BeMyCareNetMessageHeader |
MessageHeader | Entity. Role, or Act, Message |
meta | |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
event[x] | ./payload[classCode="CACT" and moodCode="EVN" and isNormalAct()]/code[isNormalDatatype()]/code |
event[x] (eventCoding) | ./payload[classCode="CACT" and moodCode="EVN" and isNormalAct()]/code[isNormalDatatype()]/code |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
system | ./codeSystem |
version | ./codeSystemVersion |
code | ./code |
display | CV.displayName |
userSelected | CD.codingRationale |
destination | ./communicationFunction[typeCode="RCV"] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
name | unique(./entity[determinerCode="INST" and (classCode=("DEV", "PSN", "ORG"]/name[type='ST' and isNormalDatatype()]) |
target | unique(./entity[determinerCode="INST" and (classCode=("DEV", "PSN", "ORG"] |
endpoint | ./telecom |
receiver | Not directly supported. Could be shared using attentionLine.value with an appropriate keyWordText |
sender | Not directly supported. Could be shared using attentionLine.value with an appropriate keyWordText |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
reference | N/A |
type | N/A |
identifier | .identifier |
display | N/A |
source | unique(./communicationFunction[typeCode="SND"]) |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
name | unique(./entity[determinerCode="INST" and classCode="DEV"]/name[type='ST' and isNormalDatatype()]) |
software | unique(./entity[determinerCode="INST" and classCode="DEV"]/softwareName[isNormalDatatype()]) |
version | (Not supported) |
contact | unique(./entity[determinerCode="INST" and classCode="DEV"]/scopesRole[normalRole() and classCode="CON" and layer[classCode="PSN"]/telecom[isNormalDatatype()]) |
endpoint | ./telecom[isNormalDatatype()] |
response | ./conveyedAcknowledgement |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | ./[isNormalDatatype()] |
code | ./typeCode[isNormalDatatype()] |
details | AcknowledgementDetail or Observation[classCode="ALRT" and moodCode="EVN"] |
focus | unique(./controlAct[classCode="CACT" and classCode="EVN" and isNormalAct()]/participation[typeCode="SUBJ" and isNormalParticipation]/role or ./controlAct[classCode="CACT" and classCode="EVN" and isNormalAct()]/outboundRelationship[typeCode="SBJ" and isNormalActRelatoinship]/target) |