AU Base Implementation Guide
5.0.1-ci-build - CI Build Australia flag

AU Base Implementation Guide, published by HL7 Australia. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 5.0.1-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: AUBasePatient - Detailed Descriptions

Page standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 3

Definitions for the au-patient resource profile.

Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here

0. Patient

Demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

ShortA patient in an Australian healthcare context
Invariantsinv-pat-0: If present, birth time's date shall be the birth date (birthDate.extension('').exists() implies birthDate.extension('').value.toString().substring(0,10) = birthDate.toString())
inv-pat-1: Individual gender identity shall be a member of the Gender Identity Response value set if any codes within that value set can apply (extension('').empty() or extension('').all(extension('value').value.memberOf('')))
inv-pat-2: Individual pronouns shall be a member of the Australian Pronouns value set if any codes within that value set can apply (extension('').empty() or extension('').all(extension('value').value.memberOf('')))
inv-pat-3: Recorded sex or gender type shall be a member of the AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type value set if any codes within that value set can apply (extension('').extension('type').empty() or extension('').all(extension('type').value.memberOf('')))
inv-pat-4: Recorded sex or gender source document type shall be a member of the AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type value set if any codes within that value set can apply (extension('').extension('sourceDocument').empty() or extension('').all(extension('sourceDocument').value.memberOf('')))
inv-pat-5: Recorded sex or gender jurisdiction shall be a member of the Jurisdiction ValueSet - AU Extended value set if any codes within that value set can apply (extension('').extension('jurisdiction').empty() or extension('').all(extension('jurisdiction').value.memberOf('')))
2. Patient.extension
SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on Patient.extension. The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
  • value @ url
  • 4. Patient.extension:birthPlace
    Slice NamebirthPlace
    TypeExtension(Patient Birth Place) (Extension Type: Address)
    6. Patient.extension:indigenousStatus
    Slice NameindigenousStatus
    TypeExtension(Australian Indigenous Status) (Extension Type: Coding)
    8. Patient.extension:veteranStatus
    Slice NameveteranStatus
    TypeExtension(Australian Veteran Status) (Extension Type: Coding)
    10. Patient.extension:closingTheGapRegistration
    Slice NameclosingTheGapRegistration
    TypeExtension(Closing the Gap Registration) (Extension Type: boolean)
    12. Patient.extension:mothersMaidenName
    Slice NamemothersMaidenName
    TypeExtension(Patient Mother's Maiden Name) (Extension Type: string)
    14. Patient.extension:interpreterRequired
    Slice NameinterpreterRequired
    TypeExtension(Interpreter Required) (Extension Type: boolean)
    16. Patient.extension:dateOfArrival
    Slice NamedateOfArrival
    TypeExtension(Date of Arrival in Australia) (Extension Type: date)
    18. Patient.extension:genderIdentity
    Slice NamegenderIdentity
    ShortGender identity shall be a member of the Gender Identity Response value set if any codes within that value set can apply

    The individual's gender identity is populated in the extension:value.value[x] of the Individual Gender Identity extension and shall contain one of the codes from the Gender Identity Response value set if any of the codes within the value set can apply.

    See Australian Bureau of Statics (ABS) Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020 for further materials.

    TypeExtension(Individual Gender Identity) (Complex Extension)
    20. Patient.extension:individualPronouns
    Slice NameindividualPronouns
    ShortPronouns shall be a member of the Australian Pronouns value set if any codes within that value set can apply

    The individual's pronouns are populated in the extension:value.value[x] of the Individual Pronouns extension and shall contain one of the codes from the Australian Pronouns value set if any of the codes within the value set can apply.

    TypeExtension(Individual Pronouns) (Complex Extension)
    22. Patient.extension:recordedSexOrGender
    Slice NamerecordedSexOrGender
    ShortRecorded sex or gender type shall be a member of the AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type value set if any codes within that value set can apply. Recorded sex or gender source document type shall be a member of the AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type value set if any codes within that value set can apply. Recorded sex or gender jurisdiction shall be a member of the Jurisdiction - ValueSet AU Extended value set if any codes within that value set can apply

    icon Changed:

    The type of recorded sex or gender is populated in the extension:type.value[x] of the Person Recorded Sex or Gender extension and shall contain one of the codes from the AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type value set if any of the codes within the value set can apply.

    The document from which the sex or gender property was acquired is populated in the extension:sourceDocument.value[x] of the Person Recorded Sex or Gender extension and shall contain one of the codes from the AU Recorded Sex or Gender (RSG) Source Document Type value set if any of the codes within the value set can apply.

    The jurisdiction that issued the document where the sex or gender was acquired is populated in the extension:jurisdiction.value[x] of the Person Recorded Sex or Gender extension and shall contain one of the codes from the Jurisdiction ValueSet - AU Extended value set if any of the codes within the value set can apply.

    TypeExtension(Person Recorded Sex Or Gender) (Complex Extension)
    24. Patient.identifier
    ShortIdentifies this patient across multiple systems
    NoteThis is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
    TypeIdentifier(Identifier, AU IHI, AU Medicare Card Number, AU DVA Number, AU Health Care Card Number, AU Pensioner Concession Card Number, AU Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Number, AU Medical Record Number, AU Insurance Member Number)
    26. Patient.birthDate
    ShortDate of birth extended for time and accuracy indicator

    Age of the individual drives many clinical processes. May include accuracy indicator and specific birth time.

    LOINC Code
    28. Patient.birthDate.extension
    SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on Patient.birthDate.extension. The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
    • value @ url
    • 30. Patient.birthDate.extension:accuracyIndicator
      Slice NameaccuracyIndicator
      ShortBirth date accuracy indicator

      In some circumstances, systems may only have date or datetime data that has unknown or estimated parts. This coding establishes the accuracy of the day, month and year parts.

      TypeExtension(Date Accuracy Indicator) (Extension Type: Coding)
      32. Patient.birthDate.extension:birthTime
      Slice NamebirthTime

      The time of day that the patient was born. This includes the date to ensure that the timezone information can be communicated effectively.

      ShortBirth time
      TypeExtension(Patient/Person/RelatedPerson/Practitioner Birth Time) (Extension Type: dateTime)
      34. Patient.deceased[x]

      Indicates if the individual is deceased or not. Deceased date accuracy indicator is optional.

      [x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
      SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on Patient.deceased[x]. The slices areUnordered and Closed, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
      • type @ $this
      • 36. Patient.deceased[x]:deceasedBoolean
        Slice NamedeceasedBoolean

        Boolean indicator if the individual is deceased or not.

        ShortDeceased indicator
        [x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
        Primitive ValueThis primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
        38. Patient.deceased[x]:deceasedDateTime
        Slice NamedeceasedDateTime

        Individual deceased date-time with optional accuracy indicator.

        ShortDeceased date time
        [x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
        Primitive ValueThis primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
        40. Patient.deceased[x]:deceasedDateTime.extension
        SlicingThis element introduces a set of slices on Patient.deceased[x].extension. The slices areUnordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
        • value @ url
        • 42. Patient.deceased[x]:deceasedDateTime.extension:accuracyIndicator
          Slice NameaccuracyIndicator
          ShortDeceased date accuracy indicator

          In some circumstances, systems may only have date or datetime data that has unknown or estimated parts. This coding establishes the accuracy of the day, month and year parts.

          TypeExtension(Date Accuracy Indicator) (Extension Type: Coding)
          44. Patient.address
          Shorticon Changed:An address for the individual

          The address is intended to describe postal addresses for administrative purposes, not to describe absolute geographical coordinates. Postal addresses are often used as proxies for physical locations (also see the Location resource).

          TypeAddress(Australian Address, Address)
          BindingUnless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Contact Relationship Type .
          (extensible to
          icon Added: 50.
          ShortAddress for the contact person

          The address is intended to describe postal addresses for administrative purposes, not to describe absolute geographical coordinates. Postal addresses are often used as proxies for physical locations (also see the Location resource).

          TypeAddress(Address, Australian Address)
          52. Patient.communication
          54. Patient.communication.language
          BindingUnless not suitable, these codes SHALL be taken from Common Languages in Australia .
          (extensible to

          Link to a Patient or RelatedPerson resource that concerns the same actual person.

          ShortLink to a Patient or RelatedPerson resource that concerns the same actual person