New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - release

New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide, published by Accident Compensation Corporation. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: ACC ICD-9 Codes

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-20 Computable Name: ACCIcd9Code

ICD-9 codes for health providers in New Zealand for the purpose of mapping SNOMED to Read in the use of registering ACC Claims.


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet acc-icd9



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion done internally based on codesystem ACC ICD-9 Codes v1.0.0 (CodeSystem)

This value set has 3,349 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1,000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown.

  101 Mouth (Vincent's Angina)
  11 Tuberculosis
  11.4 Fibrosis of Lung
  11.6 Transplant, Not Otherwise Specified
  11.61 Keratoplasty with Autograft
  11.63 Keratoplasty with Autograft
  11.69 Transplant, Other
  11.75 Keratotomy
  11.8 Tuberculosis, Other Specified
  11.9 Tuberculosis, Unspecified
  110 (Tinea)
  110.1 of Nail
  110.2 of Hand
  110.3 of Groin and Perianal Area
  110.4's Foot (Dermatophytosis of Foot)
  110.5 of the Body
  110.6 Seated Dermatophytosis
  110.8 of Specified Sites
  110.9 of Unspecified Site
  111, Other and Unspecified
  111.8, Other Specified
  111.9, Unspecified
  112 Infection
  112.1 of Vulva and Vagina
  112.2 of Other Urogenital Sites
  112.3 of Skin and Nails
  112.5 (Systemic)
  112.8 of Other Specified Sites
  112.9, Unspecified Site
  114.1, Primary Extrapulmonary
  114.2 Meningitis
  114.3, Other Forms of Progressive
  114.4, Chronic Pulmonary
  114.5, Unspecified Pulmonary
  114.9, Unspecified
  115.9 without Mention of Manifestation, Unspecified
  116 Infection
  12 Tuberculosis, Other
  12.64 Ab Externo
  122 Granulosus Infection of Liver
  122.1 Granulosus Infection of Lung
  122.2 Granulosus Infection of Thyroid
  122.3 Granulosus Infection, Other
  122.4 Granulosus Infection, Unspecified
  122.5 Multilocularis Infection of Liver
  122.6 Multilocularis Infection, Other
  122.7 Multilocularis Infection, Unspecified
  122.8, Unspecified, of Liver
  122.9, Other and Unspecified
  125 Infection and Dracontiasis
  125.9, Unspecified
  129 Parasitism, Unspecified
  13.1 Surgery (Intracapsular Extraction of Lens)
  13.2 Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Linear)
  13.3 Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Simple)
  13.4 Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Fragme)
  13.5 Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens, Other)
  13.6 Extraction, Other
  13.7 of Prosthetic Lens
  130.9, Unspecified
  131.01 Vaginitis
  131.02 Urethritis
  131.03 Prostatitis
  131.8, Other Specified Sites
  131.9, Unspecified
  136.1¿et's Syndrome
  136.3 Carinii Pneumonia
  138 Poliomyelitis Syndrome
  14.4 Detachment Repair (with Sclera Buckling and Implant)
  14.41 of Retinal Detachment with Sclera Buckling with Impla
  14.49 of Retinal Detachment with Other Scleral Buckling
  14.5 of Retinal Detachment, Other
  14.51 of Retinal Detachment with Diathermy
  14.52 of Retinal Detachment with Cryotherapy
  14.53 of Retinal Detachment with Xenon Arc Photocoagulation
  14.54 of Retinal Detachment with Laser Photocoagulation
  14.55 Detachment Repair with Photocoagulation of Unspecifi
  14.59 Detachment Repair, Other Type
  140 Neoplasm of Lip
  141 Neoplasm of Tongue
  141.1 Neoplasm, Dorsal Surface of Tongue
  141.2 Neoplasm, Tip and Lateral Border of Tongue
  141.3 Neoplasm, Ventral Surface of Tongue
  141.4 Neoplasm, Anterior Two-Thirds of Tongue, Part Uns
  141.5 Neoplasm, Junctional Zone
  141.6 Neoplasm, Lingual Tonsil
  141.8 Neoplasm, Other Sites of Tongue
  141.9, Tongue, Unspecified
  142 Neoplasm of Major Salivary Glands
  143 Neoplasm of Gum
  144 Neoplasm of Floor of Mouth
  145 Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Parts of Mouth
  145.5 Neoplasm of Palate, Unspecified
  146 Cancer
  146.1 Neoplasm of Tonsillar Fossa
  146.2 Neoplasm of Tonsillar Pillars
  146.3 Neoplasm of Vallecula
  146.4 Neoplasm of Anterior Aspect of Epiglottis
  146.5 Neoplasm of Junctional Region
  146.6 Neoplasm of Lateral Wall of Oropharynx
  146.7 Neoplasm of Posterior Wall of Oropharynx
  146.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Oropharynx
  146.9, Oropharynx, Unspecified
  147 Neoplasm of Nasopharynx
  148 Neoplasm of Hypopharynx
  149 Neoplasm of Other and Ill-Defined Sites within the
  15 of Bones and Joints
  150 Neoplasm of Esophagus
  150.1 Neoplasm of Thoracic Esophagus
  150.2 Neoplasm of Abdominal Esophagus
  150.3 Neoplasm of Upper Third of Esophagus
  150.4 Neoplasm of Middle Third of Esophagus
  150.5 Neoplasm of Lower Third of Esophagus
  150.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Part of Esophagus
  150.9, Esophagus
  151 Neoplasm of Stomach
  151.1 Neoplasm of Pylorus
  151.2 Neoplasm of Pyloric Antrum
  151.3 Neoplasm of Fundus of Stomach
  151.4 Neoplasm of Body of Stomach
  151.5 Neoplasm of Lesser Curvature, Unspecified
  151.6 Neoplasm of Greater Curvature, Unspecified
  151.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Stomach
  151.9, Stomach
  152 Neoplasm of Small Intestine (Include Duodenum)
  152.1 Neoplasm of Jejunum
  152.2 Neoplasm of Ileum
  152.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Small Intesti
  152.9, Small Intestine (including Duodenum)
  153, Colon
  153.1 Neoplasm of Transverse Colon
  153.2 Neoplasm of Descending Colon
  153.3 Neoplasm of Sigmoid Colon
  153.4 Neoplasm of Cecum
  153.5 Neoplasm of Appendix
  153.6 Neoplasm of Ascending Colon
  153.7 Neoplasm of Splenic Flexure of Colon
  153.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Large Intesti
  153.9 Neoplasm of Colon, Unspecified
  154 Neoplasm of Rectum, Rectosigmoid Junction, and Anu
  154.1, Rectum
  154.2 Neoplasm of Anal Canal
  154.3 Neoplasm of Anus, Unspecified
  154.8 Neoplasm of Rectum, Rectosigmoid Junction, and Anu
  155 Neoplasm of Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
  155.1 Neoplasm of Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
  155.2, Liver
  157 Neoplasm of Pancreas
  157.1 Neoplasm of Body of Pancreas
  157.2 Neoplasm of Tail of Pancreas
  157.3 Neoplasm of Pancreatic Duct
  157.4 Neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans
  157.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Pancreas
  157.9, Pancreas, Part Unspecified
  162 Neoplasm of Trachea
  162.2 Neoplasm of Main Bronchus
  162.3 Neoplasm of Upper Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
  162.4 Neoplasm of Middle Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
  162.5 Neoplasm of Lower Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
  162.8 Neoplasm of Other Parts of Bronchus or Lung
  162.9, Lung
  163 Neoplasm of Pleura (Mesothelioma)
  163.1 Neoplasm of Visceral Pleura
  163.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Pleura
  163.9, Pleura
  170 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasm of Bone and Articular Cartil)
  170.1 Neoplasm of Mandible
  170.2 Neoplasm of Vertebral Column, Excluding Sacrum and
  170.3 Neoplasm of Ribs, Sternum, and Clavicle
  170.4 Neoplasm of Scapula and Long Bones of Upper Limb
  170.5 Neoplasm of Short Bones of Upper Limb
  170.6 Neoplasm of Pelvic Bones, Sacrum, and Coccyx
  170.7 Neoplasm of Long Bones of Lower Limb
  170.8 Neoplasm of Short Bones of Lower Limb
  170.9 Tumors
  172 Melanoma of Skin
  172.1 Melanoma of Eyelid, Including Canthus
  172.2 Melanoma of Ear and External Auditory Canal
  172.3 Melanoma of Other and Unspecified Parts of Face
  172.4 Melanoma of Scalp and Neck
  172.5 Melanoma of Trunk, Except Scrotum
  172.6 Melanoma of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
  172.7 Melanoma of Lower Limb, Including Hip
  172.8 Melanoma of Other Specified Sites of Skin
  172.9 of Skin, Site Unspecified
  173 Neoplasm of Skin, Other
  173.1 Neoplasm of Eyelid, Including Canthus, Other
  173.2 Neoplasm of Skin of Ear and External Auditory Cana
  173.3 Neoplasm of Skin of Other and Unspecified Parts of
  173.4 Neoplasm of Scalp and Skin of Neck, Other
  173.5 Neoplasm of Skin of Trunk, Except Scrotum, Other
  173.6 Neoplasm of Skin of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
  173.7 Neoplasm of Skin of Lower Limb, Including Hip, Oth
  173.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Skin, Other
  173.9, Skin, Unspecified
  174 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Nipple and Areola (Page)
  174.1 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Central Portion
  174.2 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Upper-Inner Quadrant
  174.3 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Lower-Inner Quadrant
  174.4 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Upper-Outer Quadrant
  174.5 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Lower-Outer Quadrant
  174.6 Neoplasm of Female Breast, Axillary Tail
  174.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Female Breast
  174.9, Breast, Unspecified
  176's Sarcoma
  176.1's Sarcoma, Soft Tissue
  176.2's Sarcoma, Palate
  176.3's Sarcoma, Gastrointestinal Sites
  176.4's Sarcoma, Lung
  176.5's Sarcoma, Lymph Nodes
  176.8's Sarcoma, Other Specified Sites
  176.9's Sarcoma, Unspecified
  179, Uterus
  180 Neoplasm of Cervix Uteri
  180.1 Neoplasm of Exocervix
  180.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Cervix
  180.9, Cervix, Unspecified
  182 Neoplasm of Body of Uterus (Uterine Cancer)
  182.1 Neoplasm of Isthmus
  182.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Body of Uteru
  183 Neoplasm of Ovary and Other Uterine Adnexa (Ovaria)
  185, Prostate
  186, Testicles
  186.9 Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Testis (Testicul)
  188 Neoplasm of Bladder
  188.1 Neoplasm of Dome of Urinary Bladder
  188.2 Neoplasm of Lateral Wall of Urinary Bladder
  188.3 Neoplasm of Anterior Wall of Urinary Bladder
  188.4 Neoplasm of Posterior Wall of Urinary Bladder
  188.5 Neoplasm of Bladder Neck
  188.6 Neoplasm of Ureteric Orifice
  188.7 Neoplasm of Urachus
  188.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Bladder
  188.9, Bladder, Unspecified
  189 Neoplasm of Kidney and Other and Unspecified Urina
  189.1 Neoplasm of Renal Pelvis (Renal Cell Carcinoma)
  189.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Urinary Organ
  19.4 (Type I)
  19.5, Other (Type II, III, IV, and V)
  191 Neoplasm of Brain (Brain Cancer)
  191.1 Neoplasm of Frontal Lobe
  191.2 Neoplasm of Temporal Lobe
  191.3 Neoplasm of Parietal Lobe
  191.4 Neoplasm of Occipital Lobe
  191.5 Neoplasm of Ventricles
  191.6 Neoplasm of Cerebellum
  191.7 Neoplasm of Brain Stem
  191.8 Neoplasm of Other Parts of Brain
  192 Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Parts of Nervous
  192.1 Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges
  192.8 Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Nervous Syste
  192.9 Neoplasm of Nervous System, Part Unspecified
  193, Thyroid Gland
  194 Neoplasm of Other Endocrine Glands and Related Str
  194.4 Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
  197 Malignant Neoplasm of Lung
  197.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Pleura
  197.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Small Intestine, Including D
  197.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Large Intestine and Rectum
  197.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Liver, Specified as Secondar
  198.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Urinary Organs (Bladde)
  198.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin
  198.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Brain and Spinal Cord
  198.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Parts of Nervous Syste
  198.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Bone and Bone Marrow
  198.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Ovary
  198.81 Malignant Neoplasm of the Breast
  199 Neoplasm without Specification of Site (Cancer)
  2 Fever and Paratyphoid Fevers
  2.1 Fever A
  2.2 Fever B
  2.3 Fever C
  2.9 Fever
  2.99 Tissue Implant or Transplant (to Brain)
  20.01 with Insertion of Tube
  20.09, Other
  20.41, Simple
  20.42, Radical
  20.49, Other
  20.6 of Inner Ear
  200 and Reticulosarcoma
  200.1 (Hodgkin's Disease)
  200.2's Tumor or Lymphoma
  200.8, Other Name Variants
  201's Paragranuloma
  201.08's Paragranuloma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
  201.1's Granuloma
  201.18's Granuloma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
  201.2's Sarcoma
  201.28's Sarcoma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
  201.4's Disease, Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Predominance
  201.48's Disease, Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Predominance, Lym
  201.5's Disease, Nodular Sclerosis
  201.58's Disease, Nodular Sclerosis, Lymph Nodes of Multipl
  201.6's Disease, Mixed Cellularity
  201.68's Disease, Mixed Cellularity, Lymph Nodes of Multipl
  201.7's Disease, Lymphocytic Depletion
  201.78's Disease, Lymphocytic Depletion, Lymph Nodes of Mul
  201.9's Disease, Unspecified
  201.98's Disease, Unspecified, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Site
  202 Neoplasms of Lymphoid and Histiocytic Tissue
  202.1 Fungoides
  202.8's Lymphoma
  203 Myeloma
  208 Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
  208.1 Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
  208.2 Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
  208.8, Other, of Unspecified Cell Type
  208.9, Unspecified
  21.1, Enteric
  21.2, Pulmonary
  21.3, Oculoglandular
  21.31 Polypectomy
  21.5 Resection of Nasal Septum
  21.8, Other Specified
  21.83 Reconstruction, Total
  21.84, Revision
  21.85, Augmentation
  21.86, Limited
  21.87, Other
  21.88, Other
  21.9, Unspecified
  210 Neoplasm of Lip, Oral Cavity, and Pharynx
  211 Neoplasm of Other Parts of Digestive System
  212 Neoplasm of Respiratory and Intrathoracic Organs
  213 Neoplasm of Bones of Skull and Face
  213.1 Neoplasm of Lower Jaw Bone
  213.2 Neoplasm of Vertebral Column, Excluding Sacrum and Co
  213.3 Neoplasm of Ribs, Sternum, and Clavicle
  213.4 Neoplasm of Scapula and Long Bones of Upper Limb
  213.5 Neoplasm of Short Bones of Upper Limb
  213.6 Neoplasm of Pelvic Bones, Sacrum, and Coccyx
  213.7 Neoplasm of Long Bones of Lower Limb
  213.8 Neoplasm of Short Bones of Lower Limb
  213.9 Neoplasm of Bone and Articular Cartilage, Site Unspec
  214.1 of Other Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
  214.2 of Intrathoracic Organs
  214.3 of Intra-abdominal Organs
  214.4 of Spermatic Cord
  214.8 of Other Specified Sites
  214.9, Unspecified Site
  218 Leiomyoma
  218.1 Leiomyoma of Uterus
  218.2 Leiomyoma of Uterus
  218.9 Tumor of Uterus, Unspecified
  223 Neoplasm of Kidney and Other Urinary Organs
  223.3 Neoplasm of Bladder
  225 Neoplasm of Brain
  225.2 Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges (Meningioma, Benign)
  227.4 Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
  229 Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Sites
  229.9, Benign
  23.09 Extraction
  23.1 Abortus
  23.19 Extraction
  23.2 Suis
  23.3 Canis
  23.7 Canal Therapy
  23.8, Other
  23.9, Unspecified
  230 in Situ of Oral Cavity (Tongue)
  230.1 in Situ of Esophagus
  230.2 in Situ of Stomach
  230.3 in Situ of Colon
  230.4 in Situ of Rectum
  230.7 in Situ of Other and Unspecified Parts of Intestin
  230.8 in Situ of Liver and Biliary System
  230.9 in Situ of Other and Unspecified Digestive Organs
  231 in Situ of Respiratory System
  231.2 in Situ of Bronchus and Lung
  232 in Situ of Skin of Lip
  232.1 in Situ of Eyelid, Including Canthus
  232.2 in Situ of Ear and External Auditory Canal
  232.3 in Situ of Skin of Other and Unspecified Parts of
  232.4 in Situ of Scalp and Skin of Neck
  232.5 in Situ of Skin of Trunk, Except Scrotum
  232.6 in Situ of Skin of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
  232.7 in Situ of Skin of Lower Limb, Including Hip
  232.8 in Situ of Other Specified Sites of Skin
  232.9 in Situ of Skin, Site Unspecified
  233 in Situ of the Breast
  233.1 in Situ of Cervix Uteri
  233.2 in Situ of Other and Unspecified Parts of Uterus
  233.3 in Situs of Other and Unspecified Female Genital O
  233.4 in Situ of Prostate
  233.6 in Situ of Other and Unspecified Male Genital Orga
  233.7 in Situ of Bladder
  234 in Situ of Other and Unspecified Sites
  234.8 in Situ of Endocrine (Pineal) Gland
  236 of Uncertain Behavior of Genitourinary Organs
  236.7 Polyps
  237 of Uncertain Behavior of Endocrine Glands and Nervo
  237.1 Gland Neoplasm
  237.71, Type I (Von Recklinghausen's Disease)
  237.72, Type II
  238 of Uncertain Behavior of Other and Unspecified Site
  238.4 Vera
  239 of Unspecified Nature of Digestive System
  239.3 of Unspecified Nature of Breast
  239.5 of Other Genitourinary Organs
  239.7 of Unspecified Nature, Endocrine Glands and Other
  240, Specified as Simple
  242' Disease
  242.01 Diffuse Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or St
  242.11 Uninodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or
  242.2 Multinodular Goiter
  242.21 Multinodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis
  242.3 Nodular Goiter, Unspecified
  242.31 Nodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or St
  242.8 of Other Specified Origin
  242.81 of Other Specified Origin with Mention of Thy
  242.9 without Mention of Goiter or Other Cause (Hyp)
  242.91 without Mention of Goiter or Other Cause with
  244, Postsurgical
  244.1, Other Postablative
  244.2, Iodine
  244.3, Other Iatrogenic
  244.8, Other Specified Acquired
  244.9, Unspecified (Myxedema)
  245, Acute
  245.1, Subacute
  245.2's Thyroiditis
  245.3, Chronic Fibrous
  245.9, Unspecified
  250 Mellitus without Mention of Complication
  250.01 Mellitus (Type I)
  250.1 with Ketoacidosis (Diabetic Acidosis)
  250.3 with Other Coma
  250.4 Glomerulosclerosis
  250.5 Retinopathy
  250.6 Neuropathy
  250.7 Gangrene
  250.8 with Other Specified Manifestations
  251.2, Unspecified
  253.2 (Simmonds' Disease)
  253.5 Insipidus
  255's Syndrome
  255.4's Disease (Corticoadrenal Insufficiency)
  256.4 Ovary Syndrome (Stein-Leventhal Syndrome)
  26 Fever
  264 A Deficiency
  264.5 A Deficiency with Night Blindness
  264.9 A Deficiency, Unspecified
  265.1 Deficiency
  266 B2 [Riboflavin] Deficiency
  266.2 B12 Deficiency
  267 C (Ascorbic Acid) Deficiency
  268, Active
  268.2, Unspecified
  268.9 D Deficiency, Unspecified
  269 K Deficiency
  269.1 E Deficiency
  271.4, Renal
  272.8's Disease
  274.1 Nephropathy
  274.9, Unspecified
  275.1's Disease
  278, Simple
  278.2 A
  278.4 D
  278.8 (Hypervitaminosis), Other
  28.2 without Adenoidectomy
  28.3 with Adenoidectomy
  28.6 without Tonsillectomy
  280 Deficiency Anemia
  280.1 Deficiency Anemia Secondary to Inadequate Dietary Iron
  280.8 Deficiency Anemias, Other Specified
  280.9 Deficiency Anemia, Unspecified
  281 Anemia
  281.1 B12 Deficiency Anemia, Other
  281.2 Acid Deficiency Anemia
  282, Hereditary
  282.1 Elliptocytosis
  282.2 due to Disorders of Glutathione Metabolism
  282.3 Anemias due to Enzyme Deficiency, Other
  282.5 Trait
  282.6 Cell Anemia
  282.61 Disease without Mention of Crisis
  282.62 Disease with Mention of Crisis
  282.8 Hemolytic Anemia, Other Specified
  282.9 Anemia, Unspecified Hereditary
  283 Hemolytic Anemias
  283.1 Hemolytic Anemias
  283.2 due to Hemolysis From External Causes
  283.9 Hemolytic Anemia, Unspecified
  284 Anemia, Constitutional
  284.8 Anemias, Other Specified
  284.9 Anemia, Unspecified
  285.1 Anemia, Acute
  285.8 Anemia
  285.9, Unspecified
  286 A
  286.1 B
  287.2 Simplex
  287.3 Thrombocytopenic Purpura
  287.5, Unspecified
  288 (Agranulocytosis)
  289.1, Chronic
  289.2, Nonspecific Mesenteric
  289.3, Unspecified, Except Mesenteric
  290 Psychosis
  290.1, Presenile
  290.2, Alzheimer's Type, with Delusions (Late Onset)
  291 Withdrawal Delirium
  291.2 Dementia, Other
  291.3 Withdrawal Hallucinosis
  291.4 Alcohol intoxication
  291.9 Psychosis, Unspecified
  292 Psychoses
  293 Organic Psychotic Conditions
  294 Psychotic Conditions, Other
  294.9 Psychosis, Unspecified
  295.1, Disorganized Type
  295.2, Catatonic Type
  295.3, Paranoid Type
  295.4 Disorder
  295.7 Disorder
  295.9, Unspecified
  296 Affective Disorder, Single Manic Episode
  296.1 Disorder, Recurrent
  296.2, Major
  296.3 Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Episode
  296.4 Affective Disorder, Manic
  296.5 Affective Disorder, Depressed
  296.6 Affective Disorder, Mixed
  296.7 Affective Disorder, Unspecified
  297 States
  297.9 Disorder, Unspecified
  298 Psychosis
  298.8 Disorder, Brief
  298.9 Disorder, Unspecified
  3 Infections, Other
  3.09 or Laminotomy
  3.1 Septicemia
  3.2 Infections, Localized
  3.31 Puncture
  3.39 Cord Stimulation
  3.8 Infections, Other Specified
  3.9 Infection, Unspecified
  300 States
  300.01 Disorder
  300.02 Disorder, Generalized
  300.11 Disorder
  300.14 Personality Disorder
  300.15 Disorder or Reaction, Unspecified
  300.16 Illness with Psychological Symptoms
  300.19 Illness with Physical Symptoms
  300.2 Disorders
  300.21 Disorder with Agoraphobia
  300.23 Phobia
  300.29, Simple
  300.3 Disorder
  300.4 Disorder
  300.5 Fatigue
  300.6 Disorder
  300.81 Disorder
  300.9 Breakdown
  301 Personality Disorder
  301.2 Personality Disorder
  301.21 Personality Disorder
  301.3 Personality Disorder
  301.4 Personality Disorder
  301.51 Illness with Physical Symptoms, Chronic
  301.6 Personality Disorder
  301.7 Personality Disorder
  301.81 Personality Disorder
  301.82 Personality Disorder
  301.83 Personality Disorder
  301.84 Personality Disorder
  302 Disorders
  302.6 Identity, Disorders of
  302.7 Dysfunction
  302.8 Disorders, Other Specified
  302.9 Disorder, Unspecified
  303 Dependence Syndrome
  304 Type Dependence (Narcotic Dependence)
  304.1, Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Dependence (Barbiturate Dep)
  304.2 Dependence
  304.3 (Cannabis) Dependence
  304.4 Dependence
  304.7, Mixed
  304.8 of Drug Dependence Excluding Opioid Type Drug
  305 Abuse, Nondependent
  305.1 Dependence
  305.2 (Cannabis) Abuse
  305.4 and Similarly Acting Sympathomimetic Abuse
  305.6 Abuse
  305.7 Abuse
  306.1 Syndrome
  306.2 Asthenia
  307.1 Nervosa
  307.23 De La Tourette's Disorder
  307.5 Disorders
  307.81 Headache
  308 Disturbance of Emotions
  308.3 to Stress, Other Acute
  308.9 Disorder, Acute
  309 Disorder with Depressed Mood
  309.1 Reaction, Prolonged
  309.24 Disorder (with Anxiety or Disturbance of Conduct)
  309.3 Reaction with Predominant Disturbance of Conduct
  309.81 Stress Disorder
  31.1, Temporary
  31.2, Permanent
  310.2 Syndrome
  312.34 Explosive Disorder
  314 Deficit Disorder
  314.01 Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
  32.29 Excision
  32.3 Resection of Lung
  32.4 of Lung
  32.5, Complete
  320, Bacterial
  320.9 due to Unspecified Bacterium
  321 due to Other Organisms
  321.1 in Other Fungal Diseases
  321.2 due to Viruses not Elsewhere Classified
  322 of Unspecified Cause
  322.9, Unspecified
  323.8, Other Causes of
  323.9, Unspecified Cause
  324 Abscess
  33.22, Fiber-Optic
  33.24 Biopsy
  33.26 of Lung, Closed
  33.27 Biopsy
  33.28 of Lung, Open
  331's Disease
  332 Agitans
  332.1 Parkinsonism
  333.4's Chorea
  333.7 Cerebral Palsy
  335.2 Lateral Sclerosis
  335.21 Atrophy, Progressive
  336 (Syringobulbia)
  336.1 Myelopathies
  336.8, Other
  336.9, Unspecified
  337 Sinus Syncope
  337.2 Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
  34 Sore Throat
  34.04 of Intercostal Catheter for Drainage (Via Thoracos)
  34.09 (Open Chest Drainage)
  34.1 Fever
  34.24 Biopsy
  340 Sclerosis
  342, Flaccid
  342.1, Spastic
  342.9, Unspecified
  343 Palsy, Infantile
  343.9 Palsy, Unspecified
  344.6 Equina Syndrome
  344.61 Equina Syndrome with Neurogenic Bladder
  344.9, Paraplegia, and Quadriplegia
  345 Mal Epilepsy
  345.1 Mal Seizure
  345.5 Seizure
  345.9, Unspecified
  346 Headache, Classical
  346.1 Migraine (Sick Headache)
  346.2 Headache
  346.8 Headache, Other Forms of
  346.9 Headache, Unspecified
  348.3, Unspecified
  35.01, Closed Heart, Aortic Valve
  35.02, Closed Heart, Mitral Valve
  35.03, Closed Heart, Pulmonary Valve
  35.04, Closed Heart, Tricuspid Valve
  35.12 Commissurotomy
  35.2 Valve Replacement
  35.21 Valve Replacement, Aortic Valve with Tissue Graft
  35.22 Valve Replacement of Aortic Valve, Other
  35.23 Valve Replacement of Mitral Valve with Tissue Graft
  35.24 Valve Replacement of Mitral Valve, Other
  35.25 Valve Replacement of Pulmonary Valve with Tissue Graft
  35.26 Valve Replacement of Pulmonary Valve, Other
  35.27 Valve Replacement of Tricuspid Valve with Tissue Graft
  35.28 Valve Replacement of Tricuspid Valve, Other
  35.96, Balloon
  350.1 Neuralgia
  351's Palsy
  353 Outlet Syndrome
  353.5 Amyotrophy
  354 Tunnel Syndrome
  354.4 of Upper Limb
  355.5 Tunnel Syndrome
  355.6's Neuroma
  355.71 of Lower Limb
  356.9 Neuropathy
  357¿ Syndrome
  357.2 Neuropathy
  358 Gravis
  36.01 Balloon Angioplasty (without Mention of Thrombolyti)
  36.02 Balloon Angioplasty (with Thrombolytic Agent), Sing
  36.04 Thrombolysis
  36.05 Balloon Angioplasty (with or without Mention of Thr)
  36.1 Anastomosis for Heart Revascularization (Coronary Byp)
  36.11 Bypass of One Coronary Artery
  36.12 Bypass of Two Coronary Arteries
  36.13 Bypass of Three Coronary Arteries
  36.14 Bypass of Four or More Coronary Arteries
  36.15 Artery Bypass, Single Internal Mammary
  36.16 Artery Bypass, Double Internal Mammary
  36.19 Anastomosis for Heart Revascularization, Other
  360, Purulent
  360.01, Acute
  360.03, Chronic
  360.1, Other
  360.11 (Sympathetic Uveitis), Other
  360.13, Parasitic
  360.19, Other
  361 Detachments and Defects
  361.8 Detachment, Other Forms of
  361.9 Detachment
  362 Retinopathy
  362.3 Vascular Occlusion
  362.32 of Retina, Arterial Branch
  362.5 Macular Degeneration
  362.51 Macular Degeneration, Nonexudative
  362.52 Macular Degeneration, Exudative
  362.74 Pigmentosa
  363.2 (Retinitis)
  364.3, Unspecified
  365.1, Chronic (Open-Angle)
  365.11 Glaucoma, Primary
  365.22, Acute (Angle-Closure)
  366.1, Senile
  366.2, Traumatic
  366.4 Associated with Other Disorders
  366.8, Other
  366.9, Unspecified
  368.01, Strabismic
  369 and Low Vision
  369.4, Legal as Defined in U.S.
  37.21 Catheterization, Right Heart
  37.22 Catheterization, Left Heart
  37.23 Catheterization, Combined Right and Left Heart
  37.8 Insertion, Initial or Replacement, Type of Device
  37.82 Insertion, Initial Insertion of A Single-Chamber D
  37.83 Insertion, Initial Insertion of Dual-Chamber Devic
  37.86 Insertion, Replacement of Any Type Pacemaker Devic
  37.87 Insertion, Replacement of Any Type Pacemaker Devic
  37.91 Cardiac Massage
  370 Ulcer
  370.9, Unspecified
  372, Acute
  372.1, Chronic
  372.3, Unspecified
  372.39, Other
  373.01 Blepharitis
  375.15 Eyes Syndrome
  375.32, Acute
  375.42, Chronic
  377.1 Atrophy
  377.3 Neuritis
  377.32, Retrobulbar
  38.05, Pulmonary
  38.09 of Lower Limb Veins
  38.1 of Unspecified Site
  38.2 Septicemia
  38.3 with Replacement of Unspecified Site
  38.31 with Anastomosis of Intracranial Vessels
  38.32 with Anastomosis of Other Vessels of Head and
  38.33 with Anastomosis of Upper Limb Vessels
  38.34 with Anastomosis of Aorta, Abdominal
  38.35 with Anastomosis of Thoracic Vessel
  38.36 with Anastomosis of Abdominal Arteries
  38.37 with Anastomosis of Abdominal Veins
  38.38 with Anastomosis of Lower Limb Arteries
  38.39 with Anastomosis of Lower Limb Veins
  38.4 due to Other Gram-Negative Organisms
  38.41 with Replacement of Intracranial Vessels
  38.42 with Replacement of Other Vessels of Head and
  38.43 with Replacement of Upper Limb Vessels
  38.44 with Replacement of Aorta, Abdominal
  38.45 with Replacement of Thoracic Vessel
  38.46 with Replacement of Abdominal Arteries
  38.47 with Replacement of Abdominal Veins
  38.48 with Replacement of Lower Limb Arteries
  38.49 with Replacement of Lower Limb Veins
  38.5 and Stripping of Varicose Veins
  38.51 and Stripping of Intracranial Varicose Vessels
  38.52 and Stripping of Other Varicose Vessels of Head and
  38.53 and Stripping of Upper Limb Varicose Vessels
  38.55 and Stripping of Thoracic Varicose Vessels
  38.57 and Stripping of Abdominal Varicose Vessels
  38.59 and Stripping of Lower Limb Varicose Vessels
  38.7 Cava Interruption
  38.8, Other Specified
  38.9, Unspecified
  380.1 Externa, Infective
  381 Media and Eustachian Tube Disorders, Nonsuppurative
  381.01 Media, Acute Serous
  382 Media, Acute Suppurative
  382.9 Media, Unspecified
  383, Acute
  383.1, Chronic
  384.2 Perforation
  386 Hydrops
  386.12 Neuronitis
  386.19 Vertigo, Other and Unspecified
  386.2 of Central Origin
  387.9, Unspecified
  389 Loss
  389.9 Loss, Unspecified
  39 Infections
  39.1 Infections, Pulmonary
  39.2 Infections, Abdominal
  39.3 Infections, Cervicofacial
  39.4 Foot due to Actinomycotic Infections
  39.51 of Cerebral Aneurysm
  39.52 of Cerebral Aneurysm, Other
  39.58 Graft
  39.8 Infections of Other Specified Sites
  39.9, Unspecified Site
  39.92, Varicose Veins
  39.95 Dialysis
  390 Fever
  394 Stenosis
  395 Aortic Stenosis
  395.1 Aortic Insufficiency
  396.3 Valve Insufficiency and Aortic Valve Insufficiency
  398 Heart Disease, Other
  398.9 Heart Disease, Chronic
  4 (Shigellosis)
  4.07 of Morton's Neuroma
  4.43 Tunnel Release
  4.44 Tunnel Release
  4.8 Infections, Other Specified
  40 Gangrene (Bacillus)
  40.89 Shock Syndrome
  401 Blood Pressure, Malignant
  401.1 Blood Pressure, Benign
  402 Heart Disease
  402.9 Heart Disease, Unspecified
  405 Hypertension
  405.91 Hypertension
  41 Marrow Transplant
  41.31 Marrow Biopsy
  41.91 of Bone Marrow From Donor for Transplant
  410 Infarction (MI), Acute
  410.1 Infarction of Other Anterior Wall
  410.2 Infarction of Inferolateral Wall
  410.3 Infarction of Inferoposterior Wall
  410.4 Infarction of Other Inferior Wall
  410.5 Infarction of Other Lateral Wall
  410.6 Infarction of True Posterior Wall Infarction
  410.7 Infarction of Subendocardial Infarction
  410.8 Infarction of Other Specified Sites
  410.9 Infarction of Unspecified Site
  411.1, Unstable
  413 Pectoris
  413.1's Angina
  413.9 Pectoris, Unspecified
  414 Atherosclerosis
  415 Pulmonale, Acute
  415.1, Pulmonary
  416 Pulmonary Hypertension
  416.1 Heart Disease
  416.8 Pulmonary Heart Diseases, Other
  416.9 Pulmonale, Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease, Unspecified
  42 Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  42.1 Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Other Specifi
  42.2 Immunodeficiency Virus Infection with Specified Malign
  42.23 of Gastrointestinal Tract
  42.33, Esophageal Varices
  42.7 of Esophagus
  42.9 Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Unspecified
  42.91 of Esophageal Varices
  42.92 of Esophagus
  420, Acute
  420.9, Acute
  421 Endocarditis, Acute and Subacute
  421.9, Acute and Unspecified
  422, Acute
  422.9, Acute
  423.2, Chronic Constrictive
  424 Insufficiency
  424.1 Insufficiency
  424.9, Valve Unspecified
  425.1 Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
  425.4, Other Primary
  425.9 Cardiomyopathy, Unspecified
  426 Block, Complete (Third-Degree)
  426.11 Block, Incomplete (First-Degree)
  426.12 Block, Second Degree, Incomplete (Mobitz Ty)
  426.13 Block, Incomplete (Second-Degree)
  426.2 Bundle Branch Hemiblock
  426.3 Bundle Branch Block, Other
  426.4 Bundle Branch Block
  426.5 Branch Block, Other and Unspecified
  426.9 Block (Conduction Disorder, Unspecified)
  427, Paroxysmal Supraventricular
  427.1 Tachycardia
  427.2 Tachycardia, Unspecified
  427.3 Fibrillation and Flutter
  427.31 Fibrillation
  427.4 Fibrillation and Flutter
  427.41 Fibrillation
  427.5 Arrest
  427.6 Beats
  427.69 Premature Contractions
  427.8 Dysrhythmias, Other specified
  427.89 Atrial Pacemaker

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code