This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Clinical Decision Support icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial Use Compartments: Device, Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Dependency Graph for RequestOrchestration FMM level 4

NameCard.TypeDependency Analysis
.. RequestOrchestration DomainResource
... identifier 0..* Identifier
... instantiatesCanonical 0..* canonical()
... instantiatesUri 0..* uri
... replaces 0..* Reference(Any) Type Warning: (Any = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
... groupIdentifier 0..1 Identifier
... status 1..1 code
... intent 1..1 code
... priority 0..1 code
... code 0..1 CodeableConcept
... subject 0..1 Reference(CareTeam | Device | Group | HealthcareService | Location | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson) Type Warning: (CareTeam = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Group = FMM3-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
... encounter 0..1 Reference(Encounter)
... authoredOn 0..1 dateTime
... author 0..1 Reference(Device | Practitioner | PractitionerRole) Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
... reason 0..* CodeableReference Type Error: (CodeableReference = FMM5-Draft vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
... goal 0..* Reference(Goal) Type Warning: (Goal = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
... note 0..* Annotation
... action 0..* BackboneElement
.... linkId 0..1 string
.... prefix 0..1 string
.... title 0..1 string
.... description 0..1 markdown
.... textEquivalent 0..1 markdown
.... priority 0..1 code
.... code 0..* CodeableConcept
.... documentation 0..* RelatedArtifact
.... goal 0..* Reference(Goal) Type Warning: (Goal = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
.... condition 0..* BackboneElement
..... kind 1..1 code
..... expression 0..1 Expression
.... input 0..* BackboneElement
..... title 0..1 string
..... requirement 0..1 DataRequirement
..... relatedData 0..1 id
.... output 0..* BackboneElement
..... title 0..1 string
..... requirement 0..1 DataRequirement
..... relatedData 0..1 string
.... relatedAction 0..* BackboneElement
..... targetId 1..1 id
..... relationship 1..1 code
..... endRelationship 0..1 code
..... offset[x] 0..1
...... offsetDuration Duration
...... offsetRange Range
.... timing[x] 0..1
..... timingDateTime dateTime
..... timingAge Age
..... timingPeriod Period
..... timingDuration Duration
..... timingRange Range
..... timingTiming Timing
.... location 0..1 CodeableReference Type Error: (CodeableReference = FMM5-Draft vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
.... participant 0..* BackboneElement
..... type 0..1 code
..... typeCanonical 0..1 canonical(CapabilityStatement)
..... typeReference 0..1 Reference(CareTeam | Device | DeviceDefinition | Endpoint | Group | HealthcareService | Location | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson) Type Warning: (CareTeam = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (DeviceDefinition = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Endpoint = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Group = FMM3-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
..... role 0..1 CodeableConcept
..... function 0..1 CodeableConcept
..... actor[x] 0..1
...... actorCanonical canonical
...... actorReference Reference(CareTeam | Device | DeviceDefinition | Endpoint | Group | HealthcareService | Location | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson Type Warning: (CareTeam = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Device = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (DeviceDefinition = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Endpoint = FMM2-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
Type Warning: (Group = FMM3-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
.... type 0..1 CodeableConcept
.... groupingBehavior 0..1 code
.... selectionBehavior 0..1 code
.... requiredBehavior 0..1 code
.... precheckBehavior 0..1 code
.... cardinalityBehavior 0..1 code
.... resource 0..1 Reference(Any) Type Warning: (Any = FMM1-Trial Use vs. Element = FMM4-Trial Use)
.... definition[x] 0..1
..... definitionCanonical canonical
..... definitionUri uri
.... transform 0..1 canonical(StructureMap)
.... dynamicValue 0..* BackboneElement
..... path 0..1 string
..... expression 0..1 Expression
.... action 0..* see action