Electronic Long-Term Services and Supports (eLTSS) Release 1 - US Realm
2.0.0 - STU2 United States of America flag

Electronic Long-Term Services and Supports (eLTSS) Release 1 - US Realm, published by HL7 International / Human and Social Services. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/eLTSS/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

eLTSS Profiles

General constraints on FHIR resources to be adhered to as part of the eLTSS implementation guide that apply regardless of what area(s) of Long Term Care are of interest

eLTSS CarePlan Profile

Base profile that defines the CarePlan constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Claim Profile

Defines the Claim constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Condition Profile

Defines the Condition constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Contract Profile

Defines the Contract constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS EpisodeOfCare Profile

Defines the EpisodeOfCare constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Goal Profile

Defines the Goal constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Location Profile

Defines the Location constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Observation Profile

Defines the Observation constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Patient Profile

Defines the Patient constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS RelatedPerson Profile

This profile sets minimum expectations for the RelatedPerson resource to record, search, and fetch basic administrative information about persons with a legal or familial relationship to a patient. It is patterned off of USCORE.

eLTSS Practitioner Profile

Defines the Practitioner constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS PractitionerRole Profile

Defines the PractitionerRole constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS Questionnaire Profile

Defines the Questionnaire constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS QuestionnaireResponse Profile

Defines the QuestionnaireResponse constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS RiskAssessment Profile

Defines the RiskAssessment constraints for eLTSS

eLTSS ServiceRequest Profile

Defines the ServiceRequest constraints for eLTSS


Extensions defined as part of the eLTSS implementation guide

eLTSS Risk Management Plan

Risk Management Plan eLTSS data set element

eLTSS self-directed

Indicates whether the individual chose to self-direct the service.

Capability Statement(s)

Capability Statement(s) showing the use of the eLTSS profiles

eLTSS Client

Defines the eLTSS Client capabilities

eLTSS Server

Defines the eLTSS Server capabilities

Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

All Eltss Careplan

Provide all eLTSS data for a given Patient’s CarePlan. Given a CarePlan with a specific Patient and ID, this operation will return all the referenced artifacts necessary to satisfy the eLTSS data element set found in the DAM. The Operation reduces the number of queries that a client must make. This operation definition is in draft and should be revised in subsequent versions of this IG. The parameter here is a single output parameter named return. This means that the expectation is that a single Bundle Resource will be returned. The type for the bundle can be collection.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Observation Code Value Set

Value Set to define the Strength and Preference Codes for the eLTSS Observation profile

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

eLTSS Condition Category Code CodeSystem

Additional code for Assessed Need for Condition Category element

eLTSS Observation Code CodeSystem

Code System to define the Strength and Preference Codes for the eLTSS Observation profile

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


Example of PractitionerRole eLTSS Profile


Example of Practitioner eLTSS Profile


Example of CarePlan eLTSS Profile


Example of CarePlan eLTSS Profile


Example of Claim eLTSS Profile


Example of Claim eLTSS Profile


Example of Claim eLTSS Profile


Example of Location eLTSS Profile


Example of Contract eLTSS Profile

eLTSS data elements example

Example of a Bundle with eLTSS data elements. Note: Review JSON and/or XML, as not all elements are rendered by the publisher in the narrative content


Example of EpisodeOfCare eLTSS Profile


Example of Goal eLTSS Profile


Example of Goal eLTSS Profile


Example of RelatedPerson eLTSS Profile


Example of Location eLTSS Profile


Example of Condition eLTSS Profile


Example of Condition eLTSS Profile


Example of Condition eLTSS Profile


Example of Condition eLTSS Profile


Example of Patient eLTSS Profile


Example of Practitioner eLTSS Profile


Example of Observation eLTSS Profile


Example of Practitioner eLTSS Profile


Example of Practitioner eLTSS Profile


Example of Practitioner eLTSS Profile


Example of Questionnaire eLTSS Profile


Example of QuestionnaireResponse eLTSS Profile


Example of RiskAssessment eLTSS Profile


Example of ServiceRequest eLTSS Profile


Example of ServiceRequest eLTSS Profile


Example of ServiceRequest eLTSS Profile


Example of ServiceRequest eLTSS Profile


Example of RelatedPerson eLTSS Profile


Example of Observation eLTSS Profile


Example of Observation eLTSS Profile


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.


Example of Task as used in eLTSS


Example of Task as used in eLTSS


Example of Coverage used in eLTSS


Example of Organization used in eLTSS


Example of Organization as used in eLTSS