QI-Core Implementation Guide
7.0.0 - STU7 United States of America flag

QI-Core Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Clinical Quality Information. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 7.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/fhir-qi-core/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: QICoreMedicationRequest - Detailed Descriptions

Active as of 2018-08-22

Definitions for the qicore-medicationrequest resource profile.

Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here

0. MedicationRequest
ShortOrdering of medication for patient or group
Invariantsmrq-1: To indicate what medication, either a reference to a Medication, or either at least one coding in the medication or a codeOperations extension shall be provided ((medication is Reference).not() implies medication.extension('http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codeOptions').exists() xor medication.coding.exists())
2. MedicationRequest.extension:medicationAdherence
Slice NamemedicationAdherence
ShortReported adherence to prescribed medication instructions.
TypeExtension(US Core Medication Adherence Extension) (Complex Extension)
Must Supportfalse
4. MedicationRequest.status
Short(QI) active | on-hold | cancelled | completed | entered-in-error | stopped | draft | unknown
6. MedicationRequest.intent
Short(QI) proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
8. MedicationRequest.doNotPerform
Short(QI) True if the order is not to provide the medication
Primitive ValueThis primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
10. MedicationRequest.reported[x]
Short(QI) Reported rather than primary record
TypeChoice of: boolean, Reference(QICore Practitioner, QICore PractitionerRole, QICore Patient, QICore RelatedPerson)
[x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
Primitive ValueThis primitive element may be present, or absent, or replaced by an extension
Must Supporttrue
Must Support TypesNo must-support rules about the choice of types/profiles
12. MedicationRequest.medication[x]
Short(QI) Medication to be taken
BindingThe codes SHOULD be taken from Medication Clinical Drug .
(preferred to http://cts.nlm.nih.gov/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1010.4)
[x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
14. MedicationRequest.medication[x].extension:codeOptions
Slice NamecodeOptions

A logical reference (e.g. a reference to ValueSet.url) to a value set/version that identifies a set of possible coded values representing the medication.

Short(QI) Url of a value set of candidate medications
This element is affected by the following invariants: mrq-1
TypeExtension(Code Options) (Extension Type: canonical(ValueSet))
16. MedicationRequest.subject
Short(QI) Who or group medication request is for
TypeReference(QICore Patient)
18. MedicationRequest.encounter
Short(QI) Encounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
TypeReference(QICore Encounter)
20. MedicationRequest.authoredOn
Short(QI) When request was initially authored
22. MedicationRequest.requester
Short(QI) Who/What requested the Request

Should include QICoreDevice but the base profile excludes device references.

TypeReference(QICore Practitioner, QICore PractitionerRole, QICore Patient)
24. MedicationRequest.reasonCode
Short(QI) Reason or indication for ordering or not ordering the medication
26. MedicationRequest.reasonReference
Short(QI) QI-Core Condition or Observation that supports the prescription
TypeReference(QICore Condition Encounter Diagnosis, QICore Condition Problems Health Concerns, QICore Simple Observation)
28. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction
Short(QI) How medication should be taken
30. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing
Short(QI) When medication should be administered
32. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat
Short(QI) When the event is to occur
34. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.bounds[x]
Short(QI) Length/Range of lengths, or (Start and/or end) limits
[x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
36. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequency
Short(QI) Event occurs frequency times per period
38. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequencyMax
Short(QI) Event occurs frequencyMax times per period
40. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.period
Short(QI) Event occurs frequency times per period
42. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodMax
Short(QI) Upper limit of period (3-4 hours)
44. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodUnit
Short(QI) s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
46. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.asNeeded[x]
Short(QI) Take "as needed" (for x)
[x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
48. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate
Short(QI) Amount of medication administered
50. MedicationRequest.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]
Short(QI) Amount of medication per dose
[x] NoteSeeChoice of Data Typesfor further information about how to use [x]
52. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest
Short(QI) Medication supply authorization
54. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.initialFill
56. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.dispenseInterval
Short(QI) Minimum period of time between dispenses
58. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.validityPeriod
Short(QI) Time period supply is authorized for
60. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed
Short(QI) Number of refills authorized
62. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.quantity
Short(QI) Amount of medication to supply per dispense
64. MedicationRequest.dispenseRequest.expectedSupplyDuration
Short(QI) Number of days supply per dispense