Zambia Immunizations FHIR Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - STU1 Zambia flag

Zambia Immunizations FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Jembi Health Systems. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Allergy Intolerance - Vaccination Allergic Reaction

Used to capture the patient's allergic reaction after previous vaccine dose.

Bundle - COVAX

This bundle contains all of the Covax resources.

Bundle - HPV

This bundle contains all of the HPV resources.

Bundle - Smartcare

This bundle contains all of the Smartcare resources.

Condition - Underlying Condition

Represents underlying conditions for the patient.

Coverage - Insurance or Medical Plan

Insurance or medical plan details

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (COVAX)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (HPV)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (Smartcare)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Immunization - Covax Immunization

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization - Generic Vaccine Administration Profile

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization - HPV Immunization

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization Recommendation - Vaccine Next Dose Date

Used to represent the patient's suggested next dose date.

List - Medical History

Documents the medical history for the patient

Medication - Covax Vaccine Details

Records the batch number for the vaccine.

Medication - HPV Vaccine Details

Records the batch number for the vaccine.

Observation - Generic Observation Profile

This profile acts as a base profile from which more observation profiles can be derived.

Observation - Guardian Occupation

Records the current occupation for the guardian

Observation - HPV Immunocomprommised

This is to document whether the patient is immunocompromised.

Observation - Highest Education Level Attained

A patient's highest education level attained

Observation - Immunization Allergy

Used to capture the actual allergic reaction that is a result of Covax vaccination.

Observation - Lactation Status

Represents whether the patient is currently lactating.

Observation - Patient Occupation

Records the current occupation for the patient

Observation - Patient's Date of First Marriage

Records the date when the patient was first married

Observation - Patient's Home Language

Records the home language for the patient

Observation - Pregnancy Status

Represents whether the patient is currently pregnant.

Observation - Spouse Occupation

Records the current occupation for the spouse

Organization - Healthcare Service Provider Profile

An organization that provides healthcare services.

Organization - Medical Insurance Company

A company that provides insurance to its subscribers that may include healthcare related policies.

Patient - COVAX Immunization Patient

Patient profile for Covax use case

Patient - Generic Patient Profile for Immunizations

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - HPV Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - Smartcare Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Related Person - Chief at Birth

Used to record details of the chief at the time of the Patient's birth.

Related Person - Father Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's father's details.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile

A guardian to the patient.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (COVAX)

A guardian to the patient.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (HPV)

A guardian to the patient.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (Smartcare)

Used to record the patient's guardian details.

Related Person - Mother Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's mother's details.

Related Person - Relation to Patient Profile

This profile acts as a base profile from which more specific RelatedPerson profiles can be derived.

Related Person - Relative Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's relatives details.

Related Person - Spouse Relation to Patient

The husband or wife, considered in relation to the patient.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Administrative Sex

This is an extension to capture that patient's administrative sex.

HPV Patient Registration Date

A date representing when the patient was registered for HPV vaccination.

Patient born in Zambia?

This is an extension to capture whether the patient was born in Zambia.

Patient's Date of Birth Is Estimated?

This is an extension to capture whether the patient's date of birth was estimated.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Administrative Sex

A List of Administrative Sex codes.

Patient's Home Language

A list of languages.

Patient's highest education level attained (LOINC)

A list of LOINC education levels.

Patient's highest education level attained (Proprietary)

A list of proprietary education levels.

Underlying Conditions

A list of possible underlying conditions.

Vaccination site types (Proprietary)

A list of vaccination sites (posts) where the vaccination was administered.

Vaccine Codes

A List of Vaccine Codes Use In Zambia

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Patient's Home Language

A list of languages.

Patient's highest education level attained (Proprietary)

A list of proprietary education levels.

Vaccination site types in HPV (Proprietary)

A list of vaccination sites (posts) where the vaccination was administered.

Vaccination site types in Smartcare (Proprietary)

A list of vaccination sites (posts) where the vaccination was administered.

Terminology: Structure Maps

These define transformations to convert between data structures used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Propietary Educational Level To LOINC Educational Level

Maps the Propietary Educational Level codes To LOINC Educational Level codes.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

Proprietary Education Level to LOINC Education Level

Mapping to and from Proprietary Education Level to LOINC Education Level.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Allergy Intolerance - Vaccination Allergic Reaction

Used to capture the patient's allergic reaction after previous vaccine dose.

Bundle - Covax

A bundle containing all Covax FHIR resources.

Bundle - HPV

A bundle containing all HPV FHIR resources.

Bundle - Smartcare

A bundle containing all Smartcare FHIR resources.

Condition - Cancer

Records the patient's cancer condition.

Condition - Chronic Lung Disease Condition

Records the patient's chronic lung disease condition.

Condition - Diabetes Mellitus Condition

Records the patient's diabetes mellitus condition.

Condition - Endocrine

Records the patient's endocrine condition.

Condition - Gastrointestinal

Records the patient's gastrointestinal condition.

Condition - HIV Condition

Records the patient's HIV condition.

Condition - Heart Disease Condition

Records the patient's heart disease condition.

Condition - Hypertension Condition

Records the patient's hypertension condition.

Condition - Immunology

Records the patient's immunology condition.

Condition - Musculoskeletal Condition

Records the patient's musculoskeletal condition.

Condition - Neuromuscular

Records the patient's neuromuscular condition.

Condition - Skin Condition

Records the patient's skin condition.

Condition - Vascular

Records the patient's vascular condition.

Coverage - Insurance or Medical Plan

Insurance or medical plan details

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (COVAX)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (HPV)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Encounter - Target Facility Encounter (Smartcare)

Represents the current facility at which the patient is receiving health services.

Generic Relation to Patient

This profile acts as a base profile from which more specific RelatedPerson profiles can be derived.

Generic Social History Observation Profile

This profile acts as a base profile from which more specific social history observation profiles can be derived.

Immunization - Covax Immunization

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization - HPV Immunization

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization - Vaccine Administration

Records the vaccine administered to the patient.

Immunization Recommendation - Vaccine Next Dose Date

Used to represent the patient's suggested next dose date.

List - Medical History

Documents the medical history for the patient

Medication - Covax Vaccine Details

Records the batch number for the vaccine.

Medication - HPV Vaccine Details

Records the batch number for the vaccine.

Observation - Guardian Occupation

Records the current occupation for the guardian

Observation - HPV Immunocomprommised

This is to document whether the HPV patient has been observed to be immunocomprommised.

Observation - Highest Education Level Attained

A patient's highest education level attained

Observation - Immunization Allergy

Used to capture the actual allergic reaction that is a result of Covax vaccination.

Observation - Lactation Status

Represents whether the patient is currently lactating.

Observation - Patient Occupation

Records the current occupation for the patient

Observation - Patient's Date of First Marriage

Records the date when the patient was first married

Observation - Patient's Home Language

Records the home language for the patient

Observation - Pregnancy Status

Represents whether the patient is currently pregnant.

Observation - Spouse Occupation

Records the current occupation for the spouse

Organization - Administering Organization in HPV

Indicates the organization where the vaccince was administered.

Organization - Healthcare Service Provider

An organization that provides healthcare services.

Organization - Medical Insurance Company

A company that provides insurance to its subscribers that may include healthcare related policies.

Patient - COVAX Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - Generic Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - HPV Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Patient - Smartcare Immunization Patient

Is used to document demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services.

Related Person - Chief at Birth

Used to record details of the chief at the time of the Patient's birth.

Related Person - Father Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's father details.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (COVAX)

A guardian to the patient.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (HPV)

A guardian to the patient.

Related Person - Guardian Relation to Patient Profile (Smartcare)

Used to record the patient's guardian details.

Related Person - Mother Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's mother details.

Related Person - Relative Relation to Patient

Used to record the patient's relatives details.

Related Person - Spouse Relation to Patient

The husband or wife, considered in relation to the patient.

Vaccination site type

Indicates whether the vaccination was administered at the facility or at an outreach post.