This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Pharmacy icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner


The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that reference Medication Resources for generic formulations:

The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that reference Medication Resources for manufactured products:

The following examples are MedicationRequest resources for Oral Dosage Forms that include a Medication Code


The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that reference a Medication Resource for a generic formulation

The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that reference a Medication Resource for a manufactured product:

The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms that include a Medication Code:

The following examples of MedicationRequest resources for Injectable Dosage Forms for Injectable Dosage Forms where the medication is a compounded (aka extemporaneous or magistral) product:


The following examples of MedicationRequest resources including miscellaneous dosage forms:


The following examples of MedicationRequest resources including miscellaneous dosage instructions:

Example Name id Format
Order for a medication that includes the dosage of a prescription in text medrx002 XML JSON Turtle
Active Order with link to encounter, reasonCode, note multiple dosage lines, dispenseRequest and substitution - Azithromycin medrx0302 XML JSON Turtle
Order with as needed (PRN) dosage with pre-condition - Oxycodone - active with reasonCode, note, dispenseRequest and substitution medrx0301 XML JSON Turtle
Order for Tapering Dose - Prednisone - active with note and multiple DosageInstructions with boundsPeriod medrx0303 XML JSON Turtle
Order for Oral Drops - Nystatin Suspension - completed - with Dispense Request medrx0304 XML JSON Turtle
Order with Dosage with a Pre-Condition - Alprazolam - dosageInstructions includes boundsPeriod with periodMax and asNeededCodeableConcept medrx0305 XML JSON Turtle
Oral Chemotherapy Order - Myleran - completed - with reasonCode medrx0306 XML JSON Turtle
Order with as needed (PRN) dosage - Percocet - completed with link to encounter, dispenseRequest and substitution medrx0307 XML JSON Turtle
Order for as needed (PRN) dosage - Vicodin - completed with dosageInstruction with additionalInstruction (coded) and as needed with reason, dispenseRequest and substitution medrx0308 XML JSON Turtle
Oral Chemotherapy Order - Capecitabine - active medication with dosing by Body Surface Area (BSA) (mg/m2) medrx0309 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Over the Counter Medication - Tylenol PM - with dosage range as needed with pre-condition for use medrx0310 XML JSON Turtle
Fully populated example of a MedicationRequest - Chlorthalidone - active - with link to encounter, reasonReference, note, dispenseRequest, substitution and eventHistory medrx0311 XML JSON Turtle
Liquid Medication - Phenytoin with link to prior prescription medrx0312 XML JSON Turtle
Request with a single dosage line - Azithromycin - completed - with link to prior prescription and reason code medrx0313 XML JSON Turtle
Request - Levothyroxine - completed with reasonCode, dosageInstructions and dispenseRequest medrx0314 XML JSON Turtle
Request for an injectable medication - Lorazepam - active - with link to encounter, reasonCode and dosageInstruction medrx0315 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Chemotherapy (inpatient order) - Brentuximab Vedotin - completed medrx0316 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Chemotherapy (inpatient order) - Alemtuzumab - completed with multiple dosageInstruction lines medrx0317 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Antibiotic - Vancomycin - active - with link to encounter, reasonCode, and note medrx0318 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Antibiotic with a Dosage Rate - Piperacillin - completed with reason code medrx0319 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Subcutaneous injection - Insulin - Lantus - completed, with reason code and dispense request medrx0320 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Subcutaneous injection with multiple dosage lines - Insulin - Novolog - active - includes reasonCode and note. Dosage includes additionalInstructions as text medrx0321 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Admixture - Potassium Chloride in D5W - completed with reason code medrx0322 XML JSON Turtle
Request for TPN Solution - completed medrx0323 XML JSON Turtle
Request using Medication Code for Rectal Suppository - Acetaminophen - completed with reasonCode, dispenseRequest and substitution medrx0324 XML JSON Turtle
Request using Medication Code for Topical Ointment - Nystatin - on hold and with dispense request medrx0325 XML JSON Turtle
Request using Medication Code for Inhaler - Proventil - on hold with dispenseRequest and substitution medrx0326 XML JSON Turtle
Request using Medication Code for Patch - Fentanyl - active, with dispense request medrx0327 XML JSON Turtle
Request referencing Medication Resource for Nasal Spray - Nasonex medrx0328 XML JSON Turtle
Request referencing Medication Resource for Compounded Product - HC 1%, Salicylic Acid 5% in Glaxal Base - on hold with dispenseRequest medrx0329 XML JSON Turtle
Request referencing Medication Resource for Eye Drops - Timoptic - active - with link to encounter, dispenseRequest and substitution flag medrx0330 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a Dosage that needs to be dispensed as different strength tablets - Warfarin - active medrx0331 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a medication that is intended to be given as a single, once only dose medrx0332 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a medication that is intended to be given in the morning medrx0333 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a medication that is intended to be given on a specific day medrx0334 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a medication that is intended to be given at a specific time medrx0335 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Dopamine - Weight based calculation with rateQuantity medrx0336 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Admixture Dopamine - with rateQuantity medrx0337 XML JSON Turtle
Request for Intravenous Admixture Dopamine - with doseQuantity and rateQuantity medrx0338 XML JSON Turtle
Request for a product that contains multiple dosage forms medrx0339 XML JSON Turtle
Request medication where there is an option of the route of administration - includes group identifier medrx0343a XML JSON Turtle
Request medication where there is an option of the route of administration - includes group identifier medrx0343b XML JSON Turtle
Request that uses both calculated and ordered dosage medrx003 XML JSON Turtle
Request with multiple dosages and timings. medrx004 XML JSON Turtle

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.