This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
Patient Care ![]() | Maturity Level: 2 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Group, Patient |
Describes the intended objective(s) for a patient, group or organization care, for example, weight loss, restoring an activity of daily living, obtaining herd immunity via immunization, meeting a process improvement objective, etc.
A Goal in health care services delivery is generally an expressed desired health state to be achieved by a subject of care (or family/group) over a period or at a specific point of time. This desired target health state may be achieved as a result of health care intervention(s) or resulting from natural recovery over time. For example:
Goals may address the prevention of illness, cure or mitigation of a condition, prolongation of life, or mitigation of pain and discomfort.
When dealing with groups, goals may also reflect health state, such as a reduction of addiction behaviors. However, they may also reflect population health objectives such as education, screening, etc.
Organizational goals are typically not health state specific but may instead identify measurement targets such as infection control, cost management, patient satisfaction, etc.
Goals are typically established in the context of a CarePlan. However, goals may also be directly referenced by request-type resources (e.g. MedicationRequest or ServiceRequest) by using an extension.
A goal represents a specific goal instance for a particular patient, group, etc. It is not intended to be used to define types of potential goals as part of an order set or protocol definition. Protocol definitions and order sets are supported through PlanDefinition. The Goal resource is intended to be used once an order set is instantiated or assigned to a patient, which is when the potential goals become the actual goals, if not changed or deleted.
Goals are often evaluated using Observations.
Goal does not include the legal Advance Directives, which should be represented with the Consent resource with Consent.category = Advance Directive or a request resource with the intent = directive. Legal Advance Directives may specify clinical goals that can be represented as a Goal resource as well. Informally, advance directives could be represented as a Goal resource regardless of whether it was included in the legal Consent, such as "I want to die at home."
Additional definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis
Path | ValueSet | Type | Documentation |
Goal.lifecycleStatus | GoalLifecycleStatus | Required | Codes that reflect the current state of a goal and whether the goal is still being targeted. |
Goal.achievementStatus | GoalAchievementStatus | Preferred | Describes the progression, or lack thereof, towards the goal against the target. |
Goal.category | GoalCategory | Example | Example codes for grouping goals to use for filtering or presentation. |
Goal.priority | GoalPriority | Preferred | Indicates the level of importance associated with reaching or sustaining a goal. |
Goal.description | GoalDescription | Example | Example value set for Goal descriptions. |
Goal.start[x] | GoalStartEvent | Example | Identifies types of events that might trigger the start of a goal. |
Goal.acceptance.status | GoalAcceptStatus (a valid code from Goal acceptance status code system) | Required | Codes that identify whether the goal has been accepted or not. |
Goal.acceptance.priority | GoalPriority | Example | Indicates the level of importance associated with reaching or sustaining a goal. | | LOINCCodes (a valid code from LOINC ![]() |
Example | This value set includes all LOINC codes |
Goal.statusReason | GoalStatusReason | Example | Codes to identify the reason for current lifecycle status. |
UniqueKey | Level | Location | Description | Expression |
![]() | Rule | | is required if is populated | (detail.exists() and measure.exists()) or detail.exists().not() |
Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Expression | In Common |
achievement-status | token | in-progress | improving | worsening | no-change | achieved | sustaining | not-achieved | no-progress | not-attainable | Goal.achievementStatus | |
addresses | reference | Issues addressed by this goal | Goal.addresses (Condition, RiskAssessment, MedicationRequest, NutritionOrder, Observation, Procedure, NutritionIntake, MedicationStatement, ServiceRequest) |
category | token | E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc. | Goal.category | |
description | token | Code or text describing goal | Goal.description | |
identifier | token | External Ids for this goal | Goal.identifier | 65 Resources |
lifecycle-status | token | proposed | planned | accepted | active | on-hold | completed | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected | Goal.lifecycleStatus | |
patient | reference | Who this goal is intended for | Goal.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) (Patient) |
65 Resources |
start-date | date | When goal pursuit begins | (Goal.start.ofType(date)) | |
subject | reference | Who this goal is intended for | Goal.subject (Group, Organization, Patient) |
target-date | date | Reach goal on or before | ( | |
target-measure | token | The parameter whose value is being tracked | |