This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/A  Trial UseSecurity Category: Business Compartments: Group

Search parameters for the ResearchStudy resource. Also check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource.

The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.


Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-classifier

Parameter classifier:token

Classification for the study

Expression ResearchStudy.classifier
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-condition

Parameter condition:token

Condition being studied

Expression ResearchStudy.condition
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-date

Parameter date:date

When the study began and ended

Expression ResearchStudy.period
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-description

Parameter description:string

Detailed narrative of the study

Expression ResearchStudy.description
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-eligibility

Parameter eligibility:reference

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Expression ResearchStudy.recruitment.eligibility
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Group
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-focus-code

Parameter focus-code:token

Drugs, devices, etc. under study, as a code

Expression ResearchStudy.focus.concept
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-focus-reference

Parameter focus-reference:reference

Drugs, devices, etc. under study, as a reference

Expression ResearchStudy.focus.reference
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources MedicinalProductDefinition, DeviceDefinition, PlanDefinition, SubstanceDefinition, Medication
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-identifier

Parameter identifier:token

Business Identifier for study

Expression ResearchStudy.identifier
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-keyword

Parameter keyword:token

Used to search for the study

Expression ResearchStudy.keyword
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-name

Parameter name:string

Name for this study

Expression ResearchStudy.name
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-objective-description

Parameter objective-description:string

Free text description of the objective of the study

Expression ResearchStudy.objective.description
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-objective-type

Parameter objective-type:token

The kind of study objective

Expression ResearchStudy.objective.type
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-part-of

Parameter part-of:reference

Part of larger study

Expression ResearchStudy.partOf
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources ResearchStudy
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-phase

Parameter phase:token

The stage in the progression of a study

Expression ResearchStudy.phase
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-actual

Parameter progress-actual:token

Actual if true else anticipated

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus.actual
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-period

Parameter progress-period:date

Date range

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus.period
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-state

Parameter progress-state:token

Label for status or state

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus.state
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-status-state-actual

Parameter progress-status-state-actual:composite

Status of study by state and actual

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: The parameter may only have one value (no comma separators)


progress-actual progress-actual

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-status-state-period

Parameter progress-status-state-period:composite

Status of study by state and period

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: The parameter may only have one value (no comma separators)


progress-period progress-period

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-progress-status-state-period-actual

Parameter progress-status-state-period-actual:composite

Status of study by state, period and actual

Expression ResearchStudy.progressStatus
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: The parameter may only have one value (no comma separators)


progress-period progress-period
progress-actual progress-actual

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-protocol

Parameter protocol:reference

Steps followed in executing study

Expression ResearchStudy.protocol
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources PlanDefinition
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-recruitment-actual

Parameter recruitment-actual:number

Actual number of participants enrolled in study across all groups

Expression ResearchStudy.recruitment.actualNumber
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-recruitment-target

Parameter recruitment-target:number

Target number of participants enrolled in study across all groups

Expression ResearchStudy.recruitment.targetNumber
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true
Comparators Allowed: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, sa, eb, ap

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-region

Parameter region:token

Geographic area for the study

Expression ResearchStudy.region
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-site

Parameter site:reference

Facility where study activities are conducted

Expression ResearchStudy.site
Processing Mode Normal
Target Resources Organization, ResearchStudy, Location
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-status

Parameter status:token

active | active-but-not-recruiting | administratively-completed | approved | closed-to-accrual | closed-to-accrual-and-intervention | completed | disapproved | enrolling-by-invitation | in-review | not-yet-recruiting | recruiting | temporarily-closed-to-accrual | temporarily-closed-to-accrual-and-intervention | terminated | withdrawn

Expression ResearchStudy.status
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-study-design

Parameter study-design:token

Classifications of the study design characteristics

Expression ResearchStudy.studyDesign
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true

Generated Narrative: SearchParameter ResearchStudy-title

Parameter title:string

The human readable name of the research study

Expression ResearchStudy.title
Processing Mode Normal
  • multipleAnd: It's up to the server whether the parameter may repeat in order to specify multiple values that must all be true
  • multipleOr: It's up to the server whether the parameter can have multiple values (separated by comma) where at least one must be true