Belgian MyCareNet Profiles
2.1.0 - STU
Belgian MyCareNet Profiles, published by eHealth Platform. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define the properties by which a RESTful server can be searched. They can also be used for sorting and including related resources.
BeSPClaimResponsePreAuthRef |
This SearchParameter enables query of ClaimResponses by preAuthRef. |
BeSPClaimResponseSubType |
This SearchParameter enables query of ClaimResponses by subType. |
These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.
BeModelEAgreement |
BeModelEAgreementResponse |
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
MyCareNet Coverage BE profile |
Coverage profile for use in the different MyCareNet flows |
MyCareNet MessageHeader BE profile |
This is the generic MessageHeader profile for use in the different eAgreement flows from MyCareNet. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Claim BE profile |
Claim profile for use in the different eAgreement flow from MyCareNet. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Kine BE profile |
Claim profile for use in the different eAgreement flow from MyCareNet for kine. This profile is a diff on the general be-eagreementclaim. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Logo BE profile |
Claim profile for use in the different eAgreement flow from MyCareNet for speech therapy. This profile is a diff on the general be-eagreementclaim. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Claim Response BE profile |
Claimresponse profile for use in the different eAgreement flows from MyCareNet. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Consult Bundle BE profile |
Profile for the consulting of eAgreement in the MyCareNet flows. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Consult Reply Bundle BE profile |
Profile for the reply to consulting eAgreement request in the MyCareNet flows. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Demand Bundle BE profile |
The profile for the demand for an agreement. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Demand Reply Bundle BE profile |
The profile for the reply on a demand for an agreement in the MyCareNet flows. |
MyCareNet eAgreement Service Request Binary BE profile |
A supporting profile on Binary for use in the ServiceRequest eAgreement profile from MyCareNet. |
MyCareNet eAgreement ServiceRequest BE profile |
The ServiceRequest profile for use in the different eAgreement flows from MyCareNet. |
MyCareNet operation outcome BE profile |
OperationOutcome profile for the specific error codes of MyCareNet. |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
BeExtItemPatientFee |
Sum to be paid by the patient per item |
BeExtItemReimbursement |
Reimbursement for the patient per item |
BeExtSystem |
System indicating the type of the value |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
Basic Laterality |
Basic Laterality as requested by CIN-NIC, subset of be-vs-body-laterality |
BeVSHolderCode1 |
see |
BeVSHolderCode2 |
see |
EAgreement errors |
Errors in the EAgreement flow |
Mycarenet Decision Values |
Values indicating the type of decision. These values were delivered by the NIC(Nationaal Intermutualistisch College)/CIN(Collège Intermutualiste National.) |
Tooth Number Body Site |
Tooth Number Body Site |
ValueSet adjudication reason |
Codes for use to describe eAgreement adjudication reasons in the MyCareNet eAgreement flows. |
ValueSet message |
Codes for use to describe eAgreement messages in the MyCareNet eAgreement flows. |
ValueSet product or service |
NIHDI codes for use to describe eAgreement products or services in the MyCareNet eAgreement flows. |
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
BeCSPartialAgreementValues |
Partial agreement values |
CodeSystem NIHDIPhysiotherapyPathology |
Legal pathology situation codes as defined by NIHDI to be used in the pathology registration flows of MyCareNet. These values are managed by NIHDI. The codes are not defined here. Consult the cookbooks on for concrete usage instructions. |
CodeSystem agreement errors |
Errors in the agreement flows of MyCareNet. These values were delivered by the NIC(Nationaal Intermutualistisch College)/CIN(Collège Intermutualiste National.) Not all codes are defined here, a full list can be found on |
CodeSystem agreement types |
Agreement types for MyCareNet flows. Not all codes are defined here, a full list can be found on |
CodeSystem annex types |
Annex types for MyCareNet flows. Not all codes are defined here, a full list can be found on |
CodeSystem decision values |
Decision values in the agreement flows of MyCareNet. These values were delivered by the NIC(Nationaal Intermutualistisch College)/CIN(Collège Intermutualiste National.) The codes are not defined here, a full list can be found on |
CodeSystem message events |
Message events for MyCareNet flows.Not all codes are defined here, a full list can be found on |
CodeSystem refusal values |
Refusal values in the agreement flows of MyCareNet. These values were delivered by the NIC(Nationaal Intermutualistisch College)/CIN(Collège Intermutualiste National.) |
CodeSystem waiting for information values |
Waiting for information values in the agreement flows of MyCareNet. These values were delivered by the NIC(Nationaal Intermutualistisch College)/CIN(Collège Intermutualiste National.) |
Insurability code CT1 |
see |
Insurability code CT2 |
see |
These define identifier and/or code system identities used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
be-ns-claim-related-claim |
Claim Related Claim |
These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.
BeCMISOToothSnomedCT |
ISO tooth numbers to SNOMED CT |
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
ex01 |
FHIR Physiotherapy within Hospital eAgreementAskRequest |
ex02 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementAskRequest with patient identified by mutuality registration number |
ex03 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementAskRequest with patient identified by national registration number |
ex04 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementAskResponse with an agreement response |
ex05 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementAskResponse with an intreatment response |
ex06 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementAskResponse with a refusal response |
ex07 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementRejectResponse |
ex08 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementCancelRequest |
ex09 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementCancelResponse |
ex10 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementExtentRequest |
ex11 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementArgueRequest |
ex12 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementConsultRequest |
ex13 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementConsultResponse |
ex14 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementCompleteRequest |
ex15 |
FHIR Physiotherapy eAgreementCompleteResponse |
ex16 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskRequest for assessment |
ex17 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskRequest for treatment |
ex18 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskResponse for assessment with an intreatment response |
ex19 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskResponse for treatment with an intreatment response |
ex20 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskResponse for treatment with an agreement response |
ex21 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskResponse for assessment with a refusal response |
ex22 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementCancelRequest |
ex23 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementCancelResponse |
ex24 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementCompleteRequest |
ex25 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementCompleteResponse |
ex26 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementConsultRequest |
ex27 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementConsultResponse |
ex29 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementExtentRequest for treatment |
ex30 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementExtentResponse for treatment with an agreement response |
ex31 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementRejectResponse |
ex32 |
FHIR Speechtherapy eAgreementAskResponse for treatment with a partial agreement response |
ex33 |
FHIR Light eAgreement Ask Request |
ex34 |
FHIR Light eAgreement Reject Response |