Belgian MyCareNet Profiles
2.1.0 - STU Belgium flag

Belgian MyCareNet Profiles, published by eHealth Platform. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Guidance
... 3 Changes
... 5 Artifacts Summary
.... 5.1 BeSPClaimResponsePreAuthRef
.... 5.2 BeSPClaimResponseSubType
.... 5.3 BeModelEAgreement
.... 5.4 BeModelEAgreementResponse
.... 5.5 MyCareNet Coverage BE profile
.... 5.6 MyCareNet eAgreement Claim BE profile
.... 5.7 MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Kine BE profile
.... 5.8 MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Logo BE profile
.... 5.9 MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Response BE profile
.... 5.10 MyCareNet eAgreement Consult Bundle BE profile
.... 5.11 MyCareNet eAgreement Consult Reply Bundle BE profile
.... 5.12 MyCareNet eAgreement Demand Bundle BE profile
.... 5.13 MyCareNet eAgreement Demand Reply Bundle BE profile
.... 5.14 MyCareNet eAgreement Service Request Binary BE profile
.... 5.15 MyCareNet eAgreement ServiceRequest BE profile
.... 5.16 MyCareNet MessageHeader BE profile
.... 5.17 MyCareNet operation outcome BE profile
.... 5.18 BeExtItemPatientFee
.... 5.19 BeExtItemReimbursement
.... 5.20 BeExtSystem
.... 5.21 Basic Laterality
.... 5.22 BeVSHolderCode1
.... 5.23 BeVSHolderCode2
.... 5.24 EAgreement errors
.... 5.25 Mycarenet Decision Values
.... 5.26 Tooth Number Body Site
.... 5.27 ValueSet adjudication reason
.... 5.28 ValueSet message
.... 5.29 ValueSet product or service
.... 5.30 BeCSPartialAgreementValues
.... 5.31 CodeSystem agreement errors
.... 5.32 CodeSystem agreement types
.... 5.33 CodeSystem annex types
.... 5.34 CodeSystem decision values
.... 5.35 CodeSystem message events
.... 5.36 CodeSystem NIHDIPhysiotherapyPathology
.... 5.37 CodeSystem refusal values
.... 5.38 CodeSystem waiting for information values
.... 5.39 Insurability code CT1
.... 5.40 Insurability code CT2
.... 5.41 be-ns-claim-related-claim
.... 5.42 BeCMISOToothSnomedCT
.... 5.43 ex01
.... 5.44 ex02
.... 5.45 ex03
.... 5.46 ex04
.... 5.47 ex05
.... 5.48 ex06
.... 5.49 ex07
.... 5.50 ex08
.... 5.51 ex09
.... 5.52 ex10
.... 5.53 ex11
.... 5.54 ex12
.... 5.55 ex13
.... 5.56 ex14
.... 5.57 ex15
.... 5.58 ex16
.... 5.59 ex17
.... 5.60 ex18
.... 5.61 ex19
.... 5.62 ex20
.... 5.63 ex21
.... 5.64 ex22
.... 5.65 ex23
.... 5.66 ex24
.... 5.67 ex25
.... 5.68 ex26
.... 5.69 ex27
.... 5.70 ex29
.... 5.71 ex30
.... 5.72 ex31
.... 5.73 ex32
.... 5.74 ex33
.... 5.75 ex34