PCC - mobile Paramedicine Summary of Care (mPSC)
2.0.0-draft - ci-build International flag

PCC - mobile Paramedicine Summary of Care (mPSC), published by IHE Patient Care Coordination. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-draft built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/PCC.PCS/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: NEMSIS (Experimental)

Official URL: https://profiles.ihe.net/PCC/mPSC/CodeSystem/NEMSIS Version: 2.0.0-draft
Draft as of 2024-09-03 Computable Name: NEMSIS

The codede Values used in the NEMSIS Standard

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem NEMSIS

This case-sensitive code system https://profiles.ihe.net/PCC/mPSC/CodeSystem/NEMSIS defines the following codes:

8801001 Contraindication Noted
8801003 Denied By Order
8801005 Exam Finding Not Present
8801007 Medication Allergy
8801009 Medication Already Taken
8801013 No Known Drug Allergy
8801015 None Reported
8801017 Not Performed by EMS
8801019 Refused
8801021 Unresponsive
8801023 Unable to Complete
8801025 Not Immunized
8801027 Order Criteria Not Met
8801029 Approximate
8801031 Symptom Not Present
9914001 Airway
9914003 Airway-Failed
9914005 Airway-Obstruction/Foreign Body
9914007 Airway-Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI-Paralytic)
9914009 Airway-Sedation Assisted (Non-Paralytic)
9914011 Cardiac Arrest-Asystole
9914013 Cardiac Arrest-Hypothermia-Therapeutic
9914015 Cardiac Arrest-Pulseless Electrical Activity
9914017 Cardiac Arrest-Ventricular Fibrillation/ Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia
9914019 Cardiac Arrest-Post Resuscitation Care
9914021 Environmental-Altitude Sickness
9914023 Environmental-Cold Exposure
9914025 Environmental-Frostbite/Cold Injury
9914027 Environmental-Heat Exposure/Exhaustion
9914029 Environmental-Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia
9914031 Environmental-Hypothermia
9914033 Exposure-Airway/Inhalation Irritants
9914035 Exposure-Biological/Infectious
9914037 Exposure-Blistering Agents
9914041 Exposure-Chemicals to Eye
9914043 Exposure-Cyanide
9914045 Exposure-Explosive/ Blast Injury
9914047 Exposure-Nerve Agents
9914049 Exposure-Radiologic Agents
9914051 General-Back Pain
9914053 General-Behavioral/Patient Restraint
9914055 General-Cardiac Arrest
9914057 General-Dental Problems
9914059 General-Epistaxis
9914061 General-Fever
9914063 General-Individualized Patient Protocol
9914065 General-Indwelling Medical Devices/Equipment
9914067 General-IV Access
9914069 General-Medical Device Malfunction
9914071 General-Pain Control
9914073 General-Spinal Immobilization/Clearance
9914075 General-Universal Patient Care/ Initial Patient Contact
9914077 Injury-Amputation
9914079 Injury-Bites and Envenomations-Land
9914081 Injury-Bites and Envenomations-Marine
9914083 Injury-Bleeding/ Hemorrhage Control
9914085 Injury-Burns-Thermal
9914087 Injury-Cardiac Arrest
9914089 Injury-Crush Syndrome
9914091 Injury-Diving Emergencies
9914093 Injury-Drowning/Near Drowning
9914095 Injury-Electrical Injuries
9914097 Injury-Extremity
9914099 Injury-Eye
9914101 Injury-Head
9914103 Injury-Impaled Object
9914105 Injury-Multisystem
9914107 Injury-Spinal Cord
9914109 Medical-Abdominal Pain
9914111 Medical-Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis
9914113 Medical-Altered Mental Status
9914115 Medical-Bradycardia
9914117 Medical-Cardiac Chest Pain
9914119 Medical-Diarrhea
9914121 Medical-Hyperglycemia
9914123 Medical-Hypertension
9914125 Medical-Hypoglycemia/Diabetic Emergency
9914127 Medical-Hypotension/Shock (Non-Trauma)
9914129 Medical-Influenza-Like Illness/ Upper Respiratory Infection
9914131 Medical-Nausea/Vomiting
9914133 Medical-Newborn/ Neonatal Resuscitation
9914135 General-Overdose/Poisoning/Toxic Ingestion
9914137 Medical-Pulmonary Edema/CHF
9914139 Medical-Respiratory Distress/Asthma/COPD/Reactive Airway
9914141 Medical-Seizure
9914143 Medical-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
9914145 Medical-Stroke/TIA
9914147 Medical-Supraventricular Tachycardia (Including Atrial Fibrillation)
9914149 Medical-Syncope
9914151 Medical-Ventricular Tachycardia (With Pulse)
9914153 Not Done
9914155 OB/GYN-Childbirth/Labor/Delivery
9914157 OB/GYN-Eclampsia
9914159 OB/GYN-Gynecologic Emergencies
9914161 OB/GYN-Pregnancy Related Emergencies
9914163 OB/GYN-Post-partum Hemorrhage
9914165 Other
9914167 Exposure-Carbon Monoxide
9914169 Cardiac Arrest-Do Not Resuscitate
9914171 Cardiac Arrest-Special Resuscitation Orders
9914173 Exposure-Smoke Inhalation
9914175 General-Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Healthcare
9914177 General-Exception Protocol
9914179 General-Extended Care Guidelines
9914181 General-Interfacility Transfers
9914183 General-Law Enforcement - Blood for Legal Purposes
9914185 General-Law Enforcement - Assist with Law Enforcement Activity
9914187 General-Neglect or Abuse Suspected
9914189 General-Refusal of Care
9914191 Injury-Mass/Multiple Casualties
9914193 Injury-Thoracic
9914195 Medical-Adrenal Insufficiency
9914197 Medical-Apparent Life Threatening Event (ALTE)
9914199 Medical-Tachycardia
9914201 Cardiac Arrest-Determination of Death / Withholding Resuscitative Efforts
9914203 Injury-Conducted Electrical Weapon (e.g., Taser)
9914205 Injury-Facial Trauma
9914207 Injury-General Trauma Management
9914209 Injury-Lightning/Lightning Strike
9914211 Injury-SCUBA Injury/Accidents
9914213 Injury-Topical Chemical Burn
9914215 Medical-Beta Blocker Poisoning/Overdose
9914217 Medical-Calcium Channel Blocker Poisoning/Overdose
9914219 Medical-Opioid Poisoning/Overdose
9914221 Medical-Respiratory Distress-Bronchiolitis
9914223 Medical-Respiratory Distress-Croup
9914225 Medical-Stimulant Poisoning/Overdose
3602001 Adult Only
3602003 General
3602005 Pediatric Only
3001001 No
3001003 Yes, Prior to Any EMS Arrival (includes Transport EMS & Medical First Responders)
3001005 Yes, After Any EMS Arrival (includes Transport EMS & Medical First Responders)
2708001 Red - Immediate
2708003 Yellow - Delayed
2708005 reen - Minimal (Minor)
2708007 Gray - Expectant
2708009 Black - Deceased
4507001 Biologic Agent
4507003 Building Failure
4507005 Chemical Agent
4507007 Explosive Device
4507009 Fire
4507011 Hostage Event
4507013 Mass Gathering
4507015 Mass Illness
4507017 Nuclear Agent
4507019 Radioactive Device
4507021 Secondary Destructive Device
4507023 Shooting/Sniper
4507025 Vehicular
4507027 Weather (Other)
4507029 Earthquake
4507031 Flood
4507033 Land Slide
4507035 Winter Storm
4507037 Tornado
4507039 Hurricane
4220001 Closest Facility
4220003 Diversion
4220005 Family Choice
4220007 Insurance Status/Requirement
4220009 Law Enforcement Choice
4220011 On-Line/On-Scene Medical Direction
4220013 Other
4220015 Patient's Choice
4220017 Patient's Physician's Choice
4220019 Protocol
4220021 Regional Specialty Center
4230001 Transport by This EMS Unit (This Crew Only)
4230003 Transport by This EMS Unit, with a Member of Another Crew
4230005 Transport by Another EMS Unit
4230007 Transport by Another EMS Unit, with a Member of This Crew
4230009 Patient Refused Transport
4230011 Non-Patient Transport (Not Otherwise Listed)
4230013 No Transport
4231001 Against Medical Advice
4231003 Patient/Guardian Indicates Ambulance Transport is Not Necessary
4231005 Released Following Protocol Guidelines
4231007 Released to Law Enforcement
4231009 Patient/Guardian States Intent to Transport by Other Means
4231011 DNR
4231013 Medical/Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment
4231015 Other, Not Listed
3101001 Cultural, Custom, Religious
3101003 Developmentally Impaired
3101005 Hearing Impaired
3101007 Language
3101009 None Noted
3101011 Obesity
3101013 Physical Barrier (Unable to Access Patient)
3101015 Physically Impaired
3101017 Physically Restrained
3101019 Psychologically Impaired
3101021 Sight Impaired
3101023 Speech Impaired
3101025 Unattended or Unsupervised (including minors)
3101027 Unconscious
3101029 Uncooperative
3101031 State of Emotional Distress
3101033 Alcohol Use, Suspected
3101035 Drug Use, Suspected
eTimes.01 PSAP Call Date/Time
eTimes.02 Dispatch Notified Date/Time
eTimes.03 Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time
eTimes.04 Dispatch Acknowledged Date/Time
eTimes.05 Unit En Route Date/Time
eTimes.06 Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time
eTimes.07 Arrived at Patient Date/Time
eTimes.08 Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time
eTimes.09 Unit Left Scene Date/Time
eTimes.10 Arrival at Destination Landing Area Date/Time
eTimes.11 Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time
eTimes.12 Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time
eTimes.13 Unit Back in Service Date/Time
eTimes.15 Unit Back at Home Location Date/Time
eTimes.17 Unit Arrived at Staging Area Date/Time
2224001 Intersection Navigation-Against Normal Light Patterns
2224003 Intersection Navigation-With Automated Light Changing Technology
2224005 Intersection Navigation-With Normal Light Patterns
2224007 Scheduled
2224009 Speed-Enhanced per Local Policy
2224011 Speed-Normal Traffic
2224013 Unscheduled
2224015 Lights and Sirens
2224017 Lights and No Sirens
2224019 No Lights or Sirens
2224021 Initial No Lights or Sirens, Upgraded to Lights and Sirens
2224023 Initial Lights and Sirens, Downgraded to No Lights or Sirens
2223001 Emergent (Immediate Response)
2223003 Emergent Downgraded to Non-Emergent
2223005 Non-Emergent
2223007 Non-Emergent Upgraded to Emergent
4217001 Emergent (Immediate Response)
4217003 Emergent Downgraded to Non-Emergent
4217005 Non-Emergent
4217007 Non-Emergent Upgraded to Emergent
4232001 BLS - All Levels
4232003 ALS - AEMT/Intermediate
4232005 ALS - Paramedic
4232007 EMS and Other Health-Care Staff
4232009 Critical Care
4232011 Integrated Health Care
4232013 No Care Provided
2205001 Emergency Response (Primary Response Area)
2205003 Emergency Response (Intercept)
2205009 Emergency Response (Mutual Aid)
2205005 Hospital-to-Hospital Transfer
2205015 Hospital to Non-Hospital Facility Transfer
2205017 Non-Hospital Facility to Non-Hospital Facility Transfer
2205019 Non-Hospital Facility to Hospital Transfer
2205007 Other Routine Medical Transport
2205011 Public Assistance
2205013 Standby
2205021 Support Services
2205023 Non-Patient Care Rescue/Extrication
2205025 Crew Transport Only
2205027 Transport of Organs or Body Parts
2205029 Mortuary Services
2205031 Mobile Integrated Health Care Encounter
2205033 Evaluation for Special Referral/Intake Programs
2205035 Administrative Operations
2208001 Caller (Uncooperative)
2208003 Diversion/Failure (of previous unit)
2208005 High Call Volume
2208007 Language Barrier
2208009 Incomplete Address Information Provided
2208011 No EMS Vehicles (Units) Available
2208013 None/No Delay
2208015 Other
2208017 Technical Failure (Computer, Phone etc.)
2208019 Communication Specialist-Assignment Error
2208021 No Receiving MD, Bed, Hospital
2208023 Specialty Team Delay
2209001 Crowd
2209003 Directions/Unable to Locate
2209005 Distance
2209007 Diversion (Different Incident)
2209009 HazMat
2209011 None/No Delay
2209013 Other
2209015 Rendezvous Transport Unavailable
2209017 Route Obstruction (e.g., Train)
2209019 Scene Safety (Not Secure for EMS)
2209021 Staff Delay
2209023 Traffic
2209025 Vehicle Crash Involving this Unit
2209027 Vehicle Failure of this Unit
2209029 Weather
2209031 Mechanical Issue-Unit, Equipment, etc.
2209033 Flight Planning
2210001 Awaiting Air Unit
2210003 Awaiting Ground Unit
2210005 Crowd
2210007 Directions/Unable to Locate
2210009 Distance
2210011 Extrication
2210013 HazMat
2210015 Language Barrier
2210017 None/No Delay
2210019 Other
2210021 Patient Access
2210023 Safety-Crew/Staging
2210025 Safety-Patient
2210027 Staff Delay
2210029 Traffic
2210031 Triage/Multiple Patients
2210033 Vehicle Crash Involving this Unit
2210035 Vehicle Failure of this Unit
2210037 Weather
2210039 Mechanical Issue-Unit, Equipment, etc.
2212001 Clean-up
2212003 Decontamination
2212005 Distance
2212007 Documentation
2212009 ED Overcrowding / Transfer of Care
2212011 Equipment Failure
2212013 Equipment/Supply Replenishment
2212015 None/No Delay
2212017 Other
2212019 Rendezvous Transport Unavailable
2212021 Route Obstruction (e.g., Train)
2212023 Staff Delay
2212025 Traffic
2212027 Vehicle Crash of this Unit
2212029 Vehicle Failure of this Unit
2212031 Weather
2212033 EMS Crew Accompanies Patient for Facility Procedure
2211001 Crowd
2211003 Directions/Unable to Locate
2211005 Distance
2211007 Diversion
2211009 HazMat
2211011 None/No Delay
2211013 Other
2211015 Rendezvous Transport Unavailable
2211017 Route Obstruction (e.g., Train)
2211019 Safety
2211021 Staff Delay
2211023 Traffic
2211025 Vehicle Crash Involving this Unit
2211027 Vehicle Failure of this Unit
2211029 Weather
2211031 Patient Condition Change (e.g., Unit Stopped)
2301001 Abdominal Pain/Problems
2301003 Allergic Reaction/Stings
2301005 Animal Bite
2301007 Assault
2301009 Automated Crash Notification
2301011 Back Pain (Non-Traumatic)
2301013 Breathing Problem
2301015 Burns/Explosion
2301017 Carbon Monoxide/Hazmat/Inhalation/CBRN
2301019 Cardiac Arrest/Death
2301021 Chest Pain (Non-Traumatic)
2301023 Choking
2301025 Convulsions/Seizure
2301027 Diabetic Problem
2301029 Electrocution/Lightning
2301031 Eye Problem/Injury
2301033 Falls
2301035 Fire
2301037 Headache
2301039 Healthcare Professional/Admission
2301041 Heart Problems/AICD
2301043 Heat/Cold Exposure
2301045 Hemorrhage/Laceration
2301047 Industrial Accident/Inaccessible Incident/Other Entrapments (Non-Vehicle)
2301049 Medical Alarm
2301051 No Other Appropriate Choice
2301053 Overdose/Poisoning/Ingestion
2301055 Pandemic/Epidemic/Outbreak
2301057 Pregnancy/Childbirth/Miscarriage
2301059 Psychiatric Problem/Abnormal Behavior/Suicide Attempt
2301061 Sick Person
2301063 Stab/Gunshot Wound/Penetrating Trauma
2301065 Standby
2301067 Stroke/CVA
2301069 Traffic/Transportation Incident
2301071 Transfer/Interfacility/Palliative Care
2301073 Traumatic Injury
2301075 Well Person Check
2301077 Unconscious/Fainting/Near-Fainting
2301079 Unknown Problem/Person Down
2301081 Drowning/Diving/SCUBA Accident
2301083 Airmedical Transport
2301085 Altered Mental Status
2301087 Intercept
2301089 Nausea
2301091 Vomiting
2403001 Driver/Pilot-Response
2403003 Driver/Pilot-Transport
2403005 Other
2403007 Other Patient Caregiver-At Scene
2403009 Other Patient Caregiver-Transport
2403011 Primary Patient Caregiver-At Scene
2403013 Primary Patient Caregiver-Transport
9927001 Blow-By
9927003 Buccal
9927005 Endotracheal Tube (ET)
9927007 Gastrostomy Tube
9927009 Inhalation
9927011 Intraarterial
9927013 Intradermal
9927015 Intramuscular (IM)
9927017 Intranasal
9927019 Intraocular
9927021 Intraosseous (IO)
9927023 Intravenous (IV)
9927025 Nasal Cannula
9927027 Nasogastric
9927029 Nasotracheal Tube
9927031 Non-Rebreather Mask
9927033 Ophthalmic
9927035 Oral
9927037 Other/miscellaneous
9927039 Otic
9927041 Re-breather mask
9927043 Rectal
9927045 Subcutaneous
9927047 Sublingual
9927049 Topical
9927051 Tracheostomy
9927053 Transdermal
9927055 Urethral
9927057 Ventimask
9927059 Wound
9927061 Portacath
9927063 Auto Injector
9927065 BVM
9927067 CPAP
9927069 IV Pump
9927071 Nebulizer
9927073 Umbilical Artery Catheter
9927075 Umbilical Venous Catheter
9910001 Anthrax
9910003 Cholera
9910005 DPT / TDaP (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)
9910007 Hemophilus Influenza B
9910009 Hepatitis A
9910011 Hepatitis B
9910013 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
9910015 Influenza-H1N1
9910017 Influenza-Other
9910019 Influenza-Seasonal (In past 12 months)
9910021 Lyme Disease
9910023 Meningococcus
9910025 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
9910027 Other-Not Listed
9910029 Plague
9910031 Pneumococcal (Pneumonia
9910033 Polio
9910035 Rabies
9910037 Rotavirus
9910039 Shingles
9910041 Small Pox
9910043 Tetanus
9910045 Tuberculosis
9910047 Typhoid
9910049 Varicella (Chickenpox)
9910051 Yellow Fever
9910053 None
7701001 Not Applicable
7701003 Not Recorded
7701005 Not Reporting
3311001 Auscultated
3311003 Doppler
3311005 Electronic Monitor - Cardiac
3311007 Electronic Monitor - Pulse Oximeter
3311009 Electronic Monitor (Other)
3311011 Palpated
3009001 TODO: JFM do not know
9925005 TODO: JFM did not know either
9923003 TODO: JFM completely clueless
3105011 TODO: JFM suspects but not sure
4218001 TODO: JFM surely these are just made up
4218007 TODO: JFM no rhyme
4218013 TODO: JFM no rythem
99270235 TODO: JFM some drug, I think
9916001 TODO: JFM still more unknown
3907033 TODO: JFM and more
9916003 TODO: JFM still another
3913019 TODO: JFM bodysite is odd
4219001 TODO: JFM something
C7 TODO: JFM odd one
todo1 TODO: JFM missing code
4216005 TODO: JFM sooo
4214017 TODO: JFM soooo
2522001 Homeless
2522003 Migrant Worker
2522005 Foreign Visitor
9922001 TODO: JFM not sure
9922003 TODO: JFM not sure again
9922005 TODO: JFM not sure again again
2707001 Multiple
2707003 None
2707005 Single
9925001 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT)
9925002 Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate
9925003 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
9925007 Paramedic
9925023 Other Healthcare Professional
9925025 Other Non-Healthcare Professional
9925027 Physician
9925029 Respiratory Therapist
9925031 Student
9925033 Critical Care Paramedic
9925035 Community Paramedicine
9925037 Nurse Practitioner
9925039 Physician Assistant
9925041 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
9925043 Registered Nurse
3322003 Initial GCS has legitimate values without interventions such as intubation and sedation
3322001 Eye obstruction prevents eye assessment
3322007 Patient chemically sedated
3322005 Patient chemically paralyzed
3322009 Patient intubated
3313005 Regularly Irregular
3313003 Regular
3313001 Irregularly Irregular