Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
Active Ambulatory Benzodiazepine or CNS Depressant Rx |
0 |
define "Active Ambulatory Benzodiazepine or CNS Depressant Rx":
if Config."Can the implementing EHR support queries for past medications by date range?" then
"Get MedicationRequest Medication as Code"("Active Medication List")
) Rx
where date from Rx.authoredOn 2 years or less on or before Today()
and Rx.medication in "Benzodiazepine medications"
or Rx.medication in "CNS Depressant Medications"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx |
1 |
define "Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx":
if Config."Can the implementing EHR support queries for past medications by date range?" then
"Get MedicationRequest Medication as Code"("Get Active Ambulatory Medication Requests"([MedicationRequest]))
) Rx
where date from Rx.authoredOn 2 years or less on or before Today()
and Rx.medication in "Opioid analgesics with ambulatory misuse potential"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Patient Age Less Than 18 |
2 |
define "Patient Age Less Than 18":
if (Config."Age Less than 18 Years Is Enabled") then
AgeInYearsAt(Today()) < 18
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Condition Positive for Sickle Cell |
3 |
define "Condition Positive for Sickle Cell":
if (Config."Sickle Cell Check Enabled") then
Common."Positive Sickle Cell Condition"
) else
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
US Core-Categorized Conditions |
4 |
// 3. Medications indicating end of life
/* or exists (
"Medications Indicating End of Life"
) */
define "US Core-Categorized Conditions":
[Condition: category in "Encounter Diagnosis Condition Category"]
union [Condition: category in "Problem List Condition Category"]
union [Condition: category in "US Core Health Concern Condition Category"]
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Conditions Indicating End Of Life Present |
5 |
define "Conditions Indicating End Of Life Present":
exists (
Common."US Core-Categorized Conditions" LLEC
where LLEC.code in Common."Limited life expectancy conditions"
and LLEC.clinicalStatus in Common."Active Condition"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Is Active Cancer Treatment? |
6 |
define "Is Active Cancer Treatment?":
if (Config."Active Cancer Treatment Encounters Condition Is Enabled") then
"Has Two or More Encounters with Cancer Diagnosis During Encounter Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Conditions Including Cancer To Exclude Opioid Management Indicating End-Stage Disease Present |
7 |
define "Conditions Including Cancer To Exclude Opioid Management Indicating End-Stage Disease Present":
if (Config."End-Stage Disease Criteria Enabled") then
exists (
Common."US Core-Categorized Conditions" EOLC
where EOLC.code in Common."Conditions likely terminal for opioid prescribing"
and EOLC.clinicalStatus in Common."Active Condition"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSRoutines |
Is Opioid Review Useful? |
8 |
define "Is Opioid Review Useful?":
not "Patient Age Less Than 18"
and not "Condition Positive for Sickle Cell"
and not "Conditions Indicating End Of Life Present"
and not "Is Active Cancer Treatment?"
and not "Conditions Including Cancer To Exclude Opioid Management Indicating End-Stage Disease Present"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSREC11PatientView |
Inclusion Criteria |
9 |
define "Inclusion Criteria":
exists (Common."Active Ambulatory Benzodiazepine or CNS Depressant Rx")
and exists (Common."Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx")
) and Routines."Is Opioid Review Useful?"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
Conditions Indicating End of Life or With Limited Life Expectancy |
10 |
define "Conditions Indicating End of Life or With Limited Life Expectancy":
"US Core-Categorized Conditions" C
where C.code in "Conditions likely terminal for opioid prescribing"
and C.clinicalStatus in "Active Condition"
"US Core-Categorized Conditions" C
where C.code in "Limited life expectancy conditions"
and C.clinicalStatus in "Active Condition"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
Admitted/Referred/Discharged to Hospice Care |
11 |
define "Admitted/Referred/Discharged to Hospice Care":
if (Config."Hospice Findings Exclusion Enabled") then
[Observation: code in "Hospice Finding Codes"] O
where not (O.status.value in { 'unknown', 'entered-in-error', 'cancelled' })
[Encounter] E
where date from E.period.start 1 year or less on or before Today()
and (
if E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition.coding is null
or not exists (E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition.coding)
then false
else E.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition in "Hospice Disposition"
and E.status.value in { 'planned', 'arrived', 'in-progress', 'finished', 'onleave' }
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSCommon |
End of Life Assessment |
12 |
define "End of Life Assessment":
// 1. Conditions indicating end of life or with limited life expectancy
exists (
"Conditions Indicating End of Life or With Limited Life Expectancy"
// 2. Admitted/referred/discharged to hospice care
or exists (
"Admitted/Referred/Discharged to Hospice Care"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSREC11PatientView |
Exclusion Criteria |
13 |
define "Exclusion Criteria":
Common."End of Life Assessment"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
OpioidCDSREC11PatientView |
Is Recommendation Applicable? |
14 |
define "Is Recommendation Applicable?":
"Inclusion Criteria"
and not "Exclusion Criteria"