HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies
1.0.0-current - ci-build International flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Data Access Policies, published by HL7 International / Security. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0-current built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/data-access-policies/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Bundle with an imposed Permission

Bundle includes an imposed Permission

Permission with K-Anonymity

Permission with the extension for K-Anonymity

Permission with support for rule on Resource-Type

Adds the PermissionResourceType extension to Permission.rule.data

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Permission imposed K-Anonymity value

When a limit needs to impose a specific K-Anonymity value.

Permission imposed on a Bundle

When a Bundle carries a Permissiont that must be enforced

Permission rule by Resource Type

When defining a Permission.rule where the data is a type of resource. Note that this might be possible with Expression, but I don't know how.

Tagged data elements to be excluded on Permit

When a Permission permits data, some of the elements of that data may need to be excluded. For example when exposing Practitioner resources to a Patient, the patient should not be given access to the Practitioner Home address and Phone. These elements would be tagged with a given security sensitivity tag, and this extension would indicate to exclude that given tagged data.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Current Roles in MyOrg

MyOrg current security roles

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

MyOrg defined Roles CodeSystem

The codes for Roles in MyOrg

Could possibly use the defined valueSet practitioner-role

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

A Permission for admin of the Directory

This Permission has enables administrative changes to the Directory

  • rule is #permit for administrative actions on the directory
    • This enables maintenance by those with directory admin authorization
A Permission with all the Directory rules

This Permission has all the rules for the Directory.

Permission allowing patient requested access to Practitioners, but protects the Practitioner sensitive location elements.

Presumes Practitioner resources are tagged at the element level following DS4P Inline Security Labels that indicate the sensitive location elements using the LOCIS tag

This Permission encodes:

  • combining rule is deny-unless-permit, ANY permit authorizes access, so rules do not need to be exhaustively processed, but if no permit is found then access is denied.
  • rule is #permit for administrative actions on the directory
    • This enables maintenance by those with directory admin authorization
  • rule is #permit for Treatment, Payment, and Operations
    • This enables workers to access all workers
    • BUT includes an exclusion extension for any elements marked with Location Sensitivity (#LOCIS)
  • rule is #permit for Patient requested (#PATRQT)
    • permits access by patients (or authorized patient delegate)
    • BUT only Practitioners that have a PractitionerRole.code=#doctor
    • BUT includes an exclusion extension for any elements marked with Location Sensitivity (#LOCIS)
A Permission with all the Patient Directory rules

This Permission has all the rules for the Patient Directory.

Permission allowing patient requested access to Practitioners, but protects the Practitioner sensitive location elements.

Presumes Practitioner resources are tagged at the element level following DS4P Inline Security Labels that indicate the sensitive location elements using the LOCIS tag

This Permission encodes:

  • combining rule is deny-unless-permit, ANY permit authorizes access, so rules do not need to be exhaustively processed, but if no permit is found then access is denied.
  • rule is #permit for health directory use, patient requested, or family requested
    • This enables access all patients, provided Consent Permit is on file
    • BUT includes an exclusion extension for any elements marked with Religious Sensitivity (#REL)
    • Note that the Consent requirement is documented here with a .limit of NOAUTH. Might there be a better way?
  • rule is #permit for administrative actions on the directory
    • This enables maintenance by those with directory admin authorization
Alt2: Permission allowing data to be used, but don't expose sensitive location elements

Permission allowing patient requested access to Practitioners, but protects the Practitioner sensitive location elements.

Presumes Practitioner resources are tagged at the element level following DS4P Inline Security Labels that indicate the sensitive location elements using the LOCIS tag

This alternative uses two rules, and leverages the combining algorithm

  1. Allow Patient requested access
  2. Disallow access to any data tagged with LOCIS

Using combining alrithm, the second rule applies to any otherwise permitted access. So it does need to be carefully combined with other permits such as permitting doctors full access to doctors.

Consent Deny for Patient Directory

Consent by the patient to Deny access to the Patient Directory following the Patient Directory policy.

  • Consent is by the Patient
  • Deny
  • policy Basis is the Permission describing patient directory rules
Consent for Patient Directory

Consent by the patient to allow access to the Patient Directory following the Patient Directory policy.

  • Consent is by the Patient
  • Permit
  • policy Basis is the Permission describing patient directory rules
Consent for Patient Directory by Clinican

Consent by the Clinician on behalf of the patient to allow access to the Patient Directory following the Patient Directory policy.

  • Consent is by the Practitioner
  • Permit
  • policy Basis is the Permission describing patient directory rules
Consent that uses Overriding Permission for base rules

Where there is a Permssion resource that describes the base policy, then a Consent can point at that Permission rather than a URL alone.

Consent that uses Permission for rules

Some would prefer to use the Permission rule encoding, and not the Consent.provision; thus the Consent is used to capture the ceremony, and points at a Permission for the rules.

Dummy MeasureReport example

Dummy MeasureReport example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target that is NOT patient specific.

Dummy Organization example

Dummy Organization example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target

Dummy Patient example

Dummy patient example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target

Dummy Patient example with Religion

This patient is the same as ex-patient, with the extension for religious affiliation.

Dummy Practitioner de-sensitive example

Dummy Practitioner example. This Practitioner has has been de-sensitized from ex-practitioner-sensitive. Note that because the data has been redacted then .meta.security will have tag PROCESSINLINELABEL.

Dummy Practitioner example

Dummy Practitioner example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target

Dummy Practitioner sensitive example

Dummy Practitioner example. This Practitioner has some phone and address information that is tagged as sensitive location information. Note that because of this the Resource is tagged in .meta.security as having inline tags PROCESSINLINELABEL.

Example of a SearchSet Bundle with Permission

Permission in a SearchSet Bundle

Permission allowing data authored by a practitioner

Permission allowing data authored by

There is a Consent that captures the consent ceremony and setting

  • status is active - so it should be enforced
  • scope is privacy
  • category is LOINC 59284-0 Consent
  • date indicated when the consent is recorded
  • patient is identified
  • performer is the patient
  • organization is identified
  • source indicate a DocumentReference (with included text of the policy)
  • policy url points at this Permission

This Permission encodes

  • base rule is #permit
  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is a consent about TPO
  • Permits access to data authored by practitioner 1
  • Given that there is only one targeted permit rule, then nothing else is allowed.
Permission allowing data authored by a practitioner

Permission allowing data authored by

There is a Consent that captures the consent ceremony and setting

  • status is active - so it should be enforced
  • scope is privacy
  • category is LOINC 59284-0 Consent
  • date indicated when the consent is recorded
  • patient is identified
  • performer is the patient
  • organization is identified
  • source indicate a DocumentReference (with included text of the policy)
  • policy url points at this Permission

This Permission encodes

  • base rule is #permit
  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is a consent about TPO
  • Permits access to data authored by practitioner 1
  • Given that there is only one targeted permit rule, then nothing else is allowed.
Permission allowing data to be used, but don't expose sensitive location elements

Permission allowing patient requested access to Practitioners, but protects the Practitioner sensitive location elements.

Presumes Practitioner resources are tagged at the element level following DS4P Inline Security Labels that indicate the sensitive location elements using the LOCIS tag

Permission allowing data to be used, but with redisclosure condition

Permission allowing requested use, but restricting redisclosure

This Permission encodes

  • base rule is #permit
  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is authorizes TPO
  • includes a residual (limit) using code NODSCLCDS
Permission allowing most sharing but NOT data authored by a practitioner

Permission allowing most sharing of data but NOT data authored by a practitioner

The Consent that captures the consent ceremony and setting:

  • status is active - so it should be enforced
  • scope is privacy
  • category is LOINC 59284-0 Consent
  • date indicated when the consent is recorded
  • patient is identified
  • performer is the patient
  • organization is identified
  • source indicate a DocumentReference (with included text of the policy)
  • policy url points at this Permission

This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this is a consent about TPO
  • second rule denying access to data authored by ex-practitioner
  • nothing else is authorized by this Permission
Permission allowing most use but NOT a given practitioner

Permission allowing most use of data but NOT a given practitioner

This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this generally authorizes TPO
  • second rule denying access to a given ex-practitioner
  • nothing else is authorized by this Permission
Permission allowing most use but expires in a year

Permission allowing most use of data but expires in a year. Note that this 'year' indication is based on absolute dates of issuing of the Permission, and use of Permission.validity.

This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes TPO so as to be clear this generally authorizes TPO
  • validity is a period of one year
Permission expressing an overriding policy using ABAC

As an overriding policy, this policy needs to express who can READ, who can CREATE, who can UPDATE, who can DELETE.

Permission expressing an overriding policy using RBAC with Resource first

As an overriding policy, this policy needs to express who can READ, who can CREATE, who can UPDATE, who can DELETE.

Permission expressing an overriding policy using RBAC with Role first

As an overriding policy, this policy needs to express who can READ, who can CREATE, who can UPDATE, who can DELETE.

Permission require exposure to meet a given k-anonymity value

Permission allowing use of data but requires exposure meet a given k-anonymity value.

This Permission encodes

  • base rule includes Research so as to be clear this generally authorizes Research
  • validity is a period of one year
Permission showing how to allow only Doctors to be exposed

Permission allowing patient requested access to Practitioners, BUT only Practitioners that have a PractitionerRole.code=#doctor

PractitionerRole defining those that are Admin


PractitionerRole defining those that are Dietician


PractitionerRole defining those that are Doctors


PractitionerRole defining those that are Janitor


PractitionerRole defining those that are Registration


Simple Permission of non-patient data

Read-Only access to SANER report is authorized for PurposeOfUse of Public-Health compliance, from the Organizations. Access requests authorized shall be recorded.