Vital Records Death Reporting (VRDR) FHIR Implementation Guide
3.0.0-cibuild - ci-build United States of America flag

Vital Records Death Reporting (VRDR) FHIR Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Public Health. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 3.0.0-cibuild built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Credits
... 3 Background
... 4 Scope of the VRDR IG
... 5 Usage
... 6 Conformance
... 7 Artifacts Summary
.... 7.1 Decedent
.... 7.2 Decedent Age
.... 7.3 Decedent Education Level
.... 7.4 Decedent Mother
.... 7.5 Decedent Father
.... 7.6 Decedent Spouse
.... 7.7 Decedent Military Service
.... 7.8 Decedent Usual Work
.... 7.9 Birth Record Identifier Infant
.... 7.10 Birth Record Identifier Child
.... 7.11 Fetal Death Record Identifier
.... 7.12 Autopsy Performed Indicator
.... 7.13 Death Date
.... 7.14 Decedent Pregnancy
.... 7.15 Death Location
.... 7.16 Examiner Contacted
.... 7.17 Injury Location
.... 7.18 Injury Incident
.... 7.19 Surgery Date
.... 7.20 Tobacco Use Contributed To Death
.... 7.21 Death Certifier
.... 7.22 Cause Of Death Part 1
.... 7.23 Cause of Death Part 2
.... 7.24 Death Certification Procedure
.... 7.25 Manner of Death
.... 7.26 Disposition Location
.... 7.27 Decedent Disposition Method
.... 7.28 Funeral Home
.... 7.29 Mortician
.... 7.30 Activity at Time of Death
.... 7.31 Automated Underlying Cause Of Death
.... 7.32 Manual Underlying Cause Of Death
.... 7.33 Record Axis Cause Of Death
.... 7.34 Entity Axis Cause Of Death
.... 7.35 Place Of Injury
.... 7.36 Coding Status Values
.... 7.37 Death Certificate
.... 7.38 Death Certificate Document
.... 7.39 Cause of Death Coded Content Bundle
.... 7.40 Demographic Coded Content Bundle
.... 7.41 Industry Occupation Coded Content Bundle
.... 7.42 Mortality Roster Bundle
.... 7.43 DeathCertificateDocument-Example1
.... 7.44 DeathCertificateDocument-Example2
.... 7.45 Alias Status of a Death Roster
.... 7.46 Filing Format
.... 7.47 State Specific Field
.... 7.48 NVSS SexAtDeath
.... 7.49 Spouse Is Alive
.... 7.50 Replacement Status of a Death Record (deprecated)
.... 7.51 Practitioner Role
.... 7.52 Activity at Time of Death CodeSystem
.... 7.53 Date of Death Determination Methods
.... 7.54 Death Pregnancy Status Codesystem
.... 7.55 Document Section
.... 7.56 Filing Formats
.... 7.57 Intentional Reject
.... 7.58 Location Type
.... 7.59 Local Observation Codes
.... 7.60 Local Component Codes
.... 7.61 Local Organization Type
.... 7.62 Replacement Status of Death Record Submission CodeSystem
.... 7.63 Supermicar Place Of Injury CodeSystem
.... 7.64 System Reject Code System
.... 7.65 Transax Conversion CodeSystem
.... 7.66 Administrative Gender ValueSet
.... 7.67 Certifier Types Value Set
.... 7.68 Intentional Reject ValueSet
.... 7.69 System Reject ValueSet
.... 7.70 Transax Conversion ValueSet
.... 7.71 Activity at Time of Death ValueSet
.... 7.72 ICD10 Causes of Death ValueSet
.... 7.73 Contributory Tobacco Use ValueSet
.... 7.74 Date of Death Determination Methods Value Set
.... 7.75 Event Code for Death Certificate Composition
.... 7.76 Event Code for Death Certificate Composition - Max
.... 7.77 Death Pregnancy Status ValueSet
.... 7.78 Filing Format ValueSet
.... 7.79 Manner of Death ValueSet
.... 7.80 Method of Disposition ValueSet
.... 7.81 Place of Death ValueSet
.... 7.82 Place of Injury ValueSet
.... 7.83 Place of Injury - Other ValueSet
.... 7.84 Replacement Status ValueSet
.... 7.85 Spouse Alive ValueSet
.... 7.86 Transportation Incident Role ValueSet
.... 7.87 Edit Bypass 01
.... 7.88 Edit Bypass 012
.... 7.89 Edit Bypass 0124
.... 7.90 ActivityAtTimeOfDeath Concept Map
.... 7.91 AdministrativeGender Concept Map
.... 7.92 CertifierTypes Concept Map
.... 7.93 ContributoryTobaccoUse Concept Map
.... 7.94 PregnancyStatus Concept Map
.... 7.95 EditBypass01 Concept Map
.... 7.96 EditBypass012 Concept Map
.... 7.97 EditBypass0124 Concept Map
.... 7.98 FilingFormat Concept Map
.... 7.99 IntentionalReject Concept Map
.... 7.100 MannerOfDeath Concept Map
.... 7.101 MethodOfDisposition Concept Map
.... 7.102 PlaceOfDeath Concept Map
.... 7.103 PlaceOfInjury Concept Map
.... 7.104 ReplaceStatus Concept Map
.... 7.105 SpouseAlive Concept Map
.... 7.106 SystemReject Concept Map
.... 7.107 TransaxConversion Concept Map
.... 7.108 TransportationIncidentRole Concept Map
.... 7.109 DeathCertificateDocument-UT-1
.... 7.110 Death Certificate for Davis Lineberry Jr
.... 7.111 DecedentUT-Example1
.... 7.112 InputRaceAndEthnicityUT-Example1
.... 7.113 PractitionerUT-Certifier
.... 7.114 PractitionerUT-Pronouncer
.... 7.115 BirthRecordIdentifierUT-Example1
.... 7.116 EducationUT-Example1
.... 7.117 FatherUT-Example1
.... 7.118 MotherUT-Example1
.... 7.119 AutopsyPerformedIndicatorUT-Example1
.... 7.120 CauseOfDeathPart1UT-Example1
.... 7.121 DeathDateUT-Example1
.... 7.122 DeathLocationUT-Example1
.... 7.123 AgeUT-Example1
.... 7.124 DispositionMethodUT-Example1
.... 7.125 DispositionLocationUT-Example1
.... 7.126 UsualWorkUT-Example1
.... 7.127 MilitaryServiceUT-Example1
.... 7.128 PregnancyUT-Example1
.... 7.129 ExaminerContactedUT-Example1
.... 7.130 FuneralHomeUT-Example1
.... 7.131 InjuryIncidentUT-Example1
.... 7.132 MannerOfDeathUT-Example1
.... 7.133 TobaccoUseUT-Example1
.... 7.134 ProcedureDeathCertificationUT-Example1
.... 7.135 EmergingIssuesUT-Example1
.... 7.136 CauseOfDeathCodedContentBundle-Example1
.... 7.137 DemographicCodedContentBundle-Example1
.... 7.138 IndustryOccupationCodedContentBundle-Example1
.... 7.139 MortalityRosterBundle-Example1
.... 7.140 DeathCertification-Example1
.... 7.141 DeathCertification-Example2
.... 7.142 AutopsyPerformedIndicator-Example1
.... 7.143 BirthRecordIdentifier-Example1
.... 7.144 BirthRecordIdentifierChild-Example1
.... 7.145 FetalDeathRecordIdentifier-Example1
.... 7.146 CauseOfDeathPart1-Example1
.... 7.147 CauseOfDeathPart1-Example2
.... 7.148 CauseOfDeathPart2-Example1
.... 7.149 Certifier-Example1
.... 7.150 AutomatedUnderlyingCauseOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.151 RecordAxisCauseOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.152 RecordAxisCauseOfDeath-Example2
.... 7.153 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.154 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example2
.... 7.155 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example3
.... 7.156 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example4
.... 7.157 ManualUnderlyingCauseOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.158 PlaceOfInjury-Example1
.... 7.159 ActivityAtTimeOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.160 CodedRaceAndEthnicity-Example1
.... 7.161 InputRaceAndEthnicity-Example1
.... 7.162 CodingStatusValues-Example1
.... 7.163 DeathCertificate Example1
.... 7.164 DeathCertificate Example2
.... 7.165 DeathDate-Example1
.... 7.166 DeathDate-Example2
.... 7.167 DeathDate-Example3
.... 7.168 DeathDate-Example4
.... 7.169 DeathLocation-Example1
.... 7.170 DeathLocation-Example2
.... 7.171 DeathLocation-Example3
.... 7.172 Decedent-Example3
.... 7.173 Decedent-Example2
.... 7.174 Decedent-Example1
.... 7.175 DecedentAge-Example1
.... 7.176 DecedentDispositionMethod-Example1
.... 7.177 Mortician-Example1
.... 7.178 DispositionLocation-Example1
.... 7.179 DecedentEducationLevel-Example1
.... 7.180 DecedentMilitaryService-Example1
.... 7.181 DecedentPregnancyStatus-Example1
.... 7.182 DecedentUsualWork-Example1
.... 7.183 DecedentUsualWork-Example2
.... 7.184 EmergingIssues-Example1
.... 7.185 ExaminerContacted-Example1
.... 7.186 DecedentFather-Example1
.... 7.187 DecedentMother-Example1
.... 7.188 DecedentSpouse-Example1
.... 7.189 FuneralHome-Example1
.... 7.190 InjuryIncident-Example1
.... 7.191 InjuryIncident-Example2
.... 7.192 InjuryLocation-Example1
.... 7.193 MannerOfDeath-Example1
.... 7.194 SurgeryDate-Example1
.... 7.195 TobaccoUseContributedToDeath-Example1
.... 7.196 Atlanta GA Death Location - Freeman
.... 7.197 Atlanta GA Injury Location - Freeman
.... 7.198 Practitioner - Vital Records - Janet Seito
.... 7.199 Procedure - Death Certification Vital Records - A Freeman
.... 7.200 USCorePatient - Patient example [A Freeman]
.... 7.201 Pronouncer-Example1
.... 7.202 Certifier-Example2-no-NPI
... 8 VRDR Forms Mapping
... 9 Death Record Data Dictionary
... 10 Mortality Roster Data Dictionary
... 11 Download Specification
... 12 Change Log
... 13 Content Transitions