New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide
1.0.0 - release

New Zealand ICP Implementation Guide, published by Accident Compensation Corporation. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: ACC ICD-9 Codes

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-20 Computable Name: ACCIcd9Code

The ICD-9 subset accepted by ACC

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem acc-icd9

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

1.24 Craniotomy
1.25 Craniectomy
1.41 Thalamotomy
101 Trench Mouth (Vincent's Angina)
11 Pulmonary Tuberculosis
11.4 Tuberculous Fibrosis of Lung
11.6 Corneal Transplant, Not Otherwise Specified
11.61 Lamellar Keratoplasty with Autograft
11.63 Penetrating Keratoplasty with Autograft
11.69 Corneal Transplant, Other
11.71 Keratomileusis
11.75 Radial Keratotomy
11.8 Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Other Specified
11.9 Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Unspecified
110 Dermatophytosis (Tinea)
110.1 Dermatophytosis of Nail
110.2 Dermatophytosis of Hand
110.3 Dermatophytosis of Groin and Perianal Area
110.4 Athlete's Foot (Dermatophytosis of Foot)
110.5 Dermatophytosis of the Body
110.6 Deep Seated Dermatophytosis
110.8 Dermatophytosis of Specified Sites
110.9 Dermatophytosis of Unspecified Site
111 Dermatomycosis, Other and Unspecified
111.8 Dermatomycoses, Other Specified
111.9 Dermatomycosis, Unspecified
112 Yeast Infection
112.1 Candidiasis of Vulva and Vagina
112.2 Candidiasis of Other Urogenital Sites
112.3 Candidiasis of Skin and Nails
112.5 Candidiasis (Systemic)
112.8 Candidiasis of Other Specified Sites
112.9 Candidiasis, Unspecified Site
114 Coccidioidomycosis
114.1 Coccidioidomycosis, Primary Extrapulmonary
114.2 Coccidioidal Meningitis
114.3 Coccidioidomycosis, Other Forms of Progressive
114.4 Coccidioidomycosis, Chronic Pulmonary
114.5 Coccidioidomycosis, Unspecified Pulmonary
114.9 Coccidioidomycosis, Unspecified
115 Histoplasmosis
115.9 Histoplasmosis without Mention of Manifestation, Unspecified
116 Blastomycotic Infection
116.1 Paracoccidioidomycosis
116.2 Lobomycosis
117.2 Chromoblastomycosis
117.5 Cryptococcosis
12 Respiratory Tuberculosis, Other
12.14 Iridectomy
12.59 Trabeculoplasty
12.64 Trabeculectomy Ab Externo
122 Echinococcus Granulosus Infection of Liver
122.1 Echinococcus Granulosus Infection of Lung
122.2 Echinococcus Granulosus Infection of Thyroid
122.3 Echinococcus Granulosus Infection, Other
122.4 Echinococcus Granulosus Infection, Unspecified
122.5 Echinococcus Multilocularis Infection of Liver
122.6 Echinococcus Multilocularis Infection, Other
122.7 Echinococcus Multilocularis Infection, Unspecified
122.8 Echinococcus, Unspecified, of Liver
122.9 Echinococcus, Other and Unspecified
124 Trichinosis
125 Filarial Infection and Dracontiasis
125.9 Filariasis, Unspecified
129 Intestinal Parasitism, Unspecified
13.1 Cataract Surgery (Intracapsular Extraction of Lens)
13.2 Cataract Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Linear)
13.3 Cataract Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Simple)
13.4 Cataract Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens by Fragme)
13.5 Cataract Surgery (Extracapsular Extraction of Lens, Other)
13.6 Cataract Extraction, Other
13.7 Insertion of Prosthetic Lens
130 Toxoplasmosis
130.9 Toxoplasmosis, Unspecified
131 Trichomoniasis
131.01 Trichomonal Vaginitis
131.02 Trichomonal Urethritis
131.03 Trichomonal Prostatitis
131.8 Trichomoniasis, Other Specified Sites
131.9 Trichomoniasis, Unspecified
135 Sarcoidosis
136.1 Beh¿et's Syndrome
136.3 Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
136.9 Infection
138 Post Poliomyelitis Syndrome
14.4 Retinal Detachment Repair (with Sclera Buckling and Implant)
14.41 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Sclera Buckling with Impla
14.49 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Other Scleral Buckling
14.5 Repair of Retinal Detachment, Other
14.51 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Diathermy
14.52 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Cryotherapy
14.53 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Xenon Arc Photocoagulation
14.54 Repair of Retinal Detachment with Laser Photocoagulation
14.55 Retinal Detachment Repair with Photocoagulation of Unspecifi
14.59 Retinal Detachment Repair, Other Type
140 Malignant Neoplasm of Lip
141 Malignant Neoplasm of Tongue
141.1 Malignant Neoplasm, Dorsal Surface of Tongue
141.2 Malignant Neoplasm, Tip and Lateral Border of Tongue
141.3 Malignant Neoplasm, Ventral Surface of Tongue
141.4 Malignant Neoplasm, Anterior Two-Thirds of Tongue, Part Uns
141.5 Malignant Neoplasm, Junctional Zone
141.6 Malignant Neoplasm, Lingual Tonsil
141.8 Malignant Neoplasm, Other Sites of Tongue
141.9 Cancer, Tongue, Unspecified
142 Malignant Neoplasm of Major Salivary Glands
143 Malignant Neoplasm of Gum
144 Malignant Neoplasm of Floor of Mouth
145 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Parts of Mouth
145.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Palate, Unspecified
146 Throat Cancer
146.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Tonsillar Fossa
146.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Tonsillar Pillars
146.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Vallecula
146.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Anterior Aspect of Epiglottis
146.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Junctional Region
146.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Lateral Wall of Oropharynx
146.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Posterior Wall of Oropharynx
146.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Oropharynx
146.9 Cancer, Oropharynx, Unspecified
147 Malignant Neoplasm of Nasopharynx
148 Malignant Neoplasm of Hypopharynx
149 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Ill-Defined Sites within the
15 Tuberculosis of Bones and Joints
150 Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus
150.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Thoracic Esophagus
150.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Abdominal Esophagus
150.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Upper Third of Esophagus
150.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Middle Third of Esophagus
150.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Lower Third of Esophagus
150.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Part of Esophagus
150.9 Cancer, Esophagus
151 Malignant Neoplasm of Stomach
151.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Pylorus
151.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Pyloric Antrum
151.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Fundus of Stomach
151.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Body of Stomach
151.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Lesser Curvature, Unspecified
151.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Greater Curvature, Unspecified
151.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Stomach
151.9 Cancer, Stomach
152 Malignant Neoplasm of Small Intestine (Include Duodenum)
152.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Jejunum
152.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Ileum
152.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Small Intesti
152.9 Cancer, Small Intestine (including Duodenum)
153 Cancer, Colon
153.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Transverse Colon
153.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Descending Colon
153.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Sigmoid Colon
153.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Cecum
153.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Appendix
153.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Ascending Colon
153.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Splenic Flexure of Colon
153.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Large Intesti
153.9 Malignant Neoplasm of Colon, Unspecified
154 Malignant Neoplasm of Rectum, Rectosigmoid Junction, and Anu
154.1 Cancer, Rectum
154.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Anal Canal
154.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Anus, Unspecified
154.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Rectum, Rectosigmoid Junction, and Anu
155 Malignant Neoplasm of Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
155.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
155.2 Cancer, Liver
157 Malignant Neoplasm of Pancreas
157.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Body of Pancreas
157.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Tail of Pancreas
157.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Pancreatic Duct
157.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Islets of Langerhans
157.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Pancreas
157.9 Cancer, Pancreas, Part Unspecified
162 Malignant Neoplasm of Trachea
162.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Main Bronchus
162.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Upper Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
162.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Middle Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
162.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Lower Lobe, Bronchus or Lung
162.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Parts of Bronchus or Lung
162.9 Cancer, Lung
163 Malignant Neoplasm of Pleura (Mesothelioma)
163.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Visceral Pleura
163.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Pleura
163.9 Cancer, Pleura
170 Bone Cancer (Malignant Neoplasm of Bone and Articular Cartil)
170.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Mandible
170.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Vertebral Column, Excluding Sacrum and
170.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Ribs, Sternum, and Clavicle
170.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Scapula and Long Bones of Upper Limb
170.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Short Bones of Upper Limb
170.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Pelvic Bones, Sacrum, and Coccyx
170.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Long Bones of Lower Limb
170.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Short Bones of Lower Limb
170.9 Bone Tumors
172 Malignant Melanoma of Skin
172.1 Malignant Melanoma of Eyelid, Including Canthus
172.2 Malignant Melanoma of Ear and External Auditory Canal
172.3 Malignant Melanoma of Other and Unspecified Parts of Face
172.4 Malignant Melanoma of Scalp and Neck
172.5 Malignant Melanoma of Trunk, Except Scrotum
172.6 Malignant Melanoma of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
172.7 Malignant Melanoma of Lower Limb, Including Hip
172.8 Malignant Melanoma of Other Specified Sites of Skin
172.9 Melanoma of Skin, Site Unspecified
173 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin, Other
173.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Eyelid, Including Canthus, Other
173.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin of Ear and External Auditory Cana
173.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin of Other and Unspecified Parts of
173.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Scalp and Skin of Neck, Other
173.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin of Trunk, Except Scrotum, Other
173.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
173.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Skin of Lower Limb, Including Hip, Oth
173.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Skin, Other
173.9 Cancer, Skin, Unspecified
174 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Nipple and Areola (Page)
174.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Central Portion
174.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Upper-Inner Quadrant
174.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Lower-Inner Quadrant
174.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Upper-Outer Quadrant
174.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Lower-Outer Quadrant
174.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Axillary Tail
174.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Female Breast
174.9 Cancer, Breast, Unspecified
176 Kaposi's Sarcoma
176.1 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Soft Tissue
176.2 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Palate
176.3 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Gastrointestinal Sites
176.4 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Lung
176.5 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Lymph Nodes
176.8 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Other Specified Sites
176.9 Kaposi's Sarcoma, Unspecified
179 Cancer, Uterus
180 Malignant Neoplasm of Cervix Uteri
180.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Exocervix
180.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Cervix
180.9 Cancer, Cervix, Unspecified
181 Choriocarcinoma
182 Malignant Neoplasm of Body of Uterus (Uterine Cancer)
182.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Isthmus
182.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Body of Uteru
183 Malignant Neoplasm of Ovary and Other Uterine Adnexa (Ovaria)
185 Cancer, Prostate
186 Cancer, Testicles
186.9 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Testis (Testicul)
188 Malignant Neoplasm of Bladder
188.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Dome of Urinary Bladder
188.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Lateral Wall of Urinary Bladder
188.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Anterior Wall of Urinary Bladder
188.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Posterior Wall of Urinary Bladder
188.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Bladder Neck
188.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Ureteric Orifice
188.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Urachus
188.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Bladder
188.9 Cancer, Bladder, Unspecified
189 Malignant Neoplasm of Kidney and Other and Unspecified Urina
189.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Renal Pelvis (Renal Cell Carcinoma)
189.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Urinary Organ
19 Stapedectomy
19.19 Stapedectomy
19.4 Tympanoplasty (Type I)
19.5 Tympanoplasty, Other (Type II, III, IV, and V)
191 Malignant Neoplasm of Brain (Brain Cancer)
191.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Frontal Lobe
191.2 Malignant Neoplasm of Temporal Lobe
191.3 Malignant Neoplasm of Parietal Lobe
191.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Occipital Lobe
191.5 Malignant Neoplasm of Ventricles
191.6 Malignant Neoplasm of Cerebellum
191.7 Malignant Neoplasm of Brain Stem
191.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Parts of Brain
191.9 Astrocytoma
192 Malignant Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Parts of Nervous
192.1 Malignant Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges
192.8 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Specified Sites of Nervous Syste
192.9 Malignant Neoplasm of Nervous System, Part Unspecified
193 Cancer, Thyroid Gland
194 Malignant Neoplasm of Other Endocrine Glands and Related Str
194.4 Malignant Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
197 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Lung
197.2 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Pleura
197.4 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Small Intestine, Including D
197.5 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Large Intestine and Rectum
197.7 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Liver, Specified as Secondar
198.1 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Other Urinary Organs (Bladde)
198.2 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Skin
198.3 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Brain and Spinal Cord
198.4 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Other Parts of Nervous Syste
198.5 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Bone and Bone Marrow
198.6 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Ovary
198.81 Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of the Breast
199 Malignant Neoplasm without Specification of Site (Cancer)
199.1 Cancer
2 Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fevers
2.1 Paratyphoid Fever A
2.2 Paratyphoid Fever B
2.3 Paratyphoid Fever C
2.9 Paratyphoid Fever
2.99 Adrenal Tissue Implant or Transplant (to Brain)
20 Myringotomy
20.01 Myringotomy with Insertion of Tube
20.09 Myringotomy, Other
20.4 Mastoidectomy
20.41 Mastoidectomy, Simple
20.42 Mastoidectomy, Radical
20.49 Mastoidectomy, Other
20.6 Fenestration of Inner Ear
200 Lymphosarcoma and Reticulosarcoma
200.1 Lymphosarcoma (Hodgkin's Disease)
200.2 Burkitt's Tumor or Lymphoma
200.8 Lymphoma, Other Name Variants
201 Hodgkin's Paragranuloma
201.08 Hodgkin's Paragranuloma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
201.1 Hodgkin's Granuloma
201.18 Hodgkin's Granuloma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
201.2 Hodgkin's Sarcoma
201.28 Hodgkin's Sarcoma, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Sites
201.4 Hodgkin's Disease, Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Predominance
201.48 Hodgkin's Disease, Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Predominance, Lym
201.5 Hodgkin's Disease, Nodular Sclerosis
201.58 Hodgkin's Disease, Nodular Sclerosis, Lymph Nodes of Multipl
201.6 Hodgkin's Disease, Mixed Cellularity
201.68 Hodgkin's Disease, Mixed Cellularity, Lymph Nodes of Multipl
201.7 Hodgkin's Disease, Lymphocytic Depletion
201.78 Hodgkin's Disease, Lymphocytic Depletion, Lymph Nodes of Mul
201.9 Hodgkin's Disease, Unspecified
201.98 Hodgkin's Disease, Unspecified, Lymph Nodes of Multiple Site
202 Malignant Neoplasms of Lymphoid and Histiocytic Tissue
202.1 Mycosis Fungoides
202.8 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
203 Multiple Myeloma
208 Acute Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
208.1 Chronic Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
208.2 Subacute Leukemia of Unspecified Cell Type
208.8 Leukemia, Other, of Unspecified Cell Type
208.9 Leukemia, Unspecified
21 Tularemia
21.1 Tularemia, Enteric
21.2 Tularemia, Pulmonary
21.3 Tularemia, Oculoglandular
21.31 Nasal Polypectomy
21.5 Submucous Resection of Nasal Septum
21.8 Tularemia, Other Specified
21.83 Nasal Reconstruction, Total
21.84 Rhinoplasty, Revision
21.85 Rhinoplasty, Augmentation
21.86 Rhinoplasty, Limited
21.87 Rhinoplasty, Other
21.88 Septoplasty, Other
21.9 Tularemia, Unspecified
210 Benign Neoplasm of Lip, Oral Cavity, and Pharynx
211 Benign Neoplasm of Other Parts of Digestive System
212 Benign Neoplasm of Respiratory and Intrathoracic Organs
213 Benign Neoplasm of Bones of Skull and Face
213.1 Benign Neoplasm of Lower Jaw Bone
213.2 Benign Neoplasm of Vertebral Column, Excluding Sacrum and Co
213.3 Benign Neoplasm of Ribs, Sternum, and Clavicle
213.4 Benign Neoplasm of Scapula and Long Bones of Upper Limb
213.5 Benign Neoplasm of Short Bones of Upper Limb
213.6 Benign Neoplasm of Pelvic Bones, Sacrum, and Coccyx
213.7 Benign Neoplasm of Long Bones of Lower Limb
213.8 Benign Neoplasm of Short Bones of Lower Limb
213.9 Benign Neoplasm of Bone and Articular Cartilage, Site Unspec
214 Lipoma
214.1 Lipoma of Other Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
214.2 Lipoma of Intrathoracic Organs
214.3 Lipoma of Intra-abdominal Organs
214.4 Lipoma of Spermatic Cord
214.8 Lipoma of Other Specified Sites
214.9 Lipoma, Unspecified Site
218 Uterine Leiomyoma
218.1 Intramural Leiomyoma of Uterus
218.2 Subserous Leiomyoma of Uterus
218.9 Fibroid Tumor of Uterus, Unspecified
223 Benign Neoplasm of Kidney and Other Urinary Organs
223.3 Benign Neoplasm of Bladder
225 Benign Neoplasm of Brain
225.2 Benign Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges (Meningioma, Benign)
227 Pheochromocytoma
227.4 Benign Neoplasm of Pineal Gland
229 Benign Neoplasm of Other and Unspecified Sites
229.9 Tumor, Benign
23 Brucellosis
23.09 Tooth Extraction
23.1 Brucella Abortus
23.19 Tooth Extraction
23.2 Brucella Suis
23.3 Brucella Canis
23.7 Root Canal Therapy
23.8 Brucellosis, Other
23.9 Brucellosis, Unspecified
230 Carcinoma in Situ of Oral Cavity (Tongue)
230.1 Carcinoma in Situ of Esophagus
230.2 Carcinoma in Situ of Stomach
230.3 Carcinoma in Situ of Colon
230.4 Carcinoma in Situ of Rectum
230.7 Carcinoma in Situ of Other and Unspecified Parts of Intestin
230.8 Carcinoma in Situ of Liver and Biliary System
230.9 Carcinoma in Situ of Other and Unspecified Digestive Organs
231 Carcinoma in Situ of Respiratory System
231.2 Carcinoma in Situ of Bronchus and Lung
232 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin of Lip
232.1 Carcinoma in Situ of Eyelid, Including Canthus
232.2 Carcinoma in Situ of Ear and External Auditory Canal
232.3 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin of Other and Unspecified Parts of
232.4 Carcinoma in Situ of Scalp and Skin of Neck
232.5 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin of Trunk, Except Scrotum
232.6 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin of Upper Limb, Including Shoulder
232.7 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin of Lower Limb, Including Hip
232.8 Carcinoma in Situ of Other Specified Sites of Skin
232.9 Carcinoma in Situ of Skin, Site Unspecified
233 Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast
233.1 Carcinoma in Situ of Cervix Uteri
233.2 Carcinoma in Situ of Other and Unspecified Parts of Uterus
233.3 Carcinoma in Situs of Other and Unspecified Female Genital O
233.4 Carcinoma in Situ of Prostate
233.6 Carcinoma in Situ of Other and Unspecified Male Genital Orga
233.7 Carcinoma in Situ of Bladder
234 Carcinoma in Situ of Other and Unspecified Sites
234.8 Carcinoma in Situ of Endocrine (Pineal) Gland
236 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Genitourinary Organs
236.7 Bladder Polyps
237 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Endocrine Glands and Nervo
237.1 Pineal Gland Neoplasm
237.7 Neurofibromatosis
237.71 Neurofibromatosis, Type I (Von Recklinghausen's Disease)
237.72 Neurofibromatosis, Type II
238 Neoplasm of Uncertain Behavior of Other and Unspecified Site
238.4 Polycythemia Vera
239 Neoplasms of Unspecified Nature of Digestive System
239.3 Neoplasm of Unspecified Nature of Breast
239.5 Neoplasms of Other Genitourinary Organs
239.7 Neoplasms of Unspecified Nature, Endocrine Glands and Other
24.31 Gingivectomy
240 Goiter, Specified as Simple
240.9 Goiter
242 Graves' Disease
242.01 Toxic Diffuse Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or St
242.1 Hyperthyroidism
242.11 Toxic Uninodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or
242.2 Toxic Multinodular Goiter
242.21 Toxic Multinodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis
242.3 Toxic Nodular Goiter, Unspecified
242.31 Toxic Nodular Goiter with Mention of Thyrotoxic Crisis or St
242.8 Thyrotoxicosis of Other Specified Origin
242.81 Thyrotoxicosis of Other Specified Origin with Mention of Thy
242.9 Thyrotoxicosis without Mention of Goiter or Other Cause (Hyp)
242.91 Thyrotoxicosis without Mention of Goiter or Other Cause with
244 Hypothyroidism, Postsurgical
244.1 Hypothyroidism, Other Postablative
244.2 Hypothyroidism, Iodine
244.3 Hypothyroidism, Other Iatrogenic
244.8 Hypothyroidism, Other Specified Acquired
244.9 Hypothyroidism, Unspecified (Myxedema)
245 Thyroiditis, Acute
245.1 Thyroiditis, Subacute
245.2 Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
245.3 Thyroiditis, Chronic Fibrous
245.9 Thyroiditis, Unspecified
250 Diabetes Mellitus without Mention of Complication
250.01 Diabetes Mellitus (Type I)
250.1 Diabetes with Ketoacidosis (Diabetic Acidosis)
250.3 Diabetes with Other Coma
250.4 Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis
250.5 Diabetic Retinopathy
250.6 Diabetic Neuropathy
250.7 Diabetic Gangrene
250.8 Diabetes with Other Specified Manifestations
251.1 Hyperinsulinism
251.2 Hypoglycemia, Unspecified
252 Hyperparathyroidism
252.1 Hypoparathyroidism
253.2 Panhypopituitarism (Simmonds' Disease)
253.5 Diabetes Insipidus
255 Cushing's Syndrome
255.1 Aldosteronism
255.4 Addison's Disease (Corticoadrenal Insufficiency)
256.4 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Stein-Leventhal Syndrome)
26 Rat-Bite Fever
264 Vitamin A Deficiency
264.5 Vitamin A Deficiency with Night Blindness
264.9 Vitamin A Deficiency, Unspecified
265 Beriberi
265.1 Thiamine Deficiency
265.2 Pellagra
266 Vitamin B2 [Riboflavin] Deficiency
266.2 Vitamin B12 Deficiency
267 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Deficiency
268 Rickets, Active
268.2 Osteomalacia, Unspecified
268.9 Vitamin D Deficiency, Unspecified
269 Vitamin K Deficiency
269.1 Vitamin E Deficiency
269.2 Hypovitaminosis
27.1 Erysipeloid
271.4 Glycosuria, Renal
272.8 Dercum's Disease
273.8 Hypoproteinemia
274 Gout
274.1 Gouty Nephropathy
274.9 Gout, Unspecified
275.1 Wilson's Disease
276.5 Dehydration
276.7 Hyperkalemia
277.1 Porphyria
278 Obesity, Simple
278.2 Hypervitaminosis A
278.4 Hypervitaminosis D
278.8 Hyperalimentation (Hypervitaminosis), Other
28.2 Tonsillectomy without Adenoidectomy
28.3 Tonsillectomy with Adenoidectomy
28.6 Adenoidectomy without Tonsillectomy
280 Iron Deficiency Anemia
280.1 Iron Deficiency Anemia Secondary to Inadequate Dietary Iron
280.8 Iron Deficiency Anemias, Other Specified
280.9 Iron Deficiency Anemia, Unspecified
281 Pernicious Anemia
281.1 Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia, Other
281.2 Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
282 Spherocytosis, Hereditary
282.1 Hereditary Elliptocytosis
282.2 Anemias due to Disorders of Glutathione Metabolism
282.3 Hemolytic Anemias due to Enzyme Deficiency, Other
282.4 Thalassemia
282.5 Sickle-Cell Trait
282.6 Sickle Cell Anemia
282.61 Hb-S Disease without Mention of Crisis
282.62 Hb-S Disease with Mention of Crisis
282.8 Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia, Other Specified
282.9 Hemolytic Anemia, Unspecified Hereditary
283 Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias
283.1 Non-Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemias
283.2 Hemoglobinuria due to Hemolysis From External Causes
283.9 Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Unspecified
284 Aplastic Anemia, Constitutional
284.8 Aplastic Anemias, Other Specified
284.9 Aplastic Anemia, Unspecified
285.1 Posthemorrhagic Anemia, Acute
285.8 Myelophthisic Anemia
285.9 Anemia, Unspecified
286 Hemophilia A
286.1 Hemophilia B
286.3 Afibrinogenemia
287.2 Purpura Simplex
287.3 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
287.5 Thrombocytopenia, Unspecified
288 Neutropenia (Agranulocytosis)
289.1 Lymphadenitis, Chronic
289.2 Lymphadenitis, Nonspecific Mesenteric
289.3 Lymphadenitis, Unspecified, Except Mesenteric
289.4 Hypersplenism
290 Organic Psychosis
290.1 Dementia, Presenile
290.2 Dementia, Alzheimer's Type, with Delusions (Late Onset)
291 Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium
291.2 Alcoholic Dementia, Other
291.3 Alcohol Withdrawal Hallucinosis
291.4 Idiosyncratic Alcohol intoxication
291.9 Alcoholic Psychosis, Unspecified
292 Drug Psychoses
293 Transient Organic Psychotic Conditions
294 Organic Psychotic Conditions, Other
294.9 Organic Psychosis, Unspecified
295 Schizophrenia
295.1 Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type
295.2 Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type
295.3 Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type
295.4 Schizophreniform Disorder
295.7 Schizoaffective Disorder
295.9 Schizophrenia, Unspecified
296 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Single Manic Episode
296.1 Manic Disorder, Recurrent
296.2 Depression, Major
296.3 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Episode
296.4 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Manic
296.5 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Depressed
296.6 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Mixed
296.7 Bipolar Affective Disorder, Unspecified
297 Paranoid States
297.9 Delusional Disorder, Unspecified
298 Depressive Psychosis
298.8 Psychotic Disorder, Brief
298.9 Psychotic Disorder, Unspecified
3 Salmonella Infections, Other
3.09 Laminectomy or Laminotomy
3.1 Salmonella Septicemia
3.2 Salmonella Infections, Localized
3.31 Lumbar Puncture
3.39 Spinal Cord Stimulation
3.8 Salmonella Infections, Other Specified
3.9 Salmonella Infection, Unspecified
30 Laryngectomy
300 Anxiety States
300.01 Panic Disorder
300.02 Anxiety Disorder, Generalized
300.1 Hysteria
300.11 Conversion Disorder
300.14 Multiple Personality Disorder
300.15 Dissociative Disorder or Reaction, Unspecified
300.16 Factitious Illness with Psychological Symptoms
300.19 Factitious Illness with Physical Symptoms
300.2 Phobic Disorders
300.21 Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
300.23 Social Phobia
300.29 Phobias, Simple
300.3 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
300.4 Dysthymic Disorder
300.5 Nervous Fatigue
300.6 Depersonalization Disorder
300.7 Hypochondriasis
300.81 Somatization Disorder
300.9 Nervous Breakdown
301 Paranoid Personality Disorder
301.2 Schizoid Personality Disorder
301.21 Introverted Personality Disorder
301.3 Explosive Personality Disorder
301.4 Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
301.51 Factitious Illness with Physical Symptoms, Chronic
301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder
301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder
301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
301.82 Avoidant Personality Disorder
301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder
301.84 Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder
302 Psychosexual Disorders
302.2 Pedophilia
302.3 Transvestism
302.6 Psychosexual Identity, Disorders of
302.7 Psychosexual Dysfunction
302.8 Psychosexual Disorders, Other Specified
302.9 Psychosexual Disorder, Unspecified
303 Alcohol Dependence Syndrome
303.9 Alcoholism
304 Opioid Type Dependence (Narcotic Dependence)
304.1 Sedative, Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Dependence (Barbiturate Dep)
304.2 Cocaine Dependence
304.3 Marijuana (Cannabis) Dependence
304.4 Amphetamine Dependence
304.7 Addictions, Mixed
304.8 Combinations of Drug Dependence Excluding Opioid Type Drug
305 Alcohol Abuse, Nondependent
305.1 Nicotine Dependence
305.2 Marijuana (Cannabis) Abuse
305.4 Barbiturate and Similarly Acting Sympathomimetic Abuse
305.6 Cocaine Abuse
305.7 Amphetamine Abuse
306.1 Hyperventilation Syndrome
306.2 Neurocirculatory Asthenia
307.1 Anorexia Nervosa
307.2 Tics
307.23 Gilles De La Tourette's Disorder
307.5 Eating Disorders
307.51 Bulimia
307.81 Tension Headache
308 Predominant Disturbance of Emotions
308.3 Reactions to Stress, Other Acute
308.9 Stress Disorder, Acute
309 Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
309.1 Depressive Reaction, Prolonged
309.24 Adjustment Disorder (with Anxiety or Disturbance of Conduct)
309.3 Adjustment Reaction with Predominant Disturbance of Conduct
309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
31.1 Tracheostomy, Temporary
31.2 Tracheostomy, Permanent
31.42 Laryngoscopy
310.2 Postconcussion Syndrome
312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disorder
314 Attention Deficit Disorder
314.01 Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
32.29 Lung Excision
32.3 Segmental Resection of Lung
32.4 Lobectomy of Lung
32.5 Pneumonectomy, Complete
320 Meningitis, Bacterial
320.9 Meningitis due to Unspecified Bacterium
321 Meningitis due to Other Organisms
321.1 Meningitis in Other Fungal Diseases
321.2 Meningitis due to Viruses not Elsewhere Classified
322 Meningitis of Unspecified Cause
322.9 Meningitis, Unspecified
323 Encephalitis
323.8 Encephalitis, Other Causes of
323.9 Encephalitis, Unspecified Cause
324 Brain Abscess
33.22 Bronchoscopy, Fiber-Optic
33.24 Bronchial Biopsy
33.26 Biopsy of Lung, Closed
33.27 Lung Biopsy
33.28 Biopsy of Lung, Open
331 Alzheimer's Disease
332 Paralysis Agitans
332.1 Secondary Parkinsonism
333.4 Huntington's Chorea
333.7 Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
335.2 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
335.21 Muscular Atrophy, Progressive
336 Syringomyelia (Syringobulbia)
336.1 Vascular Myelopathies
336.8 Myelopathy, Other
336.9 Myelopathy, Unspecified
337 Carotid Sinus Syncope
337.2 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
34 Streptococcal Sore Throat
34.02 Thoracotomy
34.04 Insertion of Intercostal Catheter for Drainage (Via Thoracos)
34.09 Thoracostomy (Open Chest Drainage)
34.1 Scarlet Fever
34.24 Pleural Biopsy
34.91 Thoracentesis
340 Multiple Sclerosis
342 Hemiplegia, Flaccid
342.1 Hemiplegia, Spastic
342.9 Hemiplegia, Unspecified
343 Cerebral Palsy, Infantile
343.9 Cerebral Palsy, Unspecified
344 Quadriplegia
344.1 Paraplegia
344.6 Cauda Equina Syndrome
344.61 Cauda Equina Syndrome with Neurogenic Bladder
344.9 Paralysis, Paraplegia, and Quadriplegia
345 Petit Mal Epilepsy
345.1 Grand Mal Seizure
345.5 Jacksonian Seizure
345.9 Epilepsy, Unspecified
346 Migraine Headache, Classical
346.1 Common Migraine (Sick Headache)
346.2 Cluster Headache
346.8 Migraine Headache, Other Forms of
346.9 Migraine Headache, Unspecified
347 Narcolepsy
348.3 Encephalopathy, Unspecified
35 Erysipelas
35.01 Valvotomy, Closed Heart, Aortic Valve
35.02 Valvotomy, Closed Heart, Mitral Valve
35.03 Valvotomy, Closed Heart, Pulmonary Valve
35.04 Valvotomy, Closed Heart, Tricuspid Valve
35.12 Mitral Commissurotomy
35.2 Heart Valve Replacement
35.21 Heart Valve Replacement, Aortic Valve with Tissue Graft
35.22 Heart Valve Replacement of Aortic Valve, Other
35.23 Heart Valve Replacement of Mitral Valve with Tissue Graft
35.24 Heart Valve Replacement of Mitral Valve, Other
35.25 Heart Valve Replacement of Pulmonary Valve with Tissue Graft
35.26 Heart Valve Replacement of Pulmonary Valve, Other
35.27 Heart Valve Replacement of Tricuspid Valve with Tissue Graft
35.28 Heart Valve Replacement of Tricuspid Valve, Other
35.96 Valvuloplasty, Balloon
350.1 Trigeminal Neuralgia
351 Bell's Palsy
352.3 Vagotonia
353 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
353.5 Neuralgic Amyotrophy
354 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
354.4 Causalgia of Upper Limb
355.5 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
355.6 Morton's Neuroma
355.71 Causalgia of Lower Limb
355.9 Causalgia
356.9 Peripheral Neuropathy
357 Guillain-Barr¿ Syndrome
357.2 Diabetic Neuropathy
358 Myasthenia Gravis
36.01 Coronary Balloon Angioplasty (without Mention of Thrombolyti)
36.02 Coronary Balloon Angioplasty (with Thrombolytic Agent), Sing
36.04 Coronary Thrombolysis
36.05 Coronary Balloon Angioplasty (with or without Mention of Thr)
36.1 Bypass Anastomosis for Heart Revascularization (Coronary Byp)
36.11 Aortocoronary Bypass of One Coronary Artery
36.12 Aortocoronary Bypass of Two Coronary Arteries
36.13 Aortocoronary Bypass of Three Coronary Arteries
36.14 Aortocoronary Bypass of Four or More Coronary Arteries
36.15 Coronary Artery Bypass, Single Internal Mammary
36.16 Coronary Artery Bypass, Double Internal Mammary
36.19 Bypass Anastomosis for Heart Revascularization, Other
360 Endophthalmitis, Purulent
360.01 Endophthalmitis, Acute
360.02 Panophthalmitis
360.03 Endophthalmitis, Chronic
360.1 Endophthalmitis, Other
360.11 Endophthalmitis (Sympathetic Uveitis), Other
360.13 Endophthalmitis, Parasitic
360.19 Endophthalmitis, Other
361 Retinal Detachments and Defects
361.8 Retinal Detachment, Other Forms of
361.9 Retinal Detachment
362 Diabetic Retinopathy
362.3 Retinal Vascular Occlusion
362.32 Occlusion of Retina, Arterial Branch
362.5 Senile Macular Degeneration
362.51 Senile Macular Degeneration, Nonexudative
362.52 Senile Macular Degeneration, Exudative
362.74 Retinitis Pigmentosa
363.2 Chorioretinitis (Retinitis)
364.3 Iritis, Unspecified
365 Glaucoma
365.1 Glaucoma, Chronic (Open-Angle)
365.11 Open-angle Glaucoma, Primary
365.22 Glaucoma, Acute (Angle-Closure)
366 Cataract
366.1 Cataract, Senile
366.2 Cataract, Traumatic
366.4 Cataract Associated with Other Disorders
366.8 Cataract, Other
366.9 Cataract, Unspecified
367.1 Myopia
367.2 Astigmatism
368 Amblyopia
368.01 Amblyopia, Strabismic
369 Blindness and Low Vision
369.4 Blindness, Legal as Defined in U.S.
37 Tetanus
37.21 Cardiac Catheterization, Right Heart
37.22 Cardiac Catheterization, Left Heart
37.23 Cardiac Catheterization, Combined Right and Left Heart
37.31 Pericardiectomy
37.8 Pacemaker Insertion, Initial or Replacement, Type of Device
37.82 Pacemaker Insertion, Initial Insertion of A Single-Chamber D
37.83 Pacemaker Insertion, Initial Insertion of Dual-Chamber Devic
37.86 Pacemaker Insertion, Replacement of Any Type Pacemaker Devic
37.87 Pacemaker Insertion, Replacement of Any Type Pacemaker Devic
37.91 Open-Chest Cardiac Massage
370 Corneal Ulcer
370.9 Keratitis, Unspecified
372 Conjunctivitis, Acute
372.1 Conjunctivitis, Chronic
372.3 Conjunctivitis, Unspecified
372.39 Conjunctivitis, Other
372.4 Pterygium
373 Blepharitis
373.01 Ulcerative Blepharitis
373.11 Stye
375.15 Dry Eyes Syndrome
375.3 Dacryocystitis
375.32 Dacryocystitis, Acute
375.42 Dacryocystitis, Chronic
375.56 Dacryostenosis
377.1 Optic Atrophy
377.3 Optic Neuritis
377.32 Neuritis, Retrobulbar
378 Strabismus
379 Scleritis
379.5 Nystagmus
38 Septicemia
38.05 Embolectomy, Pulmonary
38.09 Thrombectomy of Lower Limb Veins
38.1 Endarterectomy of Unspecified Site
38.2 Pneumococcal Septicemia
38.3 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Unspecified Site
38.31 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Intracranial Vessels
38.32 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Other Vessels of Head and
38.33 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Upper Limb Vessels
38.34 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Aorta, Abdominal
38.35 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Thoracic Vessel
38.36 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Abdominal Arteries
38.37 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Abdominal Veins
38.38 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Lower Limb Arteries
38.39 Aneurysmectomy with Anastomosis of Lower Limb Veins
38.4 Septicemia due to Other Gram-Negative Organisms
38.41 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Intracranial Vessels
38.42 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Other Vessels of Head and
38.43 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Upper Limb Vessels
38.44 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Aorta, Abdominal
38.45 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Thoracic Vessel
38.46 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Abdominal Arteries
38.47 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Abdominal Veins
38.48 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Lower Limb Arteries
38.49 Aneurysmectomy with Replacement of Lower Limb Veins
38.5 Ligation and Stripping of Varicose Veins
38.51 Ligation and Stripping of Intracranial Varicose Vessels
38.52 Ligation and Stripping of Other Varicose Vessels of Head and
38.53 Ligation and Stripping of Upper Limb Varicose Vessels
38.55 Ligation and Stripping of Thoracic Varicose Vessels
38.57 Ligation and Stripping of Abdominal Varicose Vessels
38.59 Ligation and Stripping of Lower Limb Varicose Vessels
38.6 Aneurysmectomy
38.7 Vena Cava Interruption
38.8 Septicemias, Other Specified
38.9 Sepsis, Unspecified
380.1 Otitis Externa, Infective
381 Otitis Media and Eustachian Tube Disorders, Nonsuppurative
381.01 Otitis Media, Acute Serous
382 Otitis Media, Acute Suppurative
382.9 Otitis Media, Unspecified
383 Mastoiditis, Acute
383.1 Mastoiditis, Chronic
383.9 Mastoiditis
384.2 Tympanum Perforation
386 Endolymphatic Hydrops
386.1 Vertigo
386.12 Vestibular Neuronitis
386.19 Peripheral Vertigo, Other and Unspecified
386.2 Vertigo of Central Origin
386.3 Labyrinthitis
387 Otosclerosis
387.9 Otosclerosis, Unspecified
388.3 Tinnitus
389 Hearing Loss
389.9 Hearing Loss, Unspecified
39 Actinomycotic Infections
39.1 Actinomycotic Infections, Pulmonary
39.2 Actinomycotic Infections, Abdominal
39.3 Actinomycotic Infections, Cervicofacial
39.4 Madura Foot due to Actinomycotic Infections
39.51 Repair of Cerebral Aneurysm
39.52 Repair of Cerebral Aneurysm, Other
39.58 Arterial Graft
39.8 Actinomycotic Infections of Other Specified Sites
39.9 Actinomycosis, Unspecified Site
39.92 Sclerotherapy, Varicose Veins
39.95 Renal Dialysis
390 Rheumatic Fever
394 Mitral Stenosis
395 Rheumatic Aortic Stenosis
395.1 Rheumatic Aortic Insufficiency
396.3 Mitral Valve Insufficiency and Aortic Valve Insufficiency
398 Rheumatic Heart Disease, Other
398.9 Rheumatic Heart Disease, Chronic
4 Dysentery (Shigellosis)
4.07 Excision of Morton's Neuroma
4.43 Carpal Tunnel Release
4.44 Tarsal Tunnel Release
4.8 Shigella Infections, Other Specified
4.9 Shigellosis
40 Gas Gangrene (Bacillus)
40.1 Rhinoscleroma
40.89 Toxic Shock Syndrome
401 High Blood Pressure, Malignant
401.1 High Blood Pressure, Benign
402 Hypertensive Heart Disease
402.9 Hypertensive Heart Disease, Unspecified
405 Secondary Hypertension
405.91 Renovascular Hypertension
41 Bone Marrow Transplant
41.31 Bone Marrow Biopsy
41.5 Splenectomy
41.91 Aspiration of Bone Marrow From Donor for Transplant
410 Myocardial Infarction (MI), Acute
410.1 Myocardial Infarction of Other Anterior Wall
410.2 Myocardial Infarction of Inferolateral Wall
410.3 Myocardial Infarction of Inferoposterior Wall
410.4 Myocardial Infarction of Other Inferior Wall
410.5 Myocardial Infarction of Other Lateral Wall
410.6 Myocardial Infarction of True Posterior Wall Infarction
410.7 Myocardial Infarction of Subendocardial Infarction
410.8 Myocardial Infarction of Other Specified Sites
410.9 Myocardial Infarction of Unspecified Site
411.1 Angina, Unstable
413 Angina Pectoris
413.1 Prinzmetal's Angina
413.9 Angina Pectoris, Unspecified
414 Coronary Atherosclerosis
415 Cor Pulmonale, Acute
415.1 Embolism, Pulmonary
416 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
416.1 Kyphoscoliotic Heart Disease
416.8 Chronic Pulmonary Heart Diseases, Other
416.9 Cor Pulmonale, Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease, Unspecified
42 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
42.1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Other Specifi
42.2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection with Specified Malign
42.23 Endoscopy of Gastrointestinal Tract
42.33 Sclerotherapy, Esophageal Varices
42.4 Esophagectomy
42.7 Myotomy of Esophagus
42.9 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Unspecified
42.91 Ligation of Esophageal Varices
42.92 Dilation of Esophagus
420 Pericarditis, Acute
420.9 Pericarditis, Acute
421 Bacterial Endocarditis, Acute and Subacute
421.9 Endocarditis, Acute and Unspecified
422 Myocarditis, Acute
422.9 Myocarditis, Acute
423.2 Pericarditis, Chronic Constrictive
424 Mitral Insufficiency
424.1 Aortic Insufficiency
424.9 Endocarditis, Valve Unspecified
425 Cardiomyopathy
425.1 Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
425.4 Cardiomyopathy, Other Primary
425.9 Secondary Cardiomyopathy, Unspecified
426 Atrioventricular Block, Complete (Third-Degree)
426.11 Atrioventricular Block, Incomplete (First-Degree)
426.12 Atrioventricular Block, Second Degree, Incomplete (Mobitz Ty)
426.13 Atrioventricular Block, Incomplete (Second-Degree)
426.2 Left Bundle Branch Hemiblock
426.3 Left Bundle Branch Block, Other
426.4 Right Bundle Branch Block
426.5 Bundle Branch Block, Other and Unspecified
426.9 Heart Block (Conduction Disorder, Unspecified)
427 Tachycardia, Paroxysmal Supraventricular
427.1 Ventricular Tachycardia
427.2 Paroxysmal Tachycardia, Unspecified
427.3 Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter
427.31 Atrial Fibrillation
427.4 Ventricular Fibrillation and Flutter
427.41 Ventricular Fibrillation
427.5 Cardiac Arrest
427.6 Premature Beats
427.69 Ventricular Premature Contractions
427.8 Cardiac Dysrhythmias, Other specified
427.89 Wandering Atrial Pacemaker
427.9 Arrhythmia
428 Heart Failure, Congestive
428.1 Left Heart Failure
43 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Other Specifi
43.1 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Specified Dis
43.11 Gastrostomy, Percutaneous
43.19 Gastrostomy, Other
43.2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Other Disorde
43.3 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Causing Other Specifi
43.4 Resection of Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer Site
43.5 Partial Gastrectomy with Anastomosis to Esophagus
43.6 Resection of Gastric or Duodenal Ulcer Site
43.7 Partial Gastrectomy with Anastomosis to Jejunum
43.89 Gastrectomy, Partial, Other
43.9 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-Related Complex, Unspecif
43.99 Gastrectomy, Total, Other
430 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (Non-traumatic)
431 Cerebral Hemorrhage
433.1 Carotid Artery Occlusion
435.9 Transient Ischemic Attack
436 Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), Acute, but Ill-Defined
437 Cerebral Atherosclerosis (Cerebrovascular Disease)
437.2 Hypertensive Encephalopathy
437.3 Cerebral Aneurysm (Non-Ruptured)
437.9 Cerebrovascular Disease, Unspecified
44 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
44.01 Vagotomy, Truncal
44.02 Vagotomy, Highly Selective
44.03 Vagotomy, Other Selective
44.13 Gastroscopy, Other (Endoscopy of Stomach)
44.2 Pyloroplasty
44.3 Gastroenterostomy
44.39 Gastroenterostomy, Other
44.9 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Unspecified
440 Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis
440.1 Atherosclerosis of Renal Artery
440.2 Atherosclerosis of Arteries of the Extremities
440.21 Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Intermittent Claudic
440.22 Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Rest Pain
440.23 Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration
440.24 Arteriosclerotic Gangrene
440.29 Atherosclerosis of Arteries of the Extremities, Other
440.8 Atherosclerosis of Other Specified Arteries
440.9 Atherosclerosis, Generalized and Unspecified
441 Aortic Dissection (Dissecting Aneurysm)
441.1 Thoracic Aneurysm, Ruptured
441.2 Thoracic Aneurysm
441.3 Abdominal Aneurysm, Ruptured
441.4 Abdominal Aneurysm
441.5 Aortic Aneurysm of Unspecified Site, Ruptured
441.9 Aortic Aneurysm
443 Raynaud's Phenomenon
443.1 Buerger's Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)
443.9 Peripheral Vascular Disease, Unspecified
444 Arterial Embolism and Thrombosis of Abdominal Aorta
444.1 Arterial Embolism and Thrombosis of Thoracic Aorta
444.2 Arterial Embolism and Thrombosis of Arteries of the Extremit
444.8 Arterial Embolism and Thrombosis of Other Specified Artery
444.9 Embolism and Thrombosis, Arterial and Venous, Unspecified
446 Polyarteritis Nodosa
448 Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiect)
45 Poliomyelitis, Acute (Polio)
45.13 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (Endoscopy of Small Intestine)
45.23 Colonoscopy
45.24 Sigmoidoscopy (Flexible Sigmoidoscopy)
45.25 Biopsy of Large Intestine, Closed (Endoscopy)
45.3 Local Excision or Destruction of Lesion or Tissue of Small I
45.31 Local Excision of Lesion of Duodenum, Other
45.32 Destruction of Lesion of Duodenum, Other
45.7 Colon Resection (Colectomy)
45.71 Resection of Large Intestine, Multiple Segmental
45.72 Cecectomy
45.73 Right Hemicolectomy
45.74 Resection of Transverse Colon
45.75 Left Hemicolectomy
45.76 Sigmoidectomy
45.79 Partial Excision of Large Intestine, Other
451 Thrombophlebitis
453.3 Renal Vein Thrombosis
453.9 Embolism and Thrombosis of Unspecified Site, Other Venous
454 Varicose Ulcer
454.2 Varicose Veins of Lower Extremities with Ulcer and Inflammat
454.9 Varicose Veins
455 Internal Hemorrhoids without Mention of Complication
455.1 Internal Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
455.2 Internal Hemorrhoids with Other Complication
455.3 External Hemorrhoids without Mention of Complication
455.4 External Thrombosed Hemorrhoids
455.5 External Hemorrhoids with Other Complication
455.6 Hemorrhoids without Mention of Complication, Unspecified
455.7 Thrombosed Hemorrhoids, Unspecified
455.8 Hemorrhoids with Other Complication, Unspecified
455.9 Residual Hemorrhoidal Skin Tags
456 Esophageal Varices with Bleeding
456.1 Esophageal Varices without Mention of Bleeding
456.4 Varicocele
457.2 Lymphangitis
458 Hypotension, Orthostatic
458.1 Hypotension, Chronic
458.9 Hypotension, Unspecified
46.1 Colostomy
46.11 Colostomy, Temporary
46.13 Colostomy, Permanent, Other
46.2 Ileostomy, not Otherwise Specified
46.21 Ileostomy, Temporary
46.22 Ileostomy, Continent (Kock Pouch)
46.3 Enterostomy
46.31 Enterostomy, Delayed Opening of
46.32 Jejunostomy, Percutaneous
46.39 Enterostomy, Other
460 Cold (Upper Respiratory Infection)
461 Sinusitis, Maxillary
461.1 Sinusitis, Frontal
461.2 Sinusitis, Ethmoidal
461.3 Sinusitis, Sphenoidal
461.8 Sinusitis, Acute, Other
461.9 Sinusitis, Unspecified
462 Pharyngitis, Acute
463 Tonsillitis, Acute
464 Laryngitis
464.3 Epiglottitis
464.31 Epiglottitis, Acute, with Obstruction
465 Upper Respiratory Infections, Acute, of Multiple or Unspecif
465.9 Upper Respiratory Infection, Acute, Unspecified Site
466 Bronchitis, Acute
47 Appendectomy
470 Deviated Nasal Septum
471 Nasal Polyps
471.9 Nasal Polyp, Unspecified
472 Rhinitis
473.2 Sinusitis, Chronic
473.9 Sinusitis, Chronic, Unspecified
474 Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis
474.1 Hypertrophy of Tonsils and Adenoids
474.12 Hypertrophy of Adenoids Alone
475 Peritonsillar Abscess
477 Allergic Rhinitis due to Pollen
477.8 Allergic Rhinitis due to Other Allergen
477.9 Allergic Rhinitis, Unspecified
478.1 Nasal Septum Perforation
478.79 Abscess, Larynx
48.5 Abdominoperineal Resection of Rectum
48.81 Incision and Drainage of Ischiorectal and/or Perirectal Absc
48.89 Toxic Shock Syndrome
480 Viral Pneumonia
481 Pneumococcal Pneumonia
482 Pneumonia due to Klebsiella Pneumoniae
482.1 Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
482.2 Pneumonia due to Hemophilus Influenzae
482.3 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus
482.4 Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus
482.8 Pneumonia due to Other Specified Bacteria
482.83 Legionnaire's Disease
482.9 Bacterial Pneumonia Unspecified
483 Pneumonia due to Other Specified Organism
484 Pneumonia in Infectious Diseases Classified Elsewhere
485 Bronchopneumonia, Organism Unspecified
486 Pneumonia, Organism Unspecified
487 Influenza with Pneumonia
487.1 Influenza with Other Respiratory Manifestations
487.8 Influenza with Other Manifestations
49.01 Incision and Drainage of Ischiorectal and/or Perirectal Absc
49.3 Fissurectomy, Anal
49.42 Sclerotherapy
49.44 Hemorrhoid Treatment (Destruction of Hemorrhoids by Cryother)
49.45 Hemorrhoid Treatment
49.46 Hemorrhoid Treatment (Excision of Hemorrhoids)
491 Chronic Bronchitis, Simple
491.1 Chronic Bronchitis, Mucopurulent
491.2 Chronic Bronchitis, Obstructive
491.21 Chronic Bronchitis, Obstructive, with Acute Exacerbation
491.8 Bronchitis, Chronic, Other
491.9 Bronchitis, Chronic, Unspecified
492 Emphysema
492.8 Emphysema, Other
493 Asthma
493.1 Asthma, Intrinsic
493.2 Asthma, Chronic Obstructive
493.9 Asthma, Unspecified
494 Bronchiectasis
495 Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis
495.1 Bagassosis
495.9 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
496 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
5 Staphylococcal Food Poisoning
5.1 Botulism
5.2 Food Poisoning due to Clostridium Perfringens
5.3 Food Poisoning due to Other Clostridia
5.35 Celiac Plexus Block
5.4 Food Poisoning due to Vibrio Parahaemolyticus
5.8 Bacterial Food Poisoning, Other
5.9 Food Poisoning, Unspecified
50.11 Liver Biopsy
501 Asbestosis
502 Silicosis
503 Siderosis
504 Byssinosis
505 Pneumoconiosis
507 Pneumonitis due to Solids and Liquids
51.2 Cholecystectomy
51.22 Cholecystectomy
51.23 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
510 Empyema with Fistula
510.9 Empyema without Mention of Fistula
511 Pleurisy
511.1 Pleurisy with Effusion, with Mention of Bacterial Cause Othe
511.9 Pleural Effusion, Unspecified
512 Pneumothorax
512.8 Pneumothorax, Other Spontaneous
513 Lung Abscess
514 Pulmonary Edema
515 Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
518 Lung Collapse
518.5 Respiratory Failure due to Trauma, Surgery or Shock
518.81 Respiratory Failure
52 Chickenpox (Varicella)
52.1 Varicella (Hemorrhagic) Pneumonitis
52.5 Pancreatectomy, Partial
52.51 Proximal Pancreatectomy
52.52 Distal Pancreatectomy
52.53 Radical Subtotal Pancreatectomy
52.59 Pancreatectomy, Other, Partial
52.6 Pancreatectomy, Total
52.7 Pancreaticoduodenectomy
52.8 Chickenpox with Unspecified Complication
52.9 Chickenpox (Varicella without Mention of Complication)
52.96 Pancreaticojejunostomy
520 Disorders of Tooth Development and Eruption
520.6 Impacted Tooth
520.9 Dental Disorders
521 Dental Caries
521.7 Posteruptive Color Changes
521.9 Disease of Hard Tissues of Teeth, Unspecified
522.5 Dentoalveolar Abscess
522.7 Periapical Abscess with Sinus
523 Gingivitis, Acute
523.1 Gingivitis, Chronic
523.3 Gingival Abscess
523.4 Periodontitis, Chronic
524 Dentofacial Anomalies, Including Malocclusion
524.3 Impacted Tooth with Abnormal Position
524.6 Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, Unspecified (TMJ Syndrome)
527.5 Salivary Gland Stones
528.3 Ludwig's Angina
53 Herpes Zoster
53.1 Bilateral Repair of Inguinal Hernia
53.2 Unilateral Repair of Femoral Hernia
53.3 Bilateral Repair of Femoral Hernia
53.4 Hernia Repair, Umbilical
53.5 Hernia Repair, Incisional
53.7 Hernia Repair, Hiatal or Diaphragmatic
53.9 Herpes Zoster, Unspecified (Shingles without Mention of Comp)
530 Achalasia
530.1 Esophagitis, Unspecified
530.11 Reflux Esophagitis
530.19 Esophagitis, Other
530.3 Esophageal Strictures
530.5 Esophageal Spasm
530.6 Esophageal Diverticula
530.7 Mallory-Weiss Syndrome
530.81 Gastroesophageal Reflux
533 Peptic Ulcer, Site Unspecified
533.1 Acute Peptic Ulcer with Perforation
533.2 Acute Peptic Ulcer with Hemorrhage and Perforation
533.3 Acute Peptic Ulcer without Mention of Hemorrhage or Perforat
533.4 Chronic or Unspecified Peptic Ulcer with Hemorrhage
533.5 Chronic or Unspecified Peptic Ulcer with Perforation
533.6 Chronic or Unspecified Peptic Ulcer with Hemorrhage and Perf
533.7 Chronic Peptic Ulcer without Mention of Hemorrhage or Perfor
533.9 Peptic Ulcer Unspecified as Acute or Chronic, without Mentio
535 Gastritis
535.1 Atrophic Gastritis
535.3 Alcoholic Gastritis
535.4 Gastritis, Other Specified
535.6 Duodenitis
536 Achlorhydria, Hypochlorhydria
536.8 Dyspepsia
537 Pyloric Stenosis, Acquired (Adult) Hypertrophic
537.81 Pylorospasm
54 Herpes Simplex
54.1 Genital Herpes
54.11 Exploratory Laparotomy
54.12 Reopening of Recent Laparotomy Site
54.19 Laparotomy, Other
54.2 Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
54.21 Laparoscopy
54.3 Herpetic Meningoencephalitis
54.4 Herpetic Septicemia
54.43 Herpes Simplex Disciform Keratitis
54.5 Herpetic Septicemia
54.6 Herpetic Whitlow
54.7 Herpes Simplex with Other Specified Complications
54.8 Herpes Simplex with Unspecified Complication
54.9 Herpes Simplex
54.91 Paracentesis
540 Appendicitis, Acute
540.1 Acute Appendicitis with Peritoneal Abscess
540.9 Appendicitis, Acute, without Mention of Peritonitis
541 Appendicitis, Unqualified
542 Appendicitis, Other
55 Measles
55.01 Nephrotomy
55.03 Lithotomy, Percutaneous
55.1 Postmeasles Pneumonia
55.2 Postmeasles Otitis Media
55.4 Nephrectomy, Partial
55.5 Nephrectomy, Total
55.6 Kidney Transplant
55.69 Kidney Transplant (including donor)
55.7 Measles with Other Specified Complications
55.8 Measles with Unspecified Complication
55.9 Rubeola
550 Inguinal Hernia
550.01 Unilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Gangrene, Recurrent
550.02 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Gangrene
550.03 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Gangrene, Recurrent
550.1 Unilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Obstruction, without Mentio
550.11 Unilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Obstruction, without Mentio
550.12 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Obstruction, without Mention
550.13 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, with Gangrene, Recurrent
550.9 Unilateral Inguinal Hernia, without Mention of Obstruction o
550.91 Unilateral Inguinal Hernia, without Mention of Obstruction o
550.92 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, without Mention of Obstruction or
550.93 Bilateral Inguinal Hernia, without Mention of Obstruction or
551 Femoral Hernia with Gangrene
551.1 Umbilical Hernia with Gangrene
551.2 Ventral Hernia with Gangrene
551.3 Diaphragmatic Hernia with Gangrene
552 Femoral Hernia with Obstruction
552.1 Umbilical Hernia with Obstruction
552.2 Ventral Hernia with Obstruction
552.3 Diaphragmatic Hernia with Obstruction
553 Femoral Hernia, Unilateral or Unspecified
553.01 Femoral Hernia, Unilateral or Unspecified, Recurrent
553.02 Femoral Hernia, Bilateral
553.03 Femoral Hernia, Bilateral, Recurrent
553.1 Umbilical Hernia
553.2 Ventral Hernia
553.21 Ventral Hernia, Incisional
553.3 Hernia, Hiatal
555 Regional Enteritis, Small Intestine (Ileitis)
555.1 Regional Enteritis, Large Intestine
555.2 Regional Enteritis, Small Intestine with Large Intestine
555.9 Crohn's Disease
556 Ulcerative Colitis
558 Gastroenteritis and Colitis, Non-Infectious
558.1 Gastroenteritis and Colitis due to Radiation
558.2 Toxic Gastroenteritis and Colitis
558.9 Gastroenteritis, Non-Infectious
56 Rubella (German Measles)
56.2 Lithotomy, Ureter
56.7 Rubella with Other Specified Complications
56.8 Rubella with Unspecified Complications
56.9 Rubella without Mention of Complication
560 Intestinal Obstruction without Mention of Hernia
560.1 Paralytic Ileus
560.2 Volvulus
560.3 Impaction of Intestine
560.8 Intestinal Obstruction, Other Specified
560.9 Intestinal Obstruction, Unspecified (Bowel Obstruction)
562 Diverticula of Intestine
562.1 Diverticulosis of Colon (without Mention of Hemorrhage)
562.11 Diverticulitis of Colon (without Mention of Hemorrhage)
564 Constipation
564.1 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
564.2 Dumping Syndrome (Post-Gastric Syndrome)
564.3 Vomiting Following Gastrointestinal Surgery
564.4 Postoperative Functional Disorders, Other
564.5 Functional Diarrhea
564.8 Functional Disorders of Intestine, Other Specified
564.9 Intestinal Upset
565 Anal Fissure and/or Ulcer
565.1 Anorectal Fistula
566 Perirectal Abscess
567 Peritonitis
567.2 Psoas Abscess
567.8 Peritonitis, Other Specified
567.9 Peritonitis, Unspecified
568 Abdominal Adhesions
569 Anal and Rectal Polyps
569.3 Hemorrhage of Rectum and Anus
569.41 Rectal Ulcer
569.42 Anal or Rectal Pain
57 Transurethral Clearance of Bladder
57.19 Lithotomy of Urinary Bladder
57.32 Cystoscopy, Transurethral
57.33 Closed Biopsy of Bladder
57.6 Cystectomy, Partial
57.7 Cystectomy, Total
57.71 Cystectomy, Radical
57.85 Cystourethroplasty of Bladder Neck
57.91 Transurethral Incision of Bladder Neck
57.94 Urethral Catheterization, Indwelling
571 Liver Disease and Cirrhosis, Chronic
571.1 Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis
571.2 Alcoholic Cirrhosis of Liver
571.3 Alcoholic Liver Damage, Unspecified
571.4 Hepatitis, Chronic
571.5 Cirrhosis of the Liver without Mention of Alcohol
571.6 Biliary Cirrhosis
571.8 Nonalcoholic Liver Disease, Chronic
571.9 Liver Disease without Mention of Alcohol, Chronic Unspecifie
572 Liver Abscess
572.2 Hepatic Coma
572.8 Chronic Liver Disease, Other Sequelae
573 Passive Congestion of Liver, Chronic
573.3 Hepatitis, Unspecified
573.4 Hepatic Infarction
573.8 Disorders of Liver, Other Specified
573.9 Liver Disease
574 Cholelithiasis
574.1 Calculus of Gallbladder with Other Cholecystitis
574.2 Calculus of Gallbladder without Mention of Cholecystitis
574.3 Calculus of Bile Duct with Acute Cholecystitis
574.4 Calculus of Bile Duct with Other Cholecystitis
574.5 Calculus of Bile Duct without Mention of Cholecystitis
575 Cholecystitis
575.1 Cholecystitis, Other Chronic
577 Pancreatitis, Acute
577.1 Pancreatitis, Chronic
577.2 Pancreatic Cyst and Pseudocyst
578 Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
578.1 Blood in Stool
578.9 Hemorrhage of Gastrointestinal Tract, Unspecified
581 Nephrotic Syndrome
581.1 Nephrotic Syndrome with Lesion of Membranous Glomerulonephri
581.2 Nephrotic Syndrome with Lesion of Membranoproliferative Glom
581.3 Nephrotic Syndrome with Lesion of Minimal Change Glomerulone
581.8 Nephrotic Syndrome, Other
581.9 Nephrotic Syndrome with Unspecified Pathological Lesion in K
582 Glomerulonephritis, Chronic
582.1 Glomerulosclerosis, Chronic, with Lesion of Membranes
583 Nephritis and Nephropathy, with Lesion of Proliferative Glom
583.1 Nephritis and Nephropathy, with Lesion of Membranous Glomeru
583.89 Nephritis and Nephropathy, Interstitial
583.9 Nephritis and Nephropathy with Unspecified Pathological Lesi
584 Renal Failure, Acute
584.5 Acute Renal Failure with Lesion of Tubular Necrosis
584.6 Acute Renal Failure with Lesion of Renal Cortical Necrosis
584.7 Acute Renal Failure with Lesion of Renal Medullary Necrosis
584.8 Acute Renal Failure with Other Specified Pathological Lesion
584.9 Acute Renal Failure, Unspecified
585 Renal Failure (Kidney Failure), Chronic
587 Renal Sclerosis, Unspecified
59.5 Marshall-Marchetti Operation
59.71 Vesicourethropexy
590 Pyelonephritis, Chronic
590.1 Pyelonephritis, Acute
590.2 Renal and Perinephric Abscess
590.8 Pyelonephritis (Pyelitis), Unspecified
590.9 Infection of Kidney, Unspecified
591 Hydronephrosis
592 Calculus, Renal (Kidney and Ureter)
592.1 Calculus of Ureter
592.9 Urinary Calculus, Unspecified
594 Calculus of Lower Urinary Tract
594.1 Calculus in Bladder, Other
594.2 Calculus in Urethra
595 Cystitis
595.1 Cystitis, Interstitial
596.1 Intestinovesical Fistula
596.2 Bladder Fistula (Vesical Fistula not Elsewhere Classified)
596.54 Neurogenic Bladder
597 Urethritis, not Sexually Transmitted and Urethral Syndrome
599 Pyuria (Urinary Tract Infection), Site not Specified
599.3 Caruncle of the Urethra, Benign
599.7 Hematuria
6 Amebiasis
6.1 Chronic Intestinal Amebiasis without Mention of Abscess
6.2 Amebic Nondysenteric Colitis
6.3 Amebic Liver Abscess
6.31 Excision of Lesion of Thyroid
6.39 Thyroidectomy, Other Partial
6.4 Amebic Lung Abscess
6.5 Amebic Brain Abscess
6.6 Amebic Skin Ulceration
6.8 Amebic Infection of Other Sites
6.9 Amebiasis
60 Yellow Fever
60.1 Urban Yellow Fever
60.2 Prostatectomy, Transurethral
60.3 Prostatectomy, Suprapubic
60.4 Prostatectomy, Retropubic
60.62 Prostatectomy, Perineal
60.9 Jungle Yellow Fever
60.95 Transurethral Balloon Dilation of Prostatic Urethra
600 Prostatic Hypertrophy (Benign Hyperplasia of the Prostate)
601 Prostatitis (Inflammatory Disease of the Prostate)
601.1 Prostatitis, Chronic
601.2 Abscess of Prostate
601.3 Prostatocystitis
601.8 Inflammatory Diseases of Prostate, Other Specified
601.9 Prostatitis, Unspecified
603 Hydrocele
603.1 Hydrocele, Infected
603.9 Hydrocele, Unspecified
604 Orchitis
604.9 Epididymitis
606 Infertility, Male
606.9 Male Infertility, Unspecified
607 Disorders of Penis
607.2 Inflammatory Disorders of Penis, Other
607.8 Penis, Disorders of
607.84 Impotence of Organic Origin
608.1 Spermatocele
608.89 Male Climacteric
61 Dengue Fever
610 Benign Mammary Dysplasia
610.1 Fibrocystic Breast Disease (Diffuse Cystic Mastopathy)
611 Abscess, Breast (Inflammatory Disease of Breast)
611.1 Gynecomastia (Hypertrophy of Breast)
614 Salpingitis and Oophoritis, Acute
614.1 Chronic Salpingitis and Oophoritis, Chronic
614.2 Salpingitis and Oophoritis not Specified as Acute, Subacute,
614.3 Parametritis and Pelvic Cellulitis, Acute
614.4 Parametritis and Pelvic Cellulitis, Chronic or Unspecified
614.5 Acute or Unspecified Pelvic Peritonitis, Female
614.6 Pelvic Peritoneal Adhesions, Female
614.7 Chronic Pelvic Peritonitis, Female
614.9 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
616 Cervicitis and Endocervicitis
616.1 Vaginitis, Nonspecific
616.2 Cyst of Bartholin's Gland
616.3 Bartholin's Gland Infection
617 Endometriosis
617.1 Endometriosis of Ovary
617.2 Endometriosis of Fallopian Tube
617.3 Endometriosis of Pelvic Peritoneum
617.4 Endometriosis of Rectovaginal Septum and Vagina
617.5 Endometriosis of Intestine
617.6 Endometriosis in Scar of Skin
617.8 Endometriosis of Other Specified Sites
617.9 Endometriosis, Site Unspecified
618 Cystocele, Rectocele and Urethrocele (Prolapse of Vaginal Wa)
618.2 Uterovaginal Prolapse, Incomplete
618.3 Uterovaginal Prolapse, Complete
618.4 Uterovaginal Prolapse, Unspecified
619 Vesicovaginal Fistula (Female Urinary-Genital Tract Fistula)
62 Mosquito-Borne Viral Encephalitis
62.1 Western Equine Encephalomyelitis
62.2 Eastern Equine Encephalitis
62.3 St. Louis Encephalitis
62.8 Orchiectomy
62.9 Equine Encephalitis (Mosquito-Borne Viral Encephalitis, Unsp)
620 Follicular Cyst of Ovary
620.1 Corpus Luteum Cyst or Hematoma
620.2 Ovarian Cyst, Benign
620.8 Hematosalpinx (Other NonInflammatory Disorders of Ovary, Fal)
621 Uterine Polyps (Polyp of Corpus Uteri)
622.1 Cervical Dysplasia
622.7 Cervical Polyps
625.2 Menorrhagia
625.3 Dysmenorrhea
625.4 Premenstrual Syndrome
625.6 Urinary Incontinence in Women Stress Incontinence)
626 Amenorrhea (Absence of Menstruation)
626.1 Scanty or Infrequent Menstruation
626.2 Menorrhagia (Excessive or Frequent Menstruation)
626.4 Irregular Menstruation
626.5 Ovulation Bleeding
626.6 Metrorrhagia
626.8 Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
626.9 Menstrual Disorders
627.1 Postmenopausal Bleeding
627.2 Menopause (Female Climacteric States)
627.3 Postmenopausal Atrophic Vaginitis
627.8 Menopausal and Postmenopausal Disorders, Other Specified
627.9 Menopausal Disorder, Unspecified
628 Infertility, Female
628.2 Infertility, Female, of Tubal Origin
628.3 Infertility, Female, of Uterine Origin
628.4 Infertility, Female, of Cervical of Vaginal Origin
628.8 Infertility, Female, of Other Specified Origin
628.9 Infertility, Female, Unspecified
63.1 Ligation of Spermatic Vein for Varicocele
63.2 Spermatocelectomy
63.7 Vasectomy and Ligation of Vas Deferens
63.71 Ligation of Vas Deferens
63.72 Ligation of Spermatic Cord
63.73 Vasectomy
630 Hydatidiform Mole
633 Ectopic Pregnancy
633.1 Tubal Pregnancy
633.2 Ovarian Pregnancy
633.8 Ectopic Pregnancy, Other
633.9 Ectopic Pregnancy, Unspecified
634 Miscarriage (Spontaneous Abortion)
634.9 Abortion without Mention of Complication, Unspecified
634.92 Abortion without Mention of Complication, Complete
637.2 Damage to Pelvic Organs by Abortion
639.2 Uterus, Perforation of (Damage to Pelvic Organs and Tissues)
64 Viral Encephalitis Transmitted by Other and Unspecified Arth
64.2 Cryotherapy, Genital Warts (Male), Destruction of Lesion on
64.97 Insertion of Inflatable Penile Prosthesis
640 Threatened Abortion
641.1 Hemorrhage From Placenta Previa
641.11 Hemorrhage From Placenta Previa, Delivered, with or without
641.13 Hemorrhage From Placenta Previa, Antepartum Condition or Com
641.2 Abruptio Placentae (Premature Separation of Placenta)
641.21 Premature Separation of Placenta, Delivered, with or without
641.23 Premature Separation of Placenta, Antepartum Condition or Co
642.4 Mild or Unspecified Pre-eclampsia (Toxemia of Pregnancy)
642.5 Severe Pre-eclampsia
642.6 Eclampsia
643 Excessive Vomiting in Pregnancy (Hyperemesis Gravidarum)
643.1 Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Metabolic Disturbance
644 Premature Labor (Early or Threatened Labor)
644.2 Early Onset of Delivery (Premature Labor)
648.2 Anemia Complicating Pregnancy
648.6 Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy
648.8 Gestational Diabetes (Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Pregnanc)
65.2 Ovarian Cyst, Resection of
65.3 Oophorectomy
65.4 Salpingo-oophorectomy
65.5 Oophorectomy, Bilateral
65.51 Removal of Both Ovaries at Same Operative Episode
65.52 Removal of Remaining Ovary
65.6 Salpingo-oophorectomy, Bilateral
65.61 Removal of Both Ovaries and Tubes at Same Operative Episode
65.62 Removal Ovary and Tube
650 Pregnancy, Normal (Delivery in a Completely Normal Case)
651 Multiple Gestation (Multiple Pregnancy)
651.1 Triplet Pregnancy, Unspecified as to Episode of Care or not
651.2 Quadruplet Pregnancy, Unspecified as to Episode of Care or n
656.1 Rh Incompatibility (Rhesus Isoimmunization, Erythroblastosis)
658.1 Premature Rupture of Membranes
658.13 Premature Rupture of Membranes, Antepartum Condition or Comp
66.1 Colorado Tick Fever
66.2 Bilateral Endoscopic Destruction of Fallopian Tubes (Tubal L)
66.4 Salpingectomy
66.5 Total Bilateral Salpingectomy
66.51 Removal of Both Fallopian Tubes at Same Operative Episode
66.52 Removal of Remaining Fallopian Tube
66.6 Salpingectomy, Other
66.61 Excision or Destruction of Legion of Fallopian Tube
66.62 Salpingectomy with Removal of Tubal Pregnancy
66.63 Bilateral Partial Salpingectomy, not Otherwise Specified
66.69 Partial Salpingectomy, Other
666 Third-Stage Hemorrhage
667 Placenta Accreta (Retained Placenta or Membranes, without He)
667.1 Retained Portions of Placenta or Membranes, without Hemorrha
67.11 Cervical Biopsy
67.2 Cervical Conization
67.32 Cervical Cauterization
67.39 Cervical Polypectomy
675.2 Postpartum Mastitis (Nonpurulent Mastitis)
68.29 Myomectomy, Uterine (Abdominal Approach)
68.3 Subtotal Abdominal Hysterectomy
68.4 Hysterectomy, Abdominal
68.5 Hysterectomy, Vaginal
68.7 Hysterectomy, Radical
68.9 Hysterectomy, Other and Unspecified
680 Carbuncle and Furuncle
680.1 Carbuncle of Neck
680.2 Carbuncle of Trunk
680.5 Carbuncle of Buttock
680.9 Carbuncle and Furuncle of Unspecified Sites
682.2 Cellulitis and Abscess of Trunk (Including Breast)
682.3 Cellulitis and Abscess of Upper Arm and Forearm (Including A)
682.4 Cellulitis and Abscess of Hand, Except Fingers and Thumb (Pa)
682.9 Abscess, Unspecified
683 Lymphadenitis, Acute
684 Impetigo
685 Pilonidal Cyst
685.1 Pilonidal Cyst without Mention of Abscess
69 Dilation and Curettage
69.01 Abortion by Dilation and Curretage for Termination of Pregna
69.5 Aspiration Curretage of the Uterus
69.51 Aspiration Curettage of Uterus for Termination Pregnancy
69.52 Aspiration Curettage Following Delivery or Abortion
69.59 Aspiration Curettage of Uterus, Other
691.8 Atopic Dermatitis
692 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema
692.1 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Oils and Greases
692.2 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Solvents
692.3 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Drugs and Medicin
692.4 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Other Chemical Pr
692.6 Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac, or Other Plant Dermatitis
692.71 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Sunburn
692.81 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Cosmetics
692.82 Radiodermatitis
692.83 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema due to Metals
692.89 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema
692.9 Contact Dermatitis and Other Eczema, Unspecified Cause
693 Dermatitis due to Substances Taken Internally
694.4 Pemphigus
695.1 Erythema Multiforme
695.2 Erythema Nodosum
696 Psoriatic Arthritis
696.1 Psoriasis, Other
696.3 Pityriasis Rosea
698 Prurutus Ani (Perianal Itch)
7 Protozoal Intestinal Diseases, Other
7.1 Giardiasis
7.21 Adrenalectomy
7.3 Intestinal Trichomoniasis
7.8 Protozoal Intestinal Diseases, Other Specified
7.9 Protozoal Intestinal Disease, Unspecified
70 Viral Hepatitis
70.1 Hepatitis, Viral Type A without Mention of Hepatic Coma
70.2 Hepatitis, Viral Type B with Hepatic Coma
70.22 Culdoscopy
70.3 Hepatitis, Viral Type B without Mention of Hepatic Coma
70.41 Hepatitis, Viral Type C with Hepatic Coma, Other Specified
70.5 Hepatitis, Viral Type C without Mention of Hepatic Coma, Oth
70.51 Repair of Cystocele
70.52 Repair of Rectocele
70.71 Suture of Laceration of Vagina
70.8 Obliteration of Vaginal Vault
70.9 Hepatitis, Viral without Mention of Hepatic Coma, Unspecifie
700 Corns and Calluses, Infected
701.4 Keloid
703 Toenail, Ingrown
704.01 Alopecia Areata
704.8 Folliculitis and Other Specified Diseases of Hair and Hair F
706.1 Acne, Other
706.2 Sebaceous Cyst
707 Decubitus Ulcer
707.9 Chronic Ulcer of Unspecified Sites
708 Urticaria
709.01 Vitiligo
71 Rabies
71.3 Cryotherapy, Genital Warts (Female)
71.71 Suture of Laceration of Vulva or Perineum
710 Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
710.1 Scleroderma
710.2 Sicca Syndrome (Sjogren's Disease)
710.3 Dermatomyositis
711 Pyogenic Arthritis
711.9 Arthritis, Infectious
714 Rheumatoid Arthritis
714.1 Felty's Syndrome
715 Osteoarthritis and Allied Disorders
715.1 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Site Unspecified
715.11 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Shoulder Region
715.12 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Upper Arm
715.13 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Forearm
715.14 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Hand
715.15 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Pelvic Region and Thigh
715.16 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Lower Leg
715.17 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Ankle and Foot
715.18 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Other Specified Sites
715.19 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Primary, Multiple Sites
715.2 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Site Unspecified
715.21 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Shoulder Region
715.22 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Upper Arm
715.23 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Forearm
715.24 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Hand
715.25 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Pelvic Region and Thig
715.26 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Lower Leg
715.27 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Ankle and Foot
715.28 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Other Specified Sites
715.29 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, Secondary, Multiple Sites
715.3 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.31 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.32 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.33 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.34 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.35 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.36 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.37 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.38 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.39 Osteoarthrosis, Localized, not Specified Whether Primary or
715.8 Osteoarthrosis Involving, or with Mention of More Than one S
715.9 Osteoarthrosis, Unspecified Whether Generalized or Localized
717 Internal Derangement of Knee
717.1 Derangement of Anterior Horn of Medial Meniscus
717.2 Derangement of Posterior Horn of Medial Meniscus
717.3 Other and Unspecified Derangement of Medial Meniscus
717.4 Derangement of Lateral Meniscus
717.5 Derangement of Meniscus, not Elsewhere Classified
717.6 Loose Bodies, Knee
717.7 Patella Chondromalacia
719 Joint Disorders
719.4 Joint Pain, Site Unspecified
719.41 Joint Pain, Shoulder Region
719.42 Joint Pain, Upper Arm and Elbow
719.43 Joint Pain, Forearm and Wrist
719.44 Joint Pain, Hand
719.45 Joint Pain, Pelvic Region and Thigh
719.46 Joint Pain, Lower Leg and Knee
719.47 Joint Pain, Ankle and Foot
719.49 Joint Pain, Multiple Sites
719.9 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Site Unspecified
719.91 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Shoulder Region
719.92 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Upper Arm and Elbow
719.93 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Forearm and Wrist
719.94 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Hand
719.95 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Pelvic Region and Thigh
719.96 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Lower Leg and Knee
719.97 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Ankle and Foot
719.98 Disorders of Joint, Other Specified
719.99 Disorder of Joint, Unspecified, Multiple Sites
72 Mumps
72.1 Mumps Meningitis
72.2 Mumps Encephalitis
72.3 Mumps Pancreatitis
72.7 Mumps with Other Specified Complications (Hepatitis, Polyneu)
72.8 Mumps with Unspecified Complication
72.9 Mumps without Mention of Complication, Unspecified
720 Ankylosing Spondylitis
720.9 Spondylitis (Unspecified Inflammatory Spondylopathy)
722 Intervertebral Disc Disorders
722.1 Displacement, Lumbar Intervertebral Disc without Myelopathy
722.11 Displacement, Thoracic Intervertebral Disc without Myelopath
722.2 Displacement of Intervertebral Disc without Myelopathy, Site
722.3 Schmorl's Nodes
722.4 Degeneration, Cervical Intervertebral Disc
722.51 Degeneration, Thoracic or Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disc
722.52 Degeneration, Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
722.71 Cervical Disc Disorder with Myelopathy
722.72 Thoracic Disc Disorder with Myelopathy
722.73 Lumbar Disc Disorder with Myelopathy
722.8 Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, Unspecified Region
722.81 Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, Cervical Region
722.82 Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, Thoracic Region
722.83 Post-Laminectomy Syndrome, Lumbar Region
722.9 Disc Disorder, Other and Unspecified, Unspecified Region
722.91 Disc Disorder, Other and Unspecified, Cervical Region
722.92 Disc Disorder, Other and Unspecified, Thoracic Region
722.93 Disc Disorder, Other and Unspecified, Lumbar Region
723.1 Neck Pain
723.2 Cervicocranial Syndrome
723.3 Cervicobrachial Syndrome
723.4 Brachial Neuropathy
723.5 Torticollis
724 Spinal Stenosis
724.02 Spinal Stenosis, Lumbar Region
724.1 Thoracic Spine Pain
724.2 Low Back Pain (Lumbago)
724.3 Sciatica
724.4 Thoracic or Lumbosacral Neuropathy and Radiculopathy, Unspec
724.5 Back Pain
724.79 Coccygodynia
726 Adhesive Capsulitis of Shoulder
726.1 Disorders of Bursae and Tendons in Shoulder Region, Unspecif
726.11 Calcifying Tendinitis of Shoulder
726.12 Biceps Tendinitis
726.2 Impingement Syndrome
726.31 Epicondylitis, Medial
726.32 Epicondylitis, Lateral
726.7 Metatarsalgia
726.71 Achilles Bursitis or Tendinitis
726.73 Heel Spur (Calcaneal)
726.9 Enthesopathy of Unspecified Site
727 Synovitis and Tenosynovitis, Unspecified
727.03 Trigger Finger or Thumb
727.04 Radial Styloid Tenosynovitis
727.1 Bunion
727.2 Repetitive Strain Injury (Specific Bursidites Often of Occup)
727.3 Bursitis, Other
727.4 Synovial Cyst, Unspecified
727.41 Ganglion of Joint
727.42 Ganglion of Tendon Sheath
727.43 Ganglion, Unspecified
727.51 Baker's Cyst (Synovial Cyst of Popliteal Space)
727.61 Rotator Cuff Tear (Ruptured Rotator Cuff)
727.62 Ruptured Biceps Tendon (Traumatic and Non-Traumatic)
728.2 Atophy and Muscular Wasting not classified Elsewhere
728.6 Dupuytren's Contracture (Contracture of Palmar Fascia)
728.71 Plantar Fasciitis (Plantar Fascial Fibromatosis)
728.85 Muscle Spasm
728.89 Eosinophilic Fasciitis (Other Disorders of Muscle, Ligament,)
729 Rheumatism, Unspecified, and Fibrositis
729.1 Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome
729.2 Neuropathy and Radiculopathy
729.5 Pain in Limb
73.59 Delivery, Assisted Spontaneous
73.6 Episiotomy
730 Osteomyelitis, Acute
730.1 Osteomyelitis, Chronic
730.2 Osteomyelitis, Unspecified
731 Paget's Disease of Bone (Osteitis Deformans without Mention)
732.7 Osteochondritis Dissecans
733 Osteoporosis, Unspecified
733.13 Fracture, Vertebra (Pathological)
733.4 Avascular Necrosis
733.42 Aseptic Necrosis of Head and Neck of Femur
733.6 Costochondritis (Tietze's Disease)
733.8 Malunion and Nonunion of Fracture
733.81 Malunion of Fracture
733.82 Nonunion of Fracture
735 Hallux Valgus, Acquired
735.2 Hallux Rigidus, Acquired
735.4 Hammertoe, Acquired
737 Curvature of the Spine
737.1 Kyphosis
737.2 Lordosis
737.3 Scoliosis, Idiopathic
737.8 Curvatures of Spine, Other
737.9 Curvature of the Spine, Acquired, Unspecified
738.4 Spondylolisthesis, Acquired or Degenerative
74 Cesarean Section and Removal of Fetus
74.1 Cesarean Section, Low Cervical
74.4 Cesarean Section, Extraperitoneal
74.9 Cesarean Section of Unspecified Type
74.99 Cesarean Section, Other of Unspecified Type
746.4 Congenital Stenosis of Aortic Valve
747.1 Coarctation of Aorta
747.6 Arteriovenous Aneurysm
75 Mononucleosis, Infectious
750.4 Esophageal Diverticula
751 Meckel's Diverticulum
752.11 Paraovarian Cyst (Embryonic Cyst of Fallopian Tubes and Broa)
754.1 Certain Congenital Musculoskeletal Deformities of Sternoclei
754.52 Metatarsus Primus Varus
755.66 Hallux Rigidus, Congenital
756.11 Spondylolysis, Lumbar Region
756.12 Spondylolisthesis
76 Trachoma
76.1 Trachoma, Active Stage
76.9 Trachoma, Unspecified
77.5 Metatarsal Head, Removal
77.51 Bunionectomy with Soft Tissue Correction and Osteotomy of th
77.53 Bunionectomy, Other, with Soft Tissue Correction (McBride Op)
77.56 Hammertoe Repair
77.58 Excision, Fusion, and Repair of Toes
77.59 Bunionectomy, Other (Mayo or Keller Operation)
77.68 Excision of Bone Spur, Foot
77.91 Rib Resection
773 Hemolytic Disease of Fetus or Newborn, due to Isoimmunizatio
773.1 Hemolytic Disease due to ABO Isoimmunization
773.2 Hemolytic Disease due to Other and Unspecified Isoimmunizati
78 Bone Graft
78.1 Warts, Viral
78.19 Warts, Genital
78.3 Cat Scratch Disease
78.6 Removal of Implanted Devices From Bone, Unspecified Site
780.01 Coma
780.2 Syncope
780.3 Convulsions
780.4 Dizziness and Giddiness
780.51 Insomnia with Sleep Apnea
780.6 Fever
780.7 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
781 Tremor (Abnormal Involuntary Movements)
781.7 Tetany
782 Paresthesia
782.4 Jaundice
784 Headache
784.7 Epistaxis (Nosebleed)
785.1 Palpitations
785.2 Heart Murmur (Undiagnosed Cardiac Murmurs)
785.4 Gangrene
785.5 Shock
785.51 Cardiogenic Shock
785.59 Septic Shock
785.6 Lymphadenopathy
786.3 Hemoptysis
786.5 Chest Pain, Unspecified
786.52 Pleurodynia
787 Nausea and Vomiting
787.9 Symptoms Involving Digestive System, Other
788.3 Incontinence with Physical Activity
788.31 Urge Incontinence
788.33 Stress Incontinence
788.34 Incontinence without Sensory Awareness
788.35 Post-Void Dribbling
788.36 Nocturnal Enuresis
788.37 Continuous Leakage
788.39 Neurogenic Incontinence
789 Abdominal Pain
789.2 Splenomegaly
789.5 Ascites
79 Reduction of Fracture or Dislocation
79.02 Reduction of Distal Radial Fracture without Internal Fixatio
79.03 Reduction of Metacarpal Fracture without Internal Fixation,
79.04 Reduction of Fracture of Phalanges of Hand without Internal
79.06 Reduction of Fracture of Tibia without Internal Fixation, Cl
79.07 Reduction of Tarsal or Metatarsal Fracture, Closed
79.08 Reduction of Toe (Phalanges of Foot) Fracture without Intern
79.09 Reduction of Rib Fracture without Internal Fixation, Closed
79.13 Reduction of Fracture of Carpals and Metacarpals (Bones of H)
79.14 Reduction of Fracture of Phalanges of Hand (Fingers) with In
79.23 Reduction of Fracture of Carpals and Metacarpals (Bones of H)
79.24 Reduction of Fracture of Phalanges of Hand (Fingers), Open
79.26 Reduction of Tibia or Fibula (Leg) Fracture, Open
79.27 Reduction of Tarsal or Metatarsal (Ankle) Fracture without I
79.33 Reduction of Fracture of Carpal or Metacarpal (Bones of Hand)
79.34 Reduction of Fracture of Phalanges of Hand (Fingers) with In
79.36 Reduction of Fracture Tibia or Fibula (Leg) with Internal Fi
79.37 Reduction of Tarsal or Metatarsal Fracture with Internal Fix
79.71 Reduction of Humerus (Shoulder) Dislocation, Closed
79.72 Reduction of Radius and Ulna (Elbow) Dislocation, Closed
79.74 Reduction of Dislocation of Hand or Fingers (Phalanges), Clo
79.76 Reduction of Dislocation of Tibia or Fibula, Closed (Knee)
79.77 Reduction of Tarsal and Metatarsals (Ankle) Dislocation, Clo
79.84 Reduction of Dislocation of Hand or Fingers (Phalanges), Ope
79.87 Reduction of Dislocation of Tarsals and Metatarsals (Ankle),
790.7 Bacteremia
791 Albuminuria (Proteinuria)
793.1 Coin Lesion
799.2 Nervousness
8 Escherichia Coli, Unspecified
8.09 Escherichia Coli Infections, Other Intestinal
80 Louse-Borne Typhus
80.2 Arthroscopy
80.21 Arthroscopy of Shoulder
80.22 Arthroscopy of Elbow
80.23 Arthroscopy of Wrist
80.24 Arthroscopy of Hand and Finger
80.25 Arthroscopy of Hip
80.26 Arthroscopy of Knee
80.27 Arthroscopy of Ankle
80.28 Arthroscopy of Foot and Toe
80.29 Arthroscopy of Other Specified Sites
80.51 Discectomy (Excision of Intervertebral Disc)
80.52 Chemonucleolysis of Intervertebral Disc
80.59 Automated Discectomy (Other Destruction of Intervertebral Di)
80.6 Meniscectomy and Meniscus Repair
80.7 Synovectomy
800 Fracture
802 Fracture of Face Bones
802.2 Fracture of Mandible (Lower Jaw), Closed
802.4 Fracture of Upper Jaw, Closed
803 Skull Fractures, Other and Unqualified
805 Fracture, Vertebra
805.01 Fracture of First Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.02 Fracture of Second Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spin
805.03 Fracture of Third Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.04 Fracture of Fourth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spin
805.05 Fracture of Fifth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.06 Fracture of Sixth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.07 Fracture of Seventh Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spi
805.08 Fracture of Multiple Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Sp
805.1 Fracture of Cervical Spine, Unspecified Level, without Menti
805.11 Fracture of First Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.12 Fracture of Second Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spin
805.13 Fracture of Third Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.14 Fracture of Fourth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spin
805.15 Fracture of Fifth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.16 Fracture of Sixth Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spina
805.17 Fracture of Seventh Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Spi
805.18 Fracture of Multiple Cervical Vertebra without Mention of Sp
805.2 Fracture of Thoracic Spine without Mention of Spinal Cord In
805.3 Fracture of Thoracic Spine without Mention of Spinal Cord In
805.4 Fracture of Lumbar Spine without Mention of Spinal Cord Inju
805.5 Fracture of Lumbar Spine without Mention of Spinal Cord Inju
805.6 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx without Mention of Spinal Cord
805.7 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx without Mention of Spinal Cord
805.8 Fracture of Vertebral Column, Unspecified, without Mention o
805.9 Fracture of Vertebral Column, Unspecified, without Mention o
806 Fracture of Vertebral Column with Spinal Cord Injury
806.01 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.02 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.03 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.04 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.05 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecified
806.06 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.07 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.08 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.09 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.1 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecified
806.11 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.12 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.13 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.14 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.15 Fracture of C1-C4 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecified
806.16 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.17 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.18 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.19 Fracture of C5-C7 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.2 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecified
806.21 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.22 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.23 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.24 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.25 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecifie
806.26 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete L
806.27 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior C
806.28 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Co
806.29 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Spec
806.3 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecified
806.31 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete Le
806.32 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior Co
806.33 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Cor
806.34 Fracture of T1-T6 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Speci
806.35 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Unspecifie
806.36 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Complete L
806.37 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Anterior C
806.38 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Central Co
806.39 Fracture of T7-T12 Level of Vertebral Column with Other Spec
806.4 Fracture of Lumbar Spine with Spinal Cord Injury, Closed
806.5 Fracture of Lumbar Spine with Spinal Cord Injury, Open
806.6 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Unspecified Spinal Cord I
806.61 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Complete Cauda Equina Les
806.62 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Other Cauda Equina Lesion
806.69 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Other Spinal Cord Injury,
806.7 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Unspecified Spinal Cord I
806.71 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Complete Cauda Equina Les
806.72 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Other Cauda Equina Lesion
806.79 Fracture of Sacrum and Coccyx with Other Spinal Cord Injury,
807 Fracture, Ribs (Single or Multiple)
807.2 Fracture, Sternum (Closed)
808 Fracture, Pelvis
808.2 Fracture of Pubis, Closed
808.3 Fracture of Pubis, Open
808.4 Fracture of Pelvis, Other Specified Part, Closed
808.41 Fracture of Ilium, Closed
808.42 Fracture of Ischium, Closed
808.43 Multiple Pelvic Fractures with Disruption of Pelvic Circle,
808.49 Fracture of Pelvis, Other Specified Part, Other (Innominate)
808.5 Fracture of Pelvis, Other Specified Part, Open
808.51 Fracture of Ilium, Open
808.52 Fracture of Ischium, Open
808.53 Multiple Pelvic Fractures with Disruption of Pelvic Circle,
808.59 Fracture of Pelvis, Other Specified Part, Other (Innominate)
808.8 Fracture of Pelvis, Unspecified, Closed
808.9 Fracture of Pelvis, Unspecified, Open
81 Typhus, Other
81.11 Ankle Arthrodesis
81.2 Arthrodesis
81.21 Hip Arthrodesis
81.22 Knee Arthrodesis
81.23 Shoulder Arthrodesis
81.26 Wrist Arthrodesis
81.45 Repair, Anterior Cruciate Ligament
81.47 Meniscus Repair of Knee
81.51 Hip Replacement, Total
81.52 Hip Replacement, Partial
81.54 Knee Replacement, Total
81.8 Shoulder Replacement, Total
81.81 Shoulder Replacement, Partial
81.82 Repair of Recurrent Dislocation of Shoulder
81.84 Elbow Replacement, Total (Arthroplasty, Elbow)
81.85 Elbow, Other Repair of
81.9 Typhus Fever, Unspecified
810 Fracture, Clavicle
811 Fracture of Scapula (Shoulder Blades)
812.4 Fracture of Lower End of Humerus (Elbow Fracture), Unspecifi
812.41 Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus (Elbow Fracture)
812.42 Lateral Condyle Fracture of Humerus (Elbow Fracture)
812.43 Medial Condyle Fracture of Humerus (Elbow Fracture)
812.44 Condyle(s) Fracture of Humerus (Elbow Fracture)
812.49 Fracture of Lower End of Humerus (Elbow Fracture), Other
813 Fracture of Radius and Ulna
813.4 Fracture of Lower End of Forearm, Unspecified, Closed
813.41 Colles' Fracture, Closed
813.42 Other Fractures of Distal End of Radius (Alone), Closed
813.43 Fracture of Distal End of Ulna (Alone), Closed
813.44 Fracture of Radius with Ulna, Lower End, Closed
813.5 Fracture of Lower End of Forearm, Unspecified, Open
813.51 Colles' Fracture, Open
813.52 Other Fractures of Distal End of Radius (Alone), Open
813.53 Fracture of Distal End of Ulna (Alone), Open
813.54 Fracture of Radius with Ulna, Lower End, Open
813.8 Fracture of Forearm, Unspecified, Closed
813.81 Fracture of Radius (Alone), Closed
813.82 Fracture of Ulna (Alone), Closed
813.83 Fracture of Radius with Ulna, Closed
813.9 Fracture of Forearm, Unspecified, Open
813.91 Fracture of Radius (Alone), Open
813.92 Fracture of Ulna (Alone), Open
813.93 Fracture of Radius with Ulna, Open
814 Fracture, Carpal Bones
814.01 Fracture of Navicular (Scaphoid) of Wrist, Closed
814.02 Fracture of Lunate (Semilunar) Bone of Wrist, Closed
814.03 Fracture of Triquetral (Cuneiform) Bone of Wrist, Closed
814.04 Fracture of Pisiform, Closed
814.05 Fracture of Trapezium Bone (Larger Multangular), Closed
814.06 Fracture of Trapezoid Bone (Smaller Multangular), Closed
814.07 Fracture of Capitate Bone (Os Magnum), Closed
814.08 Fracture of Hamate (Unciform) Bone, Closed
814.09 Fracture of Carpal Bone(s), Other, Closed
814.1 Fracture of Carpal Bone, Unspecified, Open
814.11 Fracture of Navicular (Scaphoid) of Wrist, Open
814.12 Fracture of Lunate (Semilunar) Bone of Wrist, Open
814.13 Fracture of Triquetral (Cuneiform) Bone of Wrist, Open
814.14 Fracture of Pisiform, Open
814.15 Fracture of Trapezium Bone (Larger Multangular), Open
814.16 Fracture of Trapezoid Bone (Smaller Multangular), Open
814.17 Fracture of Capitate Bone (Os Magnum), Open
814.18 Fracture of Hamate (Unciform) Bone, Open
814.19 Fracture of Carpal Bone(s), Other, Open
815 Fracture, Metacarpal Bone(s)
815.01 Fracture of Base of Thumb Metacarpal, Closed
815.02 Fracture of Base of Other Metacarpal Bone(s), Closed
815.03 Fracture of Shaft of Metacarpal Bone(s), Closed
815.04 Fracture of Neck of Metacarpal Bone(s), Closed
815.09 Fracture of Multiple Sites of Metacarpus, Closed
815.1 Fracture of Metacarpal Bone(s), Site Unspecified, Open
815.11 Fracture of Base of Thumb Metacarpal, Open
815.12 Fracture of Base of Other Metacarpal Bone(s), Open
815.13 Fracture of Shaft of Metacarpal Bone(s), Open
815.14 Fracture of Neck of Metacarpal Bone(s), Open
815.19 Fracture of Multiple Sites of Metacarpus, Open
816 Fracture of one or More Phalanges of Hand
816.01 Fracture of Middle or Proximal Phalanx or Phalanges, Closed
816.02 Fracture of Distal Phalanx or Phalanges, Closed
816.03 Fracture of Phalanges of Hand, Multiple Sites, Closed
816.1 Fracture of Phalanx or Phalanges, Unspecified, Open
816.11 Fracture of Middle or Proximal Phalanx or Phalanges, Open
816.12 Fracture of Distal Phalanx or Phalanges, Open
816.13 Fracture of Phalanges of Hand, Multiple Sites, Open
82 Tick-Borne Rickettsioses
82.01 de Quervain's Release
82.21 Ganglionectomy (Excision of Ganglion, Wrist)
82.35 Dupuytren's Release (Fasciectomy)
82.41 Tendon Sheath of Hand, Suture
82.42 Flexor Tendon of Hand, Delayed Suture
82.43 Other Tendon of Hand, Delayed Suture
82.44 Flexor Tendon of Hand, Other Suture
82.45 Tendon of Hand, Other Suture
82.8 Tick-borne Rickettsioses, Other Specified
82.9 Tick-borne Rickettsiosis, Unspecified
82.99 Operations on Muscle, Tendon, and Fascia of Hand
820 Fracture, Femoral Neck
820.01 Transcervical Fracture of Epiphysis of Neck of Femur, Closed
820.02 Transcervical Fracture of Mid-Cervical Section of Neck of Fe
820.03 Transcervical Fracture of Base of Neck of Femur, Closed
820.09 Transcervical Fracture of Other Area of Neck of Femur, Close
820.1 Transcervical Fracture of Intracapsular Section of Neck of F
820.11 Transcervical Fracture of Epiphysis of Neck of Femur, Open
820.12 Transcervical Fracture of Mid-Cervical Section of Neck of Fe
820.13 Transcervical Fracture of Base of Neck of Femur, Open
820.19 Transcervical Fracture of Other Area of Neck of Femur, Open
820.2 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Unspecified Trochanteric Section
820.21 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Intertrochanteric Section of Nec
820.22 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Subtrochanteric Section of Neck
820.3 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Unspecified Trochanteric Section
820.31 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Intertrochanteric Section of Nec
820.32 Pertrochanteric Fracture of Subtrochanteric Section of Neck
820.8 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Neck of Femur, Closed
820.9 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Neck of Femur, Open
821 Fracture, Femur
822 Fracture, Patella
823 Fracture, Tibia and Fibula
823.01 Fracture of Upper End of Fibula Alone, Closed
823.1 Fracture of Upper End of Tibia Alone, Open
823.11 Fracture of Upper End of Fibula Alone, Open
823.2 Fracture of Shaft of Tibia Alone, Closed
823.21 Fracture of Shaft of Fibula Alone, Closed
823.22 Fracture of Shaft of Fibula with Tibia, Closed
823.3 Fracture of Shaft of Tibia Alone, Open
823.31 Fracture of Shaft of Fibula Alone, Open
823.8 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Tibia and Fibula, Closed
823.81 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Fibula Alone, Closed
823.9 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Tibia and Fibula, Open
823.91 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Tibia Alone, Open
823.92 Fracture of Unspecified Part of Fibula Alone, Open
824 Fracture, Ankle
824.1 Fracture of Ankle, Medial Malleolus, Open
824.2 Fracture of Ankle, Lateral Malleolus, Closed
824.3 Fracture of Ankle, Lateral Malleolus, Open
824.4 Fracture of Ankle, Bimalleolar, Closed (Pott's Fracture)
824.5 Fracture of Ankle, Bimalleolar, Open
824.6 Fracture of Ankle, Trimalleolar, Closed
824.7 Fracture of Ankle, Trimalleolar, Open
824.8 Fracture of Ankle, Unspecified, Closed
824.9 Fracture of Ankle, Unspecified, Open
825 Fracture of One or More Tarsal and Metatarsal Bones
825.1 Fracture of Calcaneus (Heel Bone), Open
825.21 Fracture, Talus
825.22 Fracture of Navicular Bones of Foot
825.23 Fracture of Cuboid Bones of Foot
825.24 Fracture of Cuneiform Bones of Foot
825.25 Fracture, Metatarsal Bones
825.29 Fracture of Sesamoid Bones of Foot
826 Fracture, Forefoot (Sesamoid, Phalanges)
826.1 Fracture of Phalanges of Foot, Open
827 Fracture, Leg (Closed)
827.1 Fracture, Leg (Open)
83.01 Tendon Sheath Incision
83.13 Tendon Release
83.14 Fasciotomy
83.45 Scalenectomy
83.63 Rotator Cuff Repair
830 Jaw Dislocation
831 Dislocation, Glenohumeral Joint (Shoulder)
831.04 Dislocation, Acromioclavicular Joint
831.14 Dislocation of Acromioclavicular Joint (Clavicle), Open
832 Elbow Dislocation
833 Wrist Dislocation
835 Hip Dislocation
836 Dislocation, Femorotibial (Knee) Joint
836.1 Tear of Lateral Cartilage or Meniscus of Knee, Current
836.2 Tear of Cartilage or Meniscus of Knee (Other), Current
836.3 Dislocation, Patella (Kneecap), Closed
836.4 Dislocation of Patella (Kneecap), Open
836.6 Dislocation of Knee (Other), Unspecified
836.61 Anterior Dislocation of Tibia, Proximal End
836.62 Posterior Dislocation of Tibia, Proximal End
836.63 Medial Dislocation of Tibia, Proximal End
836.64 Lateral Dislocation of Tibia, Proximal End
836.69 Other Dislocation of Knee, Open
837 Ankle Dislocation
838 Dislocation of Foot, Unspecified, Closed
838.01 Dislocation of Tarsal (Bone), Joint Unspecified, Closed
838.02 Dislocation of Midtarsal (Joint), Closed
838.03 Dislocation of Tarsometatarsal (Joint), Closed
838.04 Dislocation of Metatarsal (Bone), Joint Unspecified, Closed
838.05 Dislocation of Metatarsophalangeal (Joint)
838.06 Dislocation of Interphalangeal (Joint) of Foot, Closed
838.09 Dislocation of Foot, Other (Toe, Phalanx of Foot), Closed (I)
838.11 Dislocation of Tarsal (Bone), Joint Unspecified, Open
838.12 Dislocation of Midtarsal (Joint)
838.13 Dislocation of Tarsometatarsal (Joint), Open
838.14 Dislocation of Metatarsal (Bone), Joint Unspecified, Open
838.15 Dislocation of Metatarsophalangeal (Joint), Open
838.16 Dislocation of Interphalangeal (Joint) of Foot, Open
838.19 Dislocation of Foot, Other (Toe, Phalanx of Foot), Open (Int)
839 Dislocation, Cervical Vertebra, Closed
839.1 Dislocation, Cervical Vertebra, Open
839.4 Dislocation of Vertebra, Open
839.61 Dislocation of Sternum (Sternoclavicular Joint), Closed
839.71 Dislocation of Sternum (Sternoclavicular Joint), Open
839.8 Multiple and Ill-Defined Dislocations (Other), Closed
839.9 Multiple and Ill-Defined Dislocations (Other), Open
84 Malaria
84.01 Amputation, Finger or Thumb
84.02 Amputation and Disarticulation of Thumb
84.1 Vivax Malaria (Benign Tertian)
84.2 Quartan Malaria
84.3 Malaria, Ovale
84.4 Malaria, Other
84.5 Malaria, Mixed
84.6 Malaria, Unspecified
84.7 Malaria, Induced
84.8 Blackwater Fever
84.9 Malaria, Other Pernicious Complications of
84.91 Amputation
840 Sprains and strains.
840.4 Rotator Cuff Tear
840.8 Sprains and Strains of Biceps Tendon
840.9 Sprains and Strains of Arm, Site Unspecified
841 Sprains and Strains of Elbow and Forearm
841.1 Sprains and Strains of Ulnar Collateral Ligament
841.2 Sprains and Strains of Radiohumeral Joint
841.3 Sprains and Strains of Ulnohumeral Joint
841.8 Sprains and Strains of Other Specified Sites of Elbow and Fo
841.9 Sprains and Strains of Unspecified Site of Elbow and Forearm
842 Sprains and Strains of Wrist, Unspecified Site
842.01 Sprains and Strains of Wrist, Carpal Joint
842.02 Sprains and Strains of Wrist, Radiocarpal Joint
842.09 Sprains and Strains of Wrist, Other (Radioulnar Joint, Dista)
842.1 Sprains and Strains, Hand or Fingers
842.11 Sprains and Strains of Hand, Carpometacarpal Joint
842.12 Sprains and Strains of Hand, Metacarpophalangeal Joint
842.13 Sprains and Strains of Hand, Interphalangeal Joint
843 Sprains and Strains of Hip and Thigh
843.8 Groin Strain (Sprains and Strains of Other Specified Sites o)
844 Sprains and Strains, Knee
844.1 Sprains and Strains of Medial Collateral Ligament of Knee
844.2 Sprains and Strains of Cruciate Ligament of Knee
845 Sprains and Strains of Ankle, Unspecified Site
845.01 Sprains and Strains of Ankle, Deltoid Ligament
845.02 Sprains and Strains of Ankle, Calcaneofibular Ligament
845.03 Sprains and Strains of Ankle, Tibiofibular Ligament
845.09 Sprains and Strains of Ankle, Other (Achilles' Tendon)
845.1 Sprains and Strains of Foot, Unspecified Site
845.11 Sprains and Strains of Foot, Tarsometatarsal Joint
845.12 Sprains and Strains of Foot, Metatarsophalangeal Joint
845.13 Sprains and Strains of Foot, Interphalangeal Joint
845.19 Sprains and Strains of Foot, Other
847 Sprains and Strains, Cervical Spine (Neck)
847.1 Sprains and Strains of Thoracic Spine
847.2 Sprains and Strains of Lumbar Spine
847.9 Sprains and Strains, Back
848 Sprains and Strains
848.8 Abdominal Muscle Strain
85.11 Breast Biopsy
85.12 Open Biopsy of Breast
85.21 Lumpectomy
85.23 Subtotal Mastectomy
85.31 Reduction Mammoplasty
85.32 Reduction Mammoplasty, Bilateral
85.4 Mastectomy
85.41 Unilateral Simple Mastectomy
85.42 Bilateral Simple Mastectomy
85.43 Unilateral Extended Simple Mastectomy
85.44 Bilateral Extended Simple Mastectomy
85.45 Unilateral Radical Mastectomy
85.46 Bilateral Radical Mastectomy
85.47 Unilateral Extended Radical Mastectomy
85.48 Bilateral Extended Radical Mastectomy
85.5 Augmentation Mammoplasty, not Otherwise Specified
85.51 Unilateral Injection into Breast for Augmentation
85.52 Bilateral Injection into Breast for Augmentation
85.53 Unilateral Breast Implant
85.54 Bilateral Breast Implant
850 Brain Injury
850.1 Concussion with Brief Loss of Consciousness
850.2 Concussion with Moderate Loss of Consciousness
850.3 Concussion with Prolonged Loss of Consciousness and Return t
850.4 Concussion with Prolonged Loss of Consciousness, without Ret
850.5 Concussion with Loss of Consciousness of Unspecified Duratio
850.9 Concussion, Unspecified
851 Cerebral Laceration and Contusion
851.01 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.02 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.03 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.04 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.05 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.06 Cerebral Contusion, without Mention of Open Intracranial Wou
851.09 Cortex (Cerebral) Contusion without Mention of Open Intracra
851.4 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.41 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.42 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.43 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.44 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.45 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.46 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
851.49 Cerebellar or Brain Stem Contusion without Mention of Open I
852 Subarachnoid, Subdural, and Extradural Hemorrhage, Following
852.01 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.02 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.03 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.04 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.05 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.06 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.09 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Following Injury without Mention of
852.2 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.21 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.22 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.23 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.24 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.25 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.26 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
852.29 Subdural Hemorrhage Following Injury, without Mention of Ope
853 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.01 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.02 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.03 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.04 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.05 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.06 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.09 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.1 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.11 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.12 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.13 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.14 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.15 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.16 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
853.19 Other and Unspecified Intracranial Hemorrhage Following Inju
854 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature
854.01 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.02 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.03 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.04 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.05 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.06 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.09 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature without
854.1 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.11 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.12 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.13 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.14 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.15 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.16 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
854.19 Intracranial Injury of Other and Unspecified Nature with Ope
86 Trypanosomiasis
86.01 Aspiration of Superficial Abscess
86.04 Incision with Drainage of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Othe
86.09 Incision of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue, Other
86.1 Chagas' Disease with Other Organ Involvement
86.11 Skin or Subcutaneous Tissue Biopsy
86.2 Chagas' Disease without Mention of Organ Involvement
86.23 Excision of Nail, Nail Bed, or Nail Fold
86.3 Gambian Trypanosomiasis
86.4 Rhodesian Trypanosomiasis
86.5 African Trypanosomiasis, Unspecified
86.59 Suture of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue of Other Sites
86.6 Skin Graft
86.61 Full-Thickness Skin Graft to Hand
86.62 Skin Graft to Hand, Other
86.63 Full-Thickness Skin Graft to Other Sites
86.69 Skin Graft to Other Sites
86.83 Liposuction (Reduction of Adipose Tissue)
86.9 Trypanosomiasis, Unspecified
860 Traumatic Pneumothorax
860.1 Traumatic Pneumothorax with Open Wound into Thorax
860.2 Hemothorax without Mention of Open Wound into Thorax
860.3 Hemothorax, Traumatic
865 Rupture of Spleen, Traumatic
865.01 Injury to Spleen without Mention of Open Wound into Cavity,
865.02 Injury to Spleen without Mention of Open Wound into Cavity,
865.09 Injury to Spleen without Mention of Open Wound into Cavity,
865.1 Injury to Spleen with Open Wound into Cavity, Unspecified
865.11 Injury to Spleen with Open Wound into Cavity and Hematoma wi
865.12 Injury to Spleen with Open Wound into Cavity, and Capsular T
865.19 Injury to Spleen with Open Wound into Cavity, Other
87 Diagnostic Radiology (Radiography)
87.21 Myelography
87.36 Xerography of Breast (Mammogram)
87.37 Other Mammogram
87.51 Percutaneous Hepatic Cholangiogram
87.53 Intraoperative Cholangiogram
87.54 Cholangiography
87.59 Cholecystography
87.61 Barium Swallow
87.62 Upper Gastrointestinal Series
87.64 Lower Gastrointestinal Series
87.73 Intravenous Pyelogram
870 Open Wound of Ocular Adnexa
870.1 Laceration of Eyelid, Full-Thickness, not Involving Lacrimal
870.2 Laceration of Eyelid Involving Lacrimal Passages
870.3 Penetrating Wound of Orbit, without Mention of Foreign Body
870.4 Penetrating Wound of Orbit, without Mention of Foreign Body
870.8 Specified Open Wounds of Ocular Adnexa, Other
870.9 Unspecified Open Wound of Ocular Adnexa
871 Open Wound of Eyeball
871.1 Ocular Laceration with Prolapse or Exposure of Intraocular T
871.2 Rupture of Eye with Partial Loss of Intraocular Tissue
871.3 Avulsion of Eye
871.4 Unspecified Laceration of Eye
871.5 Penetration of Eyeball with Magnetic Foreign Body
871.6 Penetration of Eyeball with (Nonmagnetic) Foreign Body
871.7 Ocular Penetration, Unspecified
871.9 Unspecified Open Wound of Eyeball
872 Open Wound of Ear
872.01 Open Wound of Auricle, Ear
872.02 Open Wound of Auditory Canal
872.1 Open Wound of External Ear, Unspecified Site
872.11 Open Wound of Auricle, Ear
872.12 Open Wound of Auditory Canal
872.6 Open Wound of Other Specified Parts of Ear, without Mention
872.69 Open Wound of Other and Multiple Sites of the Ear without Me
872.7 Open Wound of Other Specified Parts of Ear, Complicated
872.79 Open Wound of Other and Multiple Sites of the Ear, Complicat
872.8 Open Wound of Ear, Part Unspecified, without Mention of Comp
872.9 Open Wound of Ear, Part Unspecified
873 Open Wound of Head
873.1 Open Wound of Scalp, Complicated
873.2 Open Wound of Nose, Unspecified Site, without Mention of Com
873.29 Open Wound of Nose, Multiple Sites without Mention of Compli
873.3 Open Wound of Nose, Unspecified Site, Complicated
873.39 Open Wound of Multiple Sites, Complicated
873.4 Open Wound of Face, Unspecified Site, without Mention of Com
873.41 Open Wound of Cheek, without Mention of Complication
873.42 Open Wound of Forehead, without Mention of Complication
873.43 Open Wound of Lip, without Mention of Complication
873.44 Open Wound of Jaw, without Mention of Complication
873.49 Open Wound of Face, Other and Multiple Sites, without Mentio
873.5 Open Wound of Face, Unspecified Site, Complicated
873.51 Open Wound of Cheek, Complicated
873.52 Open Wound of Forehead, Complicated
873.53 Open Wound of Lip, Complicated
873.54 Open Wound of Jaw, Complicated
873.59 Open Wound of Other and Multiple Sites, Complicated
873.6 Open Wound of Mouth, Unspecified Site, without Mention of Co
873.69 Open Wound of Other and Multiple Sites of Internal Structure
873.7 Open Wound of Mouth, Unspecified Site, Complicated
873.79 Open Wound of Other and Multiple Sites of Internal Structure
873.8 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Open Wound of Head witho
873.9 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Open Wound of Head, Comp
874 Open Wound of Neck
874.8 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Parts of Neck, without M
874.9 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Parts of Neck, Complicat
875 Open Wound of Chest (Wall)
875.1 Open Wound of Chest, Complicated
876 Open Wound of Back
876.1 Open Wound of Back, Complicated
877 Open Wound of Buttock
877.1 Open Wound of Buttock, Complicated
878 Open Wound of Genital Organs (External), Including Traumatic
878.8 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Parts of Genital Organs,
879 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Sites, Except Limbs
879.6 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Parts of Trunk, without
879.7 Open Wound of Other and Unspecified Parts of Trunk, Complica
879.8 Open Wound of Multiple Unspecified Sites, without Mention of
879.9 Open Wound of Multiple Unspecified Sites, without Mention of
88.32 Arthrography
88.39 Radiography, Diagnostic (X-ray)
88.4 Arteriography
88.41 Arteriography of Cerebral Arteries
88.42 Aortography (Arteriography of Aorta and Aortic Arch)
88.43 Arteriography of Pulmonary Arteries
88.44 Arteriography of Other Intrathoracic Vessels
88.45 Arteriography of Renal Arteries
88.46 Arteriography of Placenta
88.47 Arteriography of Other Intra-abdominal Arteries
88.48 Arteriography of Femoral and Other Lower Extremity Arteries
88.49 Arteriography of Other Specified Sites
88.5 Angiocardiography
88.51 Angiocardiography of Venae Cavae
88.52 Angiocardiography of Right Heart Structures
88.53 Angiocardiography of Left Heart Structures
88.54 Combined Right and Left Heart Angiocardiography
88.55 Coronary Arteriography Using a Single Catheter
88.56 Coronary Arteriography Using Two Catheters
88.57 Coronary Arteriography, Other and Unspecified
88.7 Ultrasound, Diagnostic
88.71 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Head and Neck
88.72 Echocardiography
88.73 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Other Sites of Thorax
88.74 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Digestive System
88.75 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Urinary System
88.76 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Abdomen and Retroperitoneum
88.77 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Peripheral Vascular System
88.78 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Gravid Uterus
88.79 Diagnostic Ultrasound, Other
88.81 Lyme Disease
88.91 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain and Brain Stem
88.92 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Chest and Myocardium
88.93 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Spinal Canal
88.94 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Musculoskeletal
88.95 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pelvis, Prostate, and Bladder
88.97 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Other and Unspecified Sites
882 Open Wound, Hand (Except Finger)
883 Open Wound, Finger
89.14 Electroencephalogram
89.15 Nerve Conduction Studies
89.37 Pulmonary Function Tests (Spirometry)
89.4 Cardiac Stress Tests and Pacemaker Checks
89.41 Cardiac Stress Test Using Treadmill
89.42 Masters' Two-Step Stress Test
89.43 Cardiovascular Stress Test Using Bicycle Ergometer
89.44 Cardiovascular Stress Test, Other
89.52 Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG)
890 Open Wound of Hip and Thigh
891 Open Wound of Knee, Leg, and Ankle
892 Open Wound, Foot
893 Open Wound of Toe(s)
896 Traumatic Amputation of Foot (Complete) (Partial)
896.1 Traumatic Amputation of Foot, Unilateral, Complicated
896.2 Traumatic Amputation of Foot, Bilateral, without Mention of
896.3 Traumatic Amputation of Foot, Bilateral, Complicated
897 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial) (Lower E)
897.1 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Unilate
897.2 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Unilate
897.3 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Unilate
897.4 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Unilate
897.5 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Unilate
897.6 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Bilater
897.7 Traumatic Amputation of Leg(s) (Complete) (Partial), Bilater
9 Dysentery
9.1 Colitis, Enteritis, and Gastroenteritis of Presumed Infectio
9.2 Infectious Diarrhea
9.3 Diarrhea of Presumed Infectious Origin
90 Syphilis, Congenital
900.9 Injury to Unspecified Blood Vessel of Head and Neck
91 Syphilis, Genital (Primary)
91.1 Syphilis, Primary Anal
91.2 Syphilis, Primary, Other
91.3 Syphilis of Skin or Mucous Membrane, Secondary
91.4 Adenopathy due to Secondary Syphilis
91.5 Uveitis due to Secondary Syphilis
91.6 Syphilis, Secondary of Viscera and Bone
91.7 Syphilis, Secondary, Relapse
91.8 Syphilis, Secondary, Other Forms of
91.9 Syphilis, Secondary, Unspecified
918.1 Corneal Abrasion
919 Abrasions
919.1 Abrasion of Friction Burn, Infected
92 Syphilis, Early, Latent, Serological Relapse After Treatment
92.05 Myocardial Perfusion Scan
92.14 Bone Scan
92.2 Therapeutic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
92.21 Superficial Radiation
92.22 Orthovoltage Radiation
92.23 Radioisotopic Teleradiotherapy
92.24 Teleradiotherapy Using Photons
92.9 Syphilis, Early, Latent, Unspecified
920 Head Injury, Superficial
921 Black Eye, not Otherwise Specified
921.1 Contusion of Eyelids and Periocular Area
921.2 Contusion of Orbital Tissues
921.3 Contusion of Eyeball
921.9 Unspecified Contusion of Eye
922 Contusion of Trunk
922.1 Contusion of Chest Wall
922.2 Contusion of Abdominal Wall
922.3 Contusion of Back
922.4 Contusion of Genital Organs
922.8 Contusion of Multiple Sites of Trunk
922.9 Contusion of Unspecified Part of Trunk
923 Contusion of Upper Limb
923.01 Contusion of Scapular Region
923.02 Contusion of Axillary Region
923.03 Contusion of Upper Arm
923.09 Contusion of Shoulder and Upper Arm, Multiple Sites
923.1 Contusion of Forearm
923.11 Contusion of Elbow
923.2 Contusion of Hand(s), Except Finger(s) Alone
923.21 Contusion of Wrist
923.3 Contusion of Finger or Thumb
923.8 Contusion of Multiple Sites of Upper Limb
923.9 Contusion of Unspecified Part of Upper Limb
924 Contusion of Lower Limb and of Other Unspecified Sites
924.01 Contusion of Hip
924.1 Contusion of Lower Leg
924.11 Contusion of Knee
924.2 Contusion of Foot, Excluding Toes
924.21 Contusion of Ankle
924.3 Contusion of Toe (Toenail)
924.4 Contusion of Multiple Sites of Lower Limb
924.5 Contusion of Unspecified Part of Lower Limb
924.8 Contusion Multiple Sites, not Elsewhere Classified
924.9 Contusion of Unspecified Site
925 Crushing Injury
925.1 Crushing Injury of Face and Scalp
925.2 Crushing Injury of Neck
926 Crushing Injury of Trunk
926.1 Crushing Injury of Other Specified Sites of Trunk
926.11 Crushing Injury of Back
926.12 Crushing Injury of Buttock
926.19 Crushing Injury of Trunk, Other (Breast)
926.8 Crushing Injury of Multiple Sites of Trunk
926.9 Crushing Injury of Trunk, Unspecified Site
927 Crushing Injury of Upper Limb
927.01 Crushing Injury of Scapular Region
927.02 Crushing Injury of Axillary Region
927.03 Crushing Injury of Upper Arm
927.09 Crushing Injury of Shoulder and Upper Arm, Multiple Sites
927.1 Crushing Injury of Forearm
927.11 Crushing Injury of Elbow
927.2 Crushing Injury of Hand(s), Except Finger(s) Alone
927.21 Crushing Injury of Wrist
927.3 Crushing Injury of Finger(s)
927.8 Crushing Injury of Multiple Sites of Upper Limb
927.9 Crushing Injury of Upper Limb, Unspecified Site
928 Crushing Injury of Lower Limb
928.01 Crushing Injury of Hip
928.1 Crushing Injury of Lower Leg
928.11 Crushing Injury of Knee
928.2 Crushing Injury of Foot, Excluding Toe(s) Alone
928.21 Crushing Injury of Ankle
928.3 Crushing Injury of Toe
928.8 Crushing Injury of Multiple Sites of Lower Limb
928.9 Crushing Injury of Lower Limb, Unspecified Site
929 Crushing Injury of Multiple and Unspecified Sites
929.9 Crushing Injury of Unspecified Site
93 Physical Therapy
93.01 Functional Evaluation
93.02 Orthotic Evaluation
93.03 Prosthetic Evaluation
93.04 Manual Testing of Muscle Function
93.05 Range of Motion Testing
93.06 Measurement of Limb Length
93.07 Body Measurement
93.08 Electromyography (EMG)
93.09 Diagnostic Physical Therapy Procedure, Other
93.1 Syphilitic Aortitis
93.11 Assisting Exercise
93.12 Other Active Musculoskeletal Exercise
93.13 Resistive Exercise
93.14 Training in Joint Movements
93.15 Mobilization of Spine
93.16 Mobilization of Other Joints
93.17 Other Passive Musculoskeletal Exercise
93.18 Breathing Exercise
93.19 Exercise, not Elsewhere Classified
93.2 Syphilitic Endocarditis
93.21 Manual and Mechanical Traction
93.22 Ambulation and Pit Training
93.23 Fitting of Orthotic Device
93.24 Training in Use of Prosthetic or Orthotic Device
93.25 Forced Extension of Limb
93.26 Manual Rupture of Joint Adhesions
93.27 Stretching of Muscle or Tendon
93.28 Stretching of Fascia
93.29 Other Forcible Correction of Deformity
93.3 Other Physical Therapy Therapeutic Procedures
93.31 Assisted Exercise in Pool
93.32 Whirlpool Treatment
93.33 Other Hydrotherapy,
93.34 Diathermy
93.35 Other Heat Therapy (Hot Packs, Paraffin Bath)
93.36 Cardiac Retraining
93.37 Prenatal Training
93.38 Physical Therapy, Combined, without Mention of the Component
93.39 Ultrasound, Therapeutic
93.4 Skeletal Traction and Other Traction
93.41 Spinal Traction Using Skull Device
93.42 Spinal Traction, Other
93.43 Intermittent Skeletal Traction
93.44 Skeletal Traction, Other
93.45 Thomas' Splint Traction
93.46 Skin Traction of Limbs, Other
93.8 Cardiovascular Syphilis, Other Specified
93.81 Recreation Therapy
93.82 Educational Therapy
93.83 Occupational Therapy
93.85 Vocational Therapy
93.89 Rehabilitation, not Elsewhere Classified
93.9 Cardiovascular Syphilis, Unspecified
930 Foreign Body on External Eye
94 Tabes Dorsalis
94.1 Paresis, General
94.2 Syphilitic Meningitis
94.25 Psychopharmacotherapy
94.27 Electroconvulsive Therapy
94.3 Neurosyphilis, Asymptomatic
94.31 Psychoanalysis
94.33 Cognitive Therapy (Behavior Therapy, Conditioning or Aversio)
94.39 Biofeedback
94.44 Psychotherapy, Group
94.6 Alcohol and Drug Detoxification and Rehabilitation
94.61 Alcohol Rehabilitation
94.62 Alcohol Detoxification
94.63 Alcohol Rehabilitation and Detoxification
94.64 Drug Rehabilitation
94.65 Drug Detoxification
94.66 Drug Rehabilitation and Detoxification
94.8 Neurosyphilis, Other Specified
94.9 Neurosyphilis, Unspecified
940 Burn Confined to Eye and Adnexa
940.1 Burns of Eyelids and Periocular Area, Other
940.2 Alkaline Chemical Burn of Cornea and Conjunctival Sac
940.3 Acid Chemical Burn of Cornea and Conjunctival Sac
940.4 Burn of Cornea and Conjunctival Sac, Other
940.5 Burn with Resulting Rupture and Destruction of Eyeball
940.6 Burn of Eye and Adnexa, Unspecified
941 Burn of Face, Head, and Neck
941.01 Burn of Ear (Any Part), Unspecified Degree
941.02 Burn of Eye (with Other Parts of Face, Head, and Neck), Unsp
941.03 Burn of Lips, Unspecified Degree
941.04 Burn of Chin, Unspecified Degree
941.05 Burn of Nose (Septum), Unspecified Degree
941.06 Burn of Scalp (Any Part), Unspecified Degree
941.07 Burn of Forehead and Cheek, Unspecified Degree
941.08 Burn of Neck, Unspecified Degree
941.09 Burn of Multiple Sites (Except Eye) of Face, Head, and Neck,
941.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Face and Head, Unspecified S
941.11 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Ear (Any Part)
941.12 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Eye (with Other Parts of Fac)
941.13 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Lips
941.14 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Chin
941.15 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Nose (Septum)
941.16 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Scalp (Any Part)
941.17 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Forehead and Cheek
941.18 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Neck
941.19 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Multiple Sites (Except with)
941.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Face and He)
941.21 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Ear (Any Pa)
941.22 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Eye (with O)
941.23 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Lips
941.24 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Chin
941.25 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Nose (Septu)
941.26 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Scalp (Any)
941.27 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Forehead an
941.28 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Neck
941.29 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Multiple Si
941.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Face and Hea
941.31 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Ear (Any Par)
941.32 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Eye (with Ot)
941.33 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Lips
941.34 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Chin
941.35 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Nose (Septum)
941.36 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Scalp (Any P)
941.37 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Forehead and
941.38 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Neck
941.39 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Multiple Sit
941.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.41 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.42 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.43 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.44 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.45 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.46 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.47 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.48 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
941.49 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
942 Burn of Trunk
942.01 Burn of Breast, Unspecified Degree
942.02 Burn of Chest Wall, Excluding Breast and Nipple, Unspecified
942.03 Burn of Abdominal Wall, Unspecified Degree
942.04 Burn of Back (Any Part), Unspecified Degree
942.05 Burn of Genitalia, Unspecified Degree
942.09 Burn of Other and Multiple Sites of Trunk, Unspecified Degre
942.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Trunk, Unspecified Site
942.11 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Breast
942.12 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Chest Wall, Excluding Breast
942.13 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Abdominal Wall
942.14 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Back (Any Part)
942.15 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Genitalia
942.19 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Other and Multiple Sites of
942.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree) of Trunk
942.21 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Breast
942.22 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Chest Wall,
942.23 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Abdominal W
942.24 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Back (Any P)
942.25 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Genitalia
942.29 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Other and M
942.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Trunk
942.31 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Breast
942.32 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Chest Wall,
942.33 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Abdominal Wa
942.34 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Back (Any Pa)
942.35 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Genitalia
942.39 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Other and Mu
942.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
942.41 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
942.42 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
942.44 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
942.49 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943 Burn of Upper Limb, Unspecified Degree
943.01 Burn of Forearm, Unspecified Degree
943.02 Burn of Elbow, Unspecified Degree
943.03 Burn of Upper Arm, Unspecified Degree
943.04 Burn of Axilla, Unspecified Degree
943.05 Burn of Shoulder, Unspecified Degree
943.06 Burn of Scapular Region, Unspecified Degree
943.09 Burn of Multiple Sites of Upper Limb, Except Wrist and Hand,
943.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Upper Limb, Except Wrist and
943.11 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Forearm
943.12 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Elbow
943.13 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Upper Arm
943.14 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Axilla
943.15 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Shoulder
943.16 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Scapular Region
943.19 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Multiple Sites of Upper Limb
943.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree) of Upper Limb Excep
943.21 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Forearm
943.22 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Elbow
943.23 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Upper Arm
943.24 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Axilla
943.25 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Shoulder
943.26 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Scapular Re
943.29 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Multiple Si
943.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Upper Limb,
943.31 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Forearm
943.32 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Elbow
943.33 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Upper Arm
943.34 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Axilla
943.35 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Shoulder
943.36 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Scapular Reg
943.39 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Multiple Sit
943.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.41 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.42 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.43 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.44 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.45 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.46 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
943.49 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944 Burn of Wrist(s) and Hand(s), Unspecified Degree
944.01 Burn of Single Digit [Finger (Nail)] Other Than Thumb, Unspe
944.02 Burn of Thumb (Nail), Unspecified Degree
944.03 Burn of Two or More Digits, not Including Thumb, Unspecified
944.04 Burn of Two or More Digits Including Thumb, Unspecified Degr
944.05 Burn of Palm, Unspecified Degree
944.06 Burn of Back of Hand, Unspecified Degree
944.07 Burn of Wrist, Unspecified Degree
944.08 Burn of Multiple Sites of Wrist(s) and Hand(s), Unspecified
944.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Wrist(s) and Hand(s)
944.11 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Single Digit [Finger (Nail)]
944.12 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Thumb (Nail)
944.13 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Two or More Digits, not Incl
944.14 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Two or More Digits Including
944.15 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Palm
944.16 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Back of Hand
944.17 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Wrist
944.18 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Multiple Sites of Wrist(s) a
944.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Wrist(s) an
944.21 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Single Digi
944.22 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Thumb (Nail)
944.23 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Two or More
944.24 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Two or More
944.25 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Palm
944.26 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Back of Han
944.27 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Wrist
944.28 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Multiple Si
944.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Wrist(s) and
944.31 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Single Digit
944.32 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Thumb (Nail)
944.33 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Two or More
944.34 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Two or More
944.35 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Palm
944.36 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Back of Hand
944.37 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Wrist
944.38 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Multiple Sit
944.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.41 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.42 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.43 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.44 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.45 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.46 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.47 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
944.48 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945 Burn of Lower Limb(s), Unspecified Degree
945.01 Burn of Toe(s) (Nail), Unspecified Degree
945.02 Burn of Foot, Unspecified Degree
945.03 Burn of Ankle, Unspecified Degree
945.04 Burn of Lower Leg, Unspecified Degree
945.05 Burn of Knee, Unspecified Degree
945.06 Burn of Thigh (Any Part), Unspecified Degree
945.09 Burn of Multiple Sites of Lower Limb(s), Unspecified Degree
945.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Lower Limb(s)
945.11 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Toe(s) (Nail)
945.12 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Foot
945.13 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Ankle
945.14 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Lower Leg
945.15 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Knee
945.16 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Thigh (Any Part)
945.19 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Multiple Sites of Lower Limb
945.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree) of Lower Limb(s)
945.21 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Toe(s) (Nai)
945.22 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Foot
945.23 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Ankle
945.24 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Lower Leg
945.25 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Knee
945.26 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Thigh (Any)
945.29 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn) of Multiple Si
945.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Lower Limb(s)
945.31 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Toe(s) (Nail)
945.32 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Foot
945.33 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Ankle
945.34 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Lower Leg
945.35 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Knee
945.36 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Thigh (Any P)
945.39 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn) of Multiple Sit
945.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.41 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.42 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.43 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.44 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.45 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.46 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
945.49 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
946 Burns of Multiple Specified Sites, Unspecified Degree
946.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn) of Multiple Specified Sites
946.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn), of Multiple S
946.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn), of Multiple Sp
946.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree) of M
947 Burn of Mouth and Pharynx
947.1 Burn of Larynx, Trachea, and Lung
947.2 Burn of Esophagus
947.3 Burn of Gastrointestinal Tract
947.4 Burn of Vagina and Uterus
947.8 Burn of Internal Organs, Other Specified Sites
947.9 Burn of Internal Organs, Unspecified Site
948 Burn (Any Degree) Involving Less Than 10 Percent of Body Sur
948.01 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 10-19 Percent of Body Surface
948.02 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 20-29 Percent of Body Surface
948.03 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 30-39 Percent of Body Surface
948.04 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface
948.05 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface
948.06 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface
948.07 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface
948.08 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface
948.09 Burn (Third Degree) Involving 90 Percent or More of Body Sur
948.1 Burn Involving 10-19 Percent of Body Surface
948.11 Burn Involving 10-19 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.2 Burn Involving 20-29 Percent of Body Surface
948.21 Burn Involving 20-29 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.22 Burn Involving 20-29 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.3 Burn Involving 30-39 Percent of Body Surface
948.31 Burn Involving 30-39 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.32 Burn Involving 30-39 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.33 Burn Involving 30-39 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.4 Burn Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface
948.41 Burn Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.42 Burn Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.43 Burn Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.44 Burn Involving 40-49 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.5 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface
948.51 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.52 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.53 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.54 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.55 Burn Involving 50-59 Percent of Body Surface, with 50-59 Per
948.6 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface
948.61 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.62 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.63 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.64 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.65 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 50-59 Per
948.66 Burn Involving 60-69 Percent of Body Surface, with 60-69 Per
948.7 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface
948.71 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.72 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.73 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.74 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.75 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 50-59 Per
948.76 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 60-69 Per
948.77 Burn Involving 70-79 Percent of Body Surface, with 70-79 Per
948.8 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface
948.81 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.82 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.83 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.84 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.85 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 50-59 Per
948.86 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 60-69 Per
948.87 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 70-79 Per
948.88 Burn Involving 80-89 Percent of Body Surface, with 80-89 Per
948.9 Burn Involving 90 Percent or More of Body Surface
948.91 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 10-19 Per
948.92 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 20-29 Per
948.93 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 30-39 Per
948.94 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 40-49 Per
948.95 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 50-59 Per
948.96 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 60-69 Per
948.97 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 70-79 Per
948.98 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 80-89 Per
948.99 Burn Involving 90-99 Percent of Body Surface, with 90-99 Per
949 Burn, Unspecified Degree
949.1 Erythema (First Degree Burn)
949.2 Blisters, Epidermal Loss (Second Degree Burn)
949.3 Full-Thickness Skin Loss (Third Degree Burn)
949.4 Deep Necrosis of Underlying Tissues (Deep Third Degree Burn)
95 Late Syphilis with Symptoms, Other Forms of
95.8 Syphilis, Other Specified Forms of Late Symptomatic
95.9 Syphilis, Late Symptomatic, Unspecified
952 Cervical Spinal Cord Injury without Evidence of Spinal Bone
952.02 Myelopathy (Cervical Spine with Anterior Cord Syndrome)
952.1 Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury without Evidence of Spinal Bone
952.2 Lumber Spinal Cord Injury without Evidence of Spinal Bone In
952.3 Sacral Spinal Cord Injury without Evidence of Spinal Bone In
952.8 Spinal Cord Injury without Evidence of Spinal Bone Injury, M
952.9 Spinal Cord Injury, Unspecified
953.4 Brachial Plexus Injury
953.5 Lumbosacral Plexus Injury
957 Injury to Other and Unspecified Nerves
957.9 Nerve Injury, Unspecified
958.4 Traumatic Shock
958.8 Compartment Syndrome
959.9 Trauma
96 Late Syphilis, Latent
96.07 Nasogastric Intubation
96.49 Therapeutic Abortion by Prostaglandin Suppository
960 Poisoning by Penicillins
960.1 Poisoning by Antifungal Antibiotics
960.2 Poisoning by Chloramphenicol Group
960.3 Poisoning by Erythromycin and Other Macrolides
960.4 Poisoning by Tetracycline Group
960.5 Poisoning by Cephalosporin Group
960.6 Poisoning by Antimycobacterial Antibiotics
960.7 Poisoning by Antineoplastic Antibiotics
960.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Antibiotics
960.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Antibiotic
961 Poisoning by Sulfonamides
961.1 Poisoning by Arsenical Anti-Infectives
961.2 Poisoning by Heavy Metal Anti-Infectives
961.3 Poisoning by Quinoline and Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives
961.4 Poisoning by Antimalarials and Drugs Acting on Other Blood P
961.5 Poisoning by Other Antiprotozoal Drugs
961.6 Poisoning by Anthelmintics
961.7 Poisoning by Antiviral Drugs
961.8 Poisoning by Other Antimycobacterial Drugs
961.9 Poisoning by Other Unspecified Anti-Infectives
962 Poisoning by Adrenal Cortical Steroids
962.1 Poisoning by Androgens and Anabolic Congeners
962.2 Poisoning by Ovarian Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes
962.3 Poisoning by Insulins and Antidiabetic Agents
962.4 Poisoning by Anterior Pituitary Hormones
962.5 Poisoning by Posterior Pituitary Hormones
962.6 Poisoning by Parathyroid and Parathyroid Derivatives
962.7 Poisoning by Thyroid and Thyroid Derivatives
962.8 Poisoning by Antithyroid Agents
962.9 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Hormones and Synthetic Su
963 Poisoning by Antiallergic and Antiemetic Drugs
963.1 Poisoning by Antineoplastic and Immunisuppressive Drugs
963.2 Poisoning by Acidifying Agents
963.3 Poisoning by Aklalizing Agents
963.4 Poisoning by Enzymes, not Elsewhere Classified
963.5 Hypervitaminosis
963.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Systemic Agents
963.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Systemic Agent
964 Poisoning by Iron and its Compounds
964.1 Poisoning by Liver Preparations and Other Antianemic Agents
964.2 Poisoning by Anticoagulants
964.3 Poisoning by Vitamin K
964.4 Poisoning by Fibrinolysis-Affecting Drugs
964.5 Poisoning by Anticoagulant Antagonists and Other Coagulants
964.6 Poisoning by Gamma Globulin
964.7 Poisoning by Natural Blood and Blood Products
964.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Agents Affecting Blood Constitu
964.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Agent Affecting Blood Constituents
965 Poisoning by Opiates and Related Narcotics
965.1 Poisoning by Salicylates
965.4 Poisoning by Aromatic Analgesics, not Elsewhere Classified
965.5 Poisoning by Pyrazole Derivatives
965.6 Poisoning by Antirheumatics
965.7 Poisoning by Other Non-Narcotic Analgesics
965.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Analgesics and Antipyretics
965.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Analgesic and Antipyretic
966 Poisoning by Oxazolidine Derivatives
966.1 Poisoning by Hydantoin Derivatives
966.2 Poisoning by Succinimides
966.3 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Anticonvulsants
966.4 Poisoning by Anti-Parkinsonism Drugs
967 Poisoning by Barbiturates
967.1 Poisoning by Chloral Hydrate Group
967.2 Poisoning by Paraldehyde
967.3 Toxic Effects, Bromide Compounds
967.4 Poisoning by Methaqualone Compounds
967.5 Poisoning by Glutethimide Group
967.6 Poisoning by Mixed Sedatives, not Elsewhere Classified
967.8 Poisoning by Other Sedatives and Hypnotics
967.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Sedative or Hypnotic
968 Poisoning by Central Nervous System Muscle-Tone Depressants
968.1 Poisoning by Halothane
968.2 Poisoning by Other Gaseous Anesthetics
968.3 Poisoning by Intravenous Anesthetics
968.4 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified General Anesthetics
968.5 Poisoning by Surface and Infiltration Anesthetics
968.6 Poisoning by Peripheral Nerve and Plexus-Blocking Anesthetic
968.7 Poisoning by Spinal Anesthetics
968.9 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Local Anesthetics
969 Poisoning by Antidepressants
969.1 Poisoning by Phenothiazine-Based Tranquilizers
969.2 Poisoning by Butyrophenone-Based Tranquilizers
969.3 Poisoning by Other Antipsychotics, Neuroleptics, and Major T
969.4 Poisoning by Benzodiazepine-Based Tranquilizers
969.5 Poisoning by Other Tranquilizers
969.6 Poisoning by Psychodysleptics (Hallucinogens)
969.7 Poisoning by Psychostimulants
969.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Psychotropic Agents
969.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Psychotropic Agent
97 Syphilis, Other and Unspecified
97.9 Syphilis
970 Poisoning by Analeptics
970.1 Poisoning by Opiate Antagonists
970.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Central Nervous System Stimulan
970.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Central Nervous System Stimulant
971 Poisoning by Parasympathomimetics
971.1 Poisoning by Parasympatholytics
971.2 Poisoning by Sympathomimetics
971.3 Poisoning by Sympatholytics
971.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Drug Primarily Affecting Autonomic
972 Poisoning by Cardiac Rhythm
972.1 Poisoning by Cardiotonic Glycosides and Drugs of Similar Act
972.2 Poisoning by Antilepemic and Antiarteriosclerotic Drugs
972.3 Poisoning by Ganglion-Blocking Agents
972.4 Poisoning by Coronary Vasodilators
972.5 Poisoning by Other Vasodilators
972.6 Poisoning by Other Antihypertensive Agents
972.7 Poisoning by Antivaricose Drugs, Including Sclerosing Agents
972.8 Poisoning by Capillary-Active Drugs
972.9 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Agents Primarily Affectin
973 Poisoning by Antacids and Antigastric Secretion Drugs
973.1 Poisoning by Irritant Cathartics
973.2 Poisoning by Emollients Cathartics
973.3 Poisoning by Other Cathartics, Including Intestinal Atonia D
973.5 Poisoning by Antidiarrheal Drugs
973.6 Poisoning by Emetics
973.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Agents Primarily Affecting the
973.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Agents Primarily Affecting the Gast
974 Poisoning by Mercurial Diuretics
974.1 Poisoning by Purine Derivative Diuretics
974.2 Poisoning by Carbonic Acid Anhydrase Inhibitors
974.3 Poisoning by Saluretics
974.4 Poisoning by Other Diuretics
974.5 Poisoning by Electrolytic, Caloric, and Water-Balance Agents
974.6 Poisoning by Other Mineral Salts, not Elsewhere Classified
974.7 Poisoning by Uric Acid Metabolism Drugs
975 Poisoning by Oxytocic Agents
975.1 Poisoning by Smooth Muscle Relaxants
975.2 Poisoning by Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
975.3 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Drugs Acting on Muscles
975.4 Poisoning by Antitussives
975.5 Poisoning by Expectorants
975.6 Poisoning by Anti-Common Cold Drugs
975.7 Poisoning by Antiasthmatics
975.8 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Respiratory Drugs
976 Poisoning by Local Anti-Infectives and Anti-Inflammatory Dru
976.1 Poisoning by Antipruritics
976.2 Poisoning by Local Astringents and Local Detergents
976.3 Poisoning by Emollients, Demulcents, and Protectants
976.4 Poisoning by Keratolytics, Keratoplastics, Other Hair Treatm
976.5 Poisoning by Eye Anti-Infectives and Other Eye Drugs
976.6 Poisoning by Anti-Infectives and Other Drugs and Preparation
976.8 Poisoning by Other Agents Primarily Affecting Skin and Mucou
976.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Agent Primarily Affecting Skin and
977 Poisoning by Dietetics
977.1 Poisoning by Lipotropic Drugs
977.2 Poisoning by Antidotes and Chelating Agents, not Elsewhere C
977.3 Poisoning by Alcohol Deterrents
977.4 Poisoning by Pharmaceutical Excipients
977.8 Poisoning by Other Specified Drugs and Medicinal Substances
977.9 Poisoning by Unspecified Drug or Medicinal Substance
978 Poisoning by BCG Vaccine
978.1 Poisoning by Typhoid and Paratyphoid Vaccine
978.2 Poisoning by Cholera Vaccine
978.3 Poisoning by Plague Vaccine
978.4 Poisoning by Tetanus Vaccine
978.5 Poisoning by Diphtheria Vaccine
978.6 Poisoning by Pertussis Vaccine, Including Combinations with
978.8 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Bacterial Vaccines
978.9 Poisoning by Mixed Bacterial Vaccines, Except Combinations w
979 Poisoning by Smallpox Vaccine
979.1 Poisoning by Rabies Vaccine
979.2 Poisoning by Typhus Vaccine
979.3 Poisoning by Yellow Fever Vaccine
979.4 Poisoning by Measles Vaccine
979.5 Poisoning by Poliomyelitis Vaccine
979.6 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Viral and Reckettsial Vac
979.7 Poisoning by Mixed Viral-Rickettsial and Bacterial Vaccines,
979.9 Poisoning by Other and Unspecified Vaccines and Biological S
98 Gonococcal Infection, Acute of Lower Genitourinary Tract
98.1 Gonococcal Infection, Acute of Upper Genitourinary Tract
98.2 Gonococcal Infection, Chronic of Lower Genitourinary Tract
98.3 Gonococcal Infection, Chronic of Upper Genitourinary Tract
98.4 Gonococcal Infection of Eye
98.5 Gonococcal Infection
98.51 Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy of the Kidney, Ureter
98.52 Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy of the Gallbladder and
98.59 Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy or Other Sites
98.6 Gonococcal Infection of Pharynx
98.7 Gonococcal Infection of Anus and Rectum
98.8 Gonococcal Infection of Other Specified Sites
982 Toxic Effects, Benzene
982.1 Toxic Effects of Carbon Tetrachloride
982.2 Toxic Effects of Carbon Disulfide
982.3 Toxic Effects of Other Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Solvents
982.8 Toxic Effects, Solvents (other than Petroleum-Based)
983.1 Toxic Effects, Hydrochloric Acid
984 Toxic Effects, Lead
984.9 Toxic Effects of Unspecified Lead Compound
985 Toxic Effects, Mercury
985.1 Toxic Effects, Arsenic
985.2 Toxic Effects, Manganese
985.3 Toxic Effects, Beryllium
985.5 Toxic Effects, Cadmium
985.6 Toxic Effects, Chromium
985.8 Toxic Effects, Cobalt
986 Toxic Effects, Carbon Monoxide
987.6 Toxic Effects, Chlorine Gas
987.8 Toxic Effects, Ozone
989.3 Toxic Effects, Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides
989.4 Toxic Effects, Pesticides
989.5 Insect or Spider Bites and Stings
989.8 Toxic Effects, Formaldehyde
99 Chancroid
99.1 Intravenous Therapy
99.25 Chemotherapy
99.27 Iontophoresis
99.3 Reiter's Syndrome (Disease)
99.4 Urethritis, Other Nongonococcal, Unspecified
991 Frostbite of Face
991.1 Frostbite of Hand
991.2 Frostbite of Foot
991.3 Frostbite of Other and Unspecified Sites
992 Heat Stroke or Sunstroke
992.3 Heat Exhaustion, Anhydrotic
992.4 Heat Exhaustion due to Salt Depletion
992.5 Heat Exhaustion
993 Barotitis Media
993.1 Barotrauma, Sinus
994.6 Motion Sickness
995 Anaphylactic Shock, Other
995.1 Angioneurotic Edema
995.3 Allergy
995.6 Anaphylactic Shock (Food Reaction)
995.61 Anaphylactic Shock due to Peanuts
995.62 Anaphylactic Shock due to Crustaceans
995.63 Anaphylactic Shock due to Fruits and Vegetables
995.64 Anaphylactic Shock due to Tree Nuts and Seeds
995.65 Anaphylactic Shock due to Fish
995.66 Anaphylactic Shock due to Food Additives
995.67 Anaphylactic Shock due to Milk Products
995.68 Anaphylactic Shock due to Eggs
995.69 Anaphylactic Shock due to Other Specified Food
996.32 Perforation of Uterus by Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
998.5 Wound Infection, Postoperative
999.4 Anaphylactic Shock due to Serum
V22 Pregnancy, Normal