HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies
1.0.0-current - ci-build International flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies, published by HL7 International / Security. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/data-access-policies/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions


Page standards status: Informative

This use-case is about how to use a Permission to carry residual access control rules in a Bundle with the expectation that the Bundle recipient will enforce these rules. This might be used in Search response, bulk data access, export/excerpt as data input for ML/AL.


  • Bundle Sender
  • Bundle Recipient
Feature: Residual Permission Bundle

Background: Carry residual Permissions to be enforced by recipient of a Bundle.

Scenario Outline: Bundle needs to carry residual rules

Scenario Outline: basic
    Given that a Bundle Recipient is overall authorized to receive full results of a Bundle, 
    and where that Bundle Recipient is authorized to enforce residual rules
    When a Bundle Sender needs to include residual access control enforcement rules
    Then the Bundle will contain a Permission expressing the residual rules that the Bundle recipient must enforce.

Note this should NOT be used if the Bundle recipient is not trusted to enforce the Permission rules.

Note that the Permission rules would be a subset of all possible Permission rules that the Bundle sender knows that the Bundle recipient will enforce.

Bundle with Permission

In order to make it clear that a Bundle contains a Permission that the Bundle Recipient must enforce, we add an extension to Bundle.meta.security to carry the pointer to this Permission. Thus a Permission in a bundle that is not referenced by a Bundle.meta.security is not a request to enforce. The Bundle.meta.security should also carry #CPLYPOL to explain that this policy must be complied with. The Permission would tend to be included in the Bundle as an #include entry, but it is possible the recipient is expected to dereference externally.

TODO: should this be added to FHIR core or to DS4P?

Scenario Outline: Do Not Redisclose without explicit consent
    Given that a Bundle Recipient is allowed access
    When the Consent or business rules impose an obligation to not redisclose without an explicit consent
    Then the Bundle Permission needs to express this refrain

This use-case could be done with Bundle.meta.security using the NODSCLCDS, however in this case we use a Permission to express the same thing using the same code.

http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode#NODSCLCDS "no disclosure without information subject's consent directive"


This Permission encodes

  • base rule is #permit
  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is authorizes TPO (TODO is this needed?)
  • includes a residual (limit) using code NODSCLCDS
* combining = #deny-unless-permit
* rule[+].type = #permit
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#TREAT
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#HPAYMT
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#HOPERAT
* rule[=].limit = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode#NODSCLCDS "no disclosure without information subject's consent directive"

Example Permission allowing given PurposeOfUse, but limiting redisclosure

allowing TPO access except NOT by a given practitioner

This use-case recognizes that most users at the Bundle Recipient organization are authorized, but where the Patient has forbidden access by a given Practitioner.

Scenario Outline: do not allow a given practitioner
    Given that a Bundle Recipient is allowed access
    When the Consent explicitly forbids access by a given practitioner
    Then the Bundle Permission needs to express this limit

Note that this example presumes that the given Practitioner can be identified by a Practitioner resource, such as a common practitioner directory.


This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is a consent about TPO
  • second rule denying access to ex-practitioner
  • nothing else is authorized by this Permission
* combining = #deny-overrides
* rule[+].type = #permit
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#TREAT
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#HPAYMT
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#HOPERAT
* rule[+].type = #deny
* rule[=].activity.actor = Reference(Practitioner/ex-practitioner)

Example Permission allowing most use but not a given practitioner

allowing TPO access for 1 year

This use-case recognizes that use is allowed by the Bundle Recipient organization are authorized, but the data must be discarded after 1 year.

Scenario Outline: Do Not use after one year
    Given that a Bundle Recipient is allowed access
    When the Consent or business rules impose a limit on how long the data can be used
    Then the Bundle Permission needs to express this refrain

This is not encodable in security label vocabulary as it requires the use of a date of expiration


This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is a consent about TPO
  • the Permission has a validity element that shows the permission expires
  • TODO: Do we really need any .rule?
* date = "2023-11-22"
* validity.start =  "2023-11-22"
* validity.end =  "2024-11-22"

Example Permission allowing most use but not a given practitioner

allowing Research access with a given K-Anonymity

This use-case is releasing data to a Research project with a limit to not release the data without meeting a given K-Anonymity (4).

Where K-Anonymity is a measure on a De-Identified dataset to determine within that specific dataset what the smallest grouping of individuals would be. Where this smallest grouping is defined as k and this would not be acceptable if it was smaller than the K value given in the release authorization (i.e. Permission attached to the Bundle).

Thus the Bundle will contain fully identifiable data, with an obligation on the recipient to De-Identify (.rule.limit = DEID). Given that this obligation includes a specific K-Anonymity, a Permission is used rather than just using Bundle.meta.security.

The purpose of including this use-case is to include a use-case where some parameter needs to go along with a obligation or refrain in order to add specificity. K-Anonymity is thus an examplar, not a recommendation.

Scenario Outline: Allow only a given K-Anonymity
    Given that a Bundle Recipient is allowed Research access
    When the terms of the release need to impose a given K-Anonymity value
    Then the Bundle Permission needs to express this limit


This Permission requires an extension to express the K-Anonymity value encodes

* combining = #deny-overrides
* rule[+].type = #permit
* rule[=].activity.purpose[+] = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActReason#HRESCH
* rule[=].limit = http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode#DEID
* rule[=].limit.extension[ka].valueInteger = 4

Example Permission allowing Research with a given K-anonymity (4)


Committee discussion indicates that there might be similar needs to carry parameters. This brings up alternative discussion on if we need a single multipurpose extension, or should continue to create extensions that are purpose specific.

I (John) favor purpose specific extensions, as the URI of the extension is an identifier of the purpose and has a link to the extension definition where this purpose can be expressed. The purpose specific extensions can also have purpose specific context and vocabulary.

Next step is to bring forward other use-cases that will need parameters on obligations and restraints. Doing use-case analysis will lead us to a proper direction.