Consolidated CDA (C-CDA)
3.0.0 - STU3 United States of America flag

Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), published by Health Level Seven. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: Intervention Act

Official URL: Version: 3.0.0
Draft as of 2024-07-23 Computable Name: InterventionAct
Other Identifiers: urn:ietf:rfc:3986#Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)#urn:hl7ii:2.16.840.1.113883.

This template represents an Intervention Act. It is a wrapper for intervention-type activities considered to be parts of the same intervention. For example, an activity such as “elevate head of bed” combined with “provide humidified O2 per nasal cannula” may be the interventions performed for a health concern of “respiratory insufficiency” to achieve a goal of “pulse oximetry greater than 92%”. These intervention activities may be newly described or derived from a variety of sources within an EHR.

Interventions are actions taken to increase the likelihood of achieving the patient’s or providers’ goals. An Intervention Act should contain a reference to a Goal Observation representing the reason for the intervention.

Intervention Acts can be related to each other, or to Planned Intervention Acts. (E.g., a Planned Intervention Act with moodCode of INT could be related to a series of Intervention Acts with moodCode of EVN, each having an effectiveTime containing the time of the intervention.)

All interventions referenced in an Intervention Act must have a moodCode of EVN, indicating that they have occurred.


Formal Views of Template Content

Description of Template, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Act

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... Slices for templateId 1..* II Slice: Unordered, Open by value:root, value:extension
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: EVN
... code 1..1 CD
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
... statusCode 1..1 CS
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... observation 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... procedure 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... encounter 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... supply 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: RSON
..... act 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
.... externalDocument 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources

doco Documentation for this format


entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningActSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningActSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningActSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... Slices for templateId 1..* II Slice: Unordered, Open by value:root, value:extension
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Binding: XActClassDocumentEntryAct (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Binding: XDocumentActMood (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... code 1..1 CD Binding: v3 Code System ActCode (example)
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
... statusCode 1..1 CS Binding: ActStatus (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... observation C 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
should-informant: SHOULD contain informant
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-doseQuantity: SHOULD contain doseQuantity
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
1098-7513: SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
should-routeCode: SHOULD contain routeCode
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... procedure C 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
active-high-ts-after-document: If the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
should-targetSiteCode: SHOULD contain targetSiteCode
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... encounter C 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... supply C 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-quantity: SHOULD contain quantity
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: RSON
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipExternalReference (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
.... externalDocument C 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources
should-setId: SHOULD contain setId
should-versionNumber: SHOULD contain versionNumber

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Act.classCoderequiredFixed Value: ACT|2.0.0
Act.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN|2.0.0
Act.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:instruction.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: RSON
Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.reference.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR


1098-7513warningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
: effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.PIVL_TS).exists() or effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.EIVL_TS).exists()
active-high-ts-after-documenterrorAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureIf the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
: (statusCode.code = 'active' and effectiveTime.high.value.exists()) implies effectiveTime.high.value > %resource.effectiveTime.value
dose-unit-or-admin-uniterrorAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationIf doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
: doseQuantity.unit.exists() implies administrationUnitCode.empty()
entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-authorwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-doseQuantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain doseQuantity
: doseQuantity.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists(), Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-informantwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observationSHOULD contain informant
: informant.exists()
should-performerwarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain performer
: performer.exists()
should-quantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.supplySHOULD contain quantity
: quantity.exists()
should-routeCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain routeCode
: routeCode.exists()
should-setIdwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain setId
: setId.exists()
should-targetSiteCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain targetSiteCode
: targetSiteCode.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.encounter, Act.entryRelationship:instruction.act,, Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.act, Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-versionNumberwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain versionNumber
: versionNumber.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... realmCode 0..* CS
... typeId 0..1 II
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
.... @displayable 0..1 bl
.... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
.... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Binding: XActClassDocumentEntryAct (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Binding: XDocumentActMood (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... @negationInd 0..1 bl
... id 1..* II
... code 1..1 CD Binding: v3 Code System ActCode (example)
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
.... @codeSystemName 0..1 st
.... @codeSystemVersion 0..1 st
.... @displayName 0..1 st
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... originalText 0..1 ED
.... qualifier 0..* CR
.... translation 0..* CD
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @compression 0..1 cs Binding: CDACompressionAlgorithm (required)
.... @integrityCheck 0..1 bin
.... @integrityCheckAlgorithm 0..1 cs Binding: IntegrityCheckAlgorithm (2.0.0) (required)
.... @language 0..1 cs
.... @mediaType 0..1 cs Binding: MediaType (example)
.... @representation 0..1 cs Binding: CDABinaryDataEncoding (required)
.... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content. If @representation='B64', this SHALL be a base64binary string.
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
.... thumbnail 0..1 ED
... statusCode 1..1 CS Binding: ActStatus (required)
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... priorityCode 0..1 CE Binding: ActPriority (example)
... languageCode 0..1 CS Binding: AllLanguages (required)
... subject 0..1 Subject
... specimen 0..* Specimen
... performer 0..* Performer2
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... informant 0..* Informant
... participant 0..* Participant2
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation C 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
should-informant: SHOULD contain informant
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-doseQuantity: SHOULD contain doseQuantity
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
1098-7513: SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
should-routeCode: SHOULD contain routeCode
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure C 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
active-high-ts-after-document: If the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
should-targetSiteCode: SHOULD contain targetSiteCode
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter C 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply C 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-quantity: SHOULD contain quantity
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: RSON
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... realmCode 0..* CS
.... typeId 0..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
..... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId 0..* II
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipExternalReference (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
.... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
.... externalAct 0..1 ExternalAct
.... externalObservation 0..1 ExternalObservation
.... externalProcedure 0..1 ExternalProcedure
.... externalDocument C 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources
should-setId: SHOULD contain setId
should-versionNumber: SHOULD contain versionNumber
... precondition 0..* Precondition
... sdtcPrecondition2 0..* Precondition2 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: precondition2 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... sdtcInFulfillmentOf1 0..* InFulfillmentOf1 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: inFulfillmentOf1 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Act.classCoderequiredFixed Value: ACT|2.0.0
Act.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN|2.0.0
from the FHIR Standard
Act.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:instruction.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: RSON
Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.reference.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR


1098-7513warningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
: effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.PIVL_TS).exists() or effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.EIVL_TS).exists()
active-high-ts-after-documenterrorAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureIf the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
: (statusCode.code = 'active' and effectiveTime.high.value.exists()) implies effectiveTime.high.value > %resource.effectiveTime.value
dose-unit-or-admin-uniterrorAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationIf doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
: doseQuantity.unit.exists() implies administrationUnitCode.empty()
entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-authorwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-doseQuantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain doseQuantity
: doseQuantity.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists(), Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-informantwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observationSHOULD contain informant
: informant.exists()
should-performerwarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain performer
: performer.exists()
should-quantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.supplySHOULD contain quantity
: quantity.exists()
should-routeCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain routeCode
: routeCode.exists()
should-setIdwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain setId
: setId.exists()
should-targetSiteCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain targetSiteCode
: targetSiteCode.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.encounter, Act.entryRelationship:instruction.act,, Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.act, Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-versionNumberwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain versionNumber
: versionNumber.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')

This structure is derived from Act


Mandatory: 9 elements(14 nested mandatory elements)
Fixed: 17 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 2 is sliced based on the values of Act.templateId
  • The element 7 is sliced based on the values of Act.entryRelationship

Differential View

This structure is derived from Act

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... Slices for templateId 1..* II Slice: Unordered, Open by value:root, value:extension
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: EVN
... code 1..1 CD
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
... statusCode 1..1 CS
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... observation 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... procedure 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... encounter 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... supply 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: RSON
..... act 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
..... act 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Fixed Value: REFR
.... externalDocument 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources

doco Documentation for this format


entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningActSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningActSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningActSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... Slices for templateId 1..* II Slice: Unordered, Open by value:root, value:extension
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Binding: XActClassDocumentEntryAct (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Binding: XDocumentActMood (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... code 1..1 CD Binding: v3 Code System ActCode (example)
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
... statusCode 1..1 CS Binding: ActStatus (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... observation C 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
should-informant: SHOULD contain informant
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-doseQuantity: SHOULD contain doseQuantity
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
1098-7513: SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
should-routeCode: SHOULD contain routeCode
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... procedure C 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
active-high-ts-after-document: If the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
should-targetSiteCode: SHOULD contain targetSiteCode
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... encounter C 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... supply C 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-quantity: SHOULD contain quantity
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: RSON
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... act C 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipExternalReference (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
.... externalDocument C 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources
should-setId: SHOULD contain setId
should-versionNumber: SHOULD contain versionNumber

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Act.classCoderequiredFixed Value: ACT|2.0.0
Act.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN|2.0.0
Act.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:instruction.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: RSON
Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.reference.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR


1098-7513warningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
: effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.PIVL_TS).exists() or effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.EIVL_TS).exists()
active-high-ts-after-documenterrorAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureIf the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
: (statusCode.code = 'active' and effectiveTime.high.value.exists()) implies effectiveTime.high.value > %resource.effectiveTime.value
dose-unit-or-admin-uniterrorAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationIf doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
: doseQuantity.unit.exists() implies administrationUnitCode.empty()
entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-authorwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-doseQuantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain doseQuantity
: doseQuantity.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists(), Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-informantwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observationSHOULD contain informant
: informant.exists()
should-performerwarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain performer
: performer.exists()
should-quantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.supplySHOULD contain quantity
: quantity.exists()
should-routeCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain routeCode
: routeCode.exists()
should-setIdwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain setId
: setId.exists()
should-targetSiteCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain targetSiteCode
: targetSiteCode.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.encounter, Act.entryRelationship:instruction.act,, Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.act, Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-versionNumberwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain versionNumber
: versionNumber.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Act C 1..1 Act XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor, realmCode, typeId, templateId, @classCode, @moodCode, @negationInd, id, code, text, statusCode, effectiveTime, priorityCode, languageCode, subject, specimen, performer, author, informant, participant, entryRelationship, reference, precondition, sdtcPrecondition2, sdtcInFulfillmentOf1
Base for all types and resources
Instance of this type are validated by templateId
Logical Container: ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... realmCode 0..* CS
... typeId 0..1 II
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
.... @displayable 0..1 bl
.... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
.... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId:intervention-act 1..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.
..... @extension 1..1 st Required Pattern: 2015-08-01
... @classCode 1..1 cs Binding: XActClassDocumentEntryAct (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: ACT
... @moodCode 1..1 cs Binding: XDocumentActMood (2.0.0) (required)
Fixed Value: EVN
... @negationInd 0..1 bl
... id 1..* II
... code 1..1 CD Binding: v3 Code System ActCode (example)
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Required Pattern: 362956003
.... @codeSystem 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Required Pattern: 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
.... @codeSystemName 0..1 st
.... @codeSystemVersion 0..1 st
.... @displayName 0..1 st
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... originalText 0..1 ED
.... qualifier 0..* CR
.... translation 0..* CD
... text 0..1 ED SHOULD reference the portion of section narrative text corresponding to this entry
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @compression 0..1 cs Binding: CDACompressionAlgorithm (required)
.... @integrityCheck 0..1 bin
.... @integrityCheckAlgorithm 0..1 cs Binding: IntegrityCheckAlgorithm (2.0.0) (required)
.... @language 0..1 cs
.... @mediaType 0..1 cs Binding: MediaType (example)
.... @representation 0..1 cs Binding: CDABinaryDataEncoding (required)
.... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content. If @representation='B64', this SHALL be a base64binary string.
.... reference C 0..1 TEL value-starts-octothorpe: If reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
.... thumbnail 0..1 ED
... statusCode 1..1 CS Binding: ActStatus (required)
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... @code 1..1 cs Fixed Value: completed
.... @sdtcValueSet 0..1 oid XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSet (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
.... @sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1 st XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: valueSetVersion (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... effectiveTime 0..1 IVL_TS
... priorityCode 0..1 CE Binding: ActPriority (example)
... languageCode 0..1 CS Binding: AllLanguages (required)
... subject 0..1 Subject
... specimen 0..* Specimen
... performer 0..* Performer2
... author 0..* AuthorParticipation Base for all types and resources
... informant 0..* Informant
... participant 0..* Participant2
... Slices for entryRelationship 0..* EntryRelationship Slice: Unordered, Open by value:typeCode, profile:observation, profile:substanceAdministration, profile:act, profile:procedure, profile:encounter, profile:supply
.... entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation C 1..1 AdvanceDirectiveObservation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-author: SHOULD contain author
should-informant: SHOULD contain informant
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:immunizationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 ImmunizationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-doseQuantity: SHOULD contain doseQuantity
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:medicationActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration C 1..1 MedicationActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
1098-7513: SHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
should-routeCode: SHOULD contain routeCode
dose-unit-or-admin-unit: If doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:interventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship The following entryRelationship represents the relationship between two Intervention Acts (Intervention RELATES TO Intervention).
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 InterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure C 1..1 ProcedureActivityProcedure Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
active-high-ts-after-document: If the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
should-targetSiteCode: SHOULD contain targetSiteCode
should-performer: SHOULD contain performer
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:encounterActivity 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter C 1..1 EncounterActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:instruction 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 Instruction Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:nonMedSupply 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act 0..1 Act
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply C 1..1 NonMedicinalSupplyActivity Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-quantity: SHOULD contain quantity
.... entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 NutritionRecommendation Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr 0..* EntryRelationship Where an Intervention needs to reference another entry already described in the CDA document instance, rather than repeating the full content of the entry, the Entry Reference template may be used to reference this entry.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson C 0..* EntryRelationship An Intervention Act should reference a Goal Observation. Because the Goal Observation is already described in the CDA document instance's Goals section, rather than repeating the full content of the Goal Observation, the Entry Reference template can be used to reference this entry. The following entryRelationship represents an Entry Reference to Goal Observation.
entry-ref-goal: This entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: RSON
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 EntryReference Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 HandoffCommunicationParticipants Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
.... entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct 0..* EntryRelationship
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... realmCode 0..* CS
..... typeId 0..1 II
...... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
...... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
...... @displayable 0..1 bl
...... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
...... @extension 1..1 st
..... templateId 0..* II
..... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
..... @inversionInd 0..1 bl
..... @contextConductionInd 0..1 bl
..... @negationInd 0..1 bl
..... sequenceNumber 0..1 INT
..... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
..... act C 1..1 PlannedInterventionAct Base for all types and resources
should-text-ref-value: SHOULD contain text/reference/@value
should-effectiveTime: SHOULD contain effectiveTime
should-author: SHOULD contain author
..... encounter 0..1 Encounter
..... observation 0..1 Observation
..... observationMedia 0..1 ObservationMedia
..... organizer 0..1 Organizer
..... procedure 0..1 Procedure
..... regionOfInterest 0..1 RegionOfInterest
..... substanceAdministration 0..1 SubstanceAdministration
..... supply 0..1 Supply
... reference 0..* Reference
.... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
.... realmCode 0..* CS
.... typeId 0..1 II
..... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
..... @assigningAuthorityName 0..1 st
..... @displayable 0..1 bl
..... @root 1..1 oid, uuid, ruid Fixed Value: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.3
..... @extension 1..1 st
.... templateId 0..* II
.... @typeCode 1..1 cs Binding: x_ActRelationshipExternalReference (required)
Fixed Value: REFR
.... seperatableInd 0..1 BL
.... externalAct 0..1 ExternalAct
.... externalObservation 0..1 ExternalObservation
.... externalProcedure 0..1 ExternalProcedure
.... externalDocument C 1..1 ExternalDocumentReference Base for all types and resources
should-setId: SHOULD contain setId
should-versionNumber: SHOULD contain versionNumber
... precondition 0..* Precondition
... sdtcPrecondition2 0..* Precondition2 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: precondition2 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)
... sdtcInFulfillmentOf1 0..* InFulfillmentOf1 XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:sdtc
XML: inFulfillmentOf1 (urn:hl7-org:sdtc)

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

PathConformanceValueSet / CodeURI
Act.classCoderequiredFixed Value: ACT|2.0.0
Act.moodCoderequiredFixed Value: EVN|2.0.0
from the FHIR Standard
Act.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:instruction.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: RSON
Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR
Act.reference.typeCoderequiredFixed Value: REFR


1098-7513warningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain zero or one [0..1] effectiveTime (CONF:1098-7513) such that it **SHALL** contain exactly one [1..1] @xsi:type="PIVL_TS" or "EIVL_TS" (CONF:1098-28499).
: effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.PIVL_TS).exists() or effectiveTime.ofType(CDA.EIVL_TS).exists()
active-high-ts-after-documenterrorAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureIf the procedure is active and contains a high effectiveTime, this time SHALL be after the ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime
: (statusCode.code = 'active' and effectiveTime.high.value.exists()) implies effectiveTime.high.value > %resource.effectiveTime.value
dose-unit-or-admin-uniterrorAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationIf doseQuantity/@unit is present, then administrationUnitCode SHALL NOT be present.
: doseQuantity.unit.exists() implies administrationUnitCode.empty()
entry-ref-goalerrorAct.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRsonThis entryReference template **SHALL** reference an instance of a Goal Observation template.
: %resource.descendants().ofType(CDA.Observation).where(templateId.exists($this.root = '2.16.840.1.113883.' and $this.extension = '2022-06-01') and id.exists($this.root = and $this.extension ~
should-authorwarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-authorwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain author
: author.exists()
should-doseQuantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain doseQuantity
: doseQuantity.exists()
should-effectiveTimewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists(), Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain effectiveTime
: effectiveTime.exists()
should-informantwarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observationSHOULD contain informant
: informant.exists()
should-performerwarningAct.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain performer
: performer.exists()
should-quantitywarningAct.entryRelationship:nonMedSupply.supplySHOULD contain quantity
: quantity.exists()
should-routeCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministrationSHOULD contain routeCode
: routeCode.exists()
should-setIdwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain setId
: setId.exists()
should-targetSiteCodewarningAct.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedureSHOULD contain targetSiteCode
: targetSiteCode.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct, Act.entryRelationship:interventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-text-ref-valuewarningAct.entryRelationship:advanceDirectiveObservation.observation, Act.entryRelationship:immunizationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:medicationActivity.substanceAdministration, Act.entryRelationship:procedureActivityProcedure.procedure, Act.entryRelationship:encounterActivity.encounter, Act.entryRelationship:instruction.act,, Act.entryRelationship:nutritionRecommendation.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRefr.act, Act.entryRelationship:entryReferenceRson.act, Act.entryRelationship:handoffCommunicationParticipants.act, Act.entryRelationship:plannedInterventionAct.actSHOULD contain text/reference/@value
: text.reference.value.exists()
should-versionNumberwarningAct.reference.externalDocumentSHOULD contain versionNumber
: versionNumber.exists()
value-starts-octothorpeerrorAct.text.referenceIf reference/@value is present, it SHALL begin with a '#' and SHALL point to its corresponding narrative
: value.exists() implies value.startsWith('#')

This structure is derived from Act


Mandatory: 9 elements(14 nested mandatory elements)
Fixed: 17 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:


This structure defines the following Slices:

  • The element 2 is sliced based on the values of Act.templateId
  • The element 7 is sliced based on the values of Act.entryRelationship


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel