HL7® FHIR® New Zealand Base Implementation Guide
3.1.0 - Draft

HL7® FHIR® New Zealand Base Implementation Guide, published by HL7 New Zealand. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7NZ/nzbase/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Extensions
... 3 Naming Systems
... 4 Profiles
... 5 Structure Definition Nzpatient Summary
... 6 Terminology
... 7 Artifacts Summary
.... 7.1 Condition resource for use in NZ
.... 7.2 Coverage resource for use in NZ (Trial use)
.... 7.3 HealthcareService resource for use in NZ
.... 7.4 Location resource for use in NZ
.... 7.5 Medication Dispense resource for use in NZ
.... 7.6 Medication resource for use in NZ
.... 7.7 MedicationRequest resource for use in NZ
.... 7.8 MedicationStatement resource for use in NZ
.... 7.9 NZ Patient
.... 7.10 NZ RelatedPerson
.... 7.11 Organization resource for use in NZ
.... 7.12 Practitioner resource for use in NZ
.... 7.13 PractitionerRole resource for use in NZ
.... 7.14 Common NZ Address datatype
.... 7.15 Common NZ ContactPoint datatype
.... 7.16 A specific purpose for which this ContactPoint dataType would be used
.... 7.17 AccPatientOccupation
.... 7.18 AdditionalAuthorisation
.... 7.19 AliasType
.... 7.20 Building Name
.... 7.21 ConditionOnPractice
.... 7.22 Country Name
.... 7.23 Date of death
.... 7.24 District Health Board linked to a NZ Healthcare Service, Location or Patient
.... 7.25 EDI Address
.... 7.26 EducationalQualification
.... 7.27 Established
.... 7.28 Funded Healthcare Programme
.... 7.29 GenderOriginalText
.... 7.30 Information Source
.... 7.31 Long Term Condition Indicator
.... 7.32 MaoriDescent
.... 7.33 Messaging Address
.... 7.34 NZ Citizenship
.... 7.35 NZ Domicile Code
.... 7.36 NZ Ethnicity
.... 7.37 NZ Geocode
.... 7.38 NZ Suburb
.... 7.39 NZePS Long Term Medication Indicator
.... 7.40 NZePS Supply Period Reason
.... 7.41 NZePS Unusual Dose Quantity Indicator
.... 7.42 Nzf_atc
.... 7.43 Nzf_nzmt_type
.... 7.44 NZResidency
.... 7.45 Nz_iwi
.... 7.46 PractitionerRoleCreator
.... 7.47 PractitionerRoleStatusReason
.... 7.48 Primary Healthcare Organisation
.... 7.49 RegistrationInitialDate
.... 7.50 RegistrationStatusCode
.... 7.51 ScopeOfPractice
.... 7.52 Sex At Birth
.... 7.53 ACC Patient Occupation
.... 7.54 Additional Practitioner authorisations
.... 7.55 Alias types
.... 7.56 ContactPoint purpose
.... 7.57 Coverage Category
.... 7.58 Coverage Type
.... 7.59 Datum code
.... 7.60 Death date Information Source
.... 7.61 District Health Board Identifer
.... 7.62 Domicile Code
.... 7.63 Ethnicity of a person (full)
.... 7.64 Ethnicity of a person (L4)
.... 7.65 Funded Programme
.... 7.66 Information Source
.... 7.67 Iwi
.... 7.68 Māori Descent
.... 7.69 NZ Citizenship status
.... 7.70 NZ Residency status
.... 7.71 PHO
.... 7.72 PractitionerRole status reason
.... 7.73 Registration Status of Practitioners
.... 7.74 Scope of practice
.... 7.75 Valid use values for NHI
.... 7.76 ACC Patient Occupation CodeSystem
.... 7.77 Additional Authorisation
.... 7.78 ContactPoint purpose
.... 7.79 Coverage category
.... 7.80 Coverage type
.... 7.81 Datum codes
.... 7.82 Domicile Code
.... 7.83 Funded Programme
.... 7.84 Information Source
.... 7.85 Level 4 ethnicity codes
.... 7.86 Māori Descent
.... 7.87 NZ Citizenship status
.... 7.88 NZ DHB
.... 7.89 NZ ethnic group codes
.... 7.90 NZ Iwi
.... 7.91 NZ Residency status
.... 7.92 PHO
.... 7.93 PractitionerRole status reason
.... 7.94 Registration Status of Practitioners
.... 7.95 Scope of practice
.... 7.96 Type of Alias
.... 7.97 hpiFacility
.... 7.98 hpiOrganization
.... 7.99 hpipractitionerrole
.... 7.100 hpiProvider
.... 7.101 nhi
.... 7.102 nzACC45
.... 7.103 nzbn
.... 7.104 nzchrir
.... 7.105 nzdental
.... 7.106 nzdiet
.... 7.107 nzmc
.... 7.108 nzmwife
.... 7.109 nznc
.... 7.110 nzocc
.... 7.111 nzopt
.... 7.112 nzost
.... 7.113 nzparamed
.... 7.114 nzpharm
.... 7.115 nzphysio
.... 7.116 nzpod
.... 7.117 nzpsycho
.... 7.118 nzpsyhc
.... 7.119 nzrad
.... 7.120 nzscience
.... 7.121 condition-long-term-condition
.... 7.122 CoverageCSC
.... 7.123 CoverageGMS
.... 7.124 CoverageHUHC
.... 7.125 location-alias-type
.... 7.126 location-established
.... 7.127 medicationrequest-nzeps-long-term-medication
.... 7.128 medicationrequest-nzeps-supply-period-reason
.... 7.129 medicationrequest-nzeps-unusual-dose-quantity
.... 7.130 organization-edi-address
.... 7.131 organization-funded-programme
.... 7.132 organization-moh
.... 7.133 patient-address-building-name
.... 7.134 patient-address-suburb
.... 7.135 patient-building-name
.... 7.136 patient-deceased-information-source
.... 7.137 patient-dhb
.... 7.138 patient-domicile-code
.... 7.139 patient-information-source
.... 7.140 patient-messaging-address
.... 7.141 patient-nhi
.... 7.142 patient-nz-citizenship
.... 7.143 patient-nz-ethnicity
.... 7.144 patient-nz-geocode
.... 7.145 patient-nz-residency
.... 7.146 patient-pho
.... 7.147 patient-sex-at-birth
.... 7.148 patient-suburb
.... 7.149 practitioner-additional-authorisation
.... 7.150 practitioner-condition-on-practice
.... 7.151 practitioner-death-date
.... 7.152 practitioner-edi-address
.... 7.153 practitioner-educational-qualification
.... 7.154 practitioner-registration-initial-date
.... 7.155 practitioner-registration-status-code
.... 7.156 practitioner-scope-of-practice
.... 7.157 practitionerRole-creator
.... 7.158 practitionerRole-messaging-address
.... 7.159 practitionerRole-status-reason