A ValueSet resource instance specifies a set of codes drawn from one or more code systems, intended for use in a particular context. Value sets link between CodeSystem definitions and their use in coded elements.
4.9.1 Scope and Usage
The FHIR terminology specification is based on the concepts of code system and value set originally defined in HL7 v3 Core Principles :
Value sets have 2 aspects:
.compose: A definition of which codes are intended to be in the value set ("intension")
.expansion: The list of codes that are actually in the value set under a given set of conditions ("extension") - see Value Set Expansion
The ValueSet resource can carry either the .compose or the .expansion,
both of them, or neither of them (if only the metadata is being represented). There is an "$expand" operation which can be used to ask a server to generate
an expansion given the composition rules, in a particular context, and a "$validate-code" operation which can be used to ask a server to
check whether a given code or concept is in the value set in a particular context.
4.9.2 Boundaries and Relationships
Value Sets are used by many resources:
Value sets use CodeSystem resources by referring to them via their canonical reference.
DataRequirement data types to specify data processing conditions
For a full list of uses, see below.
The Characteristics of the ValueSet resource are derived from Formal Value Set Definitions:
The ValueSet resource design is based on the functionality described in the OMG CTS 2 specification, along
with metadata in the HL7 Value Set Definition specification. Value set resources can be converted to CTS2
value set or code system instances.
The value set resource is aligned with the Value Set Definition (VSD) project.
Not all of the elements defined by the VSD are part of the base resource - some are defined as part of the ValueSet Extensions.
In the ValueSet resource, the compose element is the VSD "Content Logical definition".
4.9.3 Background and Context
When using value sets, proper differentiation between a code system and a value set is important.
This is one very common area where significant clinical safety risks occur in practice. Implementers
should be familiar with the content in Using Codes in Resources. ValueSet Identification
A value set has 3 identifiers:
ValueSet.id: the logical id on the system that holds the value set - this changes as it moves from server to server (this id, with the server address prepended, is called the 'literal identity' of the resource)
ValueSet.url: the canonical URL that never changes for this value set - it is the same in every copy. The element is named url rather than uri for legacy reasons and to strongly encourage providing a resolvable URL as the identifier whenever possible. Ideally, it should be a literal URL that is the location of the master version of the value set, though this is not always possible
ValueSet.identifier: A system/value pair that is used to identify the value set in other contexts (such as an OID in an HL7 v3 specification)
In addition, any expansion for the value set also has ValueSet.expansion.identifier which uniquely identifies each expansion.
For further information regarding resource identification, see Resource Identity.
This means that each value set has 2 different URLs that can be used to reference it - its canonical URL (the url element), and its local location from which it may be retrieved (which includes the id element). Because it is common practice to copy (cache) value sets locally, most references to value sets use the canonical URL.
For example, the value sets published as part of FHIR all have a location ("literal") URI which is the URL where they may be accessed in the FHIR specification itself. Note, though, that while a new version of the FHIR Specification is being prepared, value sets that are published in the drafts will not be found in the current published FHIR specification at their canonical URL.
Alternatively, the identifier and version elements may be used to reference this value set in a
design, a profile, a CDA template
or HL7 v3 message (in the CD data
type valueSet and valueSetVersion properties). These different contexts may make additional restrictions on the
possible values of these elements. The identifier is generally not needed when using value sets in
a FHIR context, where the canonical URL is always the focus. Intensional vs Extensional
A value set may be described as intensional or extensional. The terms intensional and extensional come from the fields of mathematical logic and set theory.
An intensionally defined value set may be algorithmically defined e.g. all codes with the word diabetes in
the description. A key benefit of intensionally defined value sets is that their expansion can be dynamically
updated without changing the value set definition. This helps healthcare organizations keep current for example,
when new drugs (and their associated codes) become available or codes for diseases and other clinical concepts
are added.
Extensional value sets, meanwhile, are enumerated lists of codes where each code is listed individually. This gives the author and user of the value set
more control over the which codes are in the value set, but there is a greater maintenance burden to ensure that the value set is kept up to date.
A set of codes drawn from one or more code systems + Warning: Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation
Canonical identifier for this value set, represented as a URI (globally unique) + Warning: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
Include one or more codes from a code system or other value set(s) + Rule: A value set include/exclude SHALL have a value set or a system + Rule: A value set with concepts or filters SHALL include a system + Rule: Cannot have both concept and filter
Codes in the value set + Rule: SHALL have a code or a display + Rule: SHALL have a code if not abstract + Rule: SHALL have a system if a code is present
@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
[ a fhir:ValueSet;
fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root
# from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
# from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
fhir:url[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Canonical identifier for this value set, represented as a URI (globally unique)
fhir:identifier ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional identifier for the value set (business identifier)
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Business version of the value set
# versionAlgorithm[x]: 0..1 How to compare versions. One of these 2
fhir:versionAlgorithm[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:versionAlgorithm[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:name[ string ] ; # 0..1 IName for this value set (computer friendly)
fhir:title[ string ] ; # 0..1 Name for this value set (human friendly)
fhir:status[ code ] ; # 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown
fhir:experimental[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 For testing only - never for real usage
fhir:date[ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Date last changed
fhir:publisher[ string ] ; # 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
fhir:contact ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Contact details for the publisher
fhir:description[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Natural language description of the value set
fhir:useContext ( [ UsageContext ] ... ) ; # 0..* The context that the content is intended to support
fhir:jurisdiction ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Intended jurisdiction for value set (if applicable)
fhir:immutable[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 Indicates whether or not any change to the content logical definition may occur
fhir:purpose[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Why this value set is defined
fhir:copyright[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions
fhir:copyrightLabel[ string ] ; # 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s)
fhir:approvalDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet was approved by publisher
fhir:lastReviewDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet was last reviewed by the publisher
fhir:effectivePeriod[ Period ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet is expected to be used
fhir:topic ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
fhir:author ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who authored the ValueSet
fhir:editor ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who edited the ValueSet
fhir:reviewer ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who reviewed the ValueSet
fhir:endorser ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who endorsed the ValueSet
fhir:relatedArtifact ( [ RelatedArtifact ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional documentation, citations, etc
fhir:compose[ # 0..1 Content logical definition of the value set (CLD)
fhir:lockedDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 Fixed date for references with no specified version (transitive)
fhir:inactive[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 Whether inactive codes are in the value set
fhir:include( [ # 1..* Include one or more codes from a code system or other value set(s)
fhir:system[ uri ] ; # 0..1 IThe system the codes come from
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Specific version of the code system referred to
fhir:concept( [ # 0..* IA concept defined in the system
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Code or expression from system
fhir:display[ string ] ; # 0..1 Text to display for this code for this value set in this valueset
fhir:designation( [ # 0..* Additional representations for this concept
fhir:language[ code ] ; # 0..1 Human language of the designation
fhir:use[ Coding ] ; # 0..1 ITypes of uses of designations
fhir:additionalUse ( [ Coding ] ... ) ; # 0..* IAdditional ways how this designation would be used
fhir:value[ string ] ; # 1..1 The text value for this designation
] ... ) ;
] ... ) ;
fhir:filter( [ # 0..* ISelect codes/concepts by their properties (including relationships)
fhir:property[ code ] ; # 1..1 A property/filter defined by the code system
fhir:op[ code ] ; # 1..1 = | is-a | descendent-of | is-not-a | regex | in | not-in | generalizes | child-of | descendent-leaf | exists
fhir:value[ string ] ; # 1..1 Code from the system, or regex criteria, or boolean value for exists
] ... ) ;
fhir:valueSet ( [ canonical(ValueSet) ] ... ) ; # 0..* ISelect the contents included in this value set
fhir:copyright[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 A copyright statement for the specific code system included in the value set
] ... ) ;
fhir:exclude ( [ See ValueSet.compose.include ] ... ) ; # 0..* Explicitly exclude codes from a code system or other value sets
fhir:property ( [ string ] ... ) ; # 0..* Property to return if client doesn't override
] ;
fhir:expansion[ # 0..1 Used when the value set is "expanded"
fhir:identifier[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)
fhir:next[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Opaque urls for paging through expansion results
fhir:timestamp[ dateTime ] ; # 1..1 Time ValueSet expansion happened
fhir:total[ integer ] ; # 0..1 Total number of codes in the expansion
fhir:offset[ integer ] ; # 0..1 Offset at which this resource starts
fhir:parameter( [ # 0..* Parameter that controlled the expansion process
fhir:name[ string ] ; # 1..1 Name as assigned by the client or server
# value[x]: 0..1 Value of the named parameter. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:uri ; uri ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
] ... ) ;
fhir:property( [ # 0..* Additional information supplied about each concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Identifies the property on the concepts, and when referred to in operations
fhir:uri[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Formal identifier for the property
] ... ) ;
fhir:contains( [ # 0..* Codes in the value set
fhir:system[ uri ] ; # 0..1 ISystem value for the code
fhir:abstract[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 IIf user cannot select this entry
fhir:inactive[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 If concept is inactive in the code system
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Version in which this code/display is defined
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 0..1 ICode - if blank, this is not a selectable code
fhir:display[ string ] ; # 0..1 IUser display for the concept
fhir:designation ( [ See ValueSet.compose.include.concept.designation ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional representations for this item
fhir:property( [ # 0..* Property value for the concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Reference to ValueSet.expansion.property.code
# value[x]: 1..1 Value of the property for this concept. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
fhir:subProperty( [ # 0..* SubProperty value for the concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Reference to ValueSet.expansion.property.code
# value[x]: 1..1 Value of the subproperty for this concept. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
] ... ) ;
] ... ) ;
fhir:contains ( [ See ValueSet.expansion.contains ] ... ) ; # 0..* Codes contained under this entry
] ... ) ;
] ;
fhir:scope[ # 0..1 Description of the semantic space the Value Set Expansion is intended to cover and should further clarify the text in ValueSet.description
fhir:inclusionCriteria[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Criteria describing which concepts or codes should be included and why
fhir:exclusionCriteria[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Criteria describing which concepts or codes should be excluded and why
] ;
A set of codes drawn from one or more code systems + Warning: Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation
Canonical identifier for this value set, represented as a URI (globally unique) + Warning: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
Include one or more codes from a code system or other value set(s) + Rule: A value set include/exclude SHALL have a value set or a system + Rule: A value set with concepts or filters SHALL include a system + Rule: Cannot have both concept and filter
Codes in the value set + Rule: SHALL have a code or a display + Rule: SHALL have a code if not abstract + Rule: SHALL have a system if a code is present
@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
[ a fhir:ValueSet;
fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root
# from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
# from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
fhir:url[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Canonical identifier for this value set, represented as a URI (globally unique)
fhir:identifier ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional identifier for the value set (business identifier)
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Business version of the value set
# versionAlgorithm[x]: 0..1 How to compare versions. One of these 2
fhir:versionAlgorithm[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:versionAlgorithm[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:name[ string ] ; # 0..1 IName for this value set (computer friendly)
fhir:title[ string ] ; # 0..1 Name for this value set (human friendly)
fhir:status[ code ] ; # 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown
fhir:experimental[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 For testing only - never for real usage
fhir:date[ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Date last changed
fhir:publisher[ string ] ; # 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
fhir:contact ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Contact details for the publisher
fhir:description[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Natural language description of the value set
fhir:useContext ( [ UsageContext ] ... ) ; # 0..* The context that the content is intended to support
fhir:jurisdiction ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Intended jurisdiction for value set (if applicable)
fhir:immutable[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 Indicates whether or not any change to the content logical definition may occur
fhir:purpose[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Why this value set is defined
fhir:copyright[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions
fhir:copyrightLabel[ string ] ; # 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s)
fhir:approvalDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet was approved by publisher
fhir:lastReviewDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet was last reviewed by the publisher
fhir:effectivePeriod[ Period ] ; # 0..1 When the ValueSet is expected to be used
fhir:topic ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* E.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
fhir:author ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who authored the ValueSet
fhir:editor ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who edited the ValueSet
fhir:reviewer ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who reviewed the ValueSet
fhir:endorser ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who endorsed the ValueSet
fhir:relatedArtifact ( [ RelatedArtifact ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional documentation, citations, etc
fhir:compose[ # 0..1 Content logical definition of the value set (CLD)
fhir:lockedDate[ date ] ; # 0..1 Fixed date for references with no specified version (transitive)
fhir:inactive[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 Whether inactive codes are in the value set
fhir:include( [ # 1..* Include one or more codes from a code system or other value set(s)
fhir:system[ uri ] ; # 0..1 IThe system the codes come from
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Specific version of the code system referred to
fhir:concept( [ # 0..* IA concept defined in the system
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Code or expression from system
fhir:display[ string ] ; # 0..1 Text to display for this code for this value set in this valueset
fhir:designation( [ # 0..* Additional representations for this concept
fhir:language[ code ] ; # 0..1 Human language of the designation
fhir:use[ Coding ] ; # 0..1 ITypes of uses of designations
fhir:additionalUse ( [ Coding ] ... ) ; # 0..* IAdditional ways how this designation would be used
fhir:value[ string ] ; # 1..1 The text value for this designation
] ... ) ;
] ... ) ;
fhir:filter( [ # 0..* ISelect codes/concepts by their properties (including relationships)
fhir:property[ code ] ; # 1..1 A property/filter defined by the code system
fhir:op[ code ] ; # 1..1 = | is-a | descendent-of | is-not-a | regex | in | not-in | generalizes | child-of | descendent-leaf | exists
fhir:value[ string ] ; # 1..1 Code from the system, or regex criteria, or boolean value for exists
] ... ) ;
fhir:valueSet ( [ canonical(ValueSet) ] ... ) ; # 0..* ISelect the contents included in this value set
fhir:copyright[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 A copyright statement for the specific code system included in the value set
] ... ) ;
fhir:exclude ( [ See ValueSet.compose.include ] ... ) ; # 0..* Explicitly exclude codes from a code system or other value sets
fhir:property ( [ string ] ... ) ; # 0..* Property to return if client doesn't override
] ;
fhir:expansion[ # 0..1 Used when the value set is "expanded"
fhir:identifier[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)
fhir:next[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Opaque urls for paging through expansion results
fhir:timestamp[ dateTime ] ; # 1..1 Time ValueSet expansion happened
fhir:total[ integer ] ; # 0..1 Total number of codes in the expansion
fhir:offset[ integer ] ; # 0..1 Offset at which this resource starts
fhir:parameter( [ # 0..* Parameter that controlled the expansion process
fhir:name[ string ] ; # 1..1 Name as assigned by the client or server
# value[x]: 0..1 Value of the named parameter. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:uri ; uri ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
] ... ) ;
fhir:property( [ # 0..* Additional information supplied about each concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Identifies the property on the concepts, and when referred to in operations
fhir:uri[ uri ] ; # 0..1 Formal identifier for the property
] ... ) ;
fhir:contains( [ # 0..* Codes in the value set
fhir:system[ uri ] ; # 0..1 ISystem value for the code
fhir:abstract[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 IIf user cannot select this entry
fhir:inactive[ boolean ] ; # 0..1 If concept is inactive in the code system
fhir:version[ string ] ; # 0..1 Version in which this code/display is defined
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 0..1 ICode - if blank, this is not a selectable code
fhir:display[ string ] ; # 0..1 IUser display for the concept
fhir:designation ( [ See ValueSet.compose.include.concept.designation ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional representations for this item
fhir:property( [ # 0..* Property value for the concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Reference to ValueSet.expansion.property.code
# value[x]: 1..1 Value of the property for this concept. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
fhir:subProperty( [ # 0..* SubProperty value for the concept
fhir:code[ code ] ; # 1..1 Reference to ValueSet.expansion.property.code
# value[x]: 1..1 Value of the subproperty for this concept. One of these 7
fhir:value[ a fhir:code ; code ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:string ; string ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:integer ; integer ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ]
fhir:value[ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ]
] ... ) ;
] ... ) ;
fhir:contains ( [ See ValueSet.expansion.contains ] ... ) ; # 0..* Codes contained under this entry
] ... ) ;
] ;
fhir:scope[ # 0..1 Description of the semantic space the Value Set Expansion is intended to cover and should further clarify the text in ValueSet.description
fhir:inclusionCriteria[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Criteria describing which concepts or codes should be included and why
fhir:exclusionCriteria[ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Criteria describing which concepts or codes should be excluded and why
] ;
Must have a value for concept.designation.use if concept.designation.additionalUse is present
additionalUse.exists() implies use.exists()
4.9.6 Composition Rules
A value set can be a simple list of included codes, or it can be some kind of general selection criteria
using the facilities provided by the code system. For these value sets:
Multiple include statements are cumulative - e.g. the value set contains the union of all the includes
Within an include, all the criterion apply -e.g. the value set contains the intersection of the criterion
Within an include, a single system with selection criteria may be listed, and/or one or more value sets may be listed
valueSet(s) only: Codes are 'selected' for inclusion if they are in all the referenced value sets
If a System only is specified, the following rules apply:
no concept or filter: All codes defined by the code system, independent of code status, are included
concept: Only the enumerated codes are selected
filter: Any codes meeting the filter criteria are selected
valueSet and System: Codes are 'selected' for inclusion if they are selected by the code system selection
(after checking for concept and filter) and if they are in all the referenced value sets
If the system reference is not version specific and filters are present, then the contents of the value set are open and change
over time as the underlying code systems are updated
The version reference may be the special value '*', which indicates that the value set includes codes from all versions of the code system.
how to handle provision of the required versions and generation of expansions is at server discretion, including for poorly behaved code systems where
a code changes in meaning).
Implementation Note:Use of this capability is subject to future clarification and conformance requirements based on implementation experience.
Using the property filters is only possible where the code system in use defines
the relevant properties. Note that in some cases the underlying code system defines the
logical concepts but not the syntax for exercising them. In such cases, the literal
definitions may be provided by a third party
In addition to include rules, codes may be excluded. Rules for interpretation of exclude statements match those for includes, but codes in the exclude statements are never in the value set
Value sets may include abstract codes - that is, codes designated by the underlying code system as
not for use as a selectable concept in a particular context. These abstract codes are typically used as a grouping/searching mechanism,
and can be included either by enumerating them, or by using a filter.
Any compose.exclude SHALL be processed such that excluded codes are not found in the expansion
Any compose.include SHALL NOT reference a CodeSystem supplement.
Any compose.exclude SHALL NOT reference a CodeSystem supplement.
Required CodeSystem supplements SHALL be declared using either the valueset-supplement extension, or the useSupplement $expand input parameter. Compose
VSD Content Logical Definition (CLD) is analogous to FHIR ValueSet.compose. The ValueSet author creates the expression (intensional definition), the extensional list, or a text description of ValueSet.scope and ValueSet.description. There are three ways to accomplish ValueSet definitions in FHIR:
An expression that is not computable and is meant to be interpreted by a human
May be valued with or withoutValueSet.compose Filters
VSD describes filters for the Content Logical Definition. FHIR uses filters in the ValueSet.compose to implement the VSD features.
FHIR Implementation
When the ValueSet.compose is an expression (ValueSet.expression), declare the type of expression here
compose.include.filter.op = "property"
compose.include.filter.op = regex
compose.include.filter.value = "property value"
When the ValueSet.compose describes Concepts to include based on CodeSystem properties
compose.include.filter.property = "property name"
Either the Value or Expression must be provided
compose.include.filter.op = "="
compose.include.filter.value =the value
compose.include.filter.op = "regex"
compose.include.filter.value =the Expression
When the ValueSet.compose defines the types of relationships between concepts to include in the ValueSet Expansion
compose.filter.property = "RelationshipType"
(note: filter property is a string in VSD, code in FHIR)
compose.filter.property.op = "="
compose.filter.property.value = a code defined by the CodeSystem
to find all concepts in SNOMED CT with the SNOMED CT laterality qualifier relationship to the SNOMED CT concept "left":
filter.property.name = '272741003'
filter.property.op = '='
filter.property.value = '7771000' Code Systems Note
Each Code System defines which filters can be
used in ValueSet.compose.include.filter. All code systems have
base filters and any additional
filters defined in (CodeSystem.filter).
HL7 Terminology defines filters for various published code systems:
Code System fragments are a unique and identifiable distinct segment of an overall Code System namespace. While most Code Systems are in essence one fragment and, therefore, do not have identifiable fragments, some Code Systems can be made up of a collection of distinct segments. SNOMED CT is an example of such a Code System. The SNOMED CT International Edition is the base fragment and can be used alone, but there are many distinct additional fragments that can be added to the international core to create what is known as a SNOMED CT Edition.
The CodeSystem referenced in a ValueSet.compose may reference a CodeSystem fragment.
4.9.7 ValueSet Alignment with VSD Author and Publisher
Author, Steward and Publisher are roles associated with a Value Set Definition.
ValueSet Author is the person or organization that creates and may modify the ValueSet. The Steward is the person or organization responsible for the content, maintenance and life cycle of the ValueSet. The Publisher is the person or organization that makes the ValueSet available. The publisher or a terminology server might provide the ValueSet expansions.
In FHIR, ValueSet.publisher satisfies the requirements for both publisher and steward. Scope and Description
Description and Purpose are standard elements that appear in many FHIR resources. Neither fully supports the intent of the VSD Scope element, however ValueSet.description does support Focus as defined in VSD.
In combination with ValueSet.description, ValueSet.scope is used by a ValueSet.author to communicate the semantic space the ValueSet expansion is intended to cover to other authors and users and to create specific descriptions of what is included and what is excluded. Inclusion criteria should not be used to repeat the Content Logical Definition (ValueSet.compose) (see the first example below).
When a ValueSet definition includes other ValueSets, use ValueSet.description to provide information about the included value sets in context of the parent value set.
Purpose may be used for the ValueSet.author to describe why the ValueSet was created. ValueSet.description may be used to provide the ValueSet Focus as described in VSD.
Value Set Name
Scope Inclusion Criteria
Scope Exclusion Criteria
Body Site Value Set
All SNOMED CT anatomic structures, locations, abnormal structures that can be considered to describe an anatomical site.
Bad Example: SNOMED CT concepts descending from the Anatomical Structure (91723000) or Acquired body structure (body structure) (289115004) or Anatomical site notations for tumor staging (body structure) (258331007) or Body structure, altered from its original anatomical structure (morphologic abnormality) (118956008) or Physical anatomical entity (body structure) (91722005).
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
This value set contains terms defining familial hypercholesterolemia, regardless of genetic origin.
Good Example: Terms identifying familial hypercholesterolemia diagnoses.
Familial combined hyperlipidemia, polygenic hypercholesterolemia, pure hypercholesterolemia not specifically familial. There are no ICD-9-CM codes specific to familial hypercholesterolemia, hence no ICD-9-CM codes are included in this value set.
VSD and FHIR support the constraining the $expand operation to return only active concepts as defined by the CodeSystem.
The VSD element ActiveOnly equal to TRUE is equivalent to ValueSet.compose.inactive equal to FALSE. Status
The ValueSet resource defines a Value Set Definition and a Value Set Expansion. VSD describes only the characteristics of the Value Set Definition.
The VSD element ActivityStatus aligns with ValueSet.status, which is the status of the entire ValueSet resource with the exception of theValueSet.expansion. This aligns with VSD using the word definition to mean the Content Logical Definition plus all the other non-expansion metadata. A Value Set Expansion is stateless.
Note: ValueSet.status is bound with required binding strength to the PublicationStatus value set. The following table shows how the ActivityStatus values in VSD align with the values in the PublicationStatus Value Set Expansion.
VSD Activity Status Value
FHIR Publication Status Value
*There is no equivalent value in either VSD or the PublicationStatus Value Set.
4.9.8 Display and Designations
Concepts used in ValueSets can have a display, which is a short text that represents the meaning
of the concept to human users in the context of the value set (which often has narrower meaning and therefore
is amenable to shorter displays. If a display is not provided, the value set uses the
display from the code system (which is the preferred approach,
because overriding the display can lead to very unsafe outcomes).
When a value set enumerates codes, it is sometimes useful to define an alternative display for
the code that is to be used wherever the value set is expanded and used in a UI. This
facility is provided to cover the following circumstances:
The system that defines the code or expression doesn't provide a display for this code (or any codes).
The system that defines the code or expression defines multiple choices for display.
The system provides a very long display name that is unnecessary or inappropriate in the context of this value set (e.g. a display name of "Glucose [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma --10 PM specimen" for LOINC code 48991-4, when the value set only includes Glucose mass/vol in serum/plasma codes). As the display names get longer, this becomes more important.
Note that care must be taken in order to avoid "changing the meaning" of the concept by
implying that it means something other than the explicit definition of the concept in the
underlying code system (e.g., in the case above, using a display of "Glucose Concentration at 10pm").
For this reason, some contexts of use do not allow a display to be associated with a specific code
in a value set.
Any display name for a concept provided in the value set is for display to a human user.
The display in the Coding that results from a user
selecting a concept from the expansion must be taken from the underlying code system
definition, even if a value set is referenced explicitly in the Coding (e.g. by an
extension). The correct display for a
code can be determined by a $lookup operation.
Any alternative display specified in the value set would go in
CodeableConcept.text, perhaps appended to
the UI label for the matching data element.
As an example, the LOINC code 55423-8
has a display value of "Number of steps in unspecified time Pedometer". A value set for a pick list
in a patient generated data form might choose a simpler name:
The expansion display is taken from the value set, and this is what is displayed in the pick list.
Once the user picks the code, it will appear in the Observation.code like this:
Note that the correct value for the display is not in the expansion above.
The client can either omit the display, look it up using $lookup, or the
server might pre-populate it in the expansion:
Irrespective of this, the display in the expansion always goes in CodeableConcept.text.
In addition to the display, a concept can have one or more designation elements.
The display is equivalent to a special designation with an implied designation.use of "primary code"
and a language equal to the Resource Language. The designations can provide
additional displays for other languages, as well as designations for other purposes.
When using concepts, applications use the display unless the language or usage in context provides a reason
to use one of the designations.
4.9.9 Value Sets with multiple code systems
Value sets may select codes from multiple code systems - either
by including codes from different systems, or importing other
value sets that include them. A typical use for crossing code systems is
when including a set of codes, and adding a few additional codes to cover
cases not catered to by the included codes (e.g. Data missing or workflow error codes).
Best Practice Note: Mixing definitional systems offers the potential for
confusing, overlapping, and inconsistent definitions. Creating value sets that cross
code systems should be done with care to avoid creating definitional confusion.
Value sets should only include well differentiated concepts, but many value sets and code systems
do not have well differentiated concepts because of various real-world constraints.
4.9.10 Value Set Expansion
A value set can be "expanded", where the definition of the value set is
used to create a simple collection of codes suitable for use for data
entry or validation. There is a defined operation $expand to ask a server to perform this expansion.
Expansions are most useful when a value set includes
all the codes in a code system, or a set of codes by filter.
A resource that represents a value set expansion includes the same
identification details as the definition of the value set, and MAY
include the definition of the value set (.compose). In
addition, it has an .expansion element which contains
the list of codes that constitute the value set expansion. Each
contained code can include nested contained codes - see below
for further discussion.
When a request for an expansion is received (e.g., for the $expand operation),
the following process should be followed:
If the value set already has an expansion (e.g., a stored expansion):
Check that the parameters associated with the $expand operation are consistent with the parameters recorded in the expansion
If the parameters are inconsistent, then either generate a new expansion, or, if there is no definition (.compose), return an error
Additional parameters may be applied to an existing expansion if the server has validated that the result will be the same as if the expansion
was generated directly from the value set definition (e.g. text filter, designations included).
Otherwise: For each compose.include:
If there is a system, identify the correct version of the code system, and then:
If there are no codes or filters, add every code in the code system to the result set.
If codes are listed, check that they are valid, and check their active status, and if ok, add them to the result set (the parameters to the $expand operation may be used to control whether active codes are included).
If any filters are present, process them in order (as explained above), and add the intersection of their results to the result set.
For each valueSet, find the referenced value set by ValueSet.url, expand that (e.g., using the $expand operation: GET [base]/ValueSet/$expand$url=[compose.include.valueSet]), to produce a collection of result sets. This means that expansion across imports is a recursive process.
Add the intersection of the result set from the system (step 1) and all of the result sets from the value sets (step 2) to the expansion
For each compose.exclude, follow the same process as for compose.include, but remove codes from the expansion in step 3 instead of adding them.
When available, ValueSet.status and ValueSet.version from the ValueSet resource instance which contains the definition SHALL be returned in the ValueSet resource instance which contains the expansion.
The final "result set" is then represented in expansion.
Note that the expansion structure is inherently ordered; this specification does not fix the
meaning of use of the order. The conceptual approach described should not be understood to prohibit any implementation approach in
these regards. In addition, note that the method described above is a conceptual approach; individual servers may choose to follow
alternative approaches that are more efficient, as long as the outcome is the same.
The impact of Code System supplements on value set expansion - and
therefore value set validation - is
subject to ongoing experimentation and implementation testing, and further clarification and additional
rules might be proposed in future versions of this specification. Hierarchical Expansions
The expansion MAY be hierarchical - that is, it may have contains element that contain their own sub-elements, to any
level of depth. This specification does not fix the meaning of the hierarchy: there is
no implication about the logical relationship between the nested contain elements, and the
structure cannot be used for logical inferencing. The structure
exists to provide navigational assistance for helping human users to
locate codes in the expansion.
Note that the
CodeSystem resource and ValueSet.compose offer no direct support for defining hierarchies and groups.
An expansion may include entries in the expansion that only serve an arbitrary grouping purpose, to make it easier
for a human to use the list. These entries have no system or code, and must be marked as abstract. Uniqueness of Concepts in Expansions
Value set definitions may lead to more than one instruction to include a given concept in the value set across the includes and imports.
No matter how many times the definitions include a concept, it is only present in the value set once, and will only appear once
in a flat expansion of the value set. Note, however, that a concept may appear more than once in a nested hierarchy when the
expansion is prepared for UI use (irrespective of how many times it is included in the definitions). Note that uniqueness is
based on system/version/code; it is possible to include the same concept from different versions of a code system in the
same expansion, though this is generally confusing for users and should be avoided.
The codes in the expansion should be treated as case sensitive - implementers should use the correct
case. Implementers can consult the definition of the underlying code systems to determine whether the code system
that defines the code is case sensitive or not. Expansion Identifiers
It is important that expansions be identified properly. Any value set definition may produce an infinite
number of expansions, depending on the operation parameters. Any expansions
produced must be clearly identified so that there is no confusion. The following rules apply:
The canonical URL for the expansion is the same as the value set it was expanded from
Each expansion SHALL have a unique identifier in ValueSet.expansion.identifier
The result of an $expand operation may use the same identifier in ValueSet.expansion.identifier as a
previous expansion, but if it does, the canonical representation of the value set expansion SHALL be identical (e.g. a cached response) Expansion Parameters
The expansion contains a set of parameters in ValueSet.expansion.parameter that record what controlled the expansion process.
These parameters may be used by users of expanded value sets to check whether the expansion
is suitable for a particular purpose, or to pick the correct expansion. The server decides which
parameters to return in ValueSet.expansion.parameter, but at a minimum, the list SHOULD include:
All input parameters defined by the $expand operation and provided by the client and used by the server to generate the expansion
All input parameters defined by the $expand operation and their values for which the server provided default values
Canonical or URI references (including version) for all CodeSystems, CodeSystem Supplements and ValueSets used in the expansion
The following parameters are predefined by the $expand operation, and are suitable for use in the
expansion parameters:
A text filter that is applied to restrict the codes that are returned (this is useful in a UI context). The interpretation of this is delegated to the server in order to allow to determine the most optimal search approach for the context. The server can document the way this parameter works in TerminologyCapabilities..expansion.textFilter. Typical usage of this parameter includes functionality like:
using left matching e.g. "acut ast"
allowing for wild cards such as %, &, ?
searching on definition, designations and display(s)
allowing for search conditions (and / or / exclusions)
Text Search engines such as Lucene or Solr, long with their considerable functionality, might also be used. The optional text search might also be code system specific, and servers might have different implementations for different code systems
The date for which the expansion should be generated. if a date is provided, it means that the server should use the value set / code system definitions as they were on the given date, or return an error if this is not possible. Normally, the date is the current conditions (which is the default value) but under some circumstances, systems need to generate an expansion as it would have been in the past. A typical example of this would be where code selection is constrained to the set of codes that were available when the patient was treated, not when the record is being edited. Note that which date is appropriate is a matter for implementation policy.
Paging support - where to start if a subset is desired (default = 0). Offset is number of records (not number of pages)
Paging support - how many codes should be provided in a partial page view. Paging only applies to flat expansions - servers ignore paging if the expansion is not flat. If count = 0, the client is asking how large the expansion is. Servers SHOULD honor this request for hierarchical expansions as well, and simply return the overall count
Controls whether concept designations are to be included or excluded in value set expansions
A token that specifies a system+code that is either a use or a language. Designations that match by language or use are included in the expansion. If no designation is specified, it is at the server discretion which designations to return
Controls whether the value set definition is included or excluded in value set expansions. This includes all elements of the ValueSet, including extensions, with the exception that the id and meta elements would be specific to the expansion, not to the definition value set, and the expansion itself is filled out.
Controls whether inactive concepts are included or excluded in value set expansions. Note that if the value set explicitly specifies that inactive codes are included, this parameter can still remove them from a specific expansion, but this parameter cannot include them if the value set excludes them
Controls whether or not the value set expansion may nest codes or not (i.e. ValueSet.expansion.contains.contains). If excludeNested is set to true, the expansion MUST be flat (no nesting). If excludeNested is set to false (default), however, nesting is possible but not required
Controls whether or not the value set expansion might include
codes from the CodeSystem with a notSelectable property set to true as specified in status and in Concept Properties
One purpose of such concepts is helping a user navigate through the list efficiently. If excludeNotForUI is set to true, the concepts as described above will be excluded from the expansion. If excludeNotForUI is set to false (default), all concepts as described above may be part of the expansion. In the FHIR Specification itself, the value set expansions are generated with excludeNotForUI = false, and the expansions used when generating schema / code etc., or performing validation, are all excludeNotForUI = true.
Controls whether or not the value set expansion includes post coordinated codes
Specifies the language to be used for description in the expansions i.e. the language to be used for ValueSet.expansion.contains.display
Code system, or a particular version of a code system to be excluded from the value set expansion. The format is the same as a canonical URL: [system]|[version] - e.g. http://loinc.org|2.56
Specifies a version to use for a system, if the value set does not specify which one to use. The format is the same as a canonical URL: [system]|[version] - e.g. http://loinc.org|2.56
Edge Case: Specifies a version to use for a system. If a value set specifies a different version, an error is returned instead of the expansion. The format is the same as a canonical URL: [system]|[version] - e.g. http://loinc.org|2.56
Edge Case: Specifies a version to use for a system. This parameter overrides any specified version in the value set (and any it depends on). The format is the same as a canonical URL: [system]|[version] - e.g. http://loinc.org|2.56. Note that this has obvious safety issues, in that it may result in a value set expansion giving a different list of codes that is both wrong and unsafe, and implementers should only use this capability reluctantly. It primarily exists to deal with situations where specifications have fallen into decay as time passes. If the value is overridden, the version used SHALL explicitly be represented in the expansion parameters
The count and offset parameters are important. If the expansion is a page out of
the whole expansion, the offset and count parameters SHALL be populated. Clients
can reliably use the count/offset parameters to determine whether the whole
expansion is returned.
Other parameters that servers may be required to use:
[content] : The content value for the code system for the canonical URL.
Applications generating expansions SHALL use this parameter if the CodeSystem.content value is "fragment"
[canonical2] : Indicates that the specified supplement (canonical2) contributed to the content
of the expansion for the code system canonical1 (by influencing selection, or providing designations). Applications generating expansions SHALL use this parameter to record
that a supplement was used during the expansion process
There's also some parameters that only go in the response to an expand, so that the server can inform the
consumer of the expansion which value sets, code systems and supplements were used as the basis for the
The canonical URL (system | {version} if available) of a different value set that was used during the expansion of the value set
Beyond all these parameters, servers MAY define their own parameters, though Terminology server
authors are requested to bring additional parameters to HL7 (via 'Propose a change'
link below) in the interests of interoperability.
Servers can also create and store Provenance statements about the expansion, or AuditEvent records
of the expansion process if further transparency is required. These resources can contain considerable
detail about the various inputs to the process, and any significant decisions by the expansion
engine. Further details around this (and profiles on the relevant resources) may be provided
in future versions of this specification or related implementation guides.
Request for Feedback:
The existing set of parameters are intended to cover the vast majority of
use cases, but there are some cases where the parameters do not provide
enough control to a client, particularly with regard to combinations of
parameters, and the interplay between code system versions and other parameters.
Implementers may need to define their own value sets to meet these requirements.
Ongoing feedback is welcome at [link to be provided] Storing Expansions
Whether to store expanded value sets, or simply to store their definitions and expand on the fly is
a matter for system deployment. Some servers, including public value sets servers, only store expansions.
However, any system that stores an expansion must be concerned with how to determine whether the expansion
is still current, and this requires deep knowledge of how the expansion was created.
A system with a dedicated terminology server that returns expansions on demand avoids this problem, but
leaves open the question of how to audit the specific expansion that was used for a particular case.
One solution to this is to use a dedicated terminology server, and have the clients ask for
expansions on demand based on the value set definitions, and for the server to store (and reuse as
appropriate) the returned expansion (when it reuses the expansion, ValueSet.expansion.identifier will
be the same). If expansions are shared, users need to be aware of how expansion identifiers (which may be
server specific) work. Searching for codes in value sets
The search parameters defined on ValueSet include the code parameter. This is intended
to allow a consumer to find all the value sets that include a particular code. However, fully
evaluating this search parameter is extremely onerous for a server. Further, whether a code is
in a value set depends on the context in which expansions are performed (see the $expand operation).
For this reason, the degree to which the search parameter is supported can be declared in the Terminology Capability
4.9.11 Combinations of .compose and .expansion
Use cases for the different combinations:
.compose only:
Provides the value set definition (CLD). This is the expected format from the value set publisher.
.expansion only:
Provides the value set expansion, which might or might not be persisted (see 4.8.7 Value Set Expansion above).
The "expansion only" format may be returned in the $expand operation output (at the terminology server's discretion).
Both .compose and .expansion:
The terminology server often may include the definition as well as the expansion in the $expand operation output.
The resource instance including the expansion might or might not be persisted.
Neither .compose nor .expansion:
This is a valid format for ValueSet resource instances. A primary use case is the return from a summary search (i.e. _summary=true).
This may be especially useful to reduce the performance overhead when returning a summary of extensionally defined value sets
(which may include a large number of concepts in the value set definition).
4.9.12 Implicit Value Sets
Instead of a ValueSet resource as the definition, implicit value sets are defined in a specification which
references the underlying code system structures and includes a prescribed URI pattern to identify the
value set. HL7 has defined implicit value set URI patterns for some key code systems.
Implicit value sets allow the URI to serve as the basis for ValueSet operations such as
$expand and $validate-code
without the need to create a defining ValueSet resource instance.
Some advantages of using implicit value sets are that they may be used:
With read-only terminology servers because a ValueSet resource cannot be posted
With HTTP GET requests because they are cacheable
To enable text searches (google like) for concepts across the entirety of large code systems (e.g., SNOMED CT)
To provide a convenient way to reference all or parts of code systems in the definition of a ValueSet or ConceptMap
In some cases it is not possible to express a value set definition using ValueSet.compose - but
it may be possible to express the value set definition with an implicit value set URI. An example
of this scenario is all SNOMED CT concept IDs that identify reference sets.
If there is an explicit value set resource with the same URI as a known implicit value set,
it SHALL conform the pattern described in the definition of the implicit value set.
It is up to the discretion of the server how to handle explicit instances when it is
also able to process requests for the implicit value set.
Implementation Note:
If the relevant server(s) support implicit value sets, implementers are discouraged from creating their own explicit value sets with the same URI,
as their existence may create confusion.
Implementers SHOULD NOT
create ValueSet resources where the ValueSet.url value matches the pattern of a known implicit value set.
Implicit value set URIs can be used anywhere a value set URI can be used. Support for implicit value
set URI patterns varies across terminology servers.
Some (but not all) code systems have implicit value set URI patterns defined by HL7 and documented
for use with FHIR terminology services. Code system publishers may also define implicit value set
URI patterns. FHIR terminology servers might or might not support any or all of these URI patterns.
Caution should be exercised when using value set URI patterns that have not been defined by HL7 or
the code system publisher.
The following links describe the currently defined FHIR implicit value set URL patterns for these listed code systems: