This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
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Financial Management icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Practitioner

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the PaymentReconciliation resource.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation

This resource provides the details including amount of a payment and allocates the payment items being paid.

Short Display PaymentReconciliation resource
Cardinality 0..*
Type DomainResource
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.identifier

A unique identifier assigned to this payment reconciliation.

Short Display Business Identifier for a payment reconciliation
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier

Allows payment reconciliations to be distinguished and referenced.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.type

Code to indicate the nature of the payment such as payment, adjustment.

Short Display Category of payment
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Payment Type Codes (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.status

The status of the resource instance.

Short Display active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding Financial Resource Status Codes (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This element is labelled as a modifier because it is a status element that contains status entered-in-error which means that the resource should not be treated as valid)

Need to track the status of the resource as 'draft' resources may undergo further edits while 'active' resources are immutable and may only have their status changed to 'cancelled'.

Summary true

This element is labeled as a modifier because the status contains codes that mark the resource as not currently valid.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.kind

The workflow or activity which gave rise to or during which the payment ocurred such as a kiosk, deposit on account, periodic payment etc.

Short Display Workflow originating payment
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Payment Kind (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.period

The period of time for which payments have been gathered into this bulk payment for settlement.

Short Display Period covered
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period

Needed to allow receivers to monitor and reconcile payment issuer schedules.

Summary true
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.created

The date when the resource was created.

Short Display Creation date
Cardinality 1..1
Type dateTime

Need to record a timestamp for use by both the recipient and the issuer.

Summary true
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.enterer

Payment enterer if not the actual payment issuer.

Short Display Who entered the payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.issuerType

The type of the source such as patient or insurance.

Short Display Nature of the source
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Payment Issuer Type (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept

Providers may need to identify the source to know to which sub-ledger to apply the payment.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.paymentIssuer

The party who generated the payment.

Short Display Party generating payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Organization | Patient | RelatedPerson)

Need to identify the party resonsible for the payment and this resource.

Summary true

This party is also responsible for the reconciliation.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.request

Original request resource reference.

Short Display Reference to requesting resource
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Task)

Needed to allow the response to be linked to the request.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.requestor

The practitioner who is responsible for the services rendered to the patient.

Short Display Responsible practitioner
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)

Need to identify the party responsible for the request.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.outcome

The outcome of a request for a reconciliation.

Short Display queued | complete | error | partial
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Payment Outcome (Required)
Type code

To advise the requestor of an overall processing outcome.

Summary false

The resource may be used to indicate that: the request has been held (queued) for processing; that it has been processed and errors found (error); that no errors were found and that some of the adjudication has been undertaken (partial) or that all of the adjudication has been undertaken (complete).

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.disposition

A human readable description of the status of the request for the reconciliation.

Short Display Disposition message
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Provided for user display.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.date

The date of payment as indicated on the financial instrument.

Short Display When payment issued
Cardinality 1..1
Type date

To advise the payee when payment can be expected.

Summary true
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.location

The location of the site or device for electronic transfers or physical location for cash payments.

Short Display Where payment collected
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Location)
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.method

The means of payment such as check, card cash, or electronic funds transfer.

Short Display Payment instrument
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding hl7VS-paymentMethodCode icon (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.cardBrand

The card brand such as debit, Visa, Amex etc. used if a card is the method of payment.

Short Display Type of card
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.accountNumber

A portion of the account number, often the last 4 digits, used for verification not charging purposes.

Short Display Digits for verification
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.expirationDate

The year and month (YYYY-MM) when the instrument, typically card, expires.

Short Display Expiration year-month
Cardinality 0..1
Type date
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.processor

The name of the card processor, etf processor, bank for checks.

Short Display Processor name
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.referenceNumber

The check number, eft reference, car processor reference.

Short Display Check number or payment reference
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.authorization

An alphanumeric issued by the processor to confirm the successful issuance of payment.

Short Display Authorization number
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.tenderedAmount

The amount offered by the issuer, typically applies to cash when the issuer provides an amount in bank note denominations equal to or excess of the amount actually being paid.

Short Display Amount offered by the issuer
Cardinality 0..1
Type Money
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.returnedAmount

The amount returned by the receiver which is excess to the amount payable, often referred to as 'change'.

Short Display Amount returned by the receiver
Cardinality 0..1
Type Money
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.amount

Total payment amount as indicated on the financial instrument.

Short Display Total amount of Payment
Cardinality 1..1
Type Money

Needed to provide the actual payment amount.

Summary true
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.paymentIdentifier

Issuer's unique identifier for the payment instrument.

Short Display Business identifier for the payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Identifier

Enable the receiver to reconcile when payment is received.

Summary false

For example: EFT number or check number.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation

Distribution of the payment amount for a previously acknowledged payable.

Short Display Settlement particulars
Cardinality 0..*

Needed to show how the payment amount is distributed across the payables.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.identifier

Unique identifier for the current payment item for the referenced payable.

Short Display Business identifier of the payment detail
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..1
Type Identifier

Needed for reconciliation of payments.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.predecessor

Unique identifier for the prior payment item for the referenced payable.

Short Display Business identifier of the prior payment detail
Cardinality 0..1
Type Identifier

Needed for reconciliation of payments.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.target

Specific resource to which the payment/adjustment/advance applies.

Short Display Subject of the payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Claim | Account | Invoice | ChargeItem | Encounter | Contract)
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.targetItem[x]

Identifies the claim line item, encounter or other sub-element being paid. Note payment may be partial, that is not match the then outstanding balance or amount incurred.

Short Display Sub-element of the subject
Cardinality 0..1
Type string|Identifier|positiveInt
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.encounter

The Encounter to which this payment applies, may be completed by the receiver, used for search.

Short Display Applied-to encounter
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Encounter)
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.account

The Account to which this payment applies, may be completed by the receiver, used for search.

Short Display Applied-to account
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Account)
Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.type

Code to indicate the nature of the payment.

Short Display Category of payment
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Payment Type Codes (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept

Needed to provide context for the amount.

Summary false

For example: payment, adjustment, funds advance, etc.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.submitter

The party which submitted the claim or financial transaction.

Short Display Submitter of the request
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)

Needed for audit and validation.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.response

A resource, such as a ClaimResponse, which contains a commitment to payment.

Short Display Response committing to a payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(ClaimResponse)

Needed to provide a linkage to the payment commitment.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.date

The date from the response resource containing a commitment to pay.

Short Display Date of commitment to pay
Cardinality 0..1
Type date

Needed for audit and validation.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.responsible

A reference to the individual who is responsible for inquiries regarding the response and its payment.

Short Display Contact for the response
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(PractitionerRole)

To provide contact information.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.payee

The party which is receiving the payment.

Short Display Recipient of the payment
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization)

Needed for audit and validation.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.allocation.amount

The monetary amount allocated from the total payment to the payable.

Short Display Amount allocated to this payable
Cardinality 0..1
Type Money

Needed to explain the distribution of the payment to the payables.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.formCode

A code for the form to be used for printing the content.

Short Display Printed form identifier
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Form Codes (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

Needed to specify the specific form used for producing output for this response.

Summary false

May be needed to identify specific jurisdictional forms.

Element Id PaymentReconciliation.processNote

A note that describes or explains the processing in a human readable form.

Short Display Note concerning processing
Cardinality 0..*

Provides the specific textual explanations associated with the processing.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.processNote.type

The business purpose of the note text.

Short Display display | print | printoper
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding NoteType (Required)
Type code

To convey the expectation for when the text is used.

Summary false
Element Id PaymentReconciliation.processNote.text

The explanation or description associated with the processing.

Short Display Note explanatory text
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Required to provide human readable explanation.

Summary false