eHealth Infrastructure, published by Den telemedicinske infrastruktur (eHealth Infrastructure). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.4.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 3.4.0 | |||
Active as of 2021-08-20 | Computable Name: patient |
Raw OpenAPI-Swagger Definition file | Download
Generated Narrative: CapabilityStatement patient
, xml
, application/fhir+json
, json
, application/x-turtle
, ttl
, html/json
, html/xml
, html/turtle
Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities
Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as 'SHALL NOT'. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.
Capabilities by Resource/Profile
The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:
The relevant profiles (if any)
The interactions supported by each resource (Read, Search, Update, and Create, are always shown, while VRead, Patch, Delete, History on Instance, or History on Type are only present if at least one of the resources has support for them.
The required, recommended, and some optional search parameters (if any).
The linked resources enabled for _include
The other resources enabled for _revinclude
The operations on the resource (if any)
Resource Type | Profile | R | V-R | S | U | P | C | D | H-I | H-T | Searches | _include | _revinclude | Operations |
Appointment | Additional supported profiles: ehealth-appointment ehealth-group-appointment ehealth-group-videoappointment ehealth-videoappointment | y | y | y | y | y | y | _language, date, specialty, service-category, _lastUpdated, slot, reason-code, based-on, appointmentGroupId, patient, responsible, supporting-info, careteamParticipant, identifier, practitioner, appointment-type, part-status, service-type, _security, _filter, actor, _profile, intended-audience, _has, _tag, reason-reference, location, _id, _content, _text, status | * , Appointment:actor , Appointment:patient | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of | $exportAsiCal , $meta , $meta-add , $meta-delete , $validate | |||
CodeSystem | | y | y | y | _language, date, code, context-type-value, jurisdiction, _lastUpdated, description, context-type, language, title, context-quantity, context, context-type-quantity, identifier, content-mode, _security, version, url, _filter, supplements, system, _profile, _has, _tag, name, publisher, _source, _id, _content, _text, status | * | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , CodeSystem:supplements , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of | $lookup , $subsumes , $validate | ||||||
Communication | Additional supported profiles: ehealth-communication ehealth-message | y | y | y | y | y | y | _language, administrativeStatus, subject, _lastUpdated, part-of, medium, on-behalf-of, threadId, based-on, patient, instantiates-uri, identifier, period, _security, instantiates-canonical, communicationCategory, received, encounter, communicationGroupId, careTeamRecipient, sent, _filter, careTeamSender, communicationParticipant, communicationRelatesTo, _profile, sender, _has, _tag, recipient, _id, category, restrictionCategory, _content, _text, status | * , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:encounter , Communication:instantiates-canonical , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , Communication:patient , Communication:recipient , Communication:sender , Communication:subject | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of | $validate | |||
OperationDefinition | | y | _language, date, code, instance, context-type-value, jurisdiction, description, context-type, title, type, context-quantity, output-profile, context, context-type-quantity, kind, version, url, input-profile, system, name, publisher, _id, base, status | * , OperationDefinition:base , OperationDefinition:input-profile , OperationDefinition:output-profile | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:instantiates-canonical , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , OperationDefinition:base | |||||||||
Patient | Additional supported profiles: ehealth-patient | y | y | y | y | _language, birthdate, deceased, address-state, gender, link, language, address-country, death-date, phonetic, telecom, address-city, email, given, identifier, address, general-practitioner, _security, active, address-postalcode, phone, organization, address-use, name, _id, family | * , Patient:link | Appointment:actor , Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:patient , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , Communication:patient , Communication:recipient , Communication:sender , Communication:subject , Patient:link , Person:link , Person:patient , RelatedPerson:patient | $createPatient , $updatePatientWithSKRSData , $validate | |||||
Person | | _language, identifier, address, birthdate, address-state, gender, practitioner, link, relatedperson, address-postalcode, address-country, phonetic, phone, patient, organization, address-use, name, telecom, _id, address-city, email | * , Person:link , Person:organization , Person:patient , Person:practitioner , Person:relatedperson | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , Person:link | $match | |||||||||
RelatedPerson | Additional supported profiles: ehealth-relatedperson | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | _language, birthdate, address-state, gender, _lastUpdated, address-country, phonetic, patient, telecom, address-city, relationship, email, identifier, address, _security, active, address-postalcode, _profile, phone, _has, _tag, address-use, name, _id, _content, _text | * , RelatedPerson:patient | Appointment:actor , Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , Communication:recipient , Communication:sender , Patient:link , Person:link , Person:relatedperson | $validate | ||
SearchParameter | | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | _language, date, code, context-type-value, jurisdiction, _lastUpdated, derived-from, description, context-type, type, context-quantity, context, context-type-quantity, _security, sp-unique-url, version, url, target, _filter, component, _profile, _has, _tag, name, publisher, _source, _id, _content, _text, base, status | * , SearchParameter:component | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , SearchParameter:component , SearchParameter:derived-from | $expunge , $meta , $meta-add , $meta-delete , $validate |
StructureDefinition | Additional supported profiles: ehealth-definedquestion | y | y | y | y | _language, date, context-type-value, jurisdiction, _lastUpdated, description, context-type, experimental, title, type, context-quantity, path, base-path, context, sd-unique-url, keyword, context-type-quantity, identifier, valueset, kind, _security, abstract, version, url, _filter, _profile, ext-context, _has, _tag, name, publisher, derivation, _source, _id, _content, _text, base, status | * , StructureDefinition:valueset | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , OperationDefinition:input-profile , OperationDefinition:output-profile , StructureDefinition:base | $generateSnapshot , $snapshot , $validate | |||||
ValueSet | | y | y | y | _language, date, code, context-type-value, jurisdiction, _lastUpdated, description, context-type, title, reference, context-quantity, context, context-type-quantity, identifier, _security, version, url, expansion, _filter, _profile, _has, _tag, name, publisher, _source, _id, _content, _text, status | * | Appointment:careteamParticipant , Appointment:intended-audience , Appointment:responsible , Appointment:supporting-info , Communication:based-on , Communication:careTeamRecipient , Communication:careTeamSender , Communication:on-behalf-of , Communication:part-of , StructureDefinition:valueset | $expand , $validate-code , $validate |
Supported Profilesehealth-appointment
Interaction summary
- Supports
, patch
, search-type
, update
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
Appointment date/time.
SHALL specialty token
The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
SHALL service-category token
A broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL slot reference
The slots that this appointment is filling
SHALL reason-code token
Coded reason this appointment is scheduled
SHALL based-on reference
The service request this appointment is allocated to assess
SHALL appointmentGroupId string
Search parameter for finding resources based on group id
SHALL patient reference
One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient
SHALL responsible reference
Search parameter for finding responsible entity on Appointment
SHALL supporting-info reference
Additional information to support the appointment
SHALL careteamParticipant reference
Search parameter for finding appointments based on careteam participants
SHALL identifier token
An Identifier of the Appointment
SHALL practitioner reference
One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner
SHALL appointment-type token
The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
SHALL part-status token
The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.
SHALL service-type token
The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL actor reference
Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL intended-audience reference
Search parameter for finding intended audience on Appointment
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL reason-reference reference
Reason the appointment is to take place (resource)
SHALL location reference
This location is listed in the participants of the appointment
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL status token
The overall status of the appointment
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $exportAsiCal SHALL $meta SHALL $meta-add SHALL $meta-delete SHALL $validate
Interaction summary
- Supports
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
The code system publication date
SHALL code token
A code defined in the code system
SHALL context-type-value composite
A use context type and value assigned to the code system
SHALL jurisdiction token
Intended jurisdiction for the code system
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL description string
The description of the code system
SHALL context-type token
A type of use context assigned to the code system
SHALL language token
A language in which a designation is provided
SHALL title string
The human-friendly name of the code system
SHALL context-quantity quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the code system
SHALL context token
A use context assigned to the code system
SHALL context-type-quantity composite
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the code system
SHALL identifier token
External identifier for the code system
SHALL content-mode token
not-present | example | fragment | complete | supplement
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL version token
The business version of the code system
SHALL url uri
The uri that identifies the code system
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL supplements reference
Find code system supplements for the referenced code system
SHALL system uri
The system for any codes defined by this code system (same as 'url')
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL name string
Computationally friendly name of the code system
SHALL publisher string
Name of the publisher of the code system
SHALL _source uri
Search for resources which have the given source value (Resource.meta.source)
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL status token
The current status of the code system
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $lookup SHALL $subsumes SHALL $validate
Supported Profiles
Interaction summary
- Supports
, patch
, search-type
, delete
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL administrativeStatus token
Search parameter for finding communication based on administrative status
SHALL subject reference
Focus of message
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL part-of reference
Part of this action
SHALL medium token
A channel of communication
SHALL on-behalf-of reference
Search parameter for finding communication based on on-behalf-of
SHALL threadId string
Search parameter for finding communication based on thread id
SHALL based-on reference
Request fulfilled by this communication
SHALL patient reference
Focus of message
SHALL instantiates-uri uri
Instantiates external protocol or definition
SHALL identifier token
Unique identifier
SHALL period date
Search parameter for finding communication based on period
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL instantiates-canonical reference
Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
SHALL communicationCategory token
Search parameter for finding communication based on the category code
SHALL received date
When received
SHALL encounter reference
Encounter created as part of
SHALL communicationGroupId string
Search parameter for finding resources based on group id
SHALL careTeamRecipient reference
Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam recipient
SHALL sent date
When sent
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL careTeamSender reference
Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam sender
SHALL communicationParticipant reference
Search parameter for finding communication based on participant
SHALL communicationRelatesTo reference
Search parameter for finding communication based on either participant or episode of care.
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL sender reference
Message sender
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL recipient reference
Message recipient
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL category token
Message category
SHALL restrictionCategory token
Search parameter for finding communication based on CareTeam recipient
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL status token
preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $validate
Interaction summary
- Supports
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
The operation definition publication date
SHALL code token
Name used to invoke the operation
SHALL instance token
Invoke on an instance?
SHALL context-type-value composite
A use context type and value assigned to the operation definition
SHALL jurisdiction token
Intended jurisdiction for the operation definition
SHALL description string
The description of the operation definition
SHALL context-type token
A type of use context assigned to the operation definition
SHALL title string
The human-friendly name of the operation definition
SHALL type token
Invoke at the type level?
SHALL context-quantity quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the operation definition
SHALL output-profile reference
Validation information for out parameters
SHALL context token
A use context assigned to the operation definition
SHALL context-type-quantity composite
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the operation definition
SHALL kind token
operation | query
SHALL version token
The business version of the operation definition
SHALL url uri
The uri that identifies the operation definition
SHALL input-profile reference
Validation information for in parameters
SHALL system token
Invoke at the system level?
SHALL name string
Computationally friendly name of the operation definition
SHALL publisher string
Name of the publisher of the operation definition
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL base reference
Marks this as a profile of the base
SHALL status token
The current status of the operation definition
Supported Profilesehealth-patient
Interaction summary
- Supports
, search-type
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL birthdate date
The patient's date of birth
SHALL deceased token
This patient has been marked as deceased, or as a death date entered
SHALL address-state string
A state specified in an address
SHALL gender token
Gender of the patient
SHALL link reference
All patients linked to the given patient
SHALL language token
Language code (irrespective of use value)
SHALL address-country string
A country specified in an address
SHALL death-date date
The date of death has been provided and satisfies this search value
SHALL phonetic string
A portion of either family or given name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
SHALL telecom token
The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient
SHALL address-city string
A city specified in an address
SHALL email token
A value in an email contact
SHALL given string
A portion of the given name of the patient
SHALL identifier token
A patient identifier
SHALL address string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text
SHALL general-practitioner reference
Patient's nominated general practitioner, not the organization that manages the record
SHALL _security token
The Security Label of the resource
SHALL active token
Whether the patient record is active
SHALL address-postalcode string
A postalCode specified in an address
SHALL phone token
A value in a phone contact
SHALL organization reference
The organization that is the custodian of the patient record
SHALL address-use token
A use code specified in an address
SHALL name string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL family string
A portion of the family name of the patient
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $createPatient SHALL $updatePatientWithSKRSData SHALL $validate
Interaction summary
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL identifier token
A person Identifier
SHALL address string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text
SHALL birthdate date
The person's date of birth
SHALL address-state string
A state specified in an address
SHALL gender token
The gender of the person
SHALL practitioner reference
The Person links to this Practitioner
SHALL link reference
Any link has this Patient, Person, RelatedPerson or Practitioner reference
SHALL relatedperson reference
The Person links to this RelatedPerson
SHALL address-postalcode string
A postal code specified in an address
SHALL address-country string
A country specified in an address
SHALL phonetic string
A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
SHALL phone token
A value in a phone contact
SHALL patient reference
The Person links to this Patient
SHALL organization reference
The organization at which this person record is being managed
SHALL address-use token
A use code specified in an address
SHALL name string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text
SHALL telecom token
The value in any kind of contact
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL address-city string
A city specified in an address
SHALL email token
A value in an email contact
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $match
Supported Profiles
Interaction summary
- Supports
, create
, update
, patch
, delete
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL birthdate date
The Related Person's date of birth
SHALL address-state string
A state specified in an address
SHALL gender token
Gender of the related person
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL address-country string
A country specified in an address
SHALL phonetic string
A portion of name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm
SHALL patient reference
The patient this related person is related to
SHALL telecom token
The value in any kind of contact
SHALL address-city string
A city specified in an address
SHALL relationship token
The relationship between the patient and the relatedperson
SHALL email token
A value in an email contact
SHALL identifier token
An Identifier of the RelatedPerson
SHALL address string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, district, state, country, postalCode, and/or text
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL active token
Indicates if the related person record is active
SHALL address-postalcode string
A postal code specified in an address
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL phone token
A value in a phone contact
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL address-use token
A use code specified in an address
SHALL name string
A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $validate
Interaction summary
- Supports
, create
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
, patch
, vread
, read
, update
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
The search parameter publication date
SHALL code token
Code used in URL
SHALL context-type-value composite
A use context type and value assigned to the search parameter
SHALL jurisdiction token
Intended jurisdiction for the search parameter
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL derived-from reference
Original definition for the search parameter
SHALL description string
The description of the search parameter
SHALL context-type token
A type of use context assigned to the search parameter
SHALL type token
number | date | string | token | reference | composite | quantity | uri | special
SHALL context-quantity quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the search parameter
SHALL context token
A use context assigned to the search parameter
SHALL context-type-quantity composite
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the search parameter
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL sp-unique-url composite
Search parameter for making a SearchParameter unique by URL
SHALL version token
The business version of the search parameter
SHALL url uri
Search parameter for finding a searchparameter by URL
SHALL target token
Types of resource (if a resource reference)
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL component reference
Defines how the part works
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL name string
Computationally friendly name of the search parameter
SHALL publisher string
Name of the publisher of the search parameter
SHALL _source uri
Search for resources which have the given source value (Resource.meta.source)
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL base token
The resource type(s) this search parameter applies to
SHALL status token
The current status of the search parameter
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $expunge SHALL $meta Request a global list of tags, profiles, and security labels
SHALL $meta-add Add tags, profiles, and/or security labels to a resource
SHALL $meta-delete Delete tags, profiles, and/or security labels from a resource
SHALL $validate
Supported Profiles
Interaction summary
- Supports
, search-type
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
The structure definition publication date
SHALL context-type-value composite
A use context type and value assigned to the structure definition
SHALL jurisdiction token
Intended jurisdiction for the structure definition
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL description string
The description of the structure definition
SHALL context-type token
A type of use context assigned to the structure definition
SHALL experimental token
For testing purposes, not real usage
SHALL title string
The human-friendly name of the structure definition
SHALL type uri
Type defined or constrained by this structure
SHALL context-quantity quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the structure definition
SHALL path token
A path that is constrained in the StructureDefinition
SHALL base-path token
Path that identifies the base element
SHALL context token
A use context assigned to the structure definition
SHALL sd-unique-url composite
Search parameter for making a structureDefinition unique by URL
SHALL keyword token
A code for the StructureDefinition
SHALL context-type-quantity composite
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the structure definition
SHALL identifier token
External identifier for the structure definition
SHALL valueset reference
A vocabulary binding reference
SHALL kind token
primitive-type | complex-type | resource | logical
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL abstract token
Whether the structure is abstract
SHALL version token
The business version of the structure definition
SHALL url uri
Search parameter for finding a structureDefinition by URL
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL ext-context token
The system is the URL for the context-type: e.g.|CodeableConcept.text
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL name string
Computationally friendly name of the structure definition
SHALL publisher string
Name of the publisher of the structure definition
SHALL derivation token
specialization | constraint - How relates to base definition
SHALL _source uri
Search for resources which have the given source value (Resource.meta.source)
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL base reference
Definition that this type is constrained/specialized from
SHALL status token
The current status of the structure definition
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $generateSnapshot SHALL $snapshot SHALL $validate
Interaction summary
- Supports
, vread
, read
Search ParametersConformance Parameter Type Documentation SHALL _language string
The language of the resource
SHALL date date
The value set publication date
SHALL code token
This special parameter searches for codes in the value set. See additional notes on the ValueSet resource
SHALL context-type-value composite
A use context type and value assigned to the value set
SHALL jurisdiction token
Intended jurisdiction for the value set
SHALL _lastUpdated date
Only return resources which were last updated as specified by the given range
SHALL description string
The description of the value set
SHALL context-type token
A type of use context assigned to the value set
SHALL title string
The human-friendly name of the value set
SHALL reference uri
A code system included or excluded in the value set or an imported value set
SHALL context-quantity quantity
A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the value set
SHALL context token
A use context assigned to the value set
SHALL context-type-quantity composite
A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the value set
SHALL identifier token
External identifier for the value set
SHALL _security token
Search for resources which have the given security labels
SHALL version token
The business version of the value set
SHALL url uri
The uri that identifies the value set
SHALL expansion uri
Identifies the value set expansion (business identifier)
SHALL _filter string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a filter
SHALL _profile uri
Search for resources which have the given profile
SHALL _has string
Return resources linked to by the given target
SHALL _tag token
Search for resources which have the given tag
SHALL name string
Computationally friendly name of the value set
SHALL publisher string
Name of the publisher of the value set
SHALL _source uri
Search for resources which have the given source value (Resource.meta.source)
SHALL _id token
The ID of the resource
SHALL _content string
Search the contents of the resource's data using a fulltext search
SHALL _text string
Search the contents of the resource's narrative using a fulltext search
SHALL status token
The current status of the value set
Extended OperationsConformance Operation Documentation SHALL $expand SHALL $validate-code SHALL $validate