Da Vinci PDex Plan Net
1.2.0 - STU1.2 United States of America flag

Da Vinci PDex Plan Net, published by HL7 International / Financial Management. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/davinci-pdex-plan-net/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

Page standards status: Informative
.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Background
... 3 Change History
... 4 Confexpectations
... 6 Examples
... 7 Implementation
... 8 Project
... 9 Reading
... 10 Security
... 11 Artifacts Summary
.... 11.1 Plan-Net CapabilityStatement
.... 11.2 Plannet_sp_endpoint_organization
.... 11.3 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_category
.... 11.4 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_coverage_area
.... 11.5 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_delivery_method
.... 11.6 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_endpoint
.... 11.7 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_location
.... 11.8 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_name
.... 11.9 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_organization
.... 11.10 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_specialty
.... 11.11 Plannet_sp_healthcareservice_type
.... 11.12 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_administered_by
.... 11.13 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_coverage_area
.... 11.14 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_identifier
.... 11.15 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_name
.... 11.16 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_network
.... 11.17 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_owned_by
.... 11.18 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_plan_type
.... 11.19 Plannet_sp_insuranceplan_type
.... 11.20 Plannet_sp_location_address
.... 11.21 Plannet_sp_location_address_city
.... 11.22 Plannet_sp_location_address_postalcode
.... 11.23 Plannet_sp_location_address_state
.... 11.24 Plannet_sp_location_endpoint
.... 11.25 Plannet_sp_location_organization
.... 11.26 Plannet_sp_location_partof
.... 11.27 Plannet_sp_location_type
.... 11.28 Plannet_sp_network_coverage_area
.... 11.29 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_endpoint
.... 11.30 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_location
.... 11.31 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_network
.... 11.32 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_participating_organization
.... 11.33 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_period
.... 11.34 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_primary_organization
.... 11.35 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_role
.... 11.36 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_service
.... 11.37 Plannet_sp_organizationaffiliation_specialty
.... 11.38 Plannet_sp_organization_address
.... 11.39 Plannet_sp_organization_endpoint
.... 11.40 Plannet_sp_organization_name
.... 11.41 Plannet_sp_organization_partof
.... 11.42 Plannet_sp_organization_period
.... 11.43 Plannet_sp_organization_type
.... 11.44 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_endpoint
.... 11.45 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_location
.... 11.46 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_network
.... 11.47 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_organization
.... 11.48 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_period
.... 11.49 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_practitioner
.... 11.50 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_role
.... 11.51 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_service
.... 11.52 Plannet_sp_practitionerrole_specialty
.... 11.53 Plannet_sp_practitioner_family_name
.... 11.54 Plannet_sp_practitioner_given_name
.... 11.55 Plannet_sp_practitioner_name
.... 11.56 Plannet_sp_practitioner_period
.... 11.57 Accepting Patients Codes VS
.... 11.58 Accessibility VS
.... 11.59 Delivery Methods VS
.... 11.60 Endpoint Connection Types VS
.... 11.61 Endpoint Payload Types VS
.... 11.62 Endpoint Usecases VS
.... 11.63 Healthcare Service CategoryVS
.... 11.64 HealthcareService Types VS
.... 11.65 Individual and Group Specialties
.... 11.66 Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates VS
.... 11.67 Insurance Plan TypeVS
.... 11.68 Insurance Product Type VS
.... 11.69 Language Proficiency VS
.... 11.70 Minimum Endpoint Connection Types VS
.... 11.71 Network Type VS
.... 11.72 Non-Individual Specialties
.... 11.73 Non-Individual Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates VS
.... 11.74 Organization Type VS
.... 11.75 OrganizationAffiliation Roles
.... 11.76 PractitionerRole Code VS
.... 11.77 Qualification Status VS
.... 11.78 Specialties VS
.... 11.79 Specialties, Degrees, Licenses, and Certificates VS
.... 11.80 Virtual Modalities VS
.... 11.81 Accepting Patients Codes
.... 11.82 Accessibility CS
.... 11.83 Delivery Methods
.... 11.84 Endpoint Connection Types (additional)
.... 11.85 Endpoint Payload Types
.... 11.86 Healthcare Service Category
.... 11.87 Insurance Plan Type
.... 11.88 Insurance Product Type
.... 11.89 Language Proficiency CS
.... 11.90 Organization Affiliation Role
.... 11.91 Organization Type
.... 11.92 Provider Role Codes
.... 11.93 Qualification Status
.... 11.94 Virtual Modalities
.... 11.95 Acme
.... 11.96 AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint
.... 11.97 AcmeofCTPremNet
.... 11.98 AcmeofCTStdNet
.... 11.99 AcmeQHPBronze
.... 11.100 AcmeQHPGold
.... 11.101 AnonRole
.... 11.102 BigBox
.... 11.103 BurrClinic
.... 11.104 BurrClinicAffil
.... 11.105 BurrClinicServices
.... 11.106 CancerClinic
.... 11.107 CancerClinicLoc
.... 11.108 CancerClinicService
.... 11.109 ConnHIE
.... 11.110 ConnHIEAffil
.... 11.111 Counselor
.... 11.112 CounselorRole1
.... 11.113 HamiltonClinic
.... 11.114 HamiltonClinicAffil
.... 11.115 HamiltonClinicServices
.... 11.116 HansSolo
.... 11.117 HansSoloClinic
.... 11.118 HansSoloRole1
.... 11.119 HansSoloService
.... 11.120 HartfordOrthopedicAffil
.... 11.121 HartfordOrthopedics
.... 11.122 HartfordOrthopedicServices
.... 11.123 HospERService
.... 11.124 Hospital
.... 11.125 HospLoc1
.... 11.126 HospLoc2
.... 11.127 JoeSmith
.... 11.128 JoeSmithRole1
.... 11.129 JoeSmithRole2
.... 11.130 JoeSmithRole3
.... 11.131 PharmChain
.... 11.132 PharmChainAffil1
.... 11.133 PharmChainAffil2
.... 11.134 PharmChainAffil3
.... 11.135 PharmChainCompService
.... 11.136 PharmChainMailService
.... 11.137 PharmChainRetailService
.... 11.138 PharmLoc1
.... 11.139 PharmLoc2
.... 11.140 PharmLoc3
.... 11.141 PharmLoc4
.... 11.142 StateOfCTLocation
.... 11.143 VirtualCounselService
.... 11.144 Accessibility
.... 11.145 Communication Proficiency
.... 11.146 Contactpoint Availabletime
.... 11.147 Delivery Method
.... 11.148 Endpoint Usecase
.... 11.149 Location Reference
.... 11.150 Network Reference
.... 11.151 New Patients
.... 11.152 Org Description
.... 11.153 Plan-Net Endpoint
.... 11.154 Plan-Net HealthcareService
.... 11.155 Plan-Net InsurancePlan
.... 11.156 Plan-Net Location
.... 11.157 Plan-Net Network
.... 11.158 Plan-Net Organization
.... 11.159 Plan-Net OrganizationAffiliation
.... 11.160 Plan-Net Practitioner
.... 11.161 Plan-Net PractitionerRole
.... 11.162 Practitioner Description
.... 11.163 Practitioner Qualification
.... 11.164 Qualification
.... 11.165 Via Intermediary