XpanDH Patient Summary
0.1.0 - ci-build 150

XpanDH Patient Summary, published by XpanDH Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-eu/xpandh-ps/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

eHN Patient Summary Guidelines

Logical models representing the eHN Patient Summary Guidelines

A - Patient Summary

A - Patient Summary. eHN guideline model.

A.1.1, A.1.2 - Patient or Subject of care

Patient or Subject of care. Sections A.1.1 and A.1.2 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.1.1 - Allergy

Allergy. Section A.2.1.1 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information

Vaccination/prophylaxis information. Sections A.2.2.1 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.2.2 Resolved, closed or inactive problems model to this guide

Resolved, closed or inactive problems. Sections A.2.2.2 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.3.1 Current problems model to this guide

Current problems. Sections A.2.3.1 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants model to this guide

Medical devices and implants. Sections A.2.3.2 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.3.3 Procedures model to this guide

Procedures. Sections A.2.3.3 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.3.3 Functional Status model to this guide

Functional Status. Sections A.2.3.3 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines

Relevant prescribed medicines whose period of time indicated for the treatment has not yet expired whether it has been dispensed or not, or medicines that influence current health status or are relevant to a clinical decision. Section A2.4.1 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.6 Pregnancy history model to this guide

Pregnancy history. Sections A.2.6 of the eHN guideline.

A.2.8 Results model to this guide

Results. Sections A.2.8 of the eHN guideline.

eHN Logical Model mappings

Concept Maps describing how the eHN Laboratory Guidelines are supposed to be implemented by using this guide

A - Patient Summary model to this guide

It shows how the Patient Summary data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. The proposed mapping shows how to represent 'addiitonalInfo' in the casae of a condition, equivalent solution can be applied for other kind of information (e.g. Medications)

A.1.1, A.1.2 - Subject of care model to this guide

It shows how the Subject data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide. The group 2 map shows how to map into the Condition reosurce a problem-specific contact. For other kinds of contacts (e.g. contact for a specific procedure) a simlar apporach can be followed.

A.2.1.1 - Allergy model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.1.1 Allergy data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.2.1 - Vaccination/prophylaxis information data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.3.1 Current problems model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.3.1 Current problems data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.3.2 Medical devices and implants data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.3.3 Functional Status model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.3.3 Functional Status data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.3.3 Procedures model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.3.3 Procedures data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.4.1 Current and relevant past medicines data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.6 Pregnancy history model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.6 Pregnancy history data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

A.2.8 - Results model to this guide

It shows how the A.2.8 - Results data set defined by the EU eHN guidelines is mapped into this guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Allergy Intolerance (EU PS)

This profile constrains the AllergyIntolerance resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Bundle (EU PS)

Clinical document used to represent a Patient Summary for the scope of the XpanDH project.


This profile constrains the CareTeam resource for the purpose of the XpanDH project.

CareTeam (EU PS)

This profile constrains the CareTeam resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Composition (EU PS)

Clinical document used to represent a Patient Summary for the scope of this project.

Condition (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Condition resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Device (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Device resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Device Use Statement (EU PS)

This profile constrains the DeviceUseStatement resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Flag (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Flag resource to represent alerts or warnings in FHIR for the purpose of this project.

Immunization (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Immunization resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

ImmunizationRecommendation (EU PS)

This profile defines how to represent Immunization Recommandations for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Location (EU PS)

This profile defines how to represent Location in FHIR for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Medication (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Medication resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Medication Statement (EU PS)

This profile constrains the MedicationStatement resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Observation Results (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent various types of results and associated observations in a patient summary. This is the base profile from which the other results profiles are derived.

Observation Results: laboratory (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent results produced by laboratory studies for the XpanDH project.

Observation Results: pathology (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent results produced by pathology studies for the XpanDH project.

Observation Results: radiology (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent results produced by pathology studies for the XpanDH project.

Observation Social History (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent various types of social history observations in a patient summary.

Observation: Blood Group

This profile constrains the Observation resource to represent various types of results and associated observations in a patient summary. This is the base profile from which the other results profiles are derived.

Organization: Care provisioning

This profile constrains the Organization IPS profile to represent care provisioning organanizations (as RD centers) for the purpose of the XpanDH project.

Patient (EU PS)

This profile defines how to represent Patient in FHIR for the purpose of this guide

Practitioner (EU PS)

This profile defines how to represent Practitioners in FHIR for the purpose of the XpanDH project.

PractitionerRole (EU PS)

This profile defines how to represent Practitioners (with thier roles) in FHIR for the purpose of the XpanDH project.

Procedure (EU PS)

This profile constrains the Procedure resource for the purpose of the European patient summary.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Condition Status Reason

This extension describe the reasons for the condition status, e.g. how this condition has been resolved

Immunization AdministeredProduct

This extension references the Medication administered during the vaccination. It simulates the beahviour of the reference part of the administeredProduct R5 element

Supporting Information

This extension refers other resources from the patient record that may be relevant to the event. The information from these resources was either used to create the instance or is provided to help with its interpretation. This extension should not be used if more specific inline elements or extensions are available.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Absent or Unknown Allergies

Absent or Unknown Allergies

Absent or Unknown Device

Absent or Unknown Device

Absent or Unknown Medication

Absent or Unknown Medication

Absent or Unknown Problem

Absent or Unknown Problem

Absent or Unknown Procedure

Absent or Unknown Procedure

Active Ingredient

Active Ingredient

Adverse Event Type

Adverse Event Type

Allergen No Drug

The value set is used to code the patient's kind of adverse reactions against substance, food or drugs



Allergens or no known or unknown conditions

Allergens or no known or unknown conditions

Allergy Certainty

Value Set is used to support or decline the clinical status of the allergy or intolerance

Allergy Status

The value set is used to code the Allergy or Intolerance Clinical Status

Blood Group

The Value Set is used to code the value of patient's blood group + Rh

Blood Pressure

The Value Set is used for the observations of Blood Pressure recorded in the section for Vital Signs Observations in the Patient Summary. It codes what type of pressure (diastolic, systolic) is measured.

Body Site

The Value Set is used for the details about the anatomical location of a specimen in the Laboratory Result Report or the target body location of a procedure in the Patient Summary


Value Set is used to support or decline the clinical status of the condition or diagnosis




The Value Set is used for encoding the confidentiality level of the entire CDA. This Value Set encodes the level of access with regards to the content of the Value Set ? for example N concerns all the medical team, R is restricted for specialist that take care of the patient in certain circumstances, and VIP would be for the persons that need the Privacy Officer present or other special consideration (for example a celebrity hospitalized who needs their records protected)


The Value Set is used to identify the nationality of all persons and organizations.


Value set is used to estimate of the potential clinical harm, or seriousness, of a reaction to an identified substance

Current Pregnancy Status

Value set is used to provide the woman's current state at the date the observation was made

Document Code

Defines to which category the document belongs to : summary, prescription, or dispensation.

Dose Form

Dose Form

Healthcare Professional Role

Healthcare Professional Role

Hospital Discharge Report Type

Hospital Discharge Report Type

Illness and Disorder (PARTIAL)

The complete content of ICD-10, excluding Chapter XX

Medical Device

Medical Device


The Value Set is used as an optional description of a problem in the patient Summary. It gives an information on the circumstances under which the problem was defined/discovered.

Problems (including unknown conditions)

Problems (including unknown conditions)



Rare Disease (PARTIAL)

The Value Set is used to describe the problems and medication reasons.

Reaction Allergy

Reaction Allergy

Route of Administration

Route of Administration


The Value Set is used for all Problems and Allergies in the Patient Summary to indicate the severity of the problem (or Allergy)

Substance (PARTIAL)

The Value Set is used to code the substances of medicine.


The Value Set is used to identify the patient's vaccinations in the Patient Summary

eHDSI Social History

The Value Set is used to code the different elements of the patient's social history.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

eHN ClosedProblem to this guide Map

eHN ClosedProblem Model to this guide Map