eHealth Infrastructure
3.3.0 - ci-build Denmark flag

eHealth Infrastructure, published by Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.3.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: ClinicalImpression Finding Codes (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 3.3.0
Active as of 2019-02-08 Computable Name: ClinicalImpressionFindingCodes

Value set of clinical impression finding codes.


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet ehealth-clinicalimpression-finding-codes

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include all codes defined in
  • Import all the codes that are contained in Observation Codes
  • Include these codes as defined in
    CodeDisplayEnglish (United States) (English (United States), en)Dansk (Danish, da)
    281300000 Below reference range Below reference range
    281302008 Above reference range Above reference range
    281301001 Within reference range Within reference range
    394844007 Outside reference range Outside reference range
    442686002 Measurement finding below reference range Measurement finding below reference range
    442756004 Measurement finding above reference range Measurement finding above reference range
    442082004 Measurement finding within reference range Measurement finding within reference range
    442096005 Measurement finding outside reference range Measurement finding outside reference range
    449171008 Oxygen saturation below reference range Oxygen saturation below reference range
    448225001 Oxygen saturation within reference range Oxygen saturation within reference range
  • Include these codes as defined in urn:oid:
    CodeDisplayDefinitionEnglish (United States) (English (United States), en)Dansk (Danish, da)
    RAL Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm
    GAL Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm
  • Include these codes as defined in
    CodeDisplayDefinitionEnglish (United States) (English (United States), en)Dansk (Danish, da)
    RELRAL Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm Terapeutiske relative grænseværdier for RØD alarm
    RELGAL Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm Terapeutiske relative grænseværdier for GUL alarm



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

This value set contains 39 concepts

  red-question-answer question and answer combination

Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a red combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one red combination found.

  yellow-question-answer question and answer combination

Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a yellow combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one yellow combination found and no red combinations found.

  green-question-answer question and answer combination

Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates a green combination. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates at least one green combination found and no red or yellow combinations found.

  no-effective-answer-significance effective answer significance for answer and question combination

Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that answer did not meet any answer significance conditions. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no answer met the conditions of any answer significance(s) in the related question.

  no-answer-significance-defined answer significance defined for question(s)

Applied to a single question and answer pair, this indicates that the question did not have any answer significance. Applied as summary to multiple question and answer pairs in a questionnaire response, this indicates that no question had any associated answer significance(s).

  red overall assessment

Overall assessment is red

  yellow overall assessment

Overall assessment is yellow

  green overall assessment

Overall assessment is green

  data-absent data is absent

measurement data is absent

  TBD value - Under construction

Example value - Under construction

  NPU03011urn:oid: sat.;Hb(aB)

Hb(Fe; O2-bind.; aB)—Oxygen(O2); mætn. = ?


Hjerte—Systole; frekv. = ? × 1/min

  NPU03804urn:oid: vægt; Pt

Pt—Legeme; masse = ? kg

  NPU27281urn:oid:—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²

Pt—Legeme; massekoefficient(masse/kvadreret højde) = ? kg/m²

  NPU03794urn:oid:—Legeme; højde = ? m

Pt—Legeme; højde = ? m


Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse FEV1; vol. = ? L


Lunge—Lungefunktionsundersøgelse vitalkapasitet FVC; vol. = ? L


Lunge—FEV1/FVC; ratio = ?

  MCS88019urn:oid: hjemme systolisk;Arm

Arm—Blodtryk(systolisk) hjemme; tryk = ? mmHg

  MCS88020urn:oid: hjemme diastolisk;Arm

Arm—Blodtryk(diastolisk) hjemme; tryk = ? mmHg

  MCS88021urn:oid: skala;Pt(KOL)

Pt(KOL) —MRC skala; arb.antal(værdi 1-5) = ?

  MCS88023urn:oid: af forventet værdi;Pt(KOL)

Pt(KOL) - FEV1 i % af den forventede værdi (efter højde,alder og køn); ratio = ?

  MCS88050urn:oid: sætte sig testen;Pt

Pt—Rejse sætte sig testen; antal (værdi 0-50) = × 1/ 30 sek

  MCS88137urn:oid: score;Pt

Pt—CORD Assessment Test (CAT) score; antal(værdi 0-40) = ?

  ZZ3170urn:oid:åling udført af patienten
  281300000 reference range
  281302008 reference range
  281301001 reference range
  394844007 reference range (qualifier value)
  442686002 finding below reference range (finding)
  442756004 finding above reference range
  442082004 finding within reference range
  442096005 finding outside reference range
  449171008 saturation below reference range (finding)
  448225001 saturation within reference range (finding)
  RALurn:oid: grænseværdier for RØD alarm

Terapeutiske grænseværdier for RØD alarm

  GALurn:oid: grænseværdier for GUL alarm

Terapeutiske grænseværdier for GUL alarm

  RELRAL relative reference range for RED alarm

Terapeutic relative reference range for RED alarm

  RELGAL relative reference range for YELLOW alarm

Terapeutic relative reference range for YELLOW alarm

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code