0.1.0 - ci-build Chile flag

IPS-CL, published by HL7 Chile. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7Chile/IPS-CL/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: Alergias e Intolerancias IPS-CL

Official URL: https://hl7chile.cl/fhir/ig/clips/StructureDefinition/AllergiaInt-cl-ips Version: 0.1.0
Standards status: Draft Maturity Level: 1 Computable Name: AlergiaIntClIps

Este perfil restringe el recurso de Alergias e Intolerancias para representar este modelo a nivel nacional


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from AlergiaIntCL

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
... clinicalStatus 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
... verificationStatus 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
... code 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
.... reference S 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
... onset[x] 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime
.... onsetAge Age
.... onsetPeriod Period
.... onsetRange Range
.... onsetString string
... reaction
.... manifestation 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance C 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
ait-1: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
ait-2: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... clinicalStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes (required)
... type SΣ 0..1 code allergy | intolerance
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceType (required)
... criticality SΣ 0..1 code low | high | unable-to-assess
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCriticality (required)
... code S 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
... patient SΣ 1..1 Reference(CL Paciente) Paciente afectado
.... reference SΣC 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
... onset[x] S 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime
... reaction S 0..* BackboneElement Descripción del evento adverso
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... manifestation S 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

.... severity S 0..1 code mild | moderate | severe
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceSeverity (required)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


ait-1errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or clinicalStatus.exists()
ait-2errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').empty() or clinicalStatus.empty()
dom-2errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
: contained.meta.security.empty()
dom-6best practiceAllergyIntoleranceA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance C 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
ait-1: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
ait-2: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier Σ 0..* Identifier External ids for this item
... clinicalStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes (required)
... verificationStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes (required)
... type SΣ 0..1 code allergy | intolerance
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceType (required)
... category Σ 0..* code food | medication | environment | biologic
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCategory (required): Category of an identified substance associated with allergies or intolerances.

... criticality SΣ 0..1 code low | high | unable-to-assess
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCriticality (required)
... code S 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
... patient SΣ 1..1 Reference(CL Paciente) Paciente afectado
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... reference SΣC 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
.... type Σ 0..1 uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model).

.... identifier Σ 0..1 Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
.... display Σ 0..1 string Text alternative for the resource
... encounter 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Encounter when the allergy or intolerance was asserted
... onset[x] S 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime S
.... onsetAge Age
.... onsetPeriod Period
.... onsetRange Range
.... onsetString string
... recordedDate 0..1 dateTime Date first version of the resource instance was recorded
... recorder 0..1 Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Patient | RelatedPerson) Who recorded the sensitivity
... asserter Σ 0..1 Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | PractitionerRole) Source of the information about the allergy
... lastOccurrence 0..1 dateTime Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
... note 0..* Annotation Additional text not captured in other fields
... reaction S 0..* BackboneElement Descripción del evento adverso
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... substance 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific substance or pharmaceutical product considered to be responsible for event
Binding: SubstanceCode (example): Codes defining the type of the substance (including pharmaceutical products).

.... manifestation S 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

.... description 0..1 string Description of the event as a whole
.... onset 0..1 dateTime Date(/time) when manifestations showed
.... severity S 0..1 code mild | moderate | severe
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceSeverity (required)
.... exposureRoute 0..1 CodeableConcept How the subject was exposed to the substance
Binding: SNOMEDCTRouteCodes (example): A coded concept describing the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto the body of a subject.

.... note 0..* Annotation Text about event not captured in other fields

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


ait-1errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or clinicalStatus.exists()
ait-2errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').empty() or clinicalStatus.empty()
dom-2errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
: contained.meta.security.empty()
dom-6best practiceAllergyIntoleranceA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

This structure is derived from AlergiaIntCL


Mandatory: 1 element
Must-Support: 1 element


This structure refers to these other structures:

Maturity: 1

Differential View

This structure is derived from AlergiaIntCL

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
... clinicalStatus 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
... verificationStatus 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
... code 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
.... reference S 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
... onset[x] 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime
.... onsetAge Age
.... onsetPeriod Period
.... onsetRange Range
.... onsetString string
... reaction
.... manifestation 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)


Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance C 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
ait-1: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
ait-2: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... clinicalStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes (required)
... type SΣ 0..1 code allergy | intolerance
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceType (required)
... criticality SΣ 0..1 code low | high | unable-to-assess
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCriticality (required)
... code S 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
... patient SΣ 1..1 Reference(CL Paciente) Paciente afectado
.... reference SΣC 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
... onset[x] S 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime
... reaction S 0..* BackboneElement Descripción del evento adverso
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... manifestation S 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

.... severity S 0..1 code mild | moderate | severe
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceSeverity (required)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


ait-1errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or clinicalStatus.exists()
ait-2errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').empty() or clinicalStatus.empty()
dom-2errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
: contained.meta.security.empty()
dom-6best practiceAllergyIntoleranceA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AllergyIntolerance C 0..* AlergiaIntCL Allergy or Intolerance (generally: Risk of adverse reaction to a substance)
ait-1: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
ait-2: AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier Σ 0..* Identifier External ids for this item
... clinicalStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concepto - referencia a una terminología o sólo texto
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes (required)
... verificationStatus S 0..1 CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes (required)
... type SΣ 0..1 code allergy | intolerance
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceType (required)
... category Σ 0..* code food | medication | environment | biologic
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCategory (required): Category of an identified substance associated with allergies or intolerances.

... criticality SΣ 0..1 code low | high | unable-to-assess
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceCriticality (required)
... code S 1..1 CodeableConceptIPS Código Relacionado con la Substancia o condición generada
Binding: Allergy Intolerance - IPS (preferred)
Additional BindingsPurpose
WHO ATC - IPS candidate
... patient SΣ 1..1 Reference(CL Paciente) Paciente afectado
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... reference SΣC 1..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
.... type Σ 0..1 uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model).

.... identifier Σ 0..1 Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
.... display Σ 0..1 string Text alternative for the resource
... encounter 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Encounter when the allergy or intolerance was asserted
... onset[x] S 0..1 Cuando la alergia fue identificada
.... onsetDateTime dateTime S
.... onsetAge Age
.... onsetPeriod Period
.... onsetRange Range
.... onsetString string
... recordedDate 0..1 dateTime Date first version of the resource instance was recorded
... recorder 0..1 Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Patient | RelatedPerson) Who recorded the sensitivity
... asserter Σ 0..1 Reference(Patient | RelatedPerson | Practitioner | PractitionerRole) Source of the information about the allergy
... lastOccurrence 0..1 dateTime Date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
... note 0..* Annotation Additional text not captured in other fields
... reaction S 0..* BackboneElement Descripción del evento adverso
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... substance 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific substance or pharmaceutical product considered to be responsible for event
Binding: SubstanceCode (example): Codes defining the type of the substance (including pharmaceutical products).

.... manifestation S 1..* CodeableConceptIPS Concept - reference to a terminology or just text
Binding: Allergy Reaction - IPS (preferred): Código para la manifestación de alergia o reacción de intolerancia del subconjunto SNOMED International Patient Set (IPS) de SNOMED CT (IPS Free Set).

.... description 0..1 string Description of the event as a whole
.... onset 0..1 dateTime Date(/time) when manifestations showed
.... severity S 0..1 code mild | moderate | severe
Binding: AllergyIntoleranceSeverity (required)
.... exposureRoute 0..1 CodeableConcept How the subject was exposed to the substance
Binding: SNOMEDCTRouteCodes (example): A coded concept describing the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto the body of a subject.

.... note 0..* Annotation Text about event not captured in other fields

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard


ait-1errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL be present if verificationStatus is not entered-in-error.
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').exists() or clinicalStatus.exists()
ait-2errorAllergyIntoleranceAllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus SHALL NOT be present if verification Status is entered-in-error
: verificationStatus.coding.where(system = 'http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification' and code = 'entered-in-error').empty() or clinicalStatus.empty()
dom-2errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorAllergyIntoleranceIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorAllergyIntoleranceIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
: contained.meta.security.empty()
dom-6best practiceAllergyIntoleranceA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1error**ALL** elementsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1error**ALL** extensionsMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()

This structure is derived from AlergiaIntCL


Mandatory: 1 element
Must-Support: 1 element


This structure refers to these other structures:

Maturity: 1


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron