This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Clinical Quality Information icon Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

Mappings for the Measure resource (see Mappings to Other Standards for further information & status).

Measure clinical.general
    url FiveWs.identifier
    identifier FiveWs.identifier
    version FiveWs.version
    versionAlgorithm[x] FiveWs.version
    status FiveWs.status
    experimental FiveWs.class
    date FiveWs.recorded
    publisher FiveWs.witness
    purpose FiveWs.why[x]
Measure Definition
    url Definition.url
    identifier Definition.identifier
    version Definition.version
    versionAlgorithm[x] Definition.versionAlgorithm
    name Definition.name
    title Definition.title
    status Definition.status
    experimental Definition.experimental
    date Definition.date
    publisher Definition.publisher
    contact Definition.contact
    description Definition.description
    useContext Definition.useContext
    jurisdiction Definition.jurisdiction
    purpose Definition.purpose
    copyright Definition.copyright
    copyrightLabel Definition.copyrightLabel
    approvalDate Definition.approvalDate
    lastReviewDate Definition.lastReviewDate
    effectivePeriod Definition.effectivePeriod
Measure Observation[classCode=OBS, moodCode=DEFN]
    url .identifier[scope=BUSN;reliability=ISS]
    identifier .identifier
    version N/A (to add?)
    versionAlgorithm[x] N/A (to add?)
    name N/A
    title .title
    subtitle N/A (to add?)
    status .status
    experimental N/A (to add?)
    subject[x] N/A (to add?) { only applies for subject Patient? }
    basis N/A (to add?) { only applies for subject Patient? }
    date .participation[typeCode=AUT].time
    publisher participation[typeCode=AUT].role
    contact .participation[typeCode=CALLBCK].role
    description .text
    useContext N/A (to add?)
    jurisdiction N/A (to add?)
    purpose .reasonCode.text
    usage N/A (to add?)
    copyright N/A (to add?)
    copyrightLabel N/A (to add?)
    approvalDate .outboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].act[classCode=CACT;moodCode=EVN;code="approval"].effectiveTime
    lastReviewDate .outboundRleationship[typeCode=SUBJ;subsetCode=RECENT].act[classCode=CACT;moodCode=EVN;code=review].effectiveTime
    effectivePeriod .effectiveTime
    topic N/A (to add?)
    author .participation[typeCode=AUT]
    editor .participation[typeCode=AUT] { not a great match, but there does not appear to be an editor concept in V3 participation }
    reviewer .participation[typeCode=VRF] {not clear whether VRF best corresponds to reviewer or endorser}
    endorser .participation[typeCode=VRF] {not clear whether VRF best corresponds to reviewer or endorser}
    relatedArtifact .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DOC,RSON,PREV, DRIV, USE, COMP] {successor would be PREV w/ inversionInd=true; No support for citation}
    library N/A (to add?)
    disclaimer N/A (to add?)
    scoring .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
    scoringUnit .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
    scoringPrecision .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
    compositeScoring .methodCode { the aspect of how component measures are combined }
    type .methodCode { the aspect of what the measure applies to }
    riskAdjustment N/A (to add?)
    rateAggregation N/A (to add?)
    rationale N/A (to add?)
    clinicalRecommendationStatement N/A (to add?)
    improvementNotation .interpretationCode
    term N/A
        code N/A
        definition N/A (to add?)
    guidance N/A (to add?)
    group .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
        linkId .id
        code .code
        description .text
        type .typeCode
        subject[x] N/A (to add?) { only applies for subject Patient? }
        basis N/A (to add?) { only applies for subject Patient? }
        scoring .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
        scoringUnit .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
        scoringPrecision .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
        rateAggregation N/A (to add?)
        improvementNotation .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
        improvementNotationGuidance .methodCode { the aspect of how the calculation is performed }
        library N/A (to add?)
        population .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
            linkId .id
            code .code
            description .text
            criteria N/A (to add?)
            groupDefinition N/A (to add?)
            inputPopulationId N/A (to add?)
            aggregateMethod N/A (to add?)
        stratifier .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
            linkId .id
            code .code
            description .text
            criteria N/A (to add?)
            groupDefinition N/A (to add?)
            component .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
                linkId .id
                code .code
                description .text
                criteria N/A (to add?)
                groupDefinition N/A (to add?)
    supplementalData .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP]
        linkId .id
        code .code
        usage .methodCode
        description .text
        criteria N/A (to add?)