HL7 Europe Laboratory Report, published by HL7 Europe. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.2.0-ci built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/hl7-eu/laboratory/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
This guide is the result of a multi stakeholders effort involving different experts from several European countries, projects (e.g. XpanDH) and initiatives (e.g. MyHealth@EU); organized in two collaborating sub-groups:
The following picture provide an overview of the origin of the participants.
Figure 1 - Experts distribution
Role | Name | Affiliation |
Project facilitator | Hynek Kružík | HL7 CZ/Europe |
Project facilitator | Giorgio Cangioli | HL7 IT/Europe |
Author | Alexander Henket | Nictiz, HL7 NL |
Author | Robert Hausam | Hausam Consulting, US |
Author | Ulrike Merrick | APHL, US |
Author | Daniel Karlsson | E-hälsomyndigheten, HL7 SE |
Author | Oliver Egger | ahdis, HL7 CH |
Author | Gabriel Kleinoscheg | ELGA, HL7 AT |
Author | Declan Kieran | NHS England, UK |
Author | Manel Domingo | MoH Spain, SP |
Author | Petra Lavrikova | NCEZ MoH Czech, CZ |
Author | Gunnar Nordin | Equalis, SE |
Author | Ferruccio Ceriotti | Policlinico di Milano, IT |
Author | Sara Russo | SPMS, PT |
Author | Feikje Hielkema | NICTIZ, NL |
Author | Karolina Buckow | DE |
Author | Kerli Linna | TEHIK, EE |
Author | Eugenia Rinaldi | Charité (Univ. Med. Berlin), DE |
Author | David Barnet | NHS England, UK |
Contributor | Michaela Ziegler | ahdis, HL7 CH |
Contributor | Rasa Visinskiene | MyHealth@EU Solution Providers |
Contributor | Mathias Ghys | MyHealth@EU Solution Providers |
Contributor | João Almeida | HL7 PT/Europe |
Contributor | Kai U. Heitmann | HL7 DE |
Contributor | Christof Gessner | HL7 DE |
Contributor | Martina Sender | mio42, DE |
Contributor | Dennis Kipping | mio42, DE |
Contributor | Jose Costa-Teixeira | HL7 BE |
Contributor | Lucas Lundbäck | Montrima, SE |
Contributor | Jeremy Lieth | BfArM, DE |
Contributor | David Wattien | NICTIZ, NL |
Contributor | Leonardo Alcaro | DIT, HL7 IT |
Contributor | Samuel Danhardt | Agence eSanté, LU |
Contributor | Philip Brennan | NHS England, UK |
Contributor | Marcel Hanselmann | HL7 CH |
Contributor | Kristiina Kuldkepp | TEHIK, EE |
Contributor | Rik Smithies | HL7 UK |
Contributor | Petr Siblík | HL7 CZ |
Contributor | Nathalie Nikodym | Nictiz, NL |
Contributor | Karim Nashar | NHS England, UK |
Contributor | Adam Page | NHS England, UK |
Contributor | Stefano Dalmiani | F. Monasterio, HL7 IT |
Contributor | Juergen Brandstaetter | CodeWerk, AT |
Contributor | Juan Antonio de los Cobos | MoH Spain, SP |
Participants: | Peter Keßler(mio42 DE), Mario Sicuranza (CNR IT); Mario Ciampi (CNR IT); Marta Burek (MedCom DK); Jean Michel Polfliet (eGezondheid/eSanté Belgium); Michael Johansen (MedCom DK); Monika Budvytiene (LT) ; Bart Decuypere (HL7 BE); Frédéric Bulckaen (MyHealth@EU Solution Providers); Prerna Arora (MyHealth@EU Solution Providers); Sebastian Bojanowski (HL7 PL); François Macary (HL7 FR); Renato Calamai (HL7 IT); Rebeca Ceder (SE); Sanchita Farruque (SE); Jagjit Singh Bhamra (NO); Simreen Kaur Johal,(NO); Marte Espnes Temre (NO); Jostein Ven (NO); Samuel Danhardt (LU); Mar Matanzo (SP); Chrenova Katerina (CZ); Irena Rubesova (CZ); Miroslav Zvolsky (CZ); Michaela Warzecha (BfArM DE); Alexander Mense (HL7 AT); Mika Tuomainen (FI); Marcus Fearnett (NHS England UK); Oyvind Aassve (HL7 NO); Rick Busbridge (Nictiz NL); Ignacio Fernandez (SP); Nina Zenkovič (NIJZ SI) Naeme Nekooguyan (ANS FR); Michal Cermak (Norsk helsenett NO); Linn Brandt (Norwegian Directorate of e-Health); Paavo Kauranne (Kela FI)