HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Common Terminology Criteria (CTC) Adverse Events Release 1 - DRAFT
0.0.1 - DRAFT United States of America flag

HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Common Terminology Criteria (CTC) Adverse Events Release 1 - DRAFT, published by HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.0.1 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/standardhealth/fsh-ae/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: r202-5

Generated Narrative: Observation

Resource Observation "r202-5"

status: final

code: Mean Cell Hemoglobin (LOINC#785-6 "MCH [Entitic mass] by Automated count")

subject: Patient/PatientPersona2 " C."

performer: Organization/us-core-organization-acme-laboratory: Acme Laboratory, Inc "Acme Laboratory, Inc."

value: 33 pg (Details: UCUM code pg = 'pg')

interpretation: Normal (ObservationInterpretation#N)


*27 pg (Details: UCUM code pg = 'pg')35 pg (Details: UCUM code pg = 'pg')