PCC - mobile Paramedicine Summary of Care (mPSC)
2.0.0-draft - ci-build International flag

PCC - mobile Paramedicine Summary of Care (mPSC), published by IHE Patient Care Coordination. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-draft built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/PCC.PCS/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

mPSC Content Consumer

The mPCS Content Creator

mPSC Content Creator

The mPCS Content Creator

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Activation of the destination healthcare facility team

Activation of the destination healthcare facility team.

Collision Data

The Observation Organizer that contains the Information relivant to a Collision event.

Estimated Age

The estimated age of the patient. For situations where birthdate is unknown; age is estimated by third party on basis of physical evidence.

Height of Fall

The distance the patient fell.

IHE PCC mPSC AllergyIntolerance

The mPSC AllergyIntolerance contrains the resource to support the data elements that are required if known in the Paramedicine Summary Profile.

IHE PCC mPSC Location

Location Resource conformant to the data needs of the Paramedicine Summary of Care document

IHE PCS Profile ParamedicinceVitalSigns Observation Base

IHE PCS ParamedicinceVitalSigns Observation deffines the minimum requirements for all the vital signs observations supported in this IG.

IHE Paramedicine Service Request

The Paramedicince Service Request resource, Constraining the Service request resource to support concepts that are collected and sent in a Paramedicine Service Request. This service request SHALL be used to document a Refferal, Emergency services communications, and Dispatch Information.

IHE Paramedicine Vehicle

The Paramedicince Vehicel information, identifying the type of vehicle, service Level, and capabilities.

IHE barriers to care observation

Indication of whether or not there were any patient specific barriers to serving the patient.

IHE mPSC Encounter

An IHE PCS Encounter Complete Report resource is used to deffine the emergency medical transport encounter of a patient,with only clinically relevant infromaiton.

  • Identifier is Required
  • encounter type is Required
  • Service type is required if known
  • priority is required if known
  • diagnosis are required if known
  • service request (dispatch info) required if know
IHE mPSC Patient



The event that is the main focus or cause for the Paramedicine Response.

Last Known Well

The estimated date and time the patient was last known to be well or in their usual state of health. This is described or estimated by the patient, family, and/or bystanders.

Last oral intake Observation

Date and Time of last oral intake.

Mechanism of Injury

The General mechanism of the forces which caused the injury.

Number of Affected People

The number of effected people that are present at the incident. This numeric does not apply to the number of providers at the incident.

PSC Mass Casualty Incident

The indication of weather and incident is considered a mass casualty. A mass casualty incident describes an incident in which emergency medical services resources, such as personnel and equipment, are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties.

Paramedicince Summary Composition Clinical Subset

The composition of the FHIR elements that are used to build the FHIR Document for the Paramedicine Care Summary Clinical Subset the following cardinalities follow the documentation in the PCS profile:

  • RE 0..1 IPS Advance Directives
  • RE 0..1 IPS History of Past Illness
  • RE 0..1 IPS History of Procedures
  • R 1..1 IPS Allergies and Intolerances
  • R 1..1 IPS Medications
  • R 0..1 IPS Problems (complaints?) — review of systems
  • R 1..1 IPS Functional Status
  • RE 0..1 Medications Administered Section —- procedures performed
  • RE 0..1 IPS Vital Signs
  • O 0..1 Payor

  • RE 0..1 IPS History of Pregnancy
  • O 0..1 Immunizations
  • O 0..1 IPS Medical Devices
  • O 0..1 IPS Results
  • O 0..1 IPS Plan of Care
  • O 0..1 Payor
  • O 0..1 InjuryEvent seciton
  • O 0..1 eArrest Section ——- mass casuality incident
Paramedicince Summary Composition Clinical Subset


Paramedicine Medication Administration

The Medication Administration resource constrained to support the data elements shared and documented in a Paramedicine Summary of care document.

Paramedicine Organization

The Organization resource constrained to support the data elements shared and documented in a Paramedicine Summary of care document.

Paramedicine Patient

The Paramedicine Patient resource utilizes the PQDQM patient resource in allignment with the IPS patient resource. It contrains the resource to support the data elements that are required if known in the Paramedicine Summary Profile.

Patient Activity

The Narrative explanation of what the patient was doing prior to the onset of a condition or injury.

Patient Transport ClinicalSubset

Record of transport of a person or patient with constraints matching the Clinical Subset.

Possible Injury

Indication whether or not there was an injury.

Protective Equipment Used

The observation of the Protective Equipment used.

Safety Equipment Used

The observation of the Safety Equipment used.

Work Place Injury Indicator

An observation indicating if the injury happened at the patient’s work place.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Number of Patients Transported

The number of patients transported by this paramedicine crew and unit.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Active Advanced Healthcare Directives Findings Value Set

The documentation of the finding of a patient having active advance directives

Airbag Type Value Set

Coded values that can be used to represent the type of airbag observed

Airway Device Confirmation Method Value Set

Confirmation method for airway device placement

Airway Device Type Value Set

Coded values that can be used to represent the type of devices used for airway management

Barrier To Care Value Set

Circumstances limiting one’s ability to provide care to a patient

Blood Pressure Measurement Method Value Set

Technique or device used for measuring blood pressure

Cardiac Arrest Etiology Value Set

Etiology of a cardiac arrest

Cardiac Arrest Outcome Value Set

Outcome of an cardiac arrest event from paramedicine encounter

Cardiac Arrest Witness Role Value Set

Kind of person who witnessed a cardiac arrest

Cardiac Rhythm Readings Value Set

Kind of rhythm found in a cardiac arrest patient

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Type Value Set

Kind of procedure used for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

ChiefComplaint Anatomic Location Value Set


ChiefComplaint Organ System Value Set


Collision Object Value Set

What has been hit in a Collision

Complication Subset Value Set

Kind of abnormal effect associated with a Procedure, interventon, or Medication Administration.

Destination Prearrival Activation Type Value Set

The location within the hospital that the patient was taken directly by EMS

Disaster Type Value Set

Kind of incident resulting in or likely to result in injuries or clinically adverse events

ECG Device Type Value Set

Kind of electrocardiogram equipment

IHE PCC Patient Contact Relationship Roles Value Set

The roleCodes that encompas the relationships that can be had with a patient.

IHE PCC Vital Signs Value Set

The set of reccomended vital sign codes that can be used to represent vital signs in IHE’s PCC profiles.

IHE PCC mPSC APGAR Assessment Type Value Set

The set of APGAR assessment codes that can be used represent an APGAR score.

IHE PCC mPSC Data Absent Reason Value Set

The set of Data Absent Reasons utilized on the mPSC profile elements.

IHE PCC mPSC Facility Ward Value Set

A subset of codes documenting the Hospital or facility unit/ward.

IHE PCC mPSC Vital Signs Value Set

The set of vital sign codes that can be used for vital signs captured by paramedicine providers.

Length Based Weight Class Value Set

Weight estimated by tape measure

Level Of Responsiveness AVPU Value Set

Level Of Responsiveness AVPU findings

Location In Vehicle Value Set

The seat or other locations that the patient has been found, within a vehicle.

Mechanism Of Injury Value Set

Kind of physical phenomenon causing an injury

Medication Administration Device Value Set

Kind of electrocardiogram equipment

Medication Complication Value Set

Kind of abnormal effect associated with a medication adeministration

PSC Location Type Value Set

Loaction types used to descrive the type of facility or environment in a Paramedicine Encounter.

Paramedicine Emergency Event Sub List Value Set

A subset of the Events that a PAramedicince Service will respond to to initiate an encounter.

Paramedicine Observation Interpretation Value Set

Interpretations of assessment scales applicable to paramedicine care

Paramedicine Provider Roles Value Set

Extension of the known provider roles in HL7 to suppor the driver role of the Paramedicine Providers.

Paramedicine Provider Types Value Set

The Provider type codes added to include concepts for EMTs and other sub types of paramedicine providers in the USA.

Paramedicine Reason For Visit Value Set

A subset of Reason codes that are informed by NEMSIS Dispatch Reasons as a reccomended subset.

Paramedicine Treatment Response Value Set

the type of change in the patient’s condition after a procedure, intervention, or a medication administration

Paramedicine Vehicle Type Value Set

The Types of vehicles Paramedicine services may use.

Pathient Transfer to Ambulance_Method Value Set

How the Patient was transfered into the Ambulance.

Physical Finding of Abdomen Target Site Value Set

A subset of body site locations that apply to an abdominal assessment

Physical Finding of Abdomen Value Set

A subset of Finding resulting from an abdominal assessment

Physical Finding of Back Target Site Value Set

A subset of codes to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the back target site.

Physical Finding of Back Value Set

A subset of codes to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the back

Physical Finding of Back and Spine Target Site Value Set

A subset of body site locations that apply to a Back and Spine assessment

Physical Finding of Back and Spine Value Set

Findings resulting from a back and spine assessment

Physical Finding of Chest Target Site Value Set

A subset of body site locations that apply to a chest assessment

Physical Finding of Chest Value Set

Findings resulting from a chest assessment

Physical Finding of Extremities Target Site Value Set

A subset of body site locations that apply to a chest assessment

Physical Finding of Extremities Value Set

Findings resulting from an Extremities assessment

Physical Finding of Eye Target Site Value Set

The eye assement finding is about

Physical Finding of Eye Value Set

Findings resulting from an Eye assessment

Physical Finding of Face Value Set

Findings resulting from a face assessment

Physical Finding of Genitourinary Tract Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Genitourinary Tract

Physical Finding of Head Value Set

Findings resulting from a head assessment

Physical Finding of Heart Value Set

Findings resulting from a heart assessment

Physical Finding of Lung Tartget Site Value Set

The lung assement finding is about

Physical Finding of Lung Value Set

Findings resulting from a lung assessment

Physical Finding of Neck Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Neck

Physical Finding of Nervous System Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Nervous System.

Physical Finding of Pelvis Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Pelvis

Physical Finding of Pelvis and Genitourinary Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Pelvis and Genitourinary Tract

Physical Finding of Pelvis and Genitourinary Value Set

This value set applies coded values to the Broselow-Luten color-coded length-based system.

Physical Finding of Pupil Value Set

Findings resulting from a pupil assessment

Physical Finding of Respiratory System Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the Respiratory System.

Physical Finding of Skin Value Set

A subset of cades to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the skin

Physical Finding of Spine Spine Target Site Value Set

A subset of codes to deffine finsings that come from a Physical Exam of the spine target site.

Protective Equipment Value Set

Protective Equipment

Pulse Rhythm Value Set

Findings of the pulse rhythm

Reason For Visit Value Set

Kind of medical problem or incident reported, subset

Respiratory Effort Value Set

Findings that describe the respiratory efforts of the patient.

Safety Equipment Value Set

Safety Equiptment

Stroke Assessment Interpretation Value Set

The codes that identify what stroke scale is used to identify a stroke in the field.

Stroke Scale Type Value Set

The codes that identify what stroke scale is used to identify a stroke in the field.

Substance Use Evidence Value Set

the objects, observable entites, and information that indicates that the patient has used a substance.

Transport Method Value Set

The Type of transport that is taking place.

Vehicle Type Value Set

The Types of vehicles.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Code System Containing values that do not have a maintianed code system.

Elements in this Code system SHALL be used to further deffine the type of location relative to the patien’t episode of care.


The International Classification of Occupations (ISCO) seeks to facilitate international communication about occupations by providing statisticians with a framework to make internationally comparable occupational data available, and by allowing international occupational data to be produced in a form that can be useful for research as well as for specific decision-making and action-oriented activities. The current version, known as ISCO-08, was published in 2008 and is the fourth iteration, following ISCO-58, ISCO-68 and ISCO-88. Published by IHE with authority from the International Labor Organization Given on July 18th 2024. This code system will be removed if and when a more formal publication is taken on by this organization.


a standard classification of economic activities arranged so that entities can be classified according to the activity they carry out. The categories of ISIC at the most detailed level (classes) are delineated according to what is, in most countries, the customary combination of activities described in statistical units and considers the relative importance of the activities included in these classes. While the latest version, ISIC Rev.4, continues to use criteria such as input, output and use of the products produced, more emphasis has been given to the character of the production process in defining and delineating ISIC classes. Published by IHE with authority from the International Labor Organization Given on July 18th 2024. This code system will be removed if and when a more formal publication is taken on by this organization.


The codede Values used in the NEMSIS Standard

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


The Example instance for last known well observation

Paramdicine Agency-StateID-Assigner.

The State that assigned the Paramedicine Agency’s unique ID

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Barriers To Care Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Barriers To care, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Barriers To Care Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Barriers To care, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Cheif Complaint example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Condition instance for Patient Elina R Macias Cheif Complaint, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Dispatch Location example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Dispatch Location example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Height of Fall Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Height of Fall , utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Height of Fall Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Mechanism Of Injury, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine MedicationAdministration example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias MedicationStatement-Warfarin Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Number of Affected People Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Number of Affected People, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Organization example utilizing data from the NEMSIS pretesting examples.

Paramedicince Agency Organization example for Paramdicine Summary of Care

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Organization example utilizing data from the NEMSIS pretesting examples.

Paramedicince Agency Organization example for Paramdicine Summary of Care

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Patient Activity Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Patient Activity, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Patient Activity Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Patient Activity, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Patient Last Known Well Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Last Known Well, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Patient Last Oral Intake Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Last Oral Intake, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Patient Possible Injury Observation example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Observation instance for Patient Elina R Macias Possible Injury, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Chase Grey example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Chase Grey example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Darlene T Beck example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Darlene T Beck example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Ellen Costa example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Ellen Costa example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Randall M Sadler example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Prcatitioner Randall M Sadler example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Problem Hip Injury example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Condition instance for Patient Elina R Macias Hip Injry, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Problem Multiple Injury example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Condition instance for Patient Elina R Macias Multiple Injry, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-Application of splint example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure-Application of splint Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-Catheterisation-Of-Vein example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure-Catheterisation-Of-Vein Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-Catheterisation-Of-Vein example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure-Catheterisation-Of-Vein Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-Informing-Doctor example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure- Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-Moving-Patient-Stretcher example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure-Moving-Patient-Stretcher Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Procedure-external warming example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The instance for Patient Elina R Macias Procedure-external warming Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Secondary COmplaint example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Condition instance for Patient Elina R Macias Cheif Complaint, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Secondary COmplaint example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Condition instance for Patient Elina R Macias Cheif Complaint, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Service Request example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

The Service Request instance for Patient Elina R Macias Service Request, utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine Vehicle example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine vehicle example utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine incident location example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine incident location utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine incident location example for NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.

Paramdicine Summary Paramedicine incident location utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 pretesting example.


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Acetaminophen utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Apples utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Aspirin utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Cats utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Penicillin utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Example instance for Elina R Macias Allergy-Remdesivir utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Fall Example instance for the Coverage Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Fall Example instance for the Coverage organization utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The Fall Example instance for the Paramedicine Patient Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias immunization-Influenza-Seasonal Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias immunization-MMR Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias immunization-Other-NotListed Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias immunization-TDaP Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias MedicationStatement-Warfarin Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-AVPU Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodGlucoseLevel Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodGlucoseLevel Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodGlucoseLevel Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodGlucoseLevel Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodPressure-Systolic Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodPressure-Systolic Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodPressure-Systolic Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodPressure-Systolic Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-BloodPressure-Diastolic Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Carbon Monoxide Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Carbon Monoxide Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Carbon Monoxide Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Carbon Monoxide Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Estimated-Weight Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-HeartRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-HeartRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-HeartRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-HeartRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Pain Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Pain Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Pain Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Pain Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-OxygenSat Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-OxygenSat Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-OxygenSat Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-OxygenSat Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-PulseRhythm Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-PulseRhythm Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-PulseRhythm Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-PulseRhythm Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns- Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns- Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns- Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns- Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-RespiratoryRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-RespiratoryRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-RespiratoryRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-RespiratoryRate Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Temperature Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Temperature Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Temperature Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example


The instance for Patient Elina R Macias VitalSigns-Temperature Resource utilizing data from the NEMSIS 2023-EMS-3-FallTransport_v350 example