This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Patient Administration icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Individual Compartments: Practitioner

Mappings for the PractitionerRole resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

PractitionerRole administrative.individual
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    active FiveWs.status
    period FiveWs.done[x]
    location FiveWs.where[x]
PractitionerRole Participant
    identifier Participant.identifier
    active Participant.active
    code Participant.name
PractitionerRole PRD (as one example)
    identifier PRD-7 (or XCN.1)
    active STF-7
    period PRD-8/9 / PRA-5.4
    code PRD-1 / STF-18 / PRA-3 / PRT-4 / ROL-3 / ORC-12 / OBR-16 / PV1-7 / PV1-8 / PV1-9 / PV1-17
    specialty PRA-5
    healthcareService EDU-2 / AFF-3
PractitionerRole Role
    identifier .id
    active .statusCode
    period .performance[@typeCode <= 'PPRF'].ActDefinitionOrEvent.effectiveTime
    practitioner .player
    organization .scoper
    code .code
    specialty .player.HealthCareProvider[@classCode = 'PROV'].code
    location .performance.ActDefinitionOrEvent.ServiceDeliveryLocation[@classCode = 'SDLOC']
    healthcareService .player.QualifiedEntity[@classCode = 'QUAL'].code
    characteristic .actrelationship[typeCode=PERT].observation
    communication ./languageCommunication
    availability .effectiveTime
    endpoint n/a
PractitionerRole ServiceSiteProvider
    identifier ./Identifiers
    period (ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)
    code (ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)
    specialty ./Specialty
    location (ServD maps Practitioners and Organizations via another entity, so this concept is not available)<br/> However these are accessed via the Site.ServiceSite.ServiceSiteProvider record. (The Site has the location)