Interoperable Digital Identity and Patient Matching
2.0.0-ballot - STU2 Ballot United States of America flag

Interoperable Digital Identity and Patient Matching, published by HL7 International / Patient Administration. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Use Cases

This section provides a detailed description on identity workflows outlined in this IG. We have divided these workflows into two groups: Core Identity workflows and Use Case workflows.

Core Identity Workflows

Identity Proofing Workflow

Pre-Conditions: The individual is not known by an organization at the required level of assurance, the organization's documented identity verification process was not used, or the process was not completed by an individual in the organization's workforce.


  1. Establish the level of assurance required based on risk assessment and the sensitivity of the resources being accessed. (IAL2 if this individual is a HIPAA Covered Entity engaging in B2B transactions, IAL1.5 if the individual is a patient or authorized representative of a patient whose demographics will be matched for sharing with HIPAA Covered Entity organizations, or IAL1.8 if this individual is a patient or authorized representative of a patient whose demographics will be matched for sharing with anyone who is not a HIPAA Covered Entity
  2. Gather sufficient evidence to verify the identity of the individual.
  3. Confirm that the provided evidence is genuine and accurate by validating the authenticity of identity documents using trusted sources or databases and information on the evidence.
  4. Ensure the person presenting the identity evidence is the legitimate owner of that identity, according to this guidance and [NIST 800-63] Digital Identity Guidelines, and the intended level of assurance
  5. Consider Digital Identity Creation, including generating an identifier and binding the identity to a credential, as part of this same encounter–this allows the individual to authenticate themselves without repeating the entire identity verification process.

Outcome: The individual has been successfully verified

Match Workflow


  • Requesting system can generate a FHIR Patient resource conformant to one of the IDI profiles (Base, L0, L1) established in this guide.
  • Requesting and receiving systems are capable of communication via FHIR API
  • Requester, either a human or a system, is authenticated and authorized to perform the action
  • Receiving system may run both weighting and scoring processes found on the [Patient Matching] page


  1. The requesting system initiates a match request to the receiving system’s FHIR endpoint.
  2. The receiving system runs a weighting algorithm to determine if the Patient resource found in the request meets the minimum value asserted in the IDI profile and required for the workflow (imperfect matching with L0 invariant, input weight score of at least 9, and attributes verified at IAL1.5, is permitted when data will be returned to a HIPAA Covered Entity; when a single high confidence match is required, L1 invariant with input weight score of at least 10 and attributes verified at IAL1.8 and AAL2 authentication of the individual–claimed by a trusted requester and consistent with the Digital Identity guidance–may initiate a Consumer Match appropriate for access to health data when the requester is not a HIPAA Covered Entity).
  3. The receiving system intakes the match request and runs their own matching algorithm against the database of identities they manage to determine if there are one or more matches.
  4. The receiving system replies to the requesting system with the relevant Patient resource(s) in a FHIR Bundle.

Outcome: Requesting system has obtained a valid FHIR Bundle containing either a matched FHIR Patient resource or resources or received a “No Match Found” response if the receiving system was unable to complete the request.

Digital Identity Creation

Actors: patient (or authorized representative), Identity Provider


  1. Individual completes an IAL1.8 or greater identity verification process per Identity Proofing workflow
  2. The Identity Provider generates and binds a Digital Identifier to an OpenID Connect credential with AAL2 authentication assurance.
  3. The resultant Digital Identifier can then be associated with the individual in that organization's system and shared, when authorized, with other systems able to validate an Identity Provider assertion and successfully perform a Consumer Match.


Use Case Workflows

Patient-Directed B2C

Actors: Authorized Representative (User) OR Patient, Patient Chosen App, Authorization Server, FHIR Server, Identity Provider

Description: Patient or their authorized representative authorizes a third-party application to access patient’s data as in the SMART App Launch workflow (or equivalent) using their credentials at the data holder organization or other trusted credentials from a third-party Identity Provider (for example, as in Unified Data Access Profiles (UDAP) Tiered OAuth for User Authentication to authenticate the user.)


  • The patient (and user) has been registered and verified by a physician’s office (or other provider)
  • The patient (and user) is known by the Identity Provider
  • The Identity Provider is trusted by the physician’s office (if a third party is used)


  1. A user wishes to access their accessible health information through an app of their choice
  2. User authorizes data flow to their chosen app
  3. User authenticates with credentials issued by the practice OR the user is prompted to log into the physician’s data source through the authentication process of a different Identity Provider’s compliant Digital Identity (in either case following SMART, etc. as usual)
  4. User completes necessary prompts, creating a credential with the identity Provider if it did not exist or resetting the credential if needed.
  5. If a trusted, third-party Identity Provider is being used, the usual requirements for a Consumer Match exist and the responder must match the Digital Identifier asserted by the Identity Provider, or another combination of demographics with input weight score of 10 or greater consistent with this guidance, against the identities of individuals they manage.
Patient-Directed B2C
Patient-Directed B2C


Patient-Mediated B2C

Actors: User (individual or third-party system), Patient or Authorized Representative, Patient PHR App, App’s Authorization Server, App’s FHIR Server, Identity Provider

Description: A patient or their authorized representative authorizes access to their data by a third party when the data are under the patient’s management and not the data creator’s (e.g., a consumer app enables the patient to manage their own data).


  1. Digital Identity Creation is performed by the PHR App for the individual. In addition or instead, the individual may use a Digital Identity managed by a trusted Identity Provider to authenticate themselves to the PHR App.
  2. When the individual attempts to authorize User's ccess to the patient’s health data, they do so using SMART App Launch, including an explicit authorization, and either a Digital Identity managed by a trusted Identity Provider or credentials of equivalent identity and authentication assurance managed by the PHR App itself
  3. Whether the PHR App's own or a trusted, third-party Identity Provider’s assertions are used to authenticate the individual, the requirements for a Consumer Match apply and the responding PHR App matches either the Digital Identifier or a combination of demographics with input weight score of 10 or greater, consistent with this guidance, against the identities they manage. If a successful Consumer Match is found, the PHR App may provision a credential, reset an authenticator, or know which individual is being authenticated when relying on a trusted Identity Provider.
  4. If an appropriate individual was authenticated and consents to information sharing, health data can be returned to the User.
Patient-Mediated B2C
Patient-Mediated B2C

Patient-Directed B2C Using Digital Identity

Description: This is a special case of Patient-Directed exchange in which a third-party Identity Provider is used. The use case involves health data access such as in TEFCA Individual Access Services, but could also be used in different cases where patient authentication is required, such as consent management or request for restrictions (part of View, download, and transmit to 3rd party).

Actors: Patient or Authorized Representative, Third-Party requester (for example, Insurance Company), Healthcare Organization, Identity Provider

  1. The patient authenticates to their insurance company’s system using the credential associated with their Digital Identifier and authorizes the Identity Provider to share their identifier with the insurance company as representative of their identity.
  2. The insurance company uses the Digital Identifier in a match request to the healthcare organization.
  3. Because this strong identity assurance credential has been used to authenticate the individual to both systems, the individual authorizes sharing of PII from the Identity Provider to the healthcare organization for identity resolution, and authorization to share health data with the insurance company is obtained, the health system can confidently share the correct patient data with the requesting party.
  4. If needed, the health system can contact the account holder out of band for additional information or can request real-time identity verification if the Digital Identity is not yet known to them.


App-Mediated B2B with Patient User (includes B2B Patient Request workflows)

Actors: User (Authorized Representative or Patient), B2B App, Authorization Server, FHIR Server

Description: In this use case, a patient or their authorized representative uses a patient-facing app, not necessarily operated by a HIPAA Covered Entity, to exercise their HIPAA Right of Access. The user’s identity is verified in accordance with this guide. This use case which relies on UDAP Business-to-Business security model in FHIR transactions may be limited to a match with or without endpoint lookup (record location) or may also include a health data request. In other words, the user is attempting to access patient id(s) corresponding to one or more endpoints and/or the patient’s health data at those endpoints without using a credential they obtained from the data creator or intermediary data holder. Note that this use case can be implemented for record location at one or more endpoints and a different use case employed for access to health data. Trust in the requesting party is essential to having confidence in the requester's assertions, since ultimately this is a B2C transaction. When performed by a trusted participant under TEFCA, this use case is also referred to as an Individual Access Services.

Pre-conditions: requester can meet Consumer Match requirements for the Patient AND (if different individuals) the Authorized Representative–sufficient demographics with input weight score of 10 or greater are available for match input and were verified at IAL1.8 or greater; if the individual has a credential it is AAL2 or greater.


  1. A user would like to access a patient’s records via an app that is trusted by the responder. The user logs into the application to do so, with a Digital Identity or equivalent (IAL1.8/AAL2) credentials.
  2. When the user initiates the query, the application undergoes a UDAP B2B with User Authentication process, using a B2B credential to establish trust with the responder.
  3. The identity of the user is evaluated by the Authorization Server against their database of patients and authorized representatives to determine, if a Consumer Match exists, which patients’ data this individual may access.
  4. When authentication is complete, the application creates a match request with the demographics available for the patient in the query, again meeting Consumer Match requirements–match input weight score of 10 or greater, IAL1.8 and L1.
  5. The responder will undergo a weighting adjudication to determine the strength of the match request.
  6. If sufficient, the responder will then run a match against their patient database
  7. If a Consumer Match on the patient results, the resultant Patient resource will be returned in a FHIR Bundle
B2B with Patient User
B2B with Patient User


B2B Treatment Payment Operations (TPO) / Coverage Determination / etc.

Actors: B2B App, Authorization Server, FHIR Server

Note: The workflow between these use cases is similar, except for the purpose of use:

  • a covered entity with an exchange purpose of treatment, healthcare payment, or healthcare operations
  • a covered entity with an exchange purpose of eligibility determination

Examples of B2B exchange relevant to this IG include record location and other patient matching use cases for queries and messaging enabled for trusted organizations by community or point to point access. Relevant B2B exchanges also include TEFCA Facilitated FHIR, TEFCA Brokered FHIR, TEFCA Broadcast Query, TEFCA Targeted Query, TEFCA Message Delivery, TEFCA Population-Level Data Exchange, and associated patient discovery and matching services.

Pre-conditions: The requester and the responder have established trust and are able to exchange information. Requester and Responder have patient demographics for use in matching that were verified at IAL1.5 or higher. requester has sufficient verified demographics (input weight score of 9 or greater).


  1. The requesting system authenticates itself to the responding system via UDAP B2B Authentication and Authorization steps.
  2. The requesting sends a match request per the Match Workflow including L0 patient resource with attributes verified at IAL1.5 at minimum – Step 1
  3. The responding system receives, matches, and returns a FHIR Bundle per the Match Workflow – Steps 2-4
B2B Treatment Payment Operations (TPO) / Coverage Determination / etc.
B2B Treatment Payment Operations (TPO) / Coverage Determination / etc.