IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build 150

IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide, published by IDEA4RC Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

IDEA4RC Logical Models

IDEA4RC Overview

IDEA4RC aims at developing an IT infrastructure to facilitate the sharing and re-use of health data among clinical centers to promote research on rare cancers and improve patients’ access to high quality care. Our challenge is building a new tool to overcome interoperability issues and make it easier to comply with privacy regulations.

To achive this result a common data model has been agreed.

An overview of this model is provided in the IDEA4RC Model Overview page.

The IDEA4RC model has been formalized as HL7 FHIR Logical Models, listed in the following section.

HL7 FHIR Models

The following table summarizes the logical models used by this guide.

Name Title Description
AdverseEventI4RCAdverse EventAdverse Event Maturity Level: 0 Draft
CancerEpisodeI4RCCancer EpisodeCancer Episode Maturity Level: 0 Draft
ClinicalStageI4RCClinical StageClinical Stage Maturity Level: 0 Draft
DiagnosisI4RCDiagnosisDiagnosis Maturity Level: 0 Draft
DiseaseExtentI4RCDisease ExtentDisease Extent Maturity Level: 0 Draft
DrugsForTreatmentsI4RCDrugs for TreatmentsDrugs for Treatments Maturity Level: 0 Draft
EpisodeEventI4RCEpisode EventEpisode Event Maturity Level: 0 Draft
GeneticTestExpressionI4RCGenetic Test ExpressionGenetic Test Expression Maturity Level: 0 Draft
HospitalPatientRecordsI4RCHospital Patient Records and Hospital DataHospital Patient Records and Hospital Data Maturity Level: 0 Draft
IsolatedLimbPerfusionI4RCIsolated Limb PerfusionIsolated Limb Perfusion Maturity Level: 0 Draft
OverallTreatmentResponseI4RCOverall Treatment ResponseOverall Treatment Response Maturity Level: 0 Draft
PathologicalStageI4RCPathological StagePathological Stage Maturity Level: 0 Draft
PatientFollowUpI4rcPatient Follow UpPatient Follow Up Maturity Level: 0 Draft
RadiotherapyI4RCRadiotherapyRadiotherapy Maturity Level: 0 Draft
RegionalDeepHyperthemiaI4RCRegional Deep HyperthemiaRegional Deep Hyperthemia Maturity Level: 0 Draft
SubjectI4rcPatientSubject of care. Maturity Level: 0 Draft
SurgeryI4RCSurgerySurgery Maturity Level: 0 Draft
SystemicTreatmentI4RCSystemic TreatmentSystemic Treatment Maturity Level: 0 Draft