This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon ValueSet http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/route-codes

FHIR Infrastructure icon Work Group Maturity Level: 1Draft Use Context: Country: World, Not Intended for Production use
Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/route-codes Version: 6.0.0-cibuild
draft as of 2024-07-26 Computable Name: SNOMEDCTRouteCodes
Flags: Experimental OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.98

This value set is used in the following places:

This value set includes all Route codes from SNOMED CT - provided as an exemplar.


This expansion generated 26 Jul 2024

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jan 2023

This value set expansion contains 164 concepts.

  284009009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctRoute of administration valuesRoute of administration value
  6064005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTopical routeA route that begins on the surface of the body.
  10547007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOtic routeA route that begins on, in or by way of the ear.
  12130007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntra-articular routeA route that begins within a joint.
  16857009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPer vaginaA route that begins in the vagina.
  26643006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOral routeA digestive tract route that begins in the mouth.
  34206005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubcutaneous routeA route that begins in subcutaneous tissue.
  37161004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPer rectumAn intracolonic route that begins in the rectum.
  37737002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraluminal routeA route that begins within the channel of a tubular structure or tubular organ.
  37839007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSublingual routeAn oromucosal route that begins beneath the tongue.
  38239002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraperitoneal routeA body cavity route that begins within the peritoneal cavity and that has the propensity for absorption via the peritoneal membrane.
  45890007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTransdermal routeA topical route that begins on the skin and has the propensity for systemic absorption via the dermal layer.
  46713006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctNasal routeA respiratory tract route that begins in the nasal cavity.
  47625008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravenous routeAn intravascular route that begins within a vein.
  54471007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctBuccal routeAn oromucosal route that begins on the moist tissue lining of the cheek within the oral cavity.
  54485002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOphthalmic routeA route that begins in the eye region.
  58100008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntra-arterial routeAn intravascular route that begins within an artery.
  60213007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntramedullary routeAn intraosseous route that begins within the marrow cavity of a bone.
  62226000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrauterine routeA body cavity route that begins within the uterine cavity.
  72607000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrathecal routeAn intrameningeal route that begins within the subarachnoid space in the cerebrospinal fluid, at any level of the cerebrospinal axis, including within the cerebral ventricles.
  78421000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntramuscular routeA route that begins within a muscle.
  90028008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctUrethral routeA route that begins within the urethra.
  127490009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctGastrostomy routeAn intragastric and gastrointestinal stoma route that begins through a surgically created opening into the stomach.
  127491008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctJejunostomy routeAn enteral and gastro-intestinal stoma route that begins through a surgically created opening in the jejunum.
  127492001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctNasogastric routeAn intragastric route that begins through the nose and into the stomach by means of a tube.
  372449004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctDental useAn oral route that begins on or around the teeth or in the teeth.
  372450004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEndocervical useA route that begins within the canal of the cervix uteri.
  372451000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEndosinusial useAn intrasinal route that begins within the nasal sinus.
  372452007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEndotracheopulmonary useA respiratory tract route that begins within the trachea.
  372453002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctExtra-amniotic useAn intrauterine route that is introduced between the amnion and the chorion.
  372454008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctGastroenteral useA digestive tract route that begins in the gastrointestinal tract (from the upper oesophagus through the rectum).
  372457001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctGingival useAn oral and topical route that begins on the gingivae.
  372458006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraamniotic useAn intrauterine route that begins on the inside of the amniotic cavity.
  372459003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrabursal useA route that begins within a bursa.
  372460008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracardiac useA route that begins within the heart.
  372461007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracavernous useA route that begins within a pathologic cavity.
  372462000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracervical route (qualifier value)A route that begins in the cervix uteri.
  372463005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracoronary useAn intra-arterial route that begins within the coronary arteries.
  372464004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntradermal useA route that begins within the dermis of the skin.
  372465003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntradiscal useAn intraspinal route that begins within a fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disc.
  372466002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntralesional useA route that begins within a localised lesion.
  372467006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntralymphatic useA route that begins within the lymphatic vessels or nodes.
  372468001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraocular useAn ophthalmic route that begins within the eyeball.
  372469009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrapleural useA route that begins within the pleura or pleural space.
  372470005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrasternal useAn intraosseous route that begins within the bone marrow of the sternum.
  372471009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravesical useA body cavity route that begins within the bladder cavity.
  372472002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOcular route (qualifier value)A route that begins on the eyeball or conjunctiva.
  372473007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOromucosal useAn oral route that begins on the moist tissue lining the oral cavity.
  372474001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeriarticular useA route that begins within the tissues surrounding a joint.
  372475000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPerineural useA route that begins around a nerve or nerves.
  372476004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubconjunctival useAn ophthalmic route that begins beneath the conjunctiva.
  404815008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTransmucosal route (qualifier value)A route that begins on the surface of mucosal tissue and has the propensity for systemic absorption via the submucosa.
  404818005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntratracheal route (qualifier value)A route that begins inside of the trachea specifically, and does not include the potential administration directly to pulmonary locations.
  404819002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrabiliary route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the bile, bile ducts or gallbladder.
  404820008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEpidural route (qualifier value)A meningeal route that begins within the space surrounding the dura mater within the epidural space.
  416174007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSuborbital route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic route that begins beneath the orbit of the eye.
  417070009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctCaudal route (qualifier value)An intraspinal route that begins within the cauda equina.
  417255000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraosseous route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the bone.
  417950001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrathoracic route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the thorax internal to the ribs.
  417985001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEnteral route (qualifier value)A gastroenteral route that begins in the intestinal tract (within the small and large intestines).
  417989007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraductal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the duct of a gland.
  418091004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntratympanic route (qualifier value)An otic route that begins within the auris media.
  418114005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravenous central route (qualifier value)An intravenous route that begins within the jugular, subclavian or femoral veins.
  418133000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntramyometrial route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the myometrium.
  418136008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctGastro-intestinal stoma route (qualifier value)A gastroenteral route that begins through a surgically created opening into the gastrointestinal tract.
  418162004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctColostomy route (qualifier value)An intracolonic and gastro-intestinal stoma route that begins through a surgically created opening into the colon (part of the large intestine measured from the caecum to the rectum).
  418204005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeriurethral route (qualifier value)A route that begins within or around the tissues surrounding the urethra.
  418287000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracoronal route (qualifier value)A dental route that begins within a portion of a tooth which is covered by enamel and which is separated from the roots by a slightly constricted region known as the neck.
  418321004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctRetrobulbar route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic route that begins behind the eyeball or pons of the eye.
  418331006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracartilaginous route (qualifier value)A periarticular route that begins within the articular cartilage.
  418401004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravitreal route (qualifier value)An intraocular route that begins within the vitreous humour of the eyeball.
  418418000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraspinal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the vertebral column.
  418441008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOrogastric route (qualifier value)An intragastric route that begins through the mouth and into the stomach by means of a tube.
  418511008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTransurethral route (qualifier value)A urethral route that begins through the urethra.
  418586008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntratendinous route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a tendon.
  418608002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracorneal route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic route that begins within the cornea.
  418664002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctOropharyngeal route (qualifier value)A respiratory tract route that begins with direct application to the oropharynx.
  418722009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeribulbar route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic route that begins around the eyeball.
  418730005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctNasojejunal route (qualifier value)An intrajejunal route that begins through the nose and into the jejunum by means of a tube.
  418743005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctFistula route (qualifier value)A route that begins through a fistula.
  418813001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSurgical drain route (qualifier value)A route that begins through a surgical drain.
  418821007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracameral route (qualifier value)An intraocular route that begins in the anterior chamber of the eyeball.
  418851001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctParacervical route (qualifier value)A route that begins next to the uterine cervix.
  418877009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrasynovial route (qualifier value)An intra-articular route that begins within the synovial cavity of a joint.
  418887008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraduodenal route (qualifier value)An enteral route that begins within the duodenum.
  418892005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracisternal route (qualifier value)An intracranial and intrathecal route that begins within the cisterna magna cerebellomedullaris.
  418947002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntratesticular route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the testicles (male reproductive glands).
  418987007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracranial route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the skull.
  419021003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTumour cavity routeAn intratumour route that begins within a tumour cavity.
  419165009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctParavertebral route (qualifier value)A route that begins next to one or more vertebra.
  419231003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrasinal route (qualifier value)A respiratory tract route that begins within the nasal or periorbital sinuses.
  419243002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTranscervical route (qualifier value)A route that begins through the cervix.
  419320008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubtendinous route (qualifier value)A route that begins beneath a tendon.
  419396008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraabdominal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the abdomen.
  419601003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubgingival route (qualifier value)A gingival route that begins beneath the free margin of the gingivae.
  419631009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraovarian route (qualifier value)A route that begins within an ovary or ovaries.
  419684008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctUreteral route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a ureter.
  419762003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeritendinous route (qualifier value)A route that begins around a tendon.
  419778001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrabronchial route (qualifier value)An intrapulmonary tract route that begins within the bronchus.
  419810008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraprostatic route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the prostate gland.
  419874009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubmucosal route (qualifier value)A route that begins beneath the mucous membrane.
  419894000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSurgical cavity route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a surgical cavity.
  419954003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIleostomy route (qualifier value)An intraileal and gastro-intestinal stoma route that begins through a surgically created opening into the ileum.
  419993007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravenous peripheral route (qualifier value)An intravenous route that begins in a peripheral vein.
  420047004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeriosteal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the periosteum.
  420163009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEsophagostomy routeAn intraoesophageal and gastrointestinal stoma route that begins through a surgically created opening into the oesophagus.
  420168000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctUrostomy route (qualifier value)A route that begins through a surgically created opening into the urinary tract.
  420185003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctLaryngeal route (qualifier value)A respiratory tract route that begins on the larynx.
  420201002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrapulmonary route (qualifier value)A respiratory tract route that begins within the lungs or its bronchi.
  420204005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctMucous fistula route (qualifier value)A fistula route that begins within a mucous fistula.
  420218003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctNasoduodenal route (qualifier value)An intraduodenal route that begins through the nose and into the duodenum, usually by means of a tube.
  420254004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctBody cavity route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a non-pathologic hollow cavity, such as that of the abdominal cavity or uterus.
  420287000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraventricular route - cardiac (qualifier value)An intracardiac route that begins within a cardiac ventricle.
  420719007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracerebroventricular route (qualifier value)An intracerebral and intrathecal route that begins within a cerebral ventricle.
  428191002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPercutaneous route (qualifier value)A topical route that begins on the skin and that has the propensity to be absorbed through the skin.
  429817007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctInterstitial route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the interstices of a tissue.
  445752009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraesophageal route (qualifier value)A gastroenteral route that begins within the oesophagus.
  445754005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntragingival route (qualifier value)An oral route that begins within the gingivae.
  445755006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntravascular route (qualifier value)A route that begins with the vascular system.
  445756007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntradural route (qualifier value)A meningeal route that begins within the dura.
  445767008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrameningeal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the meninges.
  445768003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntragastric route (qualifier value)A gastroenteral route that begins within the stomach.
  445771006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrapericardial route (qualifier value)An intrathoracic route that begins within the pericardium.
  445913005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntralingual route (qualifier value)An oral route that begins in the tongue.
  445941009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrahepatic route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the liver.
  446105004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctConjunctival route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic and topical route that begins on the conjunctiva.
  446407004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraepicardial route (qualifier value)An intrathoracic route that begins within the epicardium.
  446435000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTransendocardial route (qualifier value)An intracardiac route that begins in the endocardium.
  446442000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTransplacental route (qualifier value)An intrauterine route for a substance that has the propensity for fetal absorption via the placenta.
  446540005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracerebral route (qualifier value)An intracranial route that begins within the cerebrum.
  447026006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraileal route (qualifier value)An enteral route that begins within the ileum.
  447052000 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeriodontal route (qualifier value)A dental route that begins around a tooth.
  447080003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeridural route (qualifier value)A meningeal route that begins within the space surrounding the dura mater of the spinal cord.
  447081004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctLower respiratory tract route (qualifier value)Lower respiratory tract route
  447121004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntramammary route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the breast.
  447122006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntratumor route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a tumour.
  447227007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTranstympanic route (qualifier value)An otic route that begins across the tympanic cavity.
  447229005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctTranstracheal route (qualifier value)An endotracheopulmonary route that begins through the wall of the trachea.
  447694001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctRespiratory tract route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the respiratory tract, including the oropharynx and nasopharynx.
  447964005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctDigestive tract route (qualifier value)A route that begins anywhere in the digestive tract extending from the mouth through the rectum.
  448077001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraepidermal route (qualifier value)A route that begins within the epidermis of the skin.
  448491004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntrajejunal route (qualifier value)An enteral route that begins within the jejunum.
  448492006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracolonic route (qualifier value)An enteral route that begins within the colon.
  448598008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctCutaneous route (qualifier value)A topical route that begins on the skin or cutaneous wounds and/or nails and/or hair in order to obtain a local effect.
  697971008 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctArteriovenous fistula route (qualifier value)Arteriovenous fistula route
  711360002 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraneural route (qualifier value)Application of the drugs within a nerve.
  711378007 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntramural route (qualifier value)Intramural route
  714743009 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctExtracorporeal route (qualifier value)A route that occurs outside of the body.
  718329006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctInfiltration route (qualifier value)A route that begins with diffusion or accumulation in a tissue or cells.
  764723001 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctEpilesional route (qualifier value)A route that begins on the surface of a localised lesion.
  766790006 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctExtracorporeal hemodialysis route (qualifier value)A route used for extracorporeal hemodialysis where the product interacts with the patient blood through a semipermeable membrane.
  876824003 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntradialytic routeIntradialytic route (qualifier value)
  1078280005 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracatheter instillation route (qualifier value)A route where the substance is placed directly into the lumen of a catheter, often to remedy or prevent an occlusion within the lumen of the catheter. The substance is not meant to directly interact with the patient and may be removed after a specified period of time.
  1254769004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSuprachoroidal routeAn ophthalmic route that begins within the suprachoroidal space.
  1259221004 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracorporus cavernosum route (qualifier value)Intracorporus cavernosum route
  1611000175109 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSublesional route (qualifier value)Sublesional route
  58731000052100 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntestinal route (qualifier value)A digestive tract route that begins in the intestine (from the duodenum through the colon).
  58751000052109 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraglandular route (qualifier value)A route that begins within a gland.
  58761000052107 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntracholangiopancreatic routeA route that begins within the bile duct and pancreatic duct.
  58771000052103 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctIntraportal routeAn intravascular route that begins within the hepatic portal vein.
  58811000052103 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPeritumoral route (qualifier value)A route that begins in the regional surrounding a tumour.
  58821000052106 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctPosterior juxtascleral route (qualifier value)An ophthalmic route that begins in the episcleral space adjacent to the macula.
  58831000052108 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSubretinal route (qualifier value)An intraocular route that begins between the sensory retina and the retinal pigment epithelium of the eyeball.
  66621000052103 iconhttp://snomed.info/sctSublabial useAn oromucosal route that begins on the moist tissue lining between the lip and gingiva within the oral cavity.


See the full registry of value sets defined as part of FHIR.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

LvlA few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. For value sets, levels are mostly used to organize codes for user convenience, but may follow code system hierarchy - see Code System for further information
SourceThe source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
CodeThe code (used as the code in the resource instance). If the code is in italics, this indicates that the code is not selectable ('Abstract')
DisplayThe display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
DefinitionAn explanation of the meaning of the concept
CommentsAdditional notes about how to use the code