Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Australian Digital Health Agency. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


This material is under active development and content may be added or updated on a regular basis.

The policy for defining, using, maintaining, and implementing using FHIR version R4 within the Australian Digital Health Agency.

Serialisation TBD Architecture Team

ADHA-FHIR-SERIAL-01 A FHIR API SHALL support JSON serialisation

ADHA-FHIR-SERIAL-02 A FHIR API endpoint SHALL support JSON formatted requests/responses

ADHA-FHIR-SERIAL-03 A FHIR API endpoint SHOULD support XML serialisation

ADHA-FHIR-SERIAL-04 A FHIR API that supports an XML serialisation SHALL use the FHIR standard namespace for FHIR XML and FHIR XHTML

ADHA-FHIR-SERIAL-05 A FHIR API endpoint SHALL declare the serialisation mime-types supported in the Conformance/CapabilityStatement resource for that endpoint

National Services TBD Architecture Team

ADHA-FHIR-NATSEVICES-0X National FHIR services SHALL use consistent basePaths.

In order to support the move to FHIR for a set of national services, a URL scheme has been defined that will allow entities such as Patients and Organisations to be referenced reliably even when the relevant national FHIR services have not yet been implemented. These URLs should also support a future move to Internet-facing services, and as such it should be possible to resolve them over both the Internet and N3/HSCN as applicable.

The following basePaths are to be used for national services:

API Name basePath Further path to endpoint
Immunisation History /immunisation-history /FHIR/R4
Patient Demographics /patient-demographics /FHIR/R4
COVID-19 Test Results /covid-19-test-result /FHIR/R4

Operations TBD Architecture Team

ADHA-FHIR-OPER-0X Where …. standard FHIR operation, the standard operation SHOULD be used.

ADHA-FHIR-OPER-0X Where … a customer operation SHOULD be used.

Identifiers TBD Architecture Team to provide

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-0X References in a FHIR message SHOULD be logical reference to a resource in the Bundle

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-0X References in a FHIR document SHOULD be a logical reference to a resource in the Bundle

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-0X References between RESTful resources SHOULD be literal references but MAY be logical references

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-0X Business identifiers SHALL only be used as the resource id in RESTful APIs when the system is the authoritative source of that entity with the exceptions called out before for nationally supported identifiers.


ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-01 At least one well formed patient identifier SHALL be provided

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-02 Where a verified IHI is available for a patient that IHI SHALL be provided

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-03 A system SHALL support the following patient identifiers: IHI, DVA, and Medicare Card.

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-04 A system SHALL support the following healthcare provider individual identifiers: HPI-I, CAE, and Medicare Provider.

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-05 A system SHALL support the following organisation identifiers: HPI-O, PAI-O, and ABN.

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-06 A system SHOULD support the following device identifiers: PAI-D, PAI-R, UID.

ADHA-FHIR-IDENT-07 An identifier data element SHALL conform to the applicable HL7 AU Identifier profile.


ADHA-FHIR-PROFILE-0X An ADHA Core FHIR Asset SHALL NOT define alternate elements for use in place of elements defined in a HL7 FHIR base resource

ADHA-PROFILE-PROFILE-0X An ADHA Core FHIR Asset SHALL conform to the applicable HL7 AU Base FHIR Asset

ADHA-FHIR-PROFILE-0X An ADHA FHIR Asset SHALL derive from an ADHA FHIR Core Asset in the first instance, if available, otherwise it SHALL derive from an applicable HL7 AU Base Asset

ADHA-FHIR-PROFILE-0X An ADHA Core FHIR Asset SHALL derive from HL7 AU Base material in the first instance if available, otherwise derive

ADHA-FHIR-PROFILE-0X Use of extensions SHALL follow order of precedence:

  1. HL7 extension
  2. HL7 AU extension
  3. ADHA extension
  4. Other

Artefact identification, naming, versioning, and publication

There are primarily four types of artefacts provided to support implementations:

  1. FHIR implementation guide publication (human-readable HTML)
  2. FHIR NPM package (machine-readable Tarball)
  3. FHIR conformance resources: published in a FHIR implementation guide and FHIR NPM package
  4. FHIR terminology resources: ADHA resources of these types are published and managed by the National Clinical Terminology Service

ADHA FHIR conformance resources may be one of:

Canonical identifiers (URI)

FHIR conformance resources are identified by a canonical identifier that is a globally unique URI.

Canonical identifiers (URI) for ADHA FHIR conformance resources SHALL be in the form of [base-uri]/[resource-type]/[resource-id]:

  • [base-uri] for ADHA FHIR conformance resources is*
  • [resource-type] is string of the resource type, e.g. StructureDefinition, SearchParameter
  • [resource-id] is the and is constructed in accordance with the rules for that resource type

*The canonical namespace (URI) for ADHA artefacts is This is not limited to FHIR and includes national identifiers and service interfaces.

The following table shows how the canonical identifier (URI) for each resource type may be constructed.

[base-uri] /[resource-type] /[resource-id] /CapabilityStatement /[resource-id] /StructureDefinition /[resource-id] /ImplementationGuide /[resource-id] /SearchParameter /[resource-id] /OperationDefinition /[resource-id] /StructureMap /[resource-id]

ImplementationGuide [resource-id] and FHIR NPM package name

The [resource-id] for an ImplementationGuide SHALL match the FHIR NPM package name.

The [resource-id] for an ImplementationGuide and FHIR NPM package name SHALL be all lowercase in the form of [base-id].[fhir-version].[optional-subpackage-case]:

  • [base-id] is au.digitalhealth
  • [fhir-version] is in the form of stu3 or r4 or r5
  • [optional-subpackage-case] is optional and if present SHALL have individual words separated by -
    • It should be a business name that MAY be two or three words and SHALL NOT exceed five
    • Common use abbreviations or acronyms MAY be used, punctuation such as apostrophe or ampersand SHALL NOT be used
    • SHALL NOT be present for a publication that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials for a FHIR version, i.e. the package id for this implementation guide SHALL be au.digitalhealth.r4
    • SHALL be present for a publication that manages a subpackage for a specific implementation context e.g. medicare-records is the subpackage name that forms part of the packageId au.digitalhealth.stu3.medicare-records for the Medicare Records FHIR Implementation Guide

In an ImplementationGuide this [resource-id] SHALL be used in three places:

  • The exact value in id
  • Form part of the canonical identifier (URI): ImplementationGuide.url
  • The exact value in the packageId field: ImplementationGuide.packageId

Example: ImplementationGuide resource with id, url, packageId

  "resourceType": "ImplementationGuide",
    "id": "au.digitalhealth.r4",
    "url": "",
    "packageId": "au.digitalhealth.r4",

Example: ImplementationGuide resource for a subpackage with id, url, packageId

  "resourceType": "ImplementationGuide",
    "id": "au.digitalhealth.stu3.medicare-records",
    "url": "",
    "packageId": "au.digitalhealth.stu3.medicare-records",

StructureDefinition [resource-id] - profiles

The [resource-id] for a StructureDefinition that is a profile SHALL be all lowercase in the form of dh-[resource-profiled]-[use-case]-[optional-use-case2]-[structure-version]:

  • [resource-profiled] is the value in StructureDefinition.type
  • [use-case] is a business name and SHALL NOT have individual words separated
    • Common use abbreviations or acronyms SHOULD be used, punctuation such as apostrophe or ampersand SHALL NOT be used
  • [optional-use-case2] is a business name for a case that is a specialism of the case represented by [use-case] and SHALL NOT have individual words separated
    • Common use abbreviations or acronyms SHOULD be used, punctuation such as apostrophe or ampersand SHALL NOT be used
  • [structure-version] is in the form of the major part of the StructureDefinition.version string, see the section Versioning

In a StructureDefinition this [resource-id] SHALL be used in three places:

  • Form part of the StructureDefinition's file name
  • The exact value in id
  • Form part of the canonical identifier (URI): StructureDefinition.url

Example: StructureDefinition resource that is a core profile

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "id": "dh-bodystructure-core-1",
    "url": "",

Example: StructureDefinition resource with a 2nd use case name

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "id": "dh-explanationofbenefit-medicare-mbs-1",
    "url": "",

StructureDefinition [resource-id] - extensions

The [resource-id] for a StructureDefinition that is an extension SHALL be all lowercase in the form of dh-[element-name]-[structure-version]:

  • [element-name] SHALL have individual words separated by -
    • MAY be two or three words and SHALL NOT exceed five
    • Common use abbreviations or acronyms MAY be used, punctuation such as apostrophe or ampersand SHALL NOT be used
  • [structure-version] is in the form of the major part of the StructureDefinition.version string, see the section Versioning

In a StructureDefinition this [resource-id] SHALL be used in three places:

  • Form part of the StructureDefinition's file name
  • The exact value in id
  • Form part of the canonical identifier (URI): StructureDefinition.url

Example: StructureDefinition resource that is an extension

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "id": "dh-packed-in-daa-1",
    "url": "",

Important Note: An exception to this policy has been accepted for the extension Date of Initial Registration first implemented in 2018 in FHIR 3.0.1.


In order to promote consistency and make it easier for implementers to locate suitable profiles, extensions, etc, for their projects, a naming policy has been adopted.

A conformance resource has two elements covered by a naming policy:

  1. the name element e.g.
  2. the title element e.g. StructureDefinition.title

In addition to the requirements defined in the FHIR standard this section defines conventions for ADHA FHIR conformance resources by resource type.

ImplementationGuide naming for base

The name for an ImplementationGuide that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials for a FHIR version SHALL be "ADHAFHIR".

The title for an ImplementationGuide that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials for a FHIR version SHALL be "Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR".

Example: ImplementationGuide resource that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials

  "resourceType": "ImplementationGuide",
    "name": "ADHAFHIR",
    "title": "Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR",

ImplementationGuide naming for subpackage

The name for an ImplementationGuide that manages a subpackage SHALL be in the form of ADHA[optional-computable-use-case]FHIR:

  • [optional-computable-use-case] if present SHALL be the value of the [optional-human-readable-use-case] from the title with the following differences:
    • SHALL use UpperCamelCase
    • SHALL contain no whitespace

The title for an ImplementationGuide that manages a subpackage SHALL be in the form of ADHA [optional-human-readable-use-case] FHIR:

  • [human-readable-use-case]
    • SHALL NOT be present for the implementation guide that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials for a FHIR version
    • SHALL be a title case version of the [optional-subpackage-case] of the ImplementationGuide [resource-id]

Example: ImplementationGuide resource with the optional human readable use case name

  "resourceType": "ImplementationGuide",
    "name": "ADHAMedicareRecordsFHIR",
    "title": "ADHA Medicare Records FHIR",

StructureDefinition naming - profiles

The name for a StructureDefinition that is a profile SHALL be in the form of ADHA[resource-profiled][computable-use-case]:

  • [resource-profiled] is the value in StructureDefinition.type
  • [computable-use-case] is a business name and SHALL NOT have individual words separated
    • SHALL use UpperCamelCase
    • SHALL be Core for all core profiles
    • SHOULD be an abbreviations or acronyms

The title for a StructureDefinition that is a profile SHALL be in the form of ADHA [human-readable-use-case]:

  • [human-readable-use-case] is a business name and SHALL have individual words separated by a whitespace
    • SHALL use title case
    • SHALL be Core [resource-profiled] for all core profiles e.g. ADHA Core Patient
    • SHOULD otherwise provide a full name or acronym that describes the use context, project or operation and where possible include common use abbreviations or acronyms

Example: StructureDefinition resource that is a core profile

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "name": "ADHABodyStructureCore",
    "title": "ADHA Core BodyStructure",

Example: StructureDefinition resource with a 2nd use case name

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "name": "ADHAExplanationofBenefitMBS",
    "title": "ADHA Record of Claim against MBS or DVA",

StructureDefinition naming - extensions

The name for a StructureDefinition that is an extension SHALL be in the form of [computable-element-name]:

  • [computable-element-name] SHALL be the value of title with the following differences:
    • SHALL use UpperCamelCase
    • SHALL contain no whitespace

The title for a StructureDefinition that is an extension SHALL be in the form of [human-readable-element-name]:

  • [human-readable-element-name] is a business name and SHALL have individual words separated by a whitespace
    • SHALL use title case
    • SHALL be a meaningful element name in the style of the FHIR standard and that conveys the element meaning in the shortest set of words

Example: StructureDefinition resource that is an extension

  "resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
    "name": "MedicinesPackedInDAAIndicator",
    "title": "Medicines Packed in Dose Administration Aid Indicator",


The version policy follows Semantic versioning with some changes to account for a publication and not a software release.

The four types of artefacts (publications, NPM packages, conformance resources, and terminology resources) are versioned in accordance with this policy. The visible publication version, ImplementationGuide resource version, and NPM package for that publication SHALL have the same version. Conformance and terminology resources published in, or referenced by, that publication MAY be versioned independently.

There is a single development version of the publication that undergoes cycles of development. At the completion of each cycle of development a new version of the publication is published. In version control terms, each published publication is a branch off the development trunk, which may then itself undergo further change as the Agency maintains the published publication (limited to necessary technical corrections or security alerts) and introduces new capabilities.

The same Semantic versioning versioning standard is applied to the four types of ADHA artefacts. The version is identified by a string composed from 4 parts: major.minor.revision(-label):


  • Incremented every time an updated release is made that contains one or more breaking changes
  • Equivalence to a deprecated format such as CDA, is version 0
  • The initial release of a FHIR-first design is version 1.0.x


  • Increments every time an updated release is made that contains one or more substantive changes (see below)
  • Resets to 0 any time the major version changes
  • Sometimes breaking changes may be made to particular features of the publication and characterised as minor changes. When this happens, the publication will clearly indicate the grounds on which this is considered a minor update


  • Is set to 0 when a new release of FHIR is published
  • Increments when technical corrections and clarifications are made to an existing published publication
  • These changes are only made as technical corrections when it is agreed that they do not affect implementations

label (optional)

  • Labels are used to mark pre-releases of planned publications
  • Full publications have no label; the presence of a label automatically marks a version as work in progress
  • Common labels are draft[N], qa-preview[N] for formal review activities, snapshot[N], or trial-use[N]. Snapshot releases are used typically used to support a proof of concept, connectathon, or other implementation exploration activity.
  • The label ci-build is used to mark the continuous integration build. This is a rolling version; changes may be made numerous times a day, generally driven by change requests or new development cycles

Changes to a formally published publication (except for minor publishing corrections, such as correcting broken external links) are SHOULD only be made via announced technical corrections.

FHIR artefacts such as conformance resource or terminology resources MAY be versioned individually within a single ImplementationGuide in accordance with a change management process for each resource or MAY be kept in lock with the version of the ImplementationGuide.

Examples provided as part of a publication are never normative, or versioned.

Types of change that may affect a version

In order to promote consistency and easy of maintenance the definition of change types defined in the FHIR standard is adopted, these are summarised below:

  • Breaking changes are changes that mean that previously conformant applications are no longer conformant to the updated artefact
  • Substantive changes are changes that introduce new functionality - changes to the artefact that create new capabilities - but would not render unchanged existing applications non-conformant
  • Non-substantive changes should not cause changes in any conformant application. For example, section renumbering, correcting broken links, changing styles, fixing typos, and providing clarifications that do not change the meaning. In addition, this covers corrections that are judged not to create any expectation of change to a conformant application

Examples provided as part of a publication are never treated as normative or substantive. While every effort is made to ensure that example resources are correct, changes to the examples in a publication or NPM package SHALL be considered non-substantive.


An ADHA FHIR conformance resource for public implementation SHALL be published in a public implementation guide and an NPM package. The latest release of a publication SHALL be published at a fully versioned URL and a non-versioned URL (see the section Publication URLs below).

The NPM package:

Some implementation contexts will be supported by targeted conformance assets, e.g. Provider Connect Australia. The publications and/or profiles that define a particular implementation context SHALL define requirements for publication and management of FHIR conformance resources for that context, and SHALL manage those artefacts accordingly.

All FHIR materials relating to national systems and other nationally defined FHIR API profiles (including StructureDefinitions, ValueSets, OperationDefinitions, ImplementationGuides, etc.) SHALL be held on a publicly available GitHub repository published by the Australian Digital Health Agency. The location for Agency material in GitHub is:

Comments, feedback and suggestions from developers on FHIR resources (and associated documentation) SHOULD be managed through TBD using the standard features for raising and tracking issues on the site.

Publication URLs

To account for a potential future need to concurrently actively support multiple major versions of FHIR, i.e. support a new capability like a record type or API or interaction in more than one FHIR version, publication locations SHOULD make content available in:

  • non-versioned URLs, i.e. non-FHIR versioned and non-publication versioned
  • publication versioned URLs that are non-FHIR versioned
  • fully versioned URLs, i.e. FHIR versioned and publication versioned

Therefore, a publication URL may be made up of [base-publication-url]/[fhir-version]/[publication-case]/[publication-version]:

  • [base-publication-url] is
  • [fhir-version] is in the form of STU3 or R4
  • [publication-case] SHALL be all lowercase and have individual words separated by -
    • SHALL be dh for a publication that manages the core and common ADHA FHIR materials for a FHIR version
    • SHALL be the [optional-subpackage-case] of the ImplementationGuide [resource-id] for a publication that manages a subpackage
  • [publication-version] is the ImplementationGuide.version string, see the section Versioning

Example: Non-versioned publication URL for this ImplementationGuide

Example: Fully versioned publication URL for this ImplementationGuide

Publication URL expected resolution behaviour

The expected resolution behaviour of publication URLs is summarised below:

  • Non-versioned URLs SHALL resolve to the Home page of the latest version of that publication
  • Versioned URLS SHALL resolve to the Home page of the specified version of that publication

This behaviour SHOULD be supported by managing publication of a versioned and non-versioned URL:

  • The first approved release of a publication is at a versioned URL and a non-versioned URL
  • Each subsequent release of a publication is published at a URL for that version, and also replaces the content published at the non-versioned URL

Taking the ADHA FHIR Implementation Guide, if this publication was hypothetically published only in FHIR R4 and had two published versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0:

Publication URL entered into browser Resolves to

Canonical identifier (URI) expected resolution behaviour

The canonical identifier for ADHA FHIR publication and conformance resources SHOULD be resolvable URLs. The publication location for ADHA artefacts MAY be different and resolve by redirection. Resolution SHOULD behave as defined in the FHIR standard.

The expected behaviour of resolution of canonical identifiers is summarised below:

  • An non-versioned canonical identifier SHALL resolve to the latest FHIR version and the latest published version of that resource with exception of an ImplementationGuide resource
  • The canonical identifier of an ImplementationGuide resource, e.g., SHALL resolve to the Home page of the latest version of that publication
  • The versioned canonical identifier of an ImplementationGuide resource, e.g., SHALL resolve to the Home page of the specified version of that publication
  • The publication location SHOULD be a FHIR server hosting resources so that the publication URL acts like a Service Base URL such that a GET of [publication-url]/[resource-type]/[id] returns a FHIR resource

Taking the ADHA FHIR Implementation Guide, if this publication was hypothetically published only in FHIR R4 and had two published versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0:

Canonical URL entered into browser Resolves to