0 Table of Contents |
1 Home |
2 Use Cases |
3 Anwendungsfälle |
4 Questionnaire |
5 Profiles |
6 Extensions |
7 Changelog |
8 Artifacts Summary |
8.1 CH eTOC Allergy Intolerance |
8.2 CH eTOC Body Height Observation |
8.3 CH eTOC Body Weight Observation |
8.4 CH eTOC Cardiology Observation |
8.5 CH eTOC Composition |
8.6 CH eTOC Device |
8.7 CH eTOC Document |
8.8 CH eTOC Expected Delivery Date Observation |
8.9 CH eTOC Functional Status Condition |
8.10 CH eTOC immunizationstatus |
8.11 CH eTOC Lab Observation |
8.12 CH eTOC Past History of Illnesses Condition |
8.13 CH eTOC Pathology Observation |
8.14 CH eTOC Pregnancy Status Observation |
8.15 CH eTOC Primary Diagnosis Condition |
8.16 CH eTOC Procedure |
8.17 CH eTOC Radiology Observation |
8.18 CH eTOC Secondary Diagnosis Condition |
8.19 CH eTOC Service Request |
8.20 CH eTOC Social History Condition |
8.21 Allergy / Intolerance |
8.22 Appointment Hospital Stay |
8.23 Befund_Rx_Thorax_S_Ufferer_20190401 |
8.24 Biopsie Duodenum / Magen |
8.25 Body Height 176 cm |
8.26 Body Weight 99 kg |
8.27 Bundle Medical Referral |
8.28 Composition Medical Referral |
8.29 Coverage KVG |
8.30 Doris Ataenterer |
8.31 Doris Ataenterer@Happy Doctors |
8.32 EKG |
8.33 Haemoglobin |
8.34 Hb-A1c |
8.35 Innere Medizin Klinik Happy Hospital |
8.36 Location Hospital Stay |
8.37 Medication at Medical Referral |
8.38 Medication at Medical Referral |
8.39 Medication at Medical Referral |
8.40 Module Questionnaire AllergyIntolerlance |
8.41 Module Questionnaire Anamnesis |
8.42 Module Questionnaire Attachment |
8.43 Module Questionnaire Cardiology |
8.44 Module Questionnaire Diagnosis |
8.45 Module Questionnaire imaging |
8.46 Module Questionnaire immunizationstatus |
8.47 Module Questionnaire Lab |
8.48 Module Questionnaire Medication |
8.49 Module Questionnaire Pathologyg |
8.50 Module Questionnaire Purpose |
8.51 Ottilie Rderplacer |
8.52 Ottilie Rderplacer@Happy Doctors |
8.53 Otto Rderfiller |
8.54 Otto Rderfiller@Happy Hospital |
8.55 Past History of Illnesses |
8.56 Praxis Happy Doctors |
8.57 Primary Diagnosis |
8.58 Questionnaire eTOC (Modular version) |
8.59 QuestionnaireEtoc |
8.60 QuestionnaireResponse für die Anfrage für Unterlagen von früher |
8.61 QuestionnaireResponse für eine Überweisung |
8.62 Sabine Meier |
8.63 Secondary Diagnosis 1 |
8.64 Secondary Diagnosis 2 |
8.65 ServiceRequest Medical Referral |
8.66 Susanna Ufferer |
8.67 Thx ap / seitl. |