This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Orders and Observations icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Not Classified Compartments: Group, Patient

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the Task resource.

Element Id Task

A task to be performed as a part of a workflow and the related informations like inputs, outputs and execution progress. While very simple workflows can be implemented with Request alone, most workflows would require a Task (explicit or contained) as a means to track the execution progress (i.e. inputs, outputs, status). Please refer to Fulfillment/Execution.

Short Display A task to be performed
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false
Defined on this element
tsk-0Rule Last modified date must be greater than or equal to authored-on date.lastModified.exists().not() or authoredOn.exists().not() or lastModified >= authoredOn
tsk-1Rule Task.restriction is only allowed if the Task is seeking fulfillment and a focus is specified.restriction.exists() implies code.coding.where(code='fulfill' and system='http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/task-code').exists() and focus.exists()
Element Id Task.identifier

The business identifier for this task.

Short Display Task Instance Identifier
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier
Summary false
Element Id Task.instantiatesCanonical

The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Task.

Short Display Formal definition of task
Cardinality 0..1
Type canonical(ActivityDefinition)

Enables a formal definition of how the task is to be performed, enabling automation.

Summary true
Element Id Task.instantiatesUri

The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Task.

Short Display Formal definition of task
Cardinality 0..1
Type uri

Enables a formal definition of how the task is to be performed (e.g. using BPMN, BPEL, XPDL or other formal notation to be associated with a task), enabling automation.

Summary true
Element Id Task.basedOn

BasedOn refers to a higher-level authorization that triggered the creation of the task. It references a "request" resource such as a ServiceRequest, MedicationRequest, CarePlan, etc. which is distinct from the "request" resource the task is seeking to fulfill. This latter resource is referenced by focus. For example, based on a CarePlan (= basedOn), a task is created to fulfill a ServiceRequest ( = focus ) to collect a specimen from a patient.

Short Display Request fulfilled by this task
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Any)
Summary true

Task.basedOn is never the same as Task.focus. Task.basedOn will typically not be present for 'please fulfill' Tasks as a distinct authorization is rarely needed to request fulfillment. If the Task is seeking fulfillment of an order, the order to be fulfilled is always communicated using focus, never basedOn. However, authorization may be needed to perform other types of Task actions. As an example of when both would be present, a Task seeking suspension of a prescription might have a Task.basedOn pointing to the ServiceRequest ordering surgery (which is the driver for suspending the MedicationRequest - which would be the Task.focus).

Element Id Task.groupIdentifier

A shared identifier common to multiple independent Task and Request instances that were activated/authorized more or less simultaneously by a single author. The presence of the same identifier on each request ties those requests together and may have business ramifications in terms of reporting of results, billing, etc. E.g. a requisition number shared by a set of lab tests ordered together, or a prescription number shared by all meds ordered at one time.

Short Display Requisition or grouper id
Cardinality 0..1
Type Identifier

Billing and/or reporting can be linked to whether multiple requests were created as a single unit.

Summary true
Element Id Task.partOf

Task that this particular task is part of.

Short Display Composite task
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Task)
Hierarchy This reference is part of a strict Hierarchy

Allows tasks to be broken down into sub-steps (and this division can occur independent of the original task).

Summary true

This should usually be 0..1.

Element Id Task.status

The current status of the task.

Short Display draft | requested | received | accepted | +
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Task Status (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This element is labeled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid)

These states enable coordination of task status with off-the-shelf workflow solutions that support automation of tasks.

Summary true
Element Id Task.statusReason

An explanation as to why this task is held, failed, was refused, etc.

Short Display Reason for current status
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Task Status Reason (Example)
Type CodeableReference
Summary true

This applies to the current status. Look at the history of the task to see reasons for past statuses.

Element Id Task.businessStatus

Contains business-specific nuances of the business state.

Short Display E.g. "Specimen collected", "IV prepped"
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Task Business Status (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

There's often a need to track substates of a task - this is often variable by specific workflow implementation.

Summary true
Element Id Task.intent

Indicates the "level" of actionability associated with the Task, i.e. this a proposed task, a planned task, an actionable task, etc.

Short Display unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Task Intent (Required)
Type code
Summary true

This element is immutable. Proposed tasks, planned tasks, etc. must be distinct instances.

In most cases, Tasks will have an intent of "order".

Element Id Task.priority

Indicates how quickly the Task should be addressed with respect to other requests.

Short Display routine | urgent | asap | stat
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding RequestPriority (Required)
Type code
Meaning if Missing If missing, this task should be performed with normal priority

Used to identify the service level expected while performing a task.

Summary false
Element Id Task.doNotPerform

If true indicates that the Task is asking for the specified action to not occur.

Short Display True if Task is prohibiting action
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean
Is Modifier true (Reason: If true, this element negates the Task. For example, instead of a request to perform a task, it is a request _not_ to perform a task.)
Summary true

The attributes provided with the Task qualify what is not to be done. For example, if a requestedPeriod is provided, the 'do not' request only applies within the specified time. If a requestedPerformer is specified then the 'do not' request only applies to performers of that type. Qualifiers include: code, subject, occurrence, requestedPerformer and performer.

In some cases, the Request.code may pre-coordinate prohibition into the requested action. E.g. 'NPO' (nothing by mouth), 'DNR' (do not recussitate). If this happens, doNotPerform SHALL NOT be set to true. I.e. The resource shall not have double negation. (E.g. 'Do not DNR').

doNotPerform should ONLY be used with Tasks that are tightly bounded in time or process phase. E.g. 'Do not fulfill the midnight dose of medication X tonight due to the early morning scheduled procedure, where the nurse could reasonably check off 'Med X not given at midnight as instructed'. Similarly, a decision support proposal that a patient should not be given a standard intake questionnaire (because the patient is cognitively impaired) would be marked as 'complete' or 'rejected' when the clinician preps the CarePlan or order set after reviewing the decision support results. If there is a need to create a standing order to not do something that can't be satisfied by a single 'non-action', but rather an ongoing refusal to perform the function, MedicationRequest, ServiceRequest or some other form of authorization should be used.

Element Id Task.code

A name or code (or both) briefly describing what the task involves.

Short Display Task Type
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Task Codes (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Affect this element
tsk-1Rule Task.restriction is only allowed if the Task is seeking fulfillment and a focus is specified.restriction.exists() implies code.coding.where(code='fulfill' and system='http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/task-code').exists() and focus.exists()
Element Id Task.description

A free-text description of what is to be performed.

Short Display Human-readable explanation of task
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true
Element Id Task.focus

The request being fulfilled or the resource being manipulated (changed, suspended, etc.) by this task.

Short Display What task is acting on
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Any)

Used to identify the thing to be done.

Summary true

If multiple resources need to be manipulated, use sub-tasks. (This ensures that status can be tracked independently for each referenced resource.).

Affect this element
tsk-1Rule Task.restriction is only allowed if the Task is seeking fulfillment and a focus is specified.restriction.exists() implies code.coding.where(code='fulfill' and system='http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/task-code').exists() and focus.exists()
Element Id Task.for

The entity who benefits from the performance of the service specified in the task (e.g., the patient).

Short Display Beneficiary of the Task
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Any)

Used to track tasks outstanding for a beneficiary. Do not use to track the task owner or creator (see owner and creator respectively). This can also affect access control.

Alternate Names Patient
Summary true
Element Id Task.encounter

The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this task was created.

Short Display Healthcare event during which this task originated
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Encounter)

For some tasks it may be important to know the link between the encounter the task originated within.

Summary true
Element Id Task.requestedPeriod

Indicates the start and/or end of the period of time when completion of the task is desired to take place.

Short Display When the task should be performed
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period
Summary true

This is typically used when the Task is not seeking fulfillment of a focus Request, as in that case the period would be specified on the Request and/or in the Task.restriction.period. Instead, it is used for stand-alone tasks.

Element Id Task.executionPeriod

Identifies the time action was first taken against the task (start) and/or the time final action was taken against the task prior to marking it as completed (end).

Short Display Start and end time of execution
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period
Summary true
Element Id Task.authoredOn

The date and time this task was created.

Short Display Task Creation Date
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime

Most often used along with lastUpdated to track duration of task to supporting monitoring and management.

Alternate Names Created Date
Summary false
Element Id Task.lastModified

The date and time of last modification to this task.

Short Display Task Last Modified Date
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime

Used along with history to track task activity and time in a particular task state. This enables monitoring and management.

Alternate Names Update Date
Summary true
Element Id Task.requester

The creator of the task.

Short Display Who is asking for task to be done
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Device | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson)

Identifies who created this task. May be used by access control mechanisms (e.g., to ensure that only the creator can cancel a task).

Summary true
Element Id Task.requestedPerformer

The kind of participant or specific participant that should perform the task.

Short Display Who should perform the Task
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Procedure Performer Role Codes (Preferred)
Type CodeableReference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | HealthcareService | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)

Use to distinguish tasks on different activity queues.

Summary false
Element Id Task.owner

Party responsible for managing task execution.

Short Display Responsible individual
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson)

Identifies who is expected to perform this task.

Alternate Names Performer; Executer
Summary true

Tasks may be created with an owner not yet identified.

Element Id Task.performer

The entity who performed the requested task.

Short Display Who or what performed the task
Cardinality 0..*
Summary true
Element Id Task.performer.function

A code or description of the performer of the task.

Short Display Type of performance
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Task Performer Function Code (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Task.performer.actor

The actor or entity who performed the task.

Short Display Who performed the task
Cardinality 1..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | Device | Organization | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson)
Summary true
Element Id Task.location

Principal physical location where this task is performed.

Short Display Where task occurs
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Location)

Provides context around the event occurrence (e.g. if it occurred inside or outside a dedicated healthcare setting).

Summary true

This should only be specified when the Task to be/being performed happens or is expected to happen primarily within the bounds of a single Location. Other locations (e.g. source, destination, etc.) would either be reflected on the 'basedOn' Request or be conveyed as distinct Task.input values.

Element Id Task.reason

A description, code, or reference indicating why this task needs to be performed.

Short Display Why task is needed
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Task Reason (Example)
Type CodeableReference(Any)
Summary false

This will typically not be present for Tasks with a code of 'please fulfill' as, for those, the reason for action is conveyed on the Request pointed to by Task.focus. Some types of tasks will not need a 'reason'. E.g. a request to discharge a patient can be inferred to be 'because the patient is ready' and this would not need a reason to be stated on the Task.

Element Id Task.insurance

Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be relevant to the Task.

Short Display Associated insurance coverage
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Coverage | ClaimResponse)
Summary false
Element Id Task.note

Free-text information about the task during its lifecycle.

Short Display Comments made about the task
Cardinality 0..*
Type Annotation
Summary false
Element Id Task.relevantHistory

Links to Provenance records for past versions of this Task that identify key state transitions or updates that are likely to be relevant to a user looking at the current version of the task.

Short Display Key events in history of the Task
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Provenance)
Alternate Names Status History
Summary false

This element does not point to the Provenance associated with the current version of the resource - as it would be created after this version existed. The Provenance for the current version can be retrieved with a _revinclude.

Element Id Task.restriction

If the Task.focus is a request resource and the task is seeking fulfillment (i.e. is asking for the request to be actioned), this element identifies any limitations on what parts of the referenced request should be actioned.

Short Display Constraints on fulfillment tasks
Cardinality 0..1

Sometimes when fulfillment is sought, you don't want full fulfillment.

Summary false

Task.restriction can only be present if the Task is seeking fulfillment of another Request resource, and the restriction identifies what subset of the authorization conveyed by the request is supposed to be fulfilled by this Task. A possible example could be a standing order (the request) covering a significant time period and/or individuals, while the Task seeks fulfillment for only a subset of that time-period and a single individual.

Affect this element
tsk-1Rule Task.restriction is only allowed if the Task is seeking fulfillment and a focus is specified.restriction.exists() implies code.coding.where(code='fulfill' and system='http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/task-code').exists() and focus.exists()
Element Id Task.restriction.repetitions

Indicates the number of times the requested action should occur.

Short Display How many times to repeat
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt

E.g. order that requests monthly lab tests, fulfillment is sought for 1.

Summary false
Element Id Task.restriction.period

The time-period for which fulfillment is sought. This must fall within the overall time period authorized in the referenced request. E.g. ServiceRequest.occurance[x].

Short Display When fulfillment is sought
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period

E.g. order that authorizes 1 year's services. Fulfillment is sought for next 3 months.

Summary false

This is distinct from Task.executionPeriod. ExecutionPeriod indicates when the task needs to be initiated, while Task.restriction.period specifies the subset of the overall authorization that this period covers. For example, a MedicationRequest with an overall effective period of 1 year might have a Task whose restriction.period is 2 months (i.e. satisfy 2 months of medication therapy), while the execution period might be 'between now and 5 days from now' - i.e. If you say yes to this, then you're agreeing to supply medication for that 2 month period within the next 5 days.

Note that period.high is the due date representing the time by which the task should be completed.

Element Id Task.restriction.recipient

For requests that are targeted to more than one potential recipient/target, to identify who is fulfillment is sought for.

Short Display For whom is fulfillment sought?
Cardinality 0..*
Type Reference(Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Group | Organization)
Summary false
Element Id Task.input

Additional information that may be needed in the execution of the task.

Short Display Information used to perform task
Cardinality 0..*

Resources and data used to perform the task. This data is used in the business logic of task execution, and is stored separately because it varies between workflows.

Alternate Names Supporting Information
Summary false
Element Id Task.input.type

A code or description to distinguish between inputs.

Short Display Label for the input
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Task Input/Output Parameter Type (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

Inputs are named to enable task automation to bind data and pass it from one task to the next.

Alternate Names Name
Summary false

The type of the input may affect how it is used in the task. If referencing a BPMN workflow or Protocol, the "system" is the URL for the workflow definition and the code is the "name" of the required input.

Element Id Task.input.value[x]

The value of the input parameter as a basic type.

Short Display Content to use in performing the task
Cardinality 1..1
Type *
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary false
Element Id Task.output

Outputs produced by the Task.

Short Display Information produced as part of task
Cardinality 0..*

Resources and data produced during the execution the task. This data is generated by the business logic of task execution, and is stored separately because it varies between workflows.

Summary false
Element Id Task.output.type

A code or description to distinguish between outputs.

Short Display Label for output
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Task Input/Output Parameter Type (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

Outputs are named to enable task automation to bind data and pass it from one task to the next.

Alternate Names Name
Summary false
Element Id Task.output.value[x]

The value of the Output parameter as a basic type.

Short Display Result of output
Cardinality 1..1
Type *
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]

Task outputs can take any form.

Summary false