CH RAD-Order (R4)
2.0.0-ci-build - ci-build Switzerland flag

CH RAD-Order (R4), published by HL7 Switzerland. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

: RadOrderQrToBundle - JSON Representation

Draft as of 2024-04-16

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  "resourceType" : "StructureMap",
  "id" : "RadOrderQrToBundle",
  "meta" : {
    "versionId" : "34",
    "lastUpdated" : "2022-01-28T17:06:31.413+00:00"
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"\">\n         <pre>map &quot;; = &quot;RadOrderQrToBundle&quot;\n\n// Radiologoy QuestionnaireResponse to Bundle\n\nuses &quot;; alias QuestionnaireResponse as source\nuses &quot;; alias Bundle as target\nuses &quot;; alias Patient as target\nuses &quot;; alias Organization as target\nuses &quot;; alias Practitioner as target\nuses &quot;; alias PractitionerRole as target\nuses &quot;; alias ServiceRequest as target\nuses &quot;; alias BackboneElement as target\n\nimports &quot;;\n\ngroup RadOrderQrToBundle(source qr : QuestionnaireResponse, target bundle : Bundle) {\n  qr -&gt;  bundle.identifier as documentIdentifier,  documentIdentifier.system = 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',  uuid() as uuidDoc,  documentIdentifier.value = ('urn:uuid:' + uuidDoc) &quot;documentIdentifier&quot;;\n  qr as qrcp -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Composition') as composition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  composition.title = 'Radiologieauftrag',  composition.type as type,  type.coding as coding,  coding.code = '2161000195103',  coding.system = 'urn:oid:2.16.756.',  coding.display = 'Imaging order (record artifact)',  composition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = '721963009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Order (record artifact)',  bundle.entry as e2,  bundle.timestamp = (now()) as timestamp, = timestamp,  e2.resource = create('Patient') as patient, = uuid() as uuid2,  e2.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid2),  bundle.entry as e4,  e4.resource = qrcp as questionnaireresp, = uuid() as uuid4,  e4.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid4),  bundle.entry as e5,  e5.resource = create('ServiceRequest') as servicerequest, = uuid() as uuid5,  e5.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid5) then {\n    qr.questionnaire as can -&gt;  bundle.entry as e6,  e6.resource = (can.resolve()) as q, = uuid() as uuid6,  e6.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', uuid6) then QrToBundle(qr, q, patient, questionnaireresp, servicerequest, composition, bundle) &quot;orfbundle&quot;;\n    qr then RadOrderQrToServiceRequest(qr, patient, bundle, composition, servicerequest) &quot;servicerequest&quot;;\n  } &quot;orfbundle&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup RadOrderQrToServiceRequest(source qr : QuestionnaireResponse, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target composition : Composition, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'requestedService' then RequestedServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) &quot;requestedService&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'reason' then ReasonServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) &quot;reason&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'imagingService' then ImagingServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) &quot;imagingService&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'orderDetail' then OrderDetailServiceItems(grp, serviceRequest) &quot;orderDetail&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'desiredRadiologist' then DesiredRadiologistServiceItems(grp, bundle, serviceRequest) &quot;desiredRadiologist&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'diagnosisList' then DiagnosisListServiceItems(grp, patient, bundle, serviceRequest) &quot;diagnosisList&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'caveat' then CaveatServiceItems(grp, patient, bundle, serviceRequest) &quot;Caveat&quot;;\n  qr.item as grp where linkId = 'attachment' then PreviousImagingStudyResults(grp, bundle, serviceRequest, patient) &quot;attachment&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup RequestedServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'requestedService.service') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.category as cc,  cc.coding = coding &quot;service&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ReasonServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'reason.question') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : string as value -&gt;  serviceRequest.reasonCode as reasonCode,  reasonCode.text = value &quot;question&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup ImagingServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'imagingService.type') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.code as code,  code.coding = coding &quot;service&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup OrderDetailServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.imagingRegion') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'imagingRegion',  cc.coding = coding &quot;imagingRegion&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.imagingFocus') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.bodySite as cc,  cc.coding = coding &quot;imagingFocus&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.laterality') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'laterality',  cc.coding = coding &quot;laterality&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.viewType') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'viewType',  cc.coding = coding &quot;viewType&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.maneuverType') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'maneuverType',  cc.coding = coding &quot;maneuverType&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'orderDetail.guidanceForAction') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as coding -&gt;  serviceRequest.orderDetail as cc,  cc.extension as ext,  ext.url = '',  ext.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'guidanceForAction',  cc.coding = coding &quot;guidanceForAction&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueCoding&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup DesiredRadiologistServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Practitioner') as practitioner, = uuid() as uuid,  serviceRequest.performer as performer,  performer.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {\n    src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'desiredRadiologist.familyName') and answer.exists()) -&gt; as name share name, = (item.answer.value);\n    src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'desiredRadiologist.givenName') and answer.exists()) -&gt; as name share name,  name.given = (item.answer.value);\n  } &quot;performer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup DiagnosisListServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.primaryDiagnosis') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : string as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.reasonReference as reasonReference,  reasonReference.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.text = value,  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;primaryDiagnosis&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.secondaryDiagnosis') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : string as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.text = value,  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;secondaryDiagnosis&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.bodyHeight') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.status = 'final',  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'vital-signs',  coding.system = '',  observation.value = value,  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '8302-2',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;bodyHeight&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'diagnosisList.bodyWeight') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'vital-signs',  coding.system = '',  observation.value = value,  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '29463-7',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;bodyWeight&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup CaveatServiceItems(source src : BackboneElement, target patient : Patient, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest) {\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '64779008',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Blood coagulation disorder (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '64779008',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Blood coagulation disorder (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '34714-6',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {\n            quantityitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt; observation.value = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;quantity&quot;;\n          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.INR.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {\n            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : dateTime as value -&gt; observation.effective = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;dateTime&quot;;\n        } &quot;INR&quot;;\n        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation, = uuid() as uuid,  observation.status = 'final',  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '26515-7',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {\n            quantityitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt; observation.value = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;platelets&quot;;\n          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bloodCoagulation.platelets.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {\n            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : dateTime as value -&gt; observation.effective = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;platelets&quot;;\n        } &quot;INR&quot;;\n      } &quot;bloodCoagulation&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '723188008',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Renal insufficiency (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '723188008',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Renal insufficiency (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '33558-8',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {\n            quantityitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt; observation.value = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;quantity&quot;;\n          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinineClearance.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {\n            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : dateTime as value -&gt; observation.effective = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;creatinineClearancedateTime&quot;;\n        } &quot;INR&quot;;\n        answer.item as subitem where (linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Observation') as observation,  observation.status = 'final', = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.evidence as evidence,  evidence.detail as detail,  detail.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  observation.code as cc,  cc.coding as c,  c.system = '',  c.code = '77140-2',  observation.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + then {\n          subitem.item as quantityitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine.quantity') and answer.exists()) then {\n            quantityitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : Quantity as value -&gt; observation.value = value;\n            } &quot;value&quot;;\n          } &quot;creatinine&quot;;\n          subitem.item as datetimeitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.renalInsufficiency.creatinine.dateTime') and answer.exists()) then {\n            datetimeitem.answer as answer then {\n              answer.value : dateTime as value -&gt; observation.effective = value;\n            } &quot;ue&quot;;\n          } &quot;platelets&quot;;\n        } &quot;creatinine&quot;;\n      } &quot;bloodCoagulation&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.claustrophobia') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '19887002',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Claustrophobia (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '19887002',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Claustrophobia (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;claustrophobia&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.bodyPiercing') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '879862001',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Body piercing (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '879862001',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Body piercing (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;bodyPiercing&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.device') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {\n    item.item as subitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.device.choice') and answer.exists()) then {\n      subitem.answer as answer then {\n        answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '397578001',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Device in situ (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;device&quot;;\n      } &quot;choise&quot;;\n      item.item as subitem where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.device.specifictype') and answer.exists()) then {\n        subitem.answer as answer then {\n          answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  condition.code as code,  code.coding = value &quot;devicespecific&quot;;\n        } &quot;specifictype&quot;;\n      } &quot;devicespecific&quot;;\n    } &quot;device&quot;;\n  } &quot;device&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.hyperthyroidism') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '34486009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Hyperthyroidism (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '34486009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Hyperthyroidism (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;hyperthyroidism&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.diabetes') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '73211009',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Diabetes mellitus (disorder)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '73211009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Diabetes mellitus (disorder)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;diabetes&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.gravida') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '366321006',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Finding of gravida (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '366321006',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Finding of gravida (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;gravida&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  src.item as item where ((linkId.value = 'caveat.contrastMediaAllergy') and answer.exists()) then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '293637006',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Allergy to contrast media (finding)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '293637006',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Allergy to contrast media (finding)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;contrastMediaAllergy&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;answer&quot;;\n  // &quot;caveat.drugPrescription.metformin&quot;\n  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription') then DesiredRadiologistServiceItemsDrugDescription(item, bundle, serviceRequest, patient) &quot;DrugPrescription&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup DesiredRadiologistServiceItemsDrugDescription(source src : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target patient : Patient) {\n  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription.metformin') then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '182817000',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Drug prescription (situation)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '372567009',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Metformin (substance)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;drugPrescription&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;metformin&quot;;\n  src.item as item where (linkId.value = 'caveat.drugPrescription.betaBlocker') then {\n    item.answer as answer then {\n      answer.value : Coding as value -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('Condition') as condition, = uuid() as uuid,  e.fullUrl = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid),  condition.extension as ext1,  ext1.url = '',  ext1.value = create('Coding') as coding,  coding.code = '182817000',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Drug prescription (situation)',  condition.extension as ext2,  ext2.url = '',  ext2.value = value,  condition.category as category,  category.coding as coding,  coding.code = 'problem-list-item',  coding.system = '',  coding.display = 'Problem List Item',  condition.code as code,  code.coding as coding2,  coding2.code = '373254001',  coding2.system = '',  coding2.display = 'Substance with beta adrenergic receptor antagonist mechanism of action (substance)',  condition.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + &quot;drugPrescription&quot;;\n    } &quot;valueString&quot;;\n  } &quot;betaBlocker&quot;;\n}\n\ngroup PreviousImagingStudyResults(source grp : BackboneElement, target bundle : Bundle, target serviceRequest : ServiceRequest, target patient : Patient) {\n  grp.item as item where (linkId.value = 'attachment.imagingStudy') -&gt;  bundle.entry as e,  e.resource = create('ImagingStudy') as imagingStudy, = uuid() as uuid,  imagingStudy.status = 'available',  imagingStudy.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' +,  e.fullUrl = append('urn:uuid:', uuid),  serviceRequest.subject as subject,  subject.reference = ('urn:uuid:' +,  serviceRequest.supportingInfo as supportingInfo,  supportingInfo.reference = ('urn:uuid:' + uuid) then {\n    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'attachment.imagingStudy.StudyInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) -&gt;  imagingStudy.identifier as uid,  uid.system = 'urn:dicom:uid',  uid.use = 'official',  uid.value = ('urn:oid:' + dictomitem.answer.value) &quot;uid&quot;;\n    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'attachment.imagingStudy.acsn') and answer.exists()) -&gt;  imagingStudy.identifier as acsn,  acsn.type as type,  type.coding as coding,  coding.system = '',  coding.code = 'ACSN',  acsn.use = 'usual',  acsn.value = (dictomitem.answer.value) &quot;acsn&quot;;\n    item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'attachment.imagingStudy.SeriesInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) -&gt; imagingStudy.series as series then {\n      dictomitem.answer as answer then {\n        answer.value : string as value -&gt; series.uid = value &quot;uid&quot;;\n        item.item as dictomitem where ((linkId.value = 'attachment.imagingStudy.SopInstanceUid') and answer.exists()) -&gt; series.instance as instance then {\n          dictomitem.answer as answer then {\n            answer.value : string as value -&gt; instance.uid = value &quot;uid&quot;;\n          };\n        } &quot;answer&quot;;\n      } &quot;series&quot;;\n    } &quot;imagingStudy&quot;;\n  } &quot;previousResult&quot;;\n}\n\n</pre>\n      </div>"
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      "name" : "RadOrderQrToServiceRequest",
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      "input" : [
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              "source" : [
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                  "source" : [
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                              "valueString" : "'urn:uuid:' +"
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                          "source" : [
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                              "source" : [
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                          "source" : [
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