Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Australian Digital Health Agency. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


General requirements

Systems may deploy, and support, one or more ADHA profiles (i.e. the profiles governed by this guide) to represent clinical information. Each profile defines the FHIR structures required, the data element definitions, their associated rules of usage including the use of extensions and terminology, and references the additional profiles necessary to assert conformance.

A system SHOULD support all ADHA profiles unless the system does not anticipate supplying or consuming a certain type of data, usually by virtue of playing a limited or specialised role in clinical or information workflows. For example, a pathology laboratory may support ADHA Core DiagnosticReport, but not ADHA Core MedicationRequest.

To support an ADHA profile:

  • systems SHALL comply with the applicable HL7 FHIR standard
  • systems SHALL be able to populate all profile data elements that are mandatory and/or labelled MustSupport as defined by that profile’s StructureDefinition according to the section on Must support
    • systems SHALL support all referenced profiles necessary to implement this profile
    • meta.profile MAY be populated in a resource to indicate the set of profiles a resource is declared to conform to
  • systems SHOULD declare conformance with the profile(s) by specifying the full capability details for that profile it claims to implement by
    • including its official URL in the server’s element
    • listing the supported FHIR RESTful transactions
  • systems SHALL NOT conform to a Core profile where a more specific profile is applicable

To support an ADHA CapabilityStatement:

  • systems SHALL declare conformance with the TBD CapabilityStatement by including its official URL in the server’s CapabilityStatement.instantiates element:
  • systems SHALL specify the full capability details for that CapabilityStatement it claims to implement by
    • TBC

General requirements

ADHA-FHIR-CONF-0X A system SHALL comply with the applicable HL7 FHIR standard

ADHA-FHIR-CONF-0X A system SHALL reject any request to create or update a resource that contains a resource that is not supported by the Conformance/CapabilityStatement resource for that endpoint

ADHA-FHIR-CONF-0X A system SHALL reject any request to create or update a resource that contains a modifier extension that is not supported by the Conformance/CapabilityStatement resource for that endpoint

ADHA-FHIR-CONF-0X A system SHALL reject any request to create or update a resource that contains a resource that does not conform to the Conformance/CapabilityStatement resource for that endpoint

ADHA-FHIR-CONF-07 An ADHA Core profile SHALL NOT be used where a more specific profile is applicable. An implementation SHALL ensure the resource conforms to that specific profile.

For example, a Shared Health Summary is to conform to the specific profile governing conformance of Shared Health Summary rather than only conform to ADHA Document Composition.

Must support

Labelling an element MustSupport means that implementations that produce or consume resources SHALL provide support for the element in some meaningful way. ADHA profiles impose a core set of must support obligations on classes of implementations based on roles and data services. Some implementation contexts require additional support, e.g. ePrescribing. The specifications and/or profiles that define a particular implementation context SHALL make clear the required support for that context.

A sending system:

  • when making a request to an endpoint SHALL conform to the Conformance/CapabilityStatement for that endpoint and conform to all applicable ADHA conformance requirements
  • when responding to a request - TBD
  • when constructing a resource:
    • SHALL ensure the resource conforms to the applicable ADHA profile
    • SHALL implement the guidance on extensibility if including “additional” elements according to section on Extensibility – “additional” elements
    • SHALL implement the guidance on missing data if asserting a mandatory element is missing according to the section on Missing data
    • SHALL populate all elements labelled MustSupport where the sending system has that information unless:
      • there is a clinical reason why supplying the information would be unsafe, misleading, or otherwise clinically inappropriate
      • the data is suppressed due to a security or privacy reason

A receiving system:

  • SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing the elements labelled MustSupport where the resource has been constructed in accordance with ADHA conformance requirements; depending on local requirements this may mean display, persist, index, or action in an event or request workflow
  • MAY choose to reject non-conformant resources
  • SHALL interpret missing data elements within resource instances as data not present in the source system
  • SHALL be able to process resources containing “additional” elements according to section on Extensibility – “additional” elements

A persisting system:

  • SHALL reject any request to create or update a resource that is not supported by the Conformance/CapabilityStatement, contains a modifier extension that is not supported by the Conformance/CapabilityStatement, or is a supported type but does not conform to the Conformance/CapabilityStatement resource for that endpoint
  • in circumstances other than those specified above (request to create or update a resource) MAY choose to reject non-conformant resources but is not required to do so
  • SHALL be able to persist resources containing data elements asserting missing information according to the section on Missing data
  • SHALL be able to persist resources containing "additional" elements according to section on Extensibility – “additional” elements

Presentation of elements labelled MustSupport in profile views

When viewing the raw JSON of a profile, elements labelled MustSupport are flagged as mustSupport set to "true".

Example: ADHA Core AllergyIntolerance profile showing clinicalStatus and verificationStatus labelled MustSupport

    "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
    "url" : "",
    "type" : "AllergyIntolerance",
    "baseDefinition" : "",     
              "id" : "AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus",
              "path" : "AllergyIntolerance.clinicalStatus",
              "mustSupport" : true
              "id" : "AllergyIntolerance.verificationStatus",
              "path" : "AllergyIntolerance.verificationStatus",
              "mustSupport" : true

When rendered in an implementation publication each profile is presented different formal views of all the elements that must be supported in a tree format under tabs labelled "Differential Table" and "Snapshot Table".

The elements labelled MustSupport in the "Differential Table" and "Snapshot Table" view are flagged with an S. To see the full set of elements that must be supported a reader must use the "Snapshot Table". The "Snapshot Table" presents the elements labelled MustSupport in this profile (shown in the "Differential Table") and the elements labelled MustSupport inherited from a base profile (e.g. ADHA Record of Immunisation from Australian Immunisation Register based on ADHA Core Immunization)

Implementers should take note that the full set of constraints (i.e. invariants) defined in a profile are only presented in the "Detailed Descriptions" tab or the raw representation (e.g. XML or JSON) of the profile. The "Differential Table" only presents constraints introduced in this profile in addition to the constraints present in the base profile and base resource. The "Snapshot Table" only presents the constraints visible in the "Differential Table" and additionally presents those constraints set in slices in the base profile.

Interpreting profile elements labelled MustSupport

Profiles defined in this implementation publication flag MustSupport on elements and not part subelements of a data type. The explanation on how to interpret MustSupport for an element does not address rules defined in each profile - in implementation the rules defined in the profile must be applied and may limit or extend what is allowed for each element.

The allowed subelements for each supported element in a profile are defined by a combination of the data type from the core specification and any additional rules included in the profile. A profile may include rules that:

  • limit what is considered 'valid'
  • extend the potential subelements by including an extension

For example, the profile ADHA Core Immunization limits what is considered valid for the element Immunization.patient with the invariant "inv-dh-imm-01: At least reference or a valid identifier shall be present".

Typically ADHA profiles will extend the potential subelements by inheriting from a HL7 AU Base profile, e.g. the element Medication.code in profile ADHA Core Medication is of type CodeableConcept and is extended by inheriting a medicine specific subelement Medication.code.coding.extension Medication Type extension from AU Base Medication. The full set of subelements is visible in the "Snapshot Table" which shows the subelements defined in this profile (shown in the "Differential Table") and the subelements inherited from a base profile.

MustSupport for elements of primitive type

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of providing a meaningful, valid, value in the element
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing the value in the element
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting the value in the element

MustSupport for elements of complex type

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of providing a meaningful, valid, value in the element
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing the value in all parts of the complex type (since the receiver cannot anticipate which subelements might be populated)
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting the value in all parts of the complex type (since the persister cannot anticipate which subelements might be populated)

For some complex types a meaningful, valid, value can be populated with only one subelement, but usually more than one subelement is needed.

MustSupport for elements of Reference type

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of populating the element with a valid reference
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing the element with a valid reference that conforms to the profile
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting the element with a valid reference that conforms to the profile

MustSupport for elements with a choice of data types or profiles

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of populating the element with a value that conforms to at least one choice, and SHOULD be capable of populating every choice for which the sending system might possess data
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing all choices (since the receiver cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting all choices (since the persister cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)

A profile may slice an element that has a choice of data types or profiles to constrain the set of choices to be supported. For example, the profile ADHA Core Patient constrains the choices for Patient.identifier defined in AU Base Patient to support Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI), Medicare Card Number, Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Number:

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of populating the element with a value that conforms to at least one of those three identifier choices, and SHOULD be capable of populating every choice for which the sending system might possess data
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing all supported identifier choices (since the receiver cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting all supported identifier choices (since the persister cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)

MustSupport for elements where there is a choice between an element of type CodeableConcept and type Reference

A resource may support two elements that are used to indicate a reason, e.g. Encounter.reasonCode and Encounter.reasonReference in the profile ADHA Core Encounter. Where both elements are optional and labelled MustSupport in a profile they SHALL be treated as a choice of data types:

  • A sending system SHALL be capable of populating at least one choice, and SHOULD be capable of populating every choice for which the sending system might possess data
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing all choices (since the receiver cannot anticipate which element might be populated)
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting all choices (since the persister cannot anticipate which element might be populated)

MustSupport for elements with a choice of terminology bindings

A profile may slice an element that has a choice of terminology bindings to constrain the set of choices to be supported. For example, the profile ADHA Core Medication constrains the optional terminology choices for Medication.code defined in AU Base Medication to support AMT and PBS:

  • A sending system that supplies a coded value SHALL be capable of populating the element with a value that conforms to at least one of those two terminology choices, and SHOULD be capable of populating every choice for which the sending system might possess data
    • In this profile, a coded value is optional, a sending system that does not have the capability to supply a coded value from a terminology may supply a text value
  • A receiving system SHALL be capable of meaningfully processing all supported terminology choices (since the receiver cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)
  • A persisting system SHALL be capable of persisting all supported terminology choices (since the persister cannot anticipate which data type or profile might be populated)