5.0.0-ci-build - ci-build Switzerland flag

CH EMED (R4), published by HL7 Switzerland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: 1-1 Medication Treatment Plan document

Generated Narrative: Composition

ResourceComposition "1-1-Composition" (Language"de-CH")

Profile: CH EMED Medication Treatment Plan Composition

Security Labels:

identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/urn:uuid:c9f758a1-296c-4710-84d4-e181db8c7478

status: FINAL

type: Medication treatment plan.extended Document (LOINC#77603-9; SNOMED CT#761931002 "Medication treatment plan report (record artifact)")

date: 2011-11-29 11:00:00+0100

author: See on this page: PractitionerRole/FamilienHausarztAtHausarzt

title: Therapieentscheid Medikation

Medikamentöser Behandlungsplan

PräpartenameWirkstoffnameGalenische FormDosis pro EinheitDos.MorgenDos.MittagDos.AbendDos.NachtVerabreichungswegKommentarAnwendungsdauerBehandlungsgrund
TriatecRamiprilTbl2.5 mg0.5000oralBluthochdruck

Additional Document Content

2. (Patient/MonikaWegmueller)

Anonymous Patient Female, DoB: 1943-05-15 ( Medical record number: 11111111)

3. (PractitionerRole/FamilienHausarztAtHausarzt)

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "FamilienHausarztAtHausarzt"

Profile: CH EMED PractitionerRole

practitioner: See on this page: Practitioner/FamilienHausarzt

organization: See on this page: Organization/Hausarzt

4. (Practitioner/FamilienHausarzt)

Generated Narrative: Practitioner

ResourcePractitioner "FamilienHausarzt"

Profile: CH EMED Practitioner

identifier: GLN/7601000234438

name: Familien Hausarzt

5. (Organization/Hausarzt)

Generated Narrative: Organization

ResourceOrganization "Hausarzt"

Profile: CH EMED Organization

identifier: GLN/7601000234438

name: Hausarzt


*Krankenstrasse 2 Zürich 8005 CH

6. (MedicationStatement/1-1-MedStatTriatec)

Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement

ResourceMedicationStatement "1-1-MedStatTriatec"

Profile: CH EMED MedicationStatement

identifier: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)/urn:uuid:c9f758a1-296c-4710-84d4-e181db8c7478

status: RECORDED

subject: See on this page: Patient/MonikaWegmueller

dateAsserted: 2011-11-29 11:00:00+0100

informationSource: See on this page: PractitionerRole/FamilienHausarztAtHausarzt


Generated Narrative: Medication #Triatec

code: TRIATEC Tabl 2.5 mg (unknown#7680538751228 "TRIATEC Tabl 2.5 mg 20 Stk")


*2.5 milligram (Details: UCUM codemg = 'mg')/1 Tablet (unit of presentation) (Details: SNOMED CT code732936001 = 'Tablet (unit of presentation)')