UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting
1.1.0 - STU 1.1
UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, published by IHE International. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/fhir-bfdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Document Details
Generated Narrative: Bundle Jurisdiction fetal death report Document
version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/Bundle.meta.versionId): native = id -> 49; Last updated: 2023-08-29 06:19:09+0000
Profile: Bundle - Document Birth and Fetal Death
Final Document at 2019-01-09 by Jurisdictional Vital Records Office for Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named) in encounter Encounter - Maternity (Carmen Teresa Lee)
Document Subject
Document Content
Entry 1 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Composition/composition-jurisdiction-fetal-death-not-named
Resource Composition:
Generated Narrative: Composition composition-jurisdiction-fetal-death-not-named
identifier: c03eab8c-11e8-4d0c-ad2a-b385395e27da
status: Final
type: Jurisdiction fetal death report Document
encounter: Encounter - Maternity (Carmen Teresa Lee)
date: 2019-01-09
author: Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
title: Jurisdiction fetal death report Document
Entry 2 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Patient/patient-decedent-fetus-not-named
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient patient-decedent-fetus-not-named
UNK Female, DoB: 2019-01-09 ( Medical Record Number: 9932702 (use: usual, ))
Deceased: true Patient Birth Place Ann Arbor MI 48103 US Core Birth Sex Extension F Extension - Patient Fetal Death - Vital Records SNOMED CT (all versions) 276507005: Fetal death (event)
Entry 3 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Encounter/encounter-maternity-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Encounter:
Generated Narrative: Encounter encounter-maternity-carmen-teresa-lee
Not done yet
Entry 4 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Organization/organization-jurisdictional-vital-records-office
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization organization-jurisdictional-vital-records-office
active: true
name: Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
Entry 5 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Patient/patient-mother-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient patient-mother-carmen-teresa-lee
Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))
Alt. Name: Carmen Teresa Santos (Name changed for Marriage) Contact Detail 3670 Miller Road Ann Arbor MI 48103 US (home) Links: US Core Ethnicity Extension:
- ombCategory: Race & Ethnicity - CDC 2135-2: Hispanic or Latino
- text: Hispanic or Latino
Patient Birth Place PR US Core Birth Sex Extension F US Core Race Extension:
- ombCategory: Race & Ethnicity - CDC 2054-5: Black or African American
- text: Black or African America
Entry 6 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-planned-to-deliver-at-home-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-planned-to-deliver-at-home-not-named
status: Final
code: Planned to deliver at home?
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: false
Entry 7 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Date of first prenatal care visit
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 2018-05-18
Entry 8 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-last-menstrual-period-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-last-menstrual-period-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Last menstrual period start date
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 2018-04-18
Entry 9 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-births-now-living-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-births-now-living-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: [#] Births.still living
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 1
Entry 10 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-births-now-dead-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-births-now-dead-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Previous live births now dead #
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 0
Entry 11 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-date-of-last-live-birth-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-date-of-last-live-birth-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Date of last live birth
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 2016-01-28
Entry 12 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-height-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-height-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body height Measured
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-01-10
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 65 [in_i] (Details: UCUM code[in_i] = '[in_i]')
Entry 13 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Body weight --pre current pregnancy
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-05-20
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 180 [lb_av] (Details: UCUM code[lb_av] = '[lb_av]')
Entry 14 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-received-wic-food-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-received-wic-food-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Did mother get WIC food for herself during this pregnancy?
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: No
Entry 15 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-1-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-1-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: 0
Entry 16 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-2-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-2-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--1st trimester
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: 0
Entry 17 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-3-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-3-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--2nd trimester
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: 1
Entry 18 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-4-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-4-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: 0
Entry 19 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-previous-cesareans-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-previous-cesareans-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Previous cesarean deliveries #
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 1
Entry 20 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-fetal-presentation-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-fetal-presentation-not-named
status: Final
code: Fetal presentation--at birth [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth]
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: Breech presentation (finding)
Entry 21 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Procedure/procedure-final-route-method-delivery-not-named
Resource Procedure:
Generated Narrative: Procedure procedure-final-route-method-delivery-not-named
status: Completed
code: Spontaneous vaginal delivery
subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
Entry 22 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-birth-weight-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-birth-weight-not-named
status: Final
category: Vital Signs
code: Birth weight Measured
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-02-10
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 1530 g (Details: UCUM codeg = 'g')
Entry 23 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-not-named
status: Final
code: Gestational age Estimated
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: 20 wk (Details: UCUM codewk = 'wk')
Entry 24 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Condition/condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition-not-named
Resource Condition:
Generated Narrative: Condition condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition-not-named
category: Encounter Diagnosis, Initiating cause or condition of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]
code: Premature rupture of membranes (disorder)
Entry 25 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Condition/condition-fetal-death-other-significant-cause-not-named
Resource Condition:
Generated Narrative: Condition condition-fetal-death-other-significant-cause-not-named
category: Encounter Diagnosis, Other significant causes or conditions of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]
code: Placental insufficiency (disorder)
Entry 26 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-fetal-death-time-point-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-fetal-death-time-point-not-named
status: Final
code: Estimated timing of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: Fetal intrapartum death after first assessment (event)
Entry 27 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-autopsy-performed-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-autopsy-performed-not-named
status: Final
code: Autopsy was performed
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: Autopsy performed (situation)
Entry 28 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-histological-placental-exam-performed-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-histological-placental-exam-performed-not-named
status: Final
code: Histological placental examination was performed [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: Performed
Entry 29 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-autopsy-histological-exam-results-used-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-autopsy-histological-exam-results-used-not-named
status: Final
code: Autopsy or histological placental examination results were used [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Practitioner Avery Jones
value: Yes
Entry 30 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-parent-education-level-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-parent-education-level-carmen-teresa-lee
status: Final
code: Highest level of education Mother
subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)
effective: 2019-12-02
value: 9th through 12th grade; no diploma
Entry 31 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-delivery-wgt-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-delivery-wgt-not-named
status: Final
code: Birth weight Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Off
Entry 32 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-est-gestation-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-est-gestation-not-named
status: Final
code: Gestation age Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Off
Entry 33 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-dob-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-dob-not-named
status: Final
code: Mothers birthdate Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Edit Passed
Entry 34 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-education-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-education-not-named
status: Final
code: Mothers education Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Edit Passed
Entry 35 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-height-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-height-not-named
status: Final
code: Mothers height Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Edit Passed
Entry 36 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepreg-wgt-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepreg-wgt-not-named
status: Final
code: Mothers Prepregnancy Weight Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Edit Passed
Entry 37 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-nbr-previous-cesareans-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-nbr-previous-cesareans-not-named
status: Final
code: Previous Cesarians Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Edit Passed
Entry 38 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-plurality-not-named
Resource Observation:
Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-plurality-not-named
status: Final
code: Plurality Edit flag
subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named
effective: 2019-12-02
performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office
value: Queried, and Correct
Entry 39 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Practitioner/practitioner-vital-records-janet-seito
Resource Practitioner:
Generated Narrative: Practitioner practitioner-vital-records-janet-seito
identifier: NPI/223347044
name: Avery Jones
Code Osteopath (occupation)
Entry 40 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Location/location-south-hospital
Resource Location:
Generated Narrative: Location location-south-hospital
identifier: NPI/116441967701
status: Active
name: South Hospital
type: Hospital
Entry 41 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Organization/organization-south-hospital
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization organization-south-hospital
identifier: NPI/5555512
active: true
type: Hospital
name: South Hospital
telecom: +1-555-555-1111, mail@southhospital.com
address: 2100 North Ave Salt Lake City UT 84116 US
Entry 42 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/RelatedPerson/relatedperson-mother-carmen-teresa-lee
Resource RelatedPerson:
Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson relatedperson-mother-carmen-teresa-lee
active: true
patient: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)
relationship: Gestational Mother
name: Carmen Teresa Lee (Official)
gender: Female
birthDate: 1986-02-15