This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/A  Trial UseSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Search parameters for the Encounter resource. Also check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource.

The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.


Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-account

Parameter account:reference

The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter

Expression Encounter.account
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Account
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-appointment

Parameter appointment:reference

The appointment that scheduled this encounter

Expression Encounter.appointment
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Appointment
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-based-on

Parameter based-on:reference

The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter

Expression Encounter.basedOn
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources RequestOrchestration, DeviceRequest, ServiceRequest, CarePlan, MedicationRequest, ImmunizationRecommendation, NutritionOrder, VisionPrescription
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-careteam

Parameter careteam:reference

Careteam allocated to participate in the encounter

Expression Encounter.careTeam
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources CareTeam
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-class

Parameter class:token

Classification of patient encounter

Expression Encounter.class
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-date

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter clinical-date

Parameter date:date

Encounter: A date within the actualPeriod the Encounter lasted

Expression Encounter.actualPeriod
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-date-start

Parameter date-start:date

The actual start date of the Encounter

Expression Encounter.actualPeriod.start
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-diagnosis-code

Parameter diagnosis-code:token

The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter (coded)

Expression Encounter.diagnosis.condition.concept
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-diagnosis-reference

Parameter diagnosis-reference:reference

The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter (resource reference)

Expression Encounter.diagnosis.condition.reference
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Condition
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-end-date

Parameter end-date:date

The actual end date of the Encounter

Expression Encounter.actualPeriod.end
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-episode-of-care

Parameter episode-of-care:reference

Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against

Expression Encounter.episodeOfCare
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources EpisodeOfCare
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-identifier

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter clinical-identifier

Parameter identifier:token

Encounter: Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known

Expression Encounter.identifier
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-length

Parameter length:quantity

Length of encounter in days

Expression Encounter.length
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-location

Parameter location:reference

Location the encounter takes place

Expression Encounter.location.location
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Location
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-location-period

Parameter location-period:date

Time period during which the patient was present at a location (generally used via composite location-period)

Expression Encounter.location.period
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-location-value-period

Parameter location-value-period:composite

Time period during which the patient was present at the location

Expression Encounter.location
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: The parameter may only have one value (no comma separators)


location-period period

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-part-of

Parameter part-of:reference

Another Encounter this encounter is part of

Expression Encounter.partOf
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Encounter
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-participant

Parameter participant:reference

Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient

Expression Encounter.participant.actor
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources HealthcareService, Device, RelatedPerson, PractitionerRole, Group, Practitioner, Patient
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-participant-type

Parameter participant-type:token

Role of participant in encounter

Expression Encounter.participant.type
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-patient

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter clinical-patient

Parameter patient:reference

Encounter: The patient present at the encounter

Expression Encounter.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Patient
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-practitioner

Parameter practitioner:reference

Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient

Expression Encounter.participant.actor.where(resolve() is Practitioner)
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Practitioner
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-reason-code

Parameter reason-code:token

Reference to a concept (coded)

Expression Encounter.reason.value.concept
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-reason-reference

Parameter reason-reference:reference

Reference to a resource (resource reference)

Expression Encounter.reason.value.reference
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Procedure, Observation, DiagnosticReport, ImmunizationRecommendation, Condition
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-service-provider

Parameter service-provider:reference

The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter

Expression Encounter.serviceProvider
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Organization
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-special-arrangement

Parameter special-arrangement:token

Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.

Expression Encounter.specialArrangement
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-status

Parameter status:token

planned | in-progress | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | unknown

Expression Encounter.status
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-subject

Parameter subject:reference

The patient or group present at the encounter

Expression Encounter.subject
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Group, Patient
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter Encounter-subject-status

Parameter subject-status:token

The current status of the subject in relation to the Encounter

Expression Encounter.subjectStatus
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
This search parameter is part of the common search parameter clinical-type

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter clinical-type

Parameter type:token

Encounter: Specific type of encounter

Expression Encounter.type
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true