Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide
1.1.0-cibuild - cibuild International flag

Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0-cibuild built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Measure: ANC.IND.01 Percentage of pregnant women with first ANC contact in the first trimester (Publishable Example) (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 1.1.0-cibuild
Draft as of 2023-03-13 Computable Name: ANCIND01Publishable
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.

Percentage of pregnant women with first ANC contact in the first trimester (before 12 weeks of gestation)

Knowledge Artifact Metadata
Name (machine-readable) ANCIND01Publishable
Title (human-readable) ANC.IND.01 Percentage of pregnant women with first ANC contact in the first trimester (Publishable Example)
Status Draft
Experimental true

Percentage of pregnant women with first ANC contact in the first trimester (before 12 weeks of gestation)

Measure Steward HL7 International / Clinical Decision Support
Steward Contact Details
Citation Citation:

WHO, UN Women, UNFPA. Health care for women subjected to intimate partner violence or sexual violence – a clinical handbook. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014

Content URL:
Document: null @
Measure Metadata
Version Number 1.1.0-cibuild
Measure Scoring Proportion
Measure Type Process
Improvement Notation Increased score indicates improvement
Measure Population Criteria (ID: group-1)
Initial Population ID: initial-population
Description: No description provided Logic Definition: Initial Population
Denominator ID: denominator
Description: No description provided Logic Definition: Denominator
Numerator ID: numerator
Description: No description provided Logic Definition: Numerator
Stratifier ID: by-age
Code: Age
Stratifier ID: by-education-level
Code: Education Level
Measure Logic
Primary Library ANC Cohort
Dependency Description: Library ANCCohort
Resource: ANC Cohort
Canonical URL:
Dependency Description: Library FHIRHelpers
Canonical URL:|4.0.1
Dependency Description: Example Code system ISO-8601-Derived Periods
Canonical URL:
Dependency Description: Value set Antenatal care contact
Canonical URL:
Dependency Description: Value set First Antenatal Care Contact Choices
Canonical URL:
Dependency Description: Value set Gestational age
Canonical URL:
Dependency Description: Value set Antenatal care case
Canonical URL:
Direct Reference Code Display: 10-14 years
Code: P10Y--P14Y
Direct Reference Code Display: 15-19 years
Code: P15Y--P19Y
Direct Reference Code Display: 20+ years
Code: P20Y--P9999Y
Parameter Name: Measurement Period
Use: In
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: Period
Parameter Name: encounter
Use: In
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: string
Parameter Name: Numerator
Use: Out
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: boolean
Parameter Name: Age Stratifier
Use: Out
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: Coding
Parameter Name: Denominator
Use: Out
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: boolean
Parameter Name: Education Level Stratifier
Use: Out
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: *
Type: CodeableConcept
Parameter Name: Initial Population
Use: Out
Min Cardinality: 0
Max Cardinality: 1
Type: boolean
Measure Logic Data Requirements
Data Requirement Type: Encounter
Profile(s): Encounter
Must Support Elements: type, reasonCode, period
Code Filter(s):
Path: type
Data Requirement Type: Observation
Profile(s): Observation
Must Support Elements: code, status, encounter, encounter.reference
Code Filter(s):
Path: code
Data Requirement Type: Patient
Profile(s): Patient
Must Support Elements: url, value
Data Requirement Type: EpisodeOfCare
Profile(s): EpisodeOfCare
Must Support Elements: type
Code Filter(s):
Path: type
Measure Logic Definitions
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCBaseDataElements
define "Antenatal care contact":
  ["Encounter": type in BCx."Antenatal care contact"]
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
define "First antenatal care contact":
  BaseData."Antenatal care contact" C
    where C.reasonCode in Cx."First Antenatal Care Contact Choices"
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCContactDataElements
  @dataElement: ANC.B6.DE17 Gestational age
  @activity: ANC.B6 Profile
  @description: Gestational age in weeks and/or days depending on the source of gestational age
define "Gestational age":
  [Observation: Cx."Gestational age"] O
    where O.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
      and Coalesce(WC.ModifierExtension(O, 'who-notDone').value, false) is false
      and Last(Split(O.encounter.reference, '/')) = Last(Split(encounter, '/'))
  ).value as FHIR.Quantity
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
Numerator: Number of pregnant women who had their first ANC contact before 12 weeks (facility level)
Numerator Computation: Count of women whose gestational age <= 12 weeks at the time of first contact
define Numerator:
  exists (
    "First antenatal care contact" C
      where C.period starts during "Measurement Period"
        and ContactData."Gestational age" <= 12 weeks
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCStratifiers
By Patient Age as of the start of the Measurement Period
Age (10-14, 15-19, 20+)
define "By Age":
    when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") in Interval[10, 14] then "P10Y--P14Y"
    when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") in Interval[15, 19] then "P15Y--P19Y"
    when AgeInYearsAt(start of "Measurement Period") >= 20 then "P20Y--P9999Y"
    else null
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
Disaggregation: Age (10-14, 15-19, 20+)
define "Age Stratifier":
  Stratifiers."By Age"
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
Denominator: Total number of antenatal clients with a first contact
Denominator Computation: Count of all women who had first contact within the last reporting period
define Denominator:
  exists (
    "First antenatal care contact" C
      where C.period starts during "Measurement Period"
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCStratifiers
By Patient Education Level (none, don't know, primary, secondary, higher)
define "By Education Level":
  Patient.extension E
    where E.url = ''
    return E.value as CodeableConcept
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
Disaggregation: Education Level (none, don't know, primary, secondary, higher)
define "Education Level Stratifier":
  Stratifiers."By Education Level"
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCBaseDataElements
define "Pregnant":
  "Pregnancy" is not null
    or "Pregnancy status" in BCx."Pregnancy status - pregnant"

define "Pregnancy status":
      [Observation: BCx."Pregnancy status"] O
        where O.status = 'final'
        sort by FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(effective as FHIR.dateTime)
define "Antenatal care case":
  ["EpisodeOfCare": type in BCx."Antenatal care case"]
Logic Definition Library Name: ANCIND01
Initial population: Antenatal clients
define "Initial Population":
  exists (BaseData."Antenatal care case")
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