Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), published by Health Level Seven. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 4.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Draft as of 2024-12-19 |
Definitions for the USRealmPatientNamePTNUSFIELDED logical model.
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. PN | |
Logical Container | ClinicalDocument (CDA Class) |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property has the namespace urn:hl7-org:v3 . |
Invariants | shall-family: SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] family (CONF:81-7159). (nullFlavor.exists() or = 1 )shall-given: SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). ( nullFlavor.exists() or item.given.exists() )shall-max-suffix: There may be at most one suffix ( (item.suffix.empty() or item.suffix.count() = 1) )81-7278: **SHALL NOT** have mixed content except for white space (CONF:81-7278). ( item.xmlText.empty() ) |
2. PN.use | |
Short | If name/@nullFlavor is present, the remaining conformance statements *SHALL NOT* be enforced |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @use, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityNameUse urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15913 STATIC 2005-05-01 (CONF:81-7154). |
Control | 0..1 |
4. PN.item | |
6. | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Last Name |
8. | |
Comments | This family MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7160). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
10. PN.item.given | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: First Name / Middle Name |
Comments | SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). |
12. PN.item.given.qualifier | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: callMe meets the USCDI 'Name to use' requirement |
Comments | Such givens MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7158). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
14. PN.item.prefix | |
Comments | MAY contain zero or more [0..*] prefix (CONF:81-7155). |
16. PN.item.prefix.qualifier | |
Comments | The prefix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7156). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
18. PN.item.suffix | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Suffix |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] suffix (CONF:81-7161). |
20. PN.item.suffix.qualifier | |
Comments | The suffix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7162). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
22. PN.validTime | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Previous Name - Available for use to identify the time period when name was/is in use. |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. PN | |
Definition | A name for a person. A sequence of name parts, such as given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. Examples for person name values are "Jim Bob Walton, Jr.", "Adam Everyman", etc. A person name may be as simple as a character string or may consist of several person name parts, such as, "Jim", "Bob", "Walton", and "Jr.". PN differs from EN because the qualifier type cannot include LS (Legal Status). Base definition for all types defined in FHIR type system. |
Short | Base for all types and resources |
Control | 10..* |
Is Modifier | false |
Logical Container | ClinicalDocument (CDA Class) |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property has the namespace urn:hl7-org:v3 . |
Invariants | pn-no-ls: No PN name part may have a qualifier of LS. ((item.delimiter | | item.given | item.prefix | item.suffix).where(qualifier.where($this = 'LS').exists()).empty() )shall-family: SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] family (CONF:81-7159). ( nullFlavor.exists() or = 1 )shall-given: SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). ( nullFlavor.exists() or item.given.exists() )shall-max-suffix: There may be at most one suffix ( (item.suffix.empty() or item.suffix.count() = 1) )81-7278: **SHALL NOT** have mixed content except for white space (CONF:81-7278). ( item.xmlText.empty() ) |
2. PN.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
4. PN.use | |
Definition | A set of codes advising a system or user which name in a set of like names to select for a given purpose. A name without specific use code might be a default name useful for any purpose, but a name with a specific use code would be preferred for that respective purpose |
Short | If name/@nullFlavor is present, the remaining conformance statements *SHALL NOT* be enforced |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @use, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityNameUse urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15913 STATIC 2005-05-01 (CONF:81-7154). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDAEntityNameUse (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Use Code |
6. PN.item | |
Definition | A series of items that constitute the name. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | |
Choice Group | This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance |
Invariants | EN-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice ((delimiter | family | given | prefix | suffix | xmlText).count() = 1 ) |
8. PN.item.delimiter | |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
10. | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Last Name |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
12. | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
14. | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
16. | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
18. | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
20. | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
22. | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
24. | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | This family MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7160). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
26. PN.item.given | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: First Name / Middle Name |
Comments | SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
28. PN.item.given.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
30. PN.item.given.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
32. PN.item.given.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
34. PN.item.given.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
36. PN.item.given.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
38. PN.item.given.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
40. PN.item.given.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: callMe meets the USCDI 'Name to use' requirement |
Comments | Such givens MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7158). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
42. PN.item.prefix | |
Comments | MAY contain zero or more [0..*] prefix (CONF:81-7155). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
44. PN.item.prefix.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
46. PN.item.prefix.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
48. PN.item.prefix.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
50. PN.item.prefix.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
52. PN.item.prefix.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
54. PN.item.prefix.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
56. PN.item.prefix.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | The prefix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7156). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
58. PN.item.suffix | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Suffix |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] suffix (CONF:81-7161). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
60. PN.item.suffix.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
62. PN.item.suffix.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
64. PN.item.suffix.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
66. PN.item.suffix.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
68. PN.item.suffix.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
70. PN.item.suffix.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
72. PN.item.suffix.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | The suffix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7162). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
74. PN.item.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
76. PN.validTime | |
Definition | An interval of time specifying the time during which the name is or was used for the entity. This accomodates the fact that people change names for people, places and things. |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Previous Name - Available for use to identify the time period when name was/is in use. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | |
Label | Valid Time |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here
0. PN | |
Definition | A name for a person. A sequence of name parts, such as given name or family name, prefix, suffix, etc. Examples for person name values are "Jim Bob Walton, Jr.", "Adam Everyman", etc. A person name may be as simple as a character string or may consist of several person name parts, such as, "Jim", "Bob", "Walton", and "Jr.". PN differs from EN because the qualifier type cannot include LS (Legal Status). |
Short | Base for all types and resources |
Control | 1..* |
Is Modifier | false |
Logical Container | ClinicalDocument (CDA Class) |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property has the namespace urn:hl7-org:v3 . |
Invariants | pn-no-ls: No PN name part may have a qualifier of LS. ((item.delimiter | | item.given | item.prefix | item.suffix).where(qualifier.where($this = 'LS').exists()).empty() )shall-family: SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] family (CONF:81-7159). ( nullFlavor.exists() or = 1 )shall-given: SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). ( nullFlavor.exists() or item.given.exists() )shall-max-suffix: There may be at most one suffix ( (item.suffix.empty() or item.suffix.count() = 1) )81-7278: **SHALL NOT** have mixed content except for white space (CONF:81-7278). ( item.xmlText.empty() ) |
2. PN.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
4. PN.use | |
Definition | A set of codes advising a system or user which name in a set of like names to select for a given purpose. A name without specific use code might be a default name useful for any purpose, but a name with a specific use code would be preferred for that respective purpose |
Short | If name/@nullFlavor is present, the remaining conformance statements *SHALL NOT* be enforced |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @use, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityNameUse urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15913 STATIC 2005-05-01 (CONF:81-7154). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDAEntityNameUse (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Use Code |
6. PN.item | |
Definition | A series of items that constitute the name. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | |
Choice Group | This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance |
Invariants | EN-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice ((delimiter | family | given | prefix | suffix | xmlText).count() = 1 ) |
8. PN.item.delimiter | |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
10. | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Last Name |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
12. | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
14. | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
16. | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
18. | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
20. | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
22. | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
24. | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | This family MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7160). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
26. PN.item.given | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: First Name / Middle Name |
Comments | SHALL contain at least one [1..*] given (CONF:81-7157). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
28. PN.item.given.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
30. PN.item.given.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
32. PN.item.given.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
34. PN.item.given.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
36. PN.item.given.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
38. PN.item.given.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
40. PN.item.given.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: callMe meets the USCDI 'Name to use' requirement |
Comments | Such givens MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7158). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
42. PN.item.prefix | |
Comments | MAY contain zero or more [0..*] prefix (CONF:81-7155). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
44. PN.item.prefix.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
46. PN.item.prefix.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
48. PN.item.prefix.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
50. PN.item.prefix.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
52. PN.item.prefix.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
54. PN.item.prefix.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
56. PN.item.prefix.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | The prefix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7156). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
58. PN.item.suffix | |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Suffix |
Comments | MAY contain zero or one [0..1] suffix (CONF:81-7161). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | |
60. PN.item.suffix.nullFlavor | |
Definition | If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from CDANullFlavor (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Exceptional Value Detail |
62. PN.item.suffix.representation | |
Definition | Specifies the representation of the binary data that is the content of the binary data value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Fixed Value | TXT |
64. PN.item.suffix.mediaType | |
Definition | Identifies the type of the encapsulated data and identifies a method to interpret or render the data. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Media Type |
Fixed Value | text/plain |
66. PN.item.suffix.language | |
Definition | For character based information the language property specifies the human language of the text. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Language |
68. PN.item.suffix.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
70. PN.item.suffix.partType | |
Definition | Indicates whether the name part is a given name, family name, prefix, suffix, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityNamePartType (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Name Part Type Code |
72. PN.item.suffix.qualifier | |
Definition | qualifier is a set of codes each of which specifies a certain subcategory of the name part in addition to the main name part type. For example, a given name may be flagged as a nickname, a family name may be a pseudonym or a name of public records. |
Comments | The suffix, if present, MAY contain zero or one [0..1] @qualifier, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet EntityPersonNamePartQualifier urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. STATIC 2011-09-30 (CONF:81-7162). |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | The codes SHALL be taken from EntityPersonNamePartQualifier ![]() (required to ) |
Type | code(cs: Coded Simple Value) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Label | Qualifier Code |
74. PN.item.xmlText | |
Short | Allows for mixed text content |
Comments | This element is represented in XML as textual content. The actual name "xmlText" will not appear in a CDA instance. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string(st: Character String) |
Primitive Value | This primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension |
XML Format | In the XML format, this property is represented as unadorned text. |
76. PN.validTime | |
Definition | An interval of time specifying the time during which the name is or was used for the entity. This accomodates the fact that people change names for people, places and things. |
Short | 𝗨𝗦𝗖𝗗𝗜: Previous Name - Available for use to identify the time period when name was/is in use. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | |
Label | Valid Time |
IG © 2019+ Health Level Seven. Package based on FHIR 5.0.0. Generated 2024-12-19
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