This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

Clinical Quality Information icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the Measure resource.

Element Id Measure

The Measure resource provides the definition of a quality measure.

Short Display A quality measure definition
Cardinality 0..*
Type MetadataResource
Summary false
Defined on this element
cnl-0Warning Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname.exists() implies name.matches('^[A-Z]([A-Za-z0-9_]){1,254}$')
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.url

An absolute URI that is used to identify this measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance; also called its canonical identifier. This SHOULD be globally unique and SHOULD be a literal address at which an authoritative instance of this measure is (or will be) published. This URL can be the target of a canonical reference. It SHALL remain the same when the measure is stored on different servers.

Short Display Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
Cardinality 0..1
Type uri

Allows the measure to be referenced by a single globally unique identifier.

Summary true

Can be a urn:uuid: or a urn:oid: but real http: addresses are preferred. Multiple instances may share the same URL if they have a distinct version.

The determination of when to create a new version of a resource (same url, new version) vs. defining a new artifact is up to the author. Considerations for making this decision are found in Technical and Business Versions.

In some cases, the resource can no longer be found at the stated url, but the url itself cannot change. Implementations can use the meta.source element to indicate where the current master source of the resource can be found.

Defined on this element
cnl-1Warning URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematicexists() implies matches('^[^|# ]+$')
Element Id Measure.identifier

A formal identifier that is used to identify this measure when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance.

Short Display Additional identifier for the measure
Note This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..*
Type Identifier

Allows externally provided and/or usable business identifiers to be easily associated with the module.

Summary true
Element Id Measure.version

The identifier that is used to identify this version of the measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the measure author and is not expected to be globally unique. For example, it might be a timestamp (e.g. yyyymmdd) if a managed version is not available. There is also no expectation that versions can be placed in a lexicographical sequence. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge assets, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that a version is required for non-experimental active artifacts.

Short Display Business version of the measure
Note This is a business versionId, not a resource version id (see discussion)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

There may be different measure instances that have the same identifier but different versions. The version can be appended to the url in a reference to allow a reference to a particular business version of the measure with the format [url]|[version]. The version SHOULD NOT contain a '#' - see Business Version.

Element Id Measure.versionAlgorithm[x]

Indicates the mechanism used to compare versions to determine which is more current.

Short Display How to compare versions
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Version Algorithm (Extensible)
Type string|Coding
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Summary true

If set as a string, this is a FHIRPath expression that has two additional context variables passed in - %version1 and %version2 and will return a negative number if version1 is newer, a positive number if version2 and a 0 if the version ordering can't be successfully be determined.

Element Id Measure.name

A natural language name identifying the measure. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation.

Short Display Name for this measure (computer friendly)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Support human navigation and code generation.

Summary true

The name is not expected to be globally unique. The name should be a simple alphanumeric type name to ensure that it is machine-processing friendly.

Affect this element
cnl-0Warning Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname.exists() implies name.matches('^[A-Z]([A-Za-z0-9_]){1,254}$')
Element Id Measure.title

A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the measure.

Short Display Name for this measure (human friendly)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary true

This name does not need to be machine-processing friendly and may contain punctuation, white-space, etc.

Element Id Measure.subtitle

An explanatory or alternate title for the measure giving additional information about its content.

Short Display Subordinate title of the measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string
Summary false
Element Id Measure.status

The status of this measure. Enables tracking the life-cycle of the content.

Short Display draft | active | retired | unknown
Cardinality 1..1
Terminology Binding PublicationStatus (Required)
Type code
Is Modifier true (Reason: This is labeled as "Is Modifier" because applications should not use a retired {{title}} without due consideration)
Summary true

Allows filtering of measures that are appropriate for use versus not.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.experimental

A Boolean value to indicate that this measure is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing) and no version of this resource will ever be intended for genuine usage.

Short Display For testing only - never for real usage
Cardinality 0..1
Type boolean
Meaning if Missing If absent, this resource is treated as though it is not experimental.

Enables experimental content to be developed following the same lifecycle that would be used for a production-level measure.

Summary true

Allows filtering of measures that are appropriate for use versus not. Experimental resources might include example instances in implementation guides, instances created solely for testing purposes, etc. If experimental is 'true' for any version of a resource, it should be true for all versions of the resource. (If experimental changes, then it is being misused or a resource that was never intended for real-world use has unexpectedly changed its purpose.).

Experimental resources are not expected to be stable and may well have breaking changes without a corresponding change to the 'version' element.

Element Id Measure.subject[x]

The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anything.

Short Display E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept|Reference(Group)
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Meaning if Missing Patient
Summary false

The subject of the measure is critical in interpreting the criteria definitions, as the logic in the measures is evaluated with respect to a particular subject. This corresponds roughly to the notion of a Compartment in that it limits what content is available based on its relationship to the subject. In CQL, this corresponds to the context declaration.

Element Id Measure.basis

The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encounters.

Short Display Population basis
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding All FHIR Types (Required)
Type code
Meaning if Missing boolean

Allows non-subject-based measures to be specified. Note that because the binding is to all fhir types, it is possible to specify abstract types such as Resource or DomainResource as the basis for a measure. Authoring environments may wish to constrain this further, depending on content needs.

Summary true

For a subject-based measure, the population basis is simply boolean; all the criteria are expressed as true/false conditions that determine membership of an individual case in the population. For non-subject-based measures, the population basis can be any resource type, and the criteria are queries that return the subject's contribution to the population as a list of that resource type. For example, for a procedure-based measure, the population criteria would return lists of procedures that should be included in each population.

Element Id Measure.date

The date (and optionally time) when the measure was last significantly changed. The date must change when the business version changes and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the measure changes.

Short Display Date last changed
Cardinality 0..1
Type dateTime
Alternate Names Revision Date
Summary true

The date is often not tracked until the resource is published, but may be present on draft content. Note that this is not the same as the resource last-modified-date, since the resource may be a secondary representation of the measure. Additional specific dates may be added as extensions or be found by consulting Provenances associated with past versions of the resource.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.publisher

The name of the organization or individual responsible for the release and ongoing maintenance of the measure.

Short Display Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Helps establish the "authority/credibility" of the measure. May also allow for contact.

Summary true

Usually an organization but may be an individual. The publisher (or steward) of the measure is the organization or individual primarily responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the measure. This is not necessarily the same individual or organization that developed and initially authored the content. The publisher is the primary point of contact for questions or issues with the measure. This item SHOULD be populated unless the information is available from context.

Element Id Measure.contact

Contact details to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher.

Short Display Contact details for the publisher
Cardinality 0..*
Type ContactDetail
Summary true

May be a web site, an email address, a telephone number, etc.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.description

A free text natural language description of the measure from a consumer's perspective.

Short Display Natural language description of the measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true

This description can be used to capture details such as comments about misuse, instructions for clinical use and interpretation, literature references, examples from the paper world, etc. It is not a rendering of the measure as conveyed in the 'text' field of the resource itself. This item SHOULD be populated unless the information is available from context (e.g. the language of the measure is presumed to be the predominant language in the place the measure was created).

Element Id Measure.useContext

The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These contexts may be general categories (gender, age, ...) or may be references to specific programs (insurance plans, studies, ...) and may be used to assist with indexing and searching for appropriate measure instances.

Short Display The context that the content is intended to support
Cardinality 0..*
Type UsageContext

Assist in searching for appropriate content.

Summary true

When multiple useContexts are specified, there is no expectation that all or any of the contexts apply.

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Deprecated" which is different from the status of the whole resource
Element Id Measure.jurisdiction

A legal or geographic region in which the measure is intended to be used.

Short Display Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Jurisdiction ValueSet (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

It may be possible for the measure to be used in jurisdictions other than those for which it was originally designed or intended.

DEPRECATION NOTE: For consistency, implementations are encouraged to migrate to using the new 'jurisdiction' code in the useContext element. (I.e. useContext.code indicating http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/usage-context-type#jurisdiction and useContext.valueCodeableConcept indicating the jurisdiction.)

Element Id Measure.purpose

Explanation of why this measure is needed and why it has been designed as it has.

Short Display Why this measure is defined
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false

This element does not describe the usage of the measure. Instead, it provides traceability of ''why'' the resource is either needed or ''why'' it is defined as it is. This may be used to point to source materials or specifications that drove the structure of this measure.

Element Id Measure.usage

A detailed description, from a clinical perspective, of how the measure is used.

Short Display Describes the clinical usage of the measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Measure developers must be able to provide additional guidance for implementers to understand the intent with greater specificity than that provided in the population criteria of the measure. This element provides detailed guidance, where the usage element provides a summary of the guidance.

Alternate Names guidance
Summary false

This metadata element was typically referred to as Guidance in HQMF

Element Id Measure.copyright

A copyright statement relating to the measure and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the measure.

Short Display Use and/or publishing restrictions
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Consumers must be able to determine any legal restrictions on the use of the measure and/or its content.

Alternate Names License; Restrictions
Summary false

The short copyright declaration (e.g. (c) '2015+ xyz organization' should be sent in the copyrightLabel element.

Element Id Measure.copyrightLabel

A short string (<50 characters), suitable for inclusion in a page footer that identifies the copyright holder, effective period, and optionally whether rights are resctricted. (e.g. 'All rights reserved', 'Some rights reserved').

Short Display Copyright holder and year(s)
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

Defines the content expected to be rendered in all representations of the artifact.

Summary false

The (c) symbol should NOT be included in this string. It will be added by software when rendering the notation. Full details about licensing, restrictions, warrantees, etc. goes in the more general 'copyright' element.

Element Id Measure.approvalDate

The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.

Short Display When the measure was approved by publisher
Cardinality 0..1
Type date
Summary false

The 'date' element may be more recent than the approval date because of minor changes or editorial corrections.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.lastReviewDate

The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.

Short Display When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
Cardinality 0..1
Type date

Gives a sense of how "current" the content is. Resources that have not been reviewed in a long time may have a risk of being less appropriate/relevant.

Summary false

If specified, this date follows the original approval date.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.effectivePeriod

The period during which the measure content was or is planned to be in active use.

Short Display When the measure is expected to be used
Cardinality 0..1
Type Period

Allows establishing a transition before a resource comes into effect and also allows for a sunsetting process when new versions of the measure are or are expected to be used instead.

Summary true

The effective period for a measure determines when the content is applicable for usage and is independent of publication and review dates. For example, a measure intended to be used for the year 2016 might be published in 2015.

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.reportingFrequency

The frequency that this measure should be reported, usually specified by the program it is being submitted to.

Short Display The frequency in which this measure should be reported (e.g. 1 '/a' - yearly, 4 '/a' - quarterly)
Cardinality 0..1
Type Quantity

Allows the reporting frequency for the given program to be specified in the Measure itself.

Summary false

Note that reporting frequency is often specified by the expectations of a quality program or initiative that is making use of the measure, rather than on the measure directly.

Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Deprecated" which is different from the status of the whole resource
Element Id Measure.topic

Descriptive topics related to the content of the measure. Topics provide a high-level categorization grouping types of measures that can be useful for filtering and searching.

Short Display The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Definition Topic (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

Repositories must be able to determine how to categorize the measure so that it can be found by topical searches.

Summary false

DEPRECATION NOTE: For consistency, implementations are encouraged to migrate to using the new 'topic' code in the useContext element. (I.e. useContext.code indicating http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/usage-context-type#topic and useContext.valueCodeableConcept indicating the topic)

Element Id Measure.author

An individiual or organization primarily involved in the creation and maintenance of the content.

Short Display Who authored the content
Cardinality 0..*
Type ContactDetail
Summary false
Element Id Measure.editor

An individual or organization primarily responsible for internal coherence of the content.

Short Display Who edited the content
Cardinality 0..*
Type ContactDetail
Summary false
Element Id Measure.reviewer

An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be primarily responsible for review of some aspect of the content.

Short Display Who reviewed the content
Cardinality 0..*
Type ContactDetail
Summary false

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.endorser

An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be responsible for officially endorsing the content for use in some setting.

Short Display Who endorsed the content
Cardinality 0..*
Type ContactDetail
Summary false

See guidance around (not) making local changes to elements here.

Element Id Measure.relatedArtifact

Related artifacts such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references.

Short Display Additional documentation, citations, etc
Cardinality 0..*
Type RelatedArtifact

Measures must be able to provide enough information for consumers of the content (and/or interventions or results produced by the content) to be able to determine and understand the justification for and evidence in support of the content.

Summary false

Each related artifact is either an attachment, or a reference to another resource, but not both.

Element Id Measure.library

A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.

Short Display Logic used by the measure
Cardinality 0..*
Type canonical(Library)
Summary false
Element Id Measure.disclaimer

Notices and disclaimers regarding the use of the measure or related to intellectual property (such as code systems) referenced by the measure.

Short Display Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Some organizations require that notices and disclosures be included when publishing measures that reference their intellecutal property.

Summary true
Element Id Measure.scoring

Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be represented.

Short Display proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Measure.scoringUnit

Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unit.

Short Display What units?
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

When the unit cannot be inferred directly from the calculation logic, this element allows the specification of the desired units of measure of the output.

Summary true

When this element is specified, implementations are expected to report measure scores in the specified units. Note that this may involve unit conversion if the expected units are different than the units of the resulting score calculation. In this case, unit conversions SHALL be performed according to the unit conversion semantics specified by UCUM.

Element Id Measure.scoringPrecision

When the score is a decimal value this should be used to specify the expected minimum number of digits after the decimal point to use for the precision of the value. When a scoringUnit is also specified, this value is the expected minimum number of digits after the decimal point when the score is expressed in the units specified.

Short Display How many decimals (The number of decimal places to include in the score when the score is a decimal-valued result)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true
Element Id Measure.compositeScoring

If this is a composite measure, the scoring method used to combine the component measures to determine the composite score.

Short Display opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Composite Measure Scoring (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Measure.type

Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilization.

Short Display process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Measure Type (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true
Element Id Measure.riskAdjustment

A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results.

Short Display How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true

Describes the method of adjusting for clinical severity and conditions present at the start of care that can influence patient outcomes for making valid comparisons of outcome measures across providers. Indicates whether a measure is subject to the statistical process for reducing, removing, or clarifying the influences of confounding factors to allow for more useful comparisons.

Element Id Measure.rateAggregation

Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized result.

Short Display How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true

The measure rate for an organization or clinician is based upon the entities’ aggregate data and summarizes the performance of the entity over a given time period (e.g., monthly, quarterly, yearly). The aggregated data are derived from the results of a specific measure algorithm and, if appropriate, the application of specific risk adjustment models. Can also be used to describe how to risk adjust the data based on supplemental data elements described in the eMeasure (e.g., pneumonia hospital measures antibiotic selection in the ICU versus non-ICU and then the roll-up of the two). This could be applied to aggregated cohort measure definitions (e.g., CDC's aggregate reporting for TB at the state level).

Element Id Measure.rationale

Provides a succinct statement of the need for the measure. Usually includes statements pertaining to importance criterion: impact, gap in care, and evidence.

Short Display Detailed description of why the measure exists
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Measure developers need to be able to provide a detailed description of the purpose of the measure. This element provides detailed rationale, where the purpose element provides a summary of the rationale.

Summary true
Element Id Measure.clinicalRecommendationStatement

Provides a summary of relevant clinical guidelines or other clinical recommendations supporting the measure.

Short Display Summary of clinical guidelines
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true
Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Deprecated" which is different from the status of the whole resource
Element Id Measure.improvementNotation

Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range).

Short Display increase | decrease
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Improvement Notation (Required)
Type CodeableConcept

Measure consumers and implementers must be able to determine how to interpret a measure score.

Summary true
Element Id Measure.term

Provides a description of an individual term used within the measure.

Short Display Defined terms used in the measure documentation
Cardinality 0..*

Measure developers must be able to provide precise definitions of terms used within measure descriptions and guidance to help communicate the intent of the measure.

Summary false
Element Id Measure.term.code

A codeable representation of the defined term.

Short Display What term?
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Definition Example (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.term.definition

Provides a definition for the term as used within the measure.

Short Display Meaning of the term
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Standards Status This element has a standards status of "Deprecated" which is different from the status of the whole resource
Element Id Measure.guidance

Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure.

Short Display Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown

Measure developers must be able to provide additional guidance for implementers to understand the intent with greater specificity than that provided in the population criteria of the measure. This element provides detailed guidance, where the usage element provides a summary of the guidance.

Summary true

NOTE: This element is deprecated in favor of the usage element

Element Id Measure.group

A group of population criteria for the measure.

Short Display Population criteria group
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false
Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.linkId

An identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resource.

Short Display Unique id for group in measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

MeasureReport does not require omitted groups to be included.

Summary false

This ''can'' be a meaningful identifier (e.g. a LOINC code) but is not intended to have any meaning. GUIDs or sequential numbers are appropriate here.

LinkIds can have whitespaces and slashes by design. Tooling should not rely on linkIds being valid XHTML element IDs, and should not directly embed them as such

Defined on this element
mea-2Warning Link ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
Element Id Measure.group.code

Indicates a meaning for the group. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing groups to be correlated across measures.

Short Display Meaning of the group
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Group Example (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.description

The human readable description of this population group.

Short Display Summary description
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.type

Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilization.

Short Display process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Measure Type (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

When specified at the group level, defines the measure type for this specific group. If not specified, the measureType of the group is determined by the root type element

Element Id Measure.group.subject[x]

The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anything.

Short Display E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept|Reference(Group)
[x] Note See Choice of Datatypes for further information about how to use [x]
Meaning if Missing Patient
Summary false

The subject of the measure is critical in interpreting the criteria definitions, as the logic in the measures is evaluated with respect to a particular subject. This corresponds roughly to the notion of a Compartment in that it limits what content is available based on its relationship to the subject. In CQL, this corresponds to the context declaration.

Element Id Measure.group.basis

The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encounters.

Short Display Population basis
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding All FHIR Types (Required)
Type code
Meaning if Missing boolean

Allows non-subject-based measures to be specified

Summary true

When specified at the group level, defines the population basis for this specific group. If not specified, the basis for the group is determined by the root basis element

Element Id Measure.group.scoring

Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be represented.

Short Display proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary true

When specified at the group level, defines the scoring for this specific group. If not specified, scoring for this group is determined by the root scoring element

Element Id Measure.group.scoringUnit

Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unit.

Short Display What units?
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
Type CodeableConcept

When the unit cannot be inferred directly from the calculation logic, this element allows the specification of the desired units of measure of the output.

Summary true

When specified at the group level, this defines the scoringUnit for this specific group. If not specified, the scoringUnit for this group is determined by the root scoringUnit element. As with the root element, when this element is specified, implementations are expected to report measure scores in the specified units. Note that this may involve unit conversion if the expected units are different than the units of the resulting score calculation. In this case, unit conversions SHALL be performed according to the unit conversion semantics specified by UCUM.

Element Id Measure.group.scoringPrecision

When the score is a decimal value this should be used to specify the expected minimum number of digits after the decimal point to use for the precision of the value. When a scoringUnit is also specified, this value is the expected minimum number of digits after the decimal point when the score is expressed in the units specified.

Short Display How many decimals (The number of decimal places to include in the score when the score is a decimal-valued result)
Cardinality 0..1
Type positiveInt
Summary true
Element Id Measure.group.rateAggregation

Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized result.

Short Display How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true

The measure rate for an organization or clinician is based upon the entities’ aggregate data and summarizes the performance of the entity over a given time period (e.g., monthly, quarterly, yearly). The aggregated data are derived from the results of a specific measure algorithm and, if appropriate, the application of specific risk adjustment models. Can also be used to describe how to risk adjust the data based on supplemental data elements described in the eMeasure (e.g., pneumonia hospital measures antibiotic selection in the ICU versus non-ICU and then the roll-up of the two). This could be applied to aggregated cohort measure definitions (e.g., CDC's aggregate reporting for TB at the state level).

Element Id Measure.group.improvementNotation

Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range). Exercise caution when using any values besides increase or decrease for improvementNotation.

Short Display increase | decrease
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Improvement Notation (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept

Measure consumers and implementers must be able to determine how to interpret a measure score.

Summary true

When specified at the group level, this element defines the improvementNotation for this specific group. If not specified, improvementNotation for this group is determined by the root improvementNotation element

Element Id Measure.group.improvementNotationGuidance

Narrative text to explain the improvement notation and how to interpret it.

Short Display Explanation of improvement notation
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary true

This element allows explanation to the improvementNotation be provided. In some cases, additional guidance is required to clearly communicate measure intent around improvement notation. For example, a measure looking at Ceasarean-section births may have an improvement notation of “decrease”, but it is critical to be able to communicate that a measure score of 0 is not the intent.

Element Id Measure.group.library

A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure group.

Short Display Logic used by the measure group
Cardinality 0..*
Type canonical(Library)
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.population

A population criteria for the measure.

Short Display Population criteria
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.population.linkId

An identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent population in a MeasureReport resource.

Short Display Unique id for population in measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

MeasureReport does not require omitted populations to be included.

Summary false

This ''can'' be a meaningful identifier (e.g. a LOINC code) but is not intended to have any meaning. GUIDs or sequential numbers are appropriate here.

LinkIds can have whitespaces and slashes by design. Tooling should not rely on linkIds being valid XHTML element IDs, and should not directly embed them as such

Defined on this element
mea-3Warning Link ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
Element Id Measure.group.population.code

The type of population criteria.

Short Display initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Population Type (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.population.description

The human readable description of this population criteria.

Short Display The human readable description of this population criteria
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.population.criteria

An expression that specifies the criteria for the population, typically the name of an expression in a library.

Short Display The criteria that defines this population
Cardinality 0..1
Type Expression
Summary false

In the case of a continuous-variable or ratio measure, this may be the name of a function that calculates the value of the individual observation for each patient or event in the population. For these types of measures, individual observations are reported as observation resources included in the evaluatedResources bundle for each patient. See the MeasureReport resource or the Quality Reporting topic for more information.

Element Id Measure.group.population.groupDefinition

A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristics.

Short Display A group resource that defines this population
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Group)
Summary false

Note that this approach can only be used for measures where the basis is of the same type as the populations (e.g. a Patient-based measure, rather than an Encounter-based measure). In addition, the referenced Group resource SHALL be a definitional (as opposed to an actual) group.

Element Id Measure.group.population.inputPopulationId

The id of a population element in this measure that provides the input for this population criteria. In most cases, the scoring structure of the measure implies specific relationships (e.g. the Numerator uses the Denominator as the source in a proportion scoring). In some cases, however, multiple possible choices exist and must be resolved explicitly. For example in a ratio measure with multiple initial populations, the denominator must specify which population should be used as the starting point.

Short Display Which population
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

For ratio and continuous variable measures, the source populations must be specified explicitly when they cannot be unambiguously determined from the scoring structure.

Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.population.aggregateMethod

Specifies which method should be used to aggregate measure observation values. For most scoring types, this is implied by scoring (e.g. a proportion measure counts members of the populations). For continuous variables, however, this information must be specified to ensure correct calculation.

Short Display Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Aggregate Method (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept

For continuous variable measures, specifications must be able to indicate the aggregation method to be used for tallying results from individual observations.

Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier

The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Path.

Short Display Stratifier criteria for the measure
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false
Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.linkId

An identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resource.

Short Display Unique id for stratifier in measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

MeasureReport does not require omitted stratifiers to be included.

Summary false

This ''can'' be a meaningful identifier (e.g. a LOINC code) but is not intended to have any meaning. GUIDs or sequential numbers are appropriate here.

LinkIds can have whitespaces and slashes by design. Tooling should not rely on linkIds being valid XHTML element IDs, and should not directly embed them as such

Defined on this element
mea-4Warning Link ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.code

Indicates a meaning for the stratifier. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measures.

Short Display Meaning of the stratifier
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.description

The human readable description of this stratifier criteria.

Short Display The human readable description of this stratifier
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.criteria

An expression that specifies the criteria for the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier element.

Short Display How the measure should be stratified
Cardinality 0..1
Type Expression
Summary false
Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.groupDefinition

A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristics.

Short Display A group resource that defines this population
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Group)
Summary false

Note that this approach can only be used for measures where the basis is of the same type as the populations (e.g. a Patient-based measure, rather than an Encounter-based measure). In addition, the referenced Group SHALL be a definitional (as opposed to an actual) group.

Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component

A component of the stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Path.

Short Display Stratifier criteria component for the measure
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false

Stratifiers are defined either as a single criteria, or as a set of component criteria.

Affect this element
mea-1Rule Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component.linkId

An identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resource.

Short Display Unique id for stratifier component in measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

MeasureReport does not require omitted stratifier components to be included.

Summary false

This ''can'' be a meaningful identifier (e.g. a LOINC code) but is not intended to have any meaning. GUIDs or sequential numbers are appropriate here.

LinkIds can have whitespaces and slashes by design. Tooling should not rely on linkIds being valid XHTML element IDs, and should not directly embed them as such

Defined on this element
mea-5Warning Link ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component.code

Indicates a meaning for the stratifier component. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measures.

Short Display Meaning of the stratifier component
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component.description

The human readable description of this stratifier criteria component.

Short Display The human readable description of this stratifier component
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component.criteria

An expression that specifies the criteria for this component of the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier element.

Short Display Component of how the measure should be stratified
Cardinality 0..1
Type Expression
Summary false
Element Id Measure.group.stratifier.component.groupDefinition

A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristics.

Short Display A group resource that defines this population
Cardinality 0..1
Type Reference(Group)
Summary false

Note that this approach can only be used for measures where the basis is of the same type as the populations (e.g. a Patient-based measure, rather than an Encounter-based measure). In addition, the referenced Group SHALL be a definitional (as opposed to an actual) group.

Element Id Measure.supplementalData

The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.

Short Display What other data should be reported with the measure
Cardinality 0..*
Summary false

Note that supplemental data are reported as resources for each patient and referenced in the supplementalData element of the MeasureReport. If the supplementalData expression results in a value other than a resource, it is reported using an Observation resource, typically contained in the resulting MeasureReport. See the MeasureReport resource and the Quality Reporting topic for more information.

Element Id Measure.supplementalData.linkId

An identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resource.

Short Display Unique id for supplementalData in measure
Cardinality 0..1
Type string

MeasureReport does not require omitted supplementalData to be included.

Summary false

This ''can'' be a meaningful identifier (e.g. a LOINC code) but is not intended to have any meaning. GUIDs or sequential numbers are appropriate here.

LinkIds can have whitespaces and slashes by design. Tooling should not rely on linkIds being valid XHTML element IDs, and should not directly embed them as such

Defined on this element
mea-6Warning Link ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
Element Id Measure.supplementalData.code

Indicates a meaning for the supplemental data. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing supplemental data to be correlated across measures.

Short Display Meaning of the supplemental data
Cardinality 0..1
Terminology Binding Measure Supplemental Data Example (Example)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.supplementalData.usage

An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.

Short Display supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
Cardinality 0..*
Terminology Binding Measure Data Usage (Extensible)
Type CodeableConcept
Summary false
Element Id Measure.supplementalData.description

The human readable description of this supplemental data.

Short Display The human readable description of this supplemental data
Cardinality 0..1
Type markdown
Summary false
Element Id Measure.supplementalData.criteria

The criteria for the supplemental data. This is typically the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a specific data element. The criteria defines the data to be returned for this element.

Short Display Expression describing additional data to be reported
Cardinality 1..1
Type Expression
Summary false