2.0.1-ci-build - ci-build Switzerland flag

CH EMED EPR, published by CARA. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.1-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.0.1 - TBD



  • Replaced the link to CH EPR Term on the index page with link to CH Term.



2.0.0 - 2025-01-21


  • Added Bq, kBq, MBq and GBq units to the CHEMEDEPRAmountQuantityUnitCode value set, added in CH EMED 4.0.1 to the parent UnitCode value set.
  • Added nanomole and Application units to the CHEMEDEPRAmountQuantityUnitCode value set.
  • Added an example for a medication statement with split dosage: MedicationStatementDafalganEffSplitDose.
  • Added a new example for a medication statement with max dose per period: MedicationStatementDafalganEffMaxDosePerPeriod.
  • Set cardinality of PMLC medication statement (CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatementCard) extension lastConsideredDocument, added with CH EMED 5.0.0, to 1..1 and added it to the IG examples.
  • Added profiles CHEMEDEPRMedicationRequestChangedList and CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatementChangedList as entries in CHEMEDEPRDocumentMedicationList and CHEMEDEPRCompositionMedicationList for the changed resources. Added examples for this two new profiles.
  • Added an alternative scenario to the Use Case to showcase a PADV CHANGE and a PML including changed resources.
  • Added CHEMEDEPRPaperFormatCS coding system and CHEMEDEPRPaperFormat value set for paper formats to be used in PMLC queries.
  • Added the following concept maps to provide guidance on translation between HCI's CdTyp9 codes and the quantity and time unit value sets in this IG: CdTyp9ToCHEMEDEPRAmountQuantityUnitCode, CHEMEDEPRAmountQuantityUnitCodeToCdTyp9, CdTyp9ToCHEMEDEPRTimeQuantityUnitCode and CHEMEDEPRTimeQuantityUnitCodeToCdTyp9.
  • Added a new invariant to all medication statement, medication request and medication dispense profiles to enforce that all dosage elements (when having split dosage) use the same unit.
  • Added a (warning) invariant to all composition profiles to check that the composition title is correct for the composition's language.
  • Added a new guidance page on comments/notes.


  • Updated dates on DocumentPadv2 so that it can be published after the sequence DocumentMtp1, DocumentPadv1, DocumentPre1, DocumentDis1 when testing.
  • Fixed profile for examples MedicationStatementParacetamolAxapharmPmlc and MedicationStatementParacetamolDafalganEffPmlc to be CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatementCard instead of CHEMEMedicationStatementCard.
  • Added base-dosage-text invariant to base main-dosage-ruleset, hence to CHEMEDEPRDosage and CHEMEDEPRDosageMedicationRequest profiles. This invariant produces a warning if the Dosage.text is missing or blank. Updated all affected dosage examples to include .text.
  • Fixed PADV document profile CHEMEDEPRDocumentPharmaceuticalAdvice for entry slices MedicationStatementChanged and MedicationRequestChanged to use the CH EMED EPR resources CHEMEDEPRChangedMedicationStatement and CHEMEDEPRChangedMedicationRequest respectively instead of the CH EMED ones.
  • Fixed the time-quantity-only-integer constraint on the CHEMEDEPRTimeQuantity profile, that was badly express and would not work at all. See #71.
  • Reintroduced the binding of substitution codes for medication statements and medication requests to CHEMEDEprActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode. See #72.
  • Fixed the CHEMEDEprActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode VS to have both N and E codes allowed. See #82
  • informationSource on medication statements now accepts only references to CHEMEDEPRPractitionerRole, CHEMEDEPRPatient or CHEMEDEPRRelatedPerson, as for other similar references, instead of upstream profiles.
  • Fixed (overridden from CH EMED) invariants with error severity for GLN, AHVN13, EPR-SPID and VEKA values, which were not being applied. Note: CH EMED checks with warning severity were always applied.
  • The description of the asNeeded field of dosage resources now properly states that the default value if omitted is false.


  • Moved cardinality 1..1 on route.text and from common-dosage-ruleset to main-dosage-ruleset (since split dosage cardinality in CH EMED is forced to 0).
  • Replace {Piece} unit code with SCT 246205007 (Quantity) in CHEMEDEPRAmountQuantityUnitCode and in the MedicationWithTwoIngredients example.
  • Updated the descriptions of CHEMEDEPRDosage and CHEMEDEPRDosageMedicationRequest .text, .additionalInstruction, and .patientInstruction fields to reflect the changes proposed in
  • Flagged CHEMEDEPRMedicationRequest, CHEMEDEPRChangedMedicationRequest and CHEMEDEPRMedicationRequestList .dispenseRequest.dispenseInterval as not supported.
  • Changed cardinality of partOf to 0..0 for the following profiles:
    • CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatement
    • CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatementList
    • CHEMEDEPRMedicationStatementCard
  • Changed cardinality of supportingInformation to 0..0 for profiles CHEMEDEPRMedicationRequest and CHEMEDEPRMedicationRequestList.
  • Updated dependencies to:
    • CH EMED 5.0.0
    • CH Core 5.0.0
  • Minor improvements to the Document PMLC page text content.
  • Updated the description of the validity period within the Document PRE content.


1.0.0 - 2024-01-24


  • First release of CH EMED EPR


