestational-diabetes-vr VRCPL
113 Risk Factors–Hypertension Gestational (SEE ADDITIONAL HYPERTENSION CATEGORY IN LOCATION 573 TO REFLECT RECOMMENDED CHANGES EFFECTIVE 2004) GHYPE Condition-gestational-hypertension-vr VRCPL
88 Mother’s Height–Feet HFT Observation-mother-height-vr VRCPL
90 Mother’s Height–Edit Flag HGT_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-height BFDR
89 Mother’s Height–Inches HIN Observation-mother-height-vr VRCPL
149 Was a Histological Placental Examination Performed? HISTOP Observation-histological-placental-exam-performed BFDR
224 Name of Delivery Facility HOSP_D us-core-location US CORE
339 Facility Mother Moved From (if transferred) HOSPFROM Encounter-maternity BFDR
208 Coded initiating cause/condition ICOD Condition-coded-initiating-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
117 Risk Factors–Infertility Treatment (SEE ADDITIONAL SUBCATEGORIES IN LOCATIONS 574-575) INFT Procedure-infertility-treatment-vr VRCPL
175 Risk Factors–Infertility: Asst. Rep. Technology (added after 2004) INFT_ART Procedure-assisted-fertilization-vr VRCPL
174 Risk Factors–Infertility: Fertility Enhancing Drugs (added after 2004) INFT_DRG Procedure-artificial-insemination-vr VRCPL
24 Residence of Mother–Inside City/Town Limits LIMITS Extension-within-city-limits-indicator-vr VRCPL
17 Date of Birth (Mother)–Edit Flag MAGE_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-date-of-birth BFDR
171 Mother’s Reported Age MAGER Extension-reported-parent-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
280 Mother’s Country of Birth (Literal) MBPLACE_CNTRY_TXT patient-birthPlace FHIR
279 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Birth (Mother) - literal MBPLACE_ST_TER_TXT patient-birthPlace FHIR
16 Date of Birth (Mother)–Day MDOB_DY Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
15 Date of Birth (Mother)–Month MDOB_MO Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
14 Date of Birth (Mother)–Year MDOB_YR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
32 Mother’s Education MEDUC Observation-parent-education-level-vr VRCPL
33 Mother’s Education–Edit Flag MEDUC_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-education BFDR
335 Mother’s Hispanic Origin - Specify METHNIC_T Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
34 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Mexican METHNIC1 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
35 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Puerto Rican METHNIC2 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
36 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Cuban METHNIC3 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
37 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Other METHNIC4 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
38 Mother of Hispanic Origin?–Other Literal METHNIC5 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
329 Mother’s Hispanic Code for Literal METHNIC5C Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
330 Mother’s Edited Hispanic Origin Code METHNICE Observation-tabulated-ethnicity-vr VRCPL
99 Date of Last Live Birth–Month MLLB Observation-date-of-last-live-birth BFDR
273 Industry of Mother MOM_IN_T odh-UsualWork ODH
269 Occupation of Mother MOM_OC_T odh-UsualWork ODH
265 Mother’s Social Security Number MOM_SSN Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
243 Mother’s First Maiden Name MOMFMNME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
239 Mother’s Legal First Name MOMFNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
241 Mother’s Legal Last Name MOMLNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
245 Mother’s Last Maiden Name MOMMAIDN Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
244 Mother’s Middle Maiden Name MOMMMID Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
240 Mother’s Legal Middle Name MOMMNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
246 Mother’s Maiden Surname Suffix MOMMSUFFIX Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
242 Mother’s Legal Surname Suffix MOMSUFFIX Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
336 Mother’s Race - Specify MRACE_T Observation-race-vr VRCPL
39 Mother’s Race–White MRACE1 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
48 Mother’s Race–Other Asian MRACE10 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
49 Mother’s Race–Native Hawaiian MRACE11 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
50 Mother’s Race–Guamanian or Chamorro MRACE12 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
51 Mother’s Race–Samoan MRACE13 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
52 Mother’s Race–Other Pacific Islander MRACE14 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
53 Mother’s Race–Other MRACE15 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
54 Mother’s Race–First American Indian or Alaska Native Literal MRACE16 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
70 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 16C MRACE16C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
55 Mother’s Race–Second American Indian or Alaska Native Literal MRACE17 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
71 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 17C MRACE17C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
56 Mother’s Race–First Other Asian Literal MRACE18 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
72 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 18C MRACE18C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
57 Mother’s Race–Second Other Asian Literal MRACE19 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
73 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 19C MRACE19C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
62 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 1E MRACE1E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
40 Mother’s Race–Black or African American MRACE2 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
58 Mother’s Race–First Other Pacific Islander Literal MRACE20 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
74 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 20C MRACE20C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
59 Mother’s Race–Second Other Pacific Islander Literal MRACE21 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
75 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 21C MRACE21C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
60 Mother’s Race–First Other Literal MRACE22 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
76 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 22C MRACE22C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
61 Mother’s Race–Second Other Literal MRACE23 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
77 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 23C MRACE23C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
63 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 2E MRACE2E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
41 Mother’s Race–American Indian or Alaska Native MRACE3 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
64 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 3E MRACE3E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
42 Mother’s Race–Asian Indian MRACE4 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
65 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 4E MRACE4E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
43 Mother’s Race–Chinese MRACE5 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
66 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 5E MRACE5E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
44 Mother’s Race–Filipino MRACE6 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
67 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 6E MRACE6E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
45 Mother’s Race–Japanese MRACE7 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
68 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 7E MRACE7E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
46 Mother’s Race–Korean MRACE8 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
69 Mother’s Race Tabulation Variable 8E MRACE8E Observation-race-vr VRCPL
47 Mother’s Race–Vietnamese MRACE9 Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
331 Mother’s Bridged Race - NCHS Code MRACEBG_C Observation-race-vr VRCPL
119 Risk Factors–Number Previous Cesareans NPCES Observation-number-previous-cesareans-vr VRCPL
120 Risk Factors–Number Previous Cesareans–Edit Flag NPCES_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-number-previous-cesareans BFDR
209 Coded other significant causes or conditions- first mentioned OCOD1 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
210 Coded other significant causes or conditions- second mentioned OCOD2 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
211 Coded other significant causes or conditions- third mentioned OCOD3 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
212 Coded other significant causes or conditions- fourth mentioned OCOD4 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
213 Coded other significant causes or conditions- fifth mentioned OCOD5 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
214 Coded other significant causes or conditions- sixth mentioned OCOD6 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
215 Coded other significant causes or conditions- seventh mentioned OCOD7 Condition-coded-other-fetal-death-cause-or-condition BFDR
145 Obstetric Estimation of Gestation OWGEST Observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-vr VRCPL
146 Obstetric Estimation of Gestation–Edit Flag OWGEST_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-estimate-of-gestation BFDR
118 Risk Factors–Previous Cesarean PCES Observation-previous-cesarean-vr VRCPL
110 Risk Factors–Prepregnancy Diabetes (NOTE: SEE INSERTED NOTES FOR RISK FACTOR LOCATIONS 490-501 AND 573-575 TO REFLECT 2004 CHANGES) PDIAB Condition-prepregnancy-diabetes-vr VRCPL
112 Risk Factors–Hypertension Prepregnancy PHYPE Condition-prepregnancy-hypertension-vr VRCPL
97 Previous Live Births Now Dead PLBD Observation-number-births-now-dead-vr VRCPL
96 Previous Live Births Now Living PLBL Observation-number-births-now-living-vr VRCPL
151 Plurality PLUR Observation-plurality-vr VRCPL
155 Plurality–Edit Flag PLUR_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-plurality BFDR
251 Mother’s Residence Post Directional POSTDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
229 Place of Delivery Post Directional POSTDIR_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
248 Mother’s Residence Pre Directional PREDIR Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
226 Place of Delivery Pre Directional PREDIR_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
133 Method of Delivery–Fetal Presentation PRES Observation-fetal-presentation BFDR
91 Mother’s Prepregnancy Weight PWGT Observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-vr VRCPL
92 Mother’s Prepregnancy Weight–Edit Flag PWGT_BYPASS Observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepregnancy-weight BFDR
170 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Day R_DY Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
169 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Month R_MO Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
168 NCHS USE ONLY: Receipt date – Year R_YR Parameters-coding-status-values-vr VRCPL
352 Date Filed by Registrar–Day REGISTER_DY Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
351 Date Filed by Registrar–Month REGISTER_MO Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
350 Date Filed by Registrar–Year REGISTER_YR Extension-date-received-by-registrar BFDR
353 Replacement (amended) Record REPLACE Extension-replacement-status BFDR
134 Method of Delivery–Route and Method of Delivery ROUT Procedure-final-route-method-delivery BFDR
139 Maternal Morbidity–Ruptured Uterus RUT Condition-ruptured-uterus BFDR
13 Facility ID (State-Assigned) SFN us-core-location US CORE
152 Set Order SORD Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
235 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Place of Delivery - literal STATE_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
22 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Residence (Mother) - code STATEC Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
257 State, U.S. Territory or Canadian Province of Residence (Mother) - literal STATETXT Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
250 Mother’s Residence Street designator STDESIG Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
228 Place of Delivery Street designator STDESIG_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
249 Mother’s Residence Street name STNAME Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
227 Place of Delivery Street name STNAME_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
247 Mother’s Residence Street number STNUM Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
225 Place of Delivery Street number STNUM_D Encounter-maternity BFDR
222 Fetus Surname Suffix SUFFIX Patient-decedent-fetus-vr VRCPL
6 Time of Delivery TD patient-birthTime FHIR
135 Method of Delivery–Trial of Labor Attempted TLAB Observation-labor-trial-attempted BFDR
95 Did Mother get WIC Food for Herself? WIC Observation-mother-received-wic-food BFDR
100 Date of Last Live Birth–Year YLLB Observation-date-of-last-live-birth BFDR
254 Mother’s Residence Zip code and Zip+4 ZIPCODE Patient-mother-vr VRCPL
232 Place of Delivery Zip code and Zip+4 ZIPCODE_D Encounter-maternity BFDR