Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange
2.1.0 - ballot United States of America flag

Da Vinci Payer Data Exchange, published by HL7 International / Financial Management. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/davinci-epdx/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Other IG Artifacts

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Other Implementation Guides

An important objective in the HL7 Da Vinci Accelerator Project is to avoid unnecessary profile proliferation and to leverage common processes. To this end the PDex IG leverages the profiles, extensions and operations incorporated into other Implementation Guides.

Implementation Guides

PDex references the following Implementation Guides:

Note: The FAST National Directory (NDH) IG has yet to be published. To enable PDex to leverage the profiles and extensions in the NDH IG the required Profiles, Extensions, Value Sets and Code Systems have been copied into PDex. Once the NDH IG is published it is intended that the PDex IG would remove the NDH content in a future PDex STU update and reference the FAST NDH IG directly.


The following profiles are referenced in this IG:

US Core

Health Record Exchange (HRex)

Da Vinci Member Attribution (ATR)


The following operations are referenced:

Health Record Exchange (HRex)

Da Vinci Member Attribution (ATR)

IG/package dependencies

The following dependencies are used in production of this guide:

.. Da Vinci Payer Data Exchangehl7.fhir.us.davinci-pdex#2.1.0R4
... US Core (Reuse Wrapper)hl7.fhir.us.core.3.1.1#3.1.1R4
... US Core Implementation Guidehl7.fhir.us.core#6.1.0R4
... Da Vinci Health Record Exchange (HRex)hl7.fhir.us.davinci-hrex#1.1.0-ballotR4
... CARIN Consumer Directed Payer Data Exchange (CARIN IG for Blue Button®)hl7.fhir.us.carin-bb#2.0.0R4
... Da Vinci Prior Authorization Support (PAS) FHIR IGhl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas#2.0.1R4
... Da Vinci - Member Attribution (ATR) Listhl7.fhir.us.davinci-atr#2.0.0R4
... National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guidehl7.fhir.us.ndh#1.0.0-ballotR4
... Da Vinci - Documentation Templates and Ruleshl7.fhir.us.davinci-dtr#2.0.0R4
... FHIR Extensions Packhl7.fhir.uv.extensions#5.1.0-ballot1R5
... HL7 Terminology (THO)hl7.terminology.r4#5.5.0R4

Cross version analysis

This is an R4 IG. None of the features it uses are changed in R4B, so it can be used as is with R4B systems. Packages for both R4 (hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pdex.r4) and R4B (hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pdex.r4b) are available.

IP Statements

This publication includes IP covered under the following statements.

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