This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example MedicationRequest/medrx0315 (XML)

Pharmacy Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner

Raw XML (canonical form + also see XML Format Specification)

Request for an injectable medication - Lorazepam - active - with link to encounter, reasonCode and dosageInstruction (id = "medrx0315")

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<MedicationRequest xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="medrx0315"/> 
      <id value="med0313"/> 
          <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
          <code value="400621001"/> 
          <display value="Lorazepam 2mg/ml injection solution 1ml vial (product)"/> 
          <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
          <code value="385219001"/> 
          <display value="Solution for injection"/> 
              <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
              <code value="387106007"/> 
              <display value="Lorazepam (substance)"/> 
            <value value="2"/> 
            <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
            <code value="mg"/> 
            <value value="1"/> 
            <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
            <code value="mL"/> 
    <use value="official"/> 
    <system value="http://www.bmc.nl/portal/prescriptions"/> 
    <value value="12345689"/> 
  <status value="active"/> 
  <intent value="order"/> 
    <!--   Linked to a RESOURCE Medication   -->
      <reference value="#med0313"/> 
    <!--   Linked to the resource patient who needs the medication   -->
    <reference value="Patient/pat1"/> 
    <display value="Donald Duck"/> 
    <!--   Linked to a resource Encounter between patient and practitioner  -->
    <reference value="Encounter/f001"/> 
    <display value="encounter who leads to this prescription"/> 
  <authoredOn value="2015-01-15"/> 
    <reference value="Practitioner/f007"/> 
    <display value="Patrick Pump"/> 
        <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
        <code value="84757009"/> 
        <display value="Epilepsy (disorder)"/> 
    <sequence value="1"/> 
    <text value="0.05 - 0.1mg/kg IV over 2-5 minutes every 15 minutes as needed"/> 
        <frequency value="1"/> 
        <period value="15"/> 
        <periodUnit value="min"/> 
    <asNeeded value="true"/> 
        <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
        <code value="255560000"/> 
        <display value="Intravenous"/> 
        <system value="http://snomed.info/sct"/> 
        <code value="420620005"/> 
        <display value="Push - dosing instruction imperative (qualifier value)"/> 
          <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/dose-rate-type"/> 
          <code value="ordered"/> 
          <display value="Ordered"/> 
          <value value="0.05"/> 
          <unit value="mg/kg"/> 
          <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
          <code value="mg/kg"/> 
          <value value="0.1"/> 
          <unit value="mg/kg"/> 
          <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
          <code value="mg/kg"/> 
          <value value="2"/> 
          <unit value="min"/> 
          <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
          <code value="min"/> 
          <value value="5"/> 
          <unit value="min"/> 
          <system value="http://unitsofmeasure.org"/> 
          <code value="min"/> 

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.